Disclaimer: I don't own anything that doesn't belong to me.

In a world overrun by evil…

The sun shone brightly over Tokyo.

Where chaos reigns supreme, and the people are filled with despair…

Children ran laughing around a playground while their parents watched.

A police officer helped an old woman cross a street.

People walked about without a care in the world.

A heroine will rise to restore order to a war-torn world…

Without warning, a building exploded. People ran screaming as a creature emerged from the flames…

A pink, inhuman creature covered in glitter with ribbon-like tendrils, an impossible figure, and a large bow atop her head. "Never fear, everyone!" She declared, holding up a purse. "That purse-snatcher won't be bothering anyone ever again-evo!"

"You… You just blew up that building," a woman stammered.

"You're welcome-evo!" The monster said cheerfully, giving her the purse.

"There were probably hundreds of people in there…"

"Not anymore-evo!" The monster giggled happily.

Forget the Precures, Sailor Moon, Lyrical Nanoha, Madoka, Princess Tutu, or Kamen Rider Beast! There's a new magical girl in town that everyone's talking about!

"This just in: the alien horror calling itself "Magical Girl Evolto-Chan" just destroyed a primary school in downtown Shibuya, killing over 20 children and faculty and injuring dozens more," a TV reporter announced, an image of Evolto-Chan posing cutely beside a burning pile of rubble in the upper right corner of the screen. "When asked as to why she committed this horrible atrocity, she said, "because bullying is wrong and should not be tolerated-evo.""

"Well, it shouldn't be-evo!" Evolto-Chan chirped, poking her head in from the other side of the screen, causing the reporter to scream in terror.

Watch as this visitor from beyond the stars learns how to make a new life for herself on Earth!

"Evolt! Why the hell did you bring a prostitute home, strip her, cover her in whipped cream, chain her to my particle accelerator and force her to eat out of a shoebox while you did lines off of her back?!" An incredulous Sento demanded.

"I'm sorry, Sento-kun!" Evolto-Chan wailed, pouting cutely. "I'm still new to this world and your strange ways, I didn't know it was wrong-evo!"

Sento gave her an incredulous look. "Evolt, you spent over a decade on Earth pretending to be human. You know damn well we don't do that sort of thing!"

"Actually, back in Faust-"


Follow her as she navigates the travails of high school while struggling to keep her true nature a secret!

"Is… Is the new girl an alien?" One student whispered to another, staring at Evolto-Chan, wearing a school uniform and not even bothering to pretend she was human.

Her friend frowned. "Isn't she that magical girl who blew up a school?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about, fellow human classmate-evo!" Evolto-Chan said loudly. "I'm a completely normal human worm-baby just like you! I'm certainly not the sort of genocidal alien maniac who would blow up the school and kill everyone if they were to keep insinuating that I weren't human, which I totally am-Evo!"

The other students gulped nervously.

Witness as she learns the true meaning of friendship!

"I love you all so much!" Evolto-Chan sobbed, hugging a very bewildered Abrella, Z, and Dogranio. "You're my very best friends-Evo!"

"So… Is he going to be doing this from now on, or…?" Asked a very confused Z.

"I honestly have no idea," said the dumbfounded Abrella.

"Evolt, I think you're breaking my spine," Dogranio wheezed.

"That's how much I love you-Evo!" Evolto-Chan proclaimed, hugging them even tighter.


"I love you so much, Banjo-kun!" Evolto-Chan sobbed, hugging Ryuga.



"What…what's going on?" a handsome upperclassman moaned, waking to find himself tied to a chair in a dank basement, a single lightbulb flickering above him.

"Don't worry, Keito-kun," Evolto-chan crooned as she emerged from the shadows. "I'll be taking care of you from now on…you never have to worry about all those skanks who can't love you the same way I do ever again…here, take this token of my affection-evo!"

She threw a bundle of severed female heads at Keito's feet. He screamed and screamed and screamed.

And what it means to be a hero!

"I am a hero!" Evolto-Chan declared as she dismembered a screaming bank robber. "That's why it's perfectly okay for me to inflict horrible violence upon people who are much weaker than I am because they fit society's definition of "evil"-Evo!"

"No… Please… We surrender, we surrender-" a terrified robber pleaded, throwing down his weapon, only to be eviscerated by Evolto-Chan's ribbons.

"Ha! As if I would fall for such an easy trick!" Evolto-chan scoffed. "You're simply pretending to surrender so you can take advantage of my naivety and better nature and attack me when my guard is down! I'm not falling for it-evo!"

