Hello everyone! It's my first attempt to write a FSOG Fic, well i wrote many but publishing this one for the first time. i hope you're gonna like it. Sorry if you find any mistake, i did my best. Do tell what do you think about it, and if i should continue this piece of work. Happy Reading!


"Miss Steele, you called?" I look up from my files and witness Christian Grey standing by the half opened door to my office, with that lascivious grin spread across his face.

I stood up from my chair, grabbing a set of keys to my house and throw it towards him. He catches the key one-handed without flinching despite of my sudden throw. He hardly gets surprised by my actions anymore. And he's becoming a confident bastard. "We'll leave in five minutes. Ask Hannah to cancel my today's schedule and get Sawyer to bring my car." I ordered while closing my file and grabbing my phone and purse. Christian, without saying another word, smirked and gets to follow my orders, as always.

Sawyer opens the door for me and I am settled besides Christian. He is looking hot and edible. When does he not? I agree with my inner goddess. I hit the privacy window button and as soon as it closes and Sawyer become out of sight. I jumped onto Christian's lap and capture his lips, kissing him fervently. He doesn't disappoint, his lips match my pace, and giving me all the control I need desperately. His hands roam all over my body from my neck to slowly fondling my breasts and then grabbing my ass, pressing my hips tightly to his groin. He's getting hard, the bulge on his pants is hard not to notice, its poking my now drenched panties. I rub against him, antsy for the friction. His lips leave mine with a bite on my lower lip, tugging it with his teeth and then attacking my neck. His kisses are wet, his actions were somewhere between licking, sucking and biting. I almost thought he'd give me hickeys but he knows better than to do that. He knows his limits, all too well, so I don't have to point it every time, make the deed get easier. His hand creep inside my blouse and grab my nipple. He pinches it which gets a soft moan out of my mouth. We're purely making out like horny teenagers in the backseat of the car. He's equally horny and turned on as much as I am. I have my reasons to behave like such but why is he like this today, what reason does he have? Aren't you a reason enough? I heard my pathetic little saint heart's voice from some far corner. Boys are always horny, and when hot girls like you jumps on them it's a party! My intellect brain only knows reality.

I'm breathing too heavily, I hold on to his shoulders to keep myself steady. His other hand which isn't grabbing my boobs reaches upwards to my meticulous ponytail and yanked my face to meet his lips again. I felt the car's motion comes to rest. Sawyer didn't disturb us and leave. I decide to break the kiss and move this show to my bedroom.

His hands don't leave my body and gets to same fervent pace all the way till we reach the double doors of my mansion. He cages me between the door and his body, while he fumbles with the keys. It's not like our everyday rendezvous, where we have sex as meaningless as one night stand, when we doesn't have any strings attached. I am having feelings that I should not, feelings which I vowed I won't ever feel, feelings which I feared will bloom if I let this man get closer and closer to me. No Steele, it is not that feeling, it is just this moment, you're horny, you're stressed and on top of that this man made you feel jealous, of your own employee. It's not that feeling; you just need to tell who the boss here is. Get your fill and get it over with. Yes, you're always right my brain.

As soon as we entered my house, I pushed him on the wall inside and take over him. That's right, I am in charge here. I plant my lips again on him and reach down to his belt. Grabbing his collar I pulled him into my bedroom and pushed him into the middle of my bed. I get rid of my Louboutin, my gray suit pants and my already untucked and slightly wrinkled silk bloused and dump them on the same spot I am standing; meanwhile he gets rid of his clothes too.

I straddle his hips and position his already hard cock into my pussy, his pre-cum combines with my glistening clit, this vision is so erotic both our eyes cast down to witness the calm before the storm. And all too slowly I slide down on his shaft, filling my insides completely. Feels like home. Will you stop it, I scold my what's-little-left-of-romance heart and anger of loosing control crawls again hot in my vein.

