last chapter! R&R

Chap 3

"I'm assuming she told you everything?" Naruto asked the gloomy figure standing in his office with a report scroll in hand. He reached up to take the scroll from Sasuke.

"She told me not to bring it up with you" he responded letting go of the scroll.

"What must she think of me?" Naruto spoke out loud without thinking. His thoughts some where else.

"You should think of your wife and kid" Sasuke replied as he turned to leave.

"I'm beginning to think my wife has betrayed me. Sasuke, do you know what happened to the baby?" Naruto attempted to bring up the subject knowing well sasuke had the right not to answer.

"Tsunade said he was gone before he even took a breath" Sasuke looked back at Naruto. He felt his pain, had something happen to Sarada he wouldn't know how to react. "We had a small funeral, his name was Minato."

"After my father…." Naruto stayed quiet. Took a deep breath, and exhaled. "Thanks Sasuke. I won't bring it up with Sakura anymore."

"You really loved her," Sasuke pointed out the obvious. He didn't know why. Seeing Naruto like this made him feel Lucky.

"No, I still love her. I will always love her. Sakura is my one and only, and I will do anything to make her happy." Naruto got up from his chair "Well, what's done is done. Sasuke, I'm sorry."

"Sorry?" Sasuke seemed confused. He didn't understand what Naruto was thinking.

"For loving your wife. It must be weird, don't you think?" Naruto walked closer to him. A small smile finally appearing on his face.

"We aren't exactly the most normal people around, team 7 I mean" Sasuke responded, mirroring the small smile.

"I guess You can say that." He laughed and hugged Sasuke "take good care of her for me." He told Sasuke as he let go of him.

"She's not going anywhere Naruto" Sasuke looked at him, Naruto was acting strange

"I know, but I can never show her how much I love her, so you make sure she feels loved" Naruto returned to his desk "I'm not looking forward to talking to Hinata tonight."

Sasuke walked toward the door "She can't be mad if she was the one who started this. I guess I should be greatfull to her. Watch yourself around my wife when I'm gone" Sasuke walked out the door before cracking his joke. He knew even if Naruto attempted something Sakura would never follow. This did give him incentive to finish his investigations faster though.

" I think Sakura-chan would kill me if I tried" he replied assuring him that nothing will ever happen between Sakura and himself.

"Hinata, I'm home" Naruto shut the door behind him. He proceeded to take off his Hokage coat and hang it on the hat stand.

" Welcome home" a monotoned response came from the kitchen. Naruto walked through the hallways until he found his wife stirring a big pot.

" Are you feeling okay?" Naruto asked from behind. Stopping a few feet away from his wife.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" Hinata didn't turn to look at her husband. She just continued to stir the pot.

Naruto walked closer, he place both his hands on each of her sides. One hand placed on top of the counter while the other on the midsection of the stove. He slowly leaned down to her ear.

"I know what you did, you knew she was pregnant, and you knew she wasn't with Sasuke" she stiffened at the feel of his cold breath on her ear and dropped the spoon into the pot when she heard his words. She couldn't see him, but she knew his facial expression shone anger, one could say deadly.

"I forgive you Hinata, and I've accepted that nothing will ever happen between Sakura-chan and I, but if you ever do anything to keep me from her again, I will take boruto and leave you." Naruto lifted himself from his leaned in position.

Putting a fake smile on his face he stretched and moved to the table " so, what's for dinner?" He asked in his cheery voice as if nothing happened.

It took her a couple minutes to fully regain control of herself. She shook it off. "Umm…" she completely forgot his question, just getting out of her daze.

"Dinner?" Naruto repeated from his seat on the kitchen table. Reminding her what he had asked.

"Um.. ri..right" she stuttered "it's r-ra-ramen eel" she managed to say still in a bit of shock.

"Okay, I'll be in my office" He left her alone to her thoughts.

In the early morning the next day.

"You are leaving so soon" Sakura hugged Sasuke at the gate.

"Yes, I'm sorry Sakura. This is not what I wanted for you" Sasuke hugged her back

"I need to keep looking into this before I lose track, I'll come back and visit as often as I can" he hugged her tighter. "Don't go cheating on me okay?" He joked and laughed at his own silly comment.