She started wildly firing her laser cannons, not particularly caring whether or not she actually hit any of her targets. More than a few hostages were vaporized.

"Stop it! Why are you doing this?! I thought magical girls were all supposed to be about love and stuff!" Another robber screamed, frantically shooting at Evolto-Chan.

"I'm all about love!" Evolto-Chan proclaimed. "Here, this punch is straight to your heart-Evo!"

She drove her fist into the robber's chest, ripping out his heart. He screamed and collapsed to the floor, blood spurting everywhere. Some of it got into the mouth of a hostage, who screamed and screamed and screamed.

"Here, a sign of love-Evo!" Evolto-Chan said, giving the hostage the heart while casually opening a black hole inside of another robber's body, causing him to implode with a disgusting squelching sound. "So you know that everything will be okay-Evo!"

The hostage vomited profusely.

Magical Girl Evolto-Chan! Bringing a revolution to the title of "magical girl!" Coming soon to Saturday mornings on a television near you!

"Here you go, little girl! I saved your cat from the tree-Evo!" Evolto-Chan cooed, handing a little girl a cat.

The girl stared in horror at the numerous burning buildings behind Evolto-Chan. Mangled corpses filled the streets, and people were jumping out of buildings to their deaths, screaming all the way down. A black hole had opened in the sky and was sucking up people and buildings. Screams and sirens filled the air.

"This isn't my cat," she said finally.

"It is now-Evo!" Evolto-Chan giggled and winked at the camera.

Please watch it, for the love of Gaim, she's holding my family hostage, NO WAIT PLEASE DON'T-

"My name is Shin Kazamatsuri."

The ShinLiner smoothly glided down the rails crisscrossing the deserts of time.

"Most of you probably haven't heard of me. I'm not surprised, really."

Inside the train, Shin was relaxing in a plush seat as he stared out the window. Cart tapped him on the shoulder and offered him a glass of soda. He nodded gratefully and took the glass before resuming his sightseeing.

"My story isn't as prestigious as other heroes."

Scenes of violence and horror, recut footage from Kamen Rider Shin: Prologue flashed across the screen, culminating in the final battle with Goushima.

"I lost everything. My humanity…"

Shin stared in horror at his reflection, no longer human, but a hideous grasshopper mutant.

"The woman I love…"

Shin screamed to the heavens as he cradled the deceased Ai Asuka in his arms.

"And even my son."

Shin furtively deposited an infant on a doorstep and started to walk away. The baby woke up and began to cry. Shin froze for a moment…

Then kept on walking, into the rain and the night.

"I couldn't even get justice for what was done to me, not with my own hands."

Shin watched from an alleyway as several loud, angry, and no-longer powerful people were muscled into vans by the authorities as the press took pictures. Frustrated, he turned and vanished into the alley before anyone could see him.

"Things… Got Pretty rough after that."

Crouched in a cardboard box far too small for him, Shin wrapped a tattered blanket around himself for warmth as the snow came down hard outside, frozen tears running down his cheeks.

"But… I finally managed to turn my life around."

Clips of Shin arresting the Time Jackers, destroying the Oma Zi-Oh watch, and boarding the ShinLiner for the first time flashed across the screen.

"Since then, things have been pretty decent."

Back in the present, Shin frowned as his view of the wastes was blocked by the DenLiner pulling up alongside his train.

"I should've known it wouldn't last."

"We need your help," Ryotaro said, sitting across the table from Shin in the ShinLiner's dining car.

Cut to Monsters rampaging through the streets, people fleeing in terror.

Cut to Great Leader cackling maniacally in his throne room, surrounded by Shocker monsters.

Cut to the interior of the Gangler mansion. "Behold my heir, Abrella Mystacina!" Dogranio announced to the Ganglers as Agent Abrella rose to his feet, a pair of skeletal wings growing from his shoulders and a safe implanted in his back. The gathered monsters applauded as a revived Destra and Goche nodded in approval.

Cut to deep space, where the colossal invader Evolt is laughing malevolently as the hosts of Helheim fought tooth and nail to keep him and the rest of the collective from emerging from the black hole.

Cut to a large auditorium. "WE ARE FOUNDATION X!" A man clad in a white suit standing on a stage before a screen with a big X on it declared. "THIS, AT LAST, IS OUR TIME!" Dozens of other white-suited individuals applauded.