I started moving fast and hard, rocking him fast paced, tilting my neck facing the ceiling, eyes closed but I can still feel his eyes boring into me, savoring me. I look down to meet his gaze. His gray eyes blazing with primal fervor, daring me to let my walls down, let him in and pull me out of my darkness. What's the matter with him today, why is behaving like my lover. I can't bear to look him in his eyes, so I ordered, "Eyes down, Mister". He smiles and shakes his head. How dare he! I point down to where his hips are pushing and meeting my body giving him a warning glare to look down. He gazes down. Good Boy! But a second or two later his eyes meet mine again and that smug look got replaced by some expression I can't fathom. While I'm lost in his eyes, trying to figure out god knows what, I didn't notice our pace going slower rather than the hard and fast his cock sliding gently in and out of my core. His hand reaches my neck pulling me gently towards his face. His eyes scrutinizing mine. And in his oh so soft American accent voice he utters, "Let me look at those ocean like orbs, let me endure the pain beneath them". He left me speechless. It's like I don't know how to formulate sentences. What is he doing to me? Don't let him, don't let him, don't le… he captures my lips in his, effectively shutting up my thoughts. He gently rolls us over, getting on top of me, entwining our fingers, moving softly and gently inside me, like making love to me.

"What are you doing?" I manage to keep my voice stern despite of my moaning.

"Exactly what you need, what you deserve..." he says on my lips.

"And who are you to decide that…"

"Well, don't you wanna have sex right now?" he frowns, but is still moving inside of me, slowly. This is feeling so good. I moan.

"Well, I do. But I want you go hard and fast, blow my mind, not this slow, boring, time consuming and gooey love making!" I faked disgust in my voice.

"Oh believe me baby… I will blow you mind. Just let me do this Ana." What did he just call me! He's not allowed to call me Ana. He's seriously straddling the borderline. I want to say something, tell him to not cross his limits, but words stuck inside my mouth again. His eyes are penetrating, it's so bright, and I might get blind. I close my eyes, taking the pleasure his body is giving me.

"Ana… can you feel it… can you feel what you do to me, what we both do and reach together…" his questions are confusing.

"I don't know what to feel…" my voice becomes raspy of all the tension building inside me...

"Love… can you feel my love?" I stop breathing; my body goes stiff, not moving anymore to feel his cock. My eyes snap open and I want to get away from him but also don't want to push him, instead I push my body deep into the mattress, squirming to get away from him. Guessing my reactions his grip on me grew tighter and his slow motion takes pace and his cock hits my g-spot. His hands leave mine and cup my face, forcing me to look at him.

"Don't fight me Ana… this is what I truly feel for you baby… I love you! I love you so much Anastasia Steele." My lips are trembling, and my eyes filled with tears, blurring my vision. He kissed every inch of my face, kissed my tears prickling from the corners of my eyes. I can't take it anymore. I feel myself building, coming to the edge. He felt it too, his pace increases, he's close too… at this particular moment I forget every thing, time stands still, it's just him and me lingering at the borders of hell and heaven. It felt sinful but also very pure.

"Let go Ana... Come for me baby…" he whispered in my ears, his breathing become harsh, he groans louder, I come hard... and then he comes… inside me…

Holy shit… I even let him come inside me! He never comes inside me. What is WRONG WITH ME! I scream inside.

He perks his head up from my side and gaze at me, this time I am adamant not to look at him. He pulls out and lay besides, spooning me with him, both our breathing still heavy from our post coital bliss.

"Christian…" I say after laying like this for what feel like eternity.

"No, Ana… you don't have to say anything right now. I just wanted to tell you what I feel for you and it seems like the perfect time… we can talk later whenev—"

"I want to talk now…" I roll on my side so I'm facing him. I am close to him because I still don't want to be away from his proximity.

"Christian, you can't love me…" I can't meet his eyes.

"But I do… I do, very much, I am hopelessly and completely in love with you baby…"

"Please don't say that Christian… I warned you from the very beginning… I am not capable of loving you back, I can't reciprocate your feelings, I can't give you what you want… and even if I could… I'm engaged Christian… and you're all too aware of that…"

"Then call it off Ana… yes, I am aware of your engagement but I am also aware of every other aspect of your marriage deal. You don't love him. It's no more than a business investment for you… are you planning to sleep with when you two get married and what about me.. Us?"

