Person of Interest: Mr. & Mr. Rinch: Part 2 (Harold Finch): Deleted Scene

A/N: This is a deleted scene that didn't make the cut into the final version of the story. That said, I still think it's funny, so I thought I would share it here. The setting is a group therapy session. Note that this is unedited.

"You know what else bothers me?" Harold asked, really getting into the act.

"What?" Chris asked.

"The guns."

"The guns?" John's brow furrowed in confusion.

"Yes. The guns. In our house. All 208 of them!"

"You counted? But there aren't..."

"Weapons. You've got too many of them and you know I don't like them, yet you keep buying more!"

It was easy to get into this argument. If it hadn't been for their jobs, he would have insisted John not keep his arsenal at the library. As it was, Harold knew every hiding spot John had, and did his best to avoid them, unless a new number made that impossible. Like the current number, which had lead him to discover John's second sniper riffle hidden in the stacks.

"It's time to downsize your collection. Including..." Here, Harold paused for dramatic effect.

"No. No, Harold. Not... Not the grenade launcher!"

"It's got to go, John. I found it while I was packing... what if Leila were to stumble on it someday?"

John looked around the room. All faces were on him. Riveted.

"I have a military background," he defended himself. "I like weapons."

"Hey," one of the other guys spoke up. "I'm ex-Army. I get you. But dude, even I only have 97. And I keep them locked up. Invest in some gun cabinets. You'll be fine. Gotta make the wife happy, you know? Er... significant other."