Sakura laughed along "that's mine line" she said as she let him go.

"Take care of Sarada, tell her papa loves her" Sasuke held back threatening tears. He really wished he could stay and raise his daughter, see her first steps, her first words.

"Always" Sakura responded. He leaned in and gave her a kiss.

"I love you Sakura" and with that he puffed into smoke cloud.

"I love you too sasuke" she whispered to herself when he was gone.

She returned to her home, and continued her day, dropped off sarada, and headed to work.

She was at her office packing up. Putting away her medical coat in the small closet and made sure everything was clean for the next day.

She heard a soft knock at the door.

"Come in" she voiced

"Hi, Sakura-Chan." Naruto walked in nervously scratching his head as he always does.

"Naruto, I wasn't expecting to see you so soon"

She didn't know what to make of the situation anymore.

" Sakura-chan, I owe you an explanation and an apology" he started. " I didn't know you were expecting, and I sure as hell had no idea it was mine. I'm sorry for listening to stupid rumors, I never guessed Hinata would be one to believe them either. For one stupid mistake I had to settle down with someone I didn't even like. You have no idea how much I regret everything that happened. It may sound stupid but even now I dream of coming home to you. I love you Sakura, I always have. I'm sorry everything turned out this way." Naruto didn't know what else to say, his apology was redundant, maybe he should have thought it out a little better.

Sakura went up to hug him "you always were so gullible" she laughed to ease the tragedy of the situation" it's okay Naruto. I'm sorry I never told you" he hugged her back and couldn't hold his emotions anymore. He silently cried with her in his arms.

"Naruto.. Its okay" She comforted him, hugging him tighter. "You are my best friend Naruto, and if this had been different I'm sure you would have been a great husband and father" Slowly her eyes began shading tears.

"Im so sorry Sakura" He kept repeating his words over and over again. He didn't know how else to express how ashamed and regretful he was.

After a while of hugging out they're feelings Naruto released her from his tight grip.

She wiped her tears on her sweater sleeve.

"I'm also sorry to say but Ino had volunteered as full nanny to Sarada" Sakura tried to changed th topic. Crying about this wasn't going to change anything.

"Thats for the best" Naruto also wiped his tears, no one can see the Hokage crying in the hospital for no reason, it wouldn't be good for his image

"I'm off work, you want to get some ramen? I think Kakashi-sensei is off today too, we can have a team 7 reunion" Sakura thought having a small team reunion would cheer every one up, well the both of them.

"That sounds like a great idea" Naruto closed the door to her office, locking them in. " But before we go, I want to do something that will help me deal with all this for the rest of my life" Sakura was very dumbfounded as to what happened next. He moved fast and she didn't have anytime process what he did until he was already flush against her, lips locked with hers. Once she realized what was happening she punched him so hard he flew through the wall and into the hall way.

Sakura remained in her office, she brought her hand to her lips still in shock of Naruto's actions. When she was finally back to her self she smiled and walked up to Naruto still on the floor in the hall way.

"Idiot!" Sakura yelled at her team mate who had a goofy smile on his face and looked as happy as ever. She extended her arm to help him up. He gladly took it and lifted himself up with her help.

"I think I have a broken rib" Once he stood he clutched his side. She placed a glowing hand on his abdomen.

"You have 3 broke ribs." She laughed and began healing him.

"Worth it" he said, People had began to gather looking through the hole in the wall and at their hokage clutching in pain.

"Kyoko, can you bring a stretcher" Sakura ordered one of the interns.

"Hai sensei" She left and soon returned with said item.

She helped lay Naruto into the bed.

"Thanks Naruto" She said pushing him to a room.

"For what?" Naruto asked thinking everything he had done was his fault to begin with so he didn't really know what he was being thanked for.

"For being there for me" Once they were in a room sakura finished healing him.

"I'll always be there for you Sakura-chan, I love you" Naruto smiled, feeling better he sat up on the stretcher.

"Come on, lets go get our perverted sensei and go out for ramen" He lead the way out of the hospital.

authors note: I hope you enjoyed this last chapter, I mainly write for the fandom more then the will to write so I apologize for the grammar error and misspellings. please be kind in your review :3