"You don't have to worry about that… this thing between us is not going to end… it's just a contract nothing else… "

"It won't be hard to break it off then… why do you have to marry him… you'll get much better deals than that…" he shake his head not fathoming any of it. "Its alright Ana if you don't love me back, I just want you anyway I can, even if I have to be just a boy toy for you to fuck whenever you want, even if I have to call you Mistress or Miss Steele all my life, even if I can't look into your eyes while we fuck, I can deal with it, any of your conditions… but I can't see you with some other man… it just can't happen…"

"Why are you being like this Christian? You were never like this… what's got into you?" I see his eyes shining with tears... It's threatening to fall.

"I was always like this Ana… you just didn't happen to notice… but I can't hide it anymore from you, I saw you with him today, his hands touching you… just the thought of it makes my skin crawl, I just can't see you with another man… you belong to me Ana…"

"I don't belong to you Christian!" I said sternly.

"But you feel I belong to you, is it why you felt jealous when I was flirting with Serena… huh?"

"I wasn't jealous alright! Besides… that's not the point… Christian, you can't love me!" I sit up on the bed; he follows the suit, both naked and not trying to cover up. One thing with Christian is, I never feel bashful of my nakedness in front of him… even in situations like this... which never took place before.

"You don't get to tell anyone who they can love and can't… you can't stop me from loving you, and neither can you stop yourself from going away from me… you don't even know yourself that you just can't be without me…" and I silenced, I don't know how to counter that.

His palms cup my cheeks bringing it closer to his face, just not touching. "Tell me… If I walk away now and never come back… could you live with yourself alone, without me, with that man?" the feeling of not having him in my life dreads me. It's true, in such a little time he became a huge part of my life, although I am not in love with him I can't be without him, I need him constantly as he is in my life.

"I can't…" I confess my voice very low.

"I know…" he kisses my forehead and lips linger for some seconds.

"Ana if that business deal means that much to you, I promise to get you much better deal than that… you don't have be in a wedlock for that and sleep with him… nope… not gonna happen" his face contorts, like he ate Sushis, he hates sushi with a passion!

"And how are you gonna make that happen?"

"I don't know yet… you have to give me some time tough…" I look at him and really ponder over what's he offering. And I make my decision.

"Three months… you've three months to get me a deal better than this one and I won't get married to Daniel Eaton, but… you've to promise me something too…"

"And what that would be?"

"If you can't, Christian… you have to promise me that you'll stay… you won't leave me even if your plan won't work, even if…" I choke on my own words, "even if I have to marry Dan… also I am not breaking off the engagement until after you bring me a deal…"

"I am sorry Ana, but that's one thing I can't promise…" his eyes are dead serious and mine are fearful. "If you marry him… I can't be with you… it's one thing having you with all the conditions of no-strings-attached but it's another to share you with some another man. At least I have that much dignity left in me… Ana, if by any chance I can't bring you a deal then this thing, whatever it is by your side, between us, will also end… so if you really want me, Ana, you better pray that I succeed…" his voice has a kind of finality in it.

"You would really leave me… alone?" tears forming in my eyes again.

"Of all the things, you only concentrate the negative aspect. You really think I would let you go without a fight. I'll work my ass off to bring you a better offer… and then I won't have to let go of you." He extends his arms to reach me and took me in his embrace. I willingly surrender. For this moment, his arms feel like the safest place in the entire world.

"Will I have to call you Miss Steele or Mistress again, I can get used to calling you Ana…" he tries to lighten up the atmosphere. I giggle, "Ana will do… but only when we are on our own… in office I'm still you boss though… remember."

"Yes, Miss Steele… all too well! Wanna go for a round two?" with that he pushed me back to the mattress and ravishes me as like… and I let him… Christian loves me!

Thank you all for reading! I have a pinterest board for this fiction, under the name 'WhiteDust K' - 'Business and Pleasure' check it out too!

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