Cut back to the ShinLiner. "Something big is coming, and we think you're the only one who can stop it," Ryotaro continued.

"Why did you come to me?" Shin asked, perplexed.

Cut to Shin walking through a bar full of monsters, none of whom give him a second thought, while Ryotaro voiceovers.

"We need someone to go undercover. Find out what's going on and how to put a stop to it."

Cut to Shin fighting a monster while surrounded by a ring of cheering, jeering goons and monsters while Shin voiceovers.

"And you came to me because you need someone who looks like a monster."

"And because nobody knows who you are."

Cut to Shin standing at the front of a line in front of a bored-looking recruiter. "Name?"

"Killer Grasshopper," Shin replied.

The recruiter made a disinterested note on his clipboard. "Okay. Welcome to the organization. NEXT!"

Cut back to the ShinLiner. "If it helps, we considered going to the Amazonz, but…" Ryotaro trailed off awkwardly.

Momotaros shuddered. "Those guys are freaky."

"Also, you won't be going into this alone," Ryotaro added quickly. "We have a partner lined up for you."

"Is it ZO?" Shin asked.

Cut to Shin shaking hands with a mole monster. "Hey, buddy!" Mole Beastman said cheerfully. "Looks like we're going to be working together!"

"Didn't you die?" Shin asked in confusion.

Mole Beastman laughed. "Like anyone in our line of work ever really stays dead."

Cut back to the train. "No," Ryotaro assured him.

"Then I'm in," Shin decided.

"I never wanted this."

Cut to Shin in a fierce battle with Norider. "You have no idea how lucky you are!" The parody Rider snarled.

"Lucky? LUCKY?! Do I look lucky to you?!" Shin bellowed.

"At least you were chosen!" Norider replied.

"I never wanted to be a hero."

Cut to Shin staring, appalled, at a squalid, disgusting favela packed with monsters, most of whom looked despondent, broken, and bereft of all hope. "How can they live like this?"

"Kamen Riders fight for what's right. The rest of us have to fight for what's left," a beautiful locust woman beside him said bitterly.

"After everything that happened, I didn't think I COULD be one."

Trembling and covered in blood, Shin sat at the edge of a cliff, staring into the sunset. "I don't… I don't think I can do this anymore…"

"It is the destiny of a Kamen Rider to stand against evil," Takeshi Hongo, silhouetted by the sun, told him in encouragement.

"The good thing about hitting rock bottom," Aruto Hiden's voiceover said as Shin struggled to climb out of a deep chasm, his grip faltering due to the pouring rain. "Is that there's nowhere left to go but up."

Cut to Aruto, grinning as he showed a Progrise Key to Shin. "And if there's one thing we grasshoppers are good at… It's rising."

"I never thought I might get a second chance to have friends…"

Scenes of Shin hugging Cart, fist-bumping Mole Beastman, and laughing and sharing drinks with some monsters and goons in a bar flash across the screen.

"To have a family…"

Cut to Shin staring sadly at a tattered photograph.

Cut to Shin hugging a figure who can't quite be made out due to backlighting from the sun.

"To find love…"

Cut to Shin reaching out desperately towards a specter of Ai Asuka. "AI!"

"Nobody's ever really gone," Ai told him gently as she disappeared, the scene transitioning to Shin gently embracing the locust woman from before.

"I never wanted to be a hero."

Various scenes of Shin in intense, high-octane battles with monsters and robots flash across the screen.

Cut to part of a massive flying fortress exploding as Shin burst out on a motorcycle, Cart desperately clinging to him from behind.

"But it seems… Like that's what I have to be."

Cut to Shin, riding a motorcycle, speeding down the road, several other Riders falling in line behind him.

Cut to Shin, still riding his motorcycle while fleeing a gargantuan abomination vaguely resembling himself as it dragged itself across the ground towards him, only for the ShinLiner to suddenly appear and slam into it from the side.

"My name is Shin Kazamatsuri…"

Shin Launched himself into a Rider Kick at the giant monster.

"And I'm a Kamen Rider."


"it's been a while…"

Shin looked up and stared, in disbelief, at the figure approaching him, a figure closely resembling himself. "…Son?!"


Just so you know, I have no intention of writing either of these stories. I just felt like writing these trailers for fun.

Anyway, that's it. With this, Quiz Chronicle is FINALLY done. Thank you for sticking with me this long, and I promise my next story will be much, MUCH shorter. Hope you enjoy it!