I don't own wir, Lucy and Kevin belong to me.

(Sugar rush, Vanellope's castle, early morning)

Princess Lucy Fluggerbutter, the 15 year old daughter of president Vanellope, was slowly waking up to get ready for school. She stretched her body before getting dressed in her usual outfit. She exited her room the same time as her twin brother, Kevin, whose bedroom was next to hers.

"Morning sis" said Kevin

"Morning Kevin" said Lucy

"Hope you don't mind I'm taking the last bit of Oreo O's for breakfast" said Kevin

"What, no way I'm taking them, I bought them" said Lucy

"Well I've only had one bowl of this box. How about this, first one to the kitchen gets it?" Asked Kevin

"Oh you're on" said Lucy

The 2 siblings ran down the hall towards the staircase to reach the kitchen. Lucy managed to get ahead of Kevin, but she tripped and fell down the stairs, hurting the side of her body. Lucy slowly pulled herself up to see Kevin run past her.

"Dang it" said Lucy "Well the day can't get any worse, I hope"

(School, 3 hours later)

Lucy sat in her Video Game History class as her teacher handed back tests.

"You know, this stuff may not be fascinating to any of you, but I expected better. Especially you Lucy, you're my brightest student." Said the teacher

He handed back her test, Lucy got every answer wrong and got an F. How could this have happened to her? Game history was her specialty. Lucy slumped back in her seat, disappointed.

"Aw man" said Lucy to herself

(1 hour later)

Lucy stood outside her locker talking to a friend of hers, a half human half rabbit kid named Mocho Smoreline (Property of Mangle6).

"I'm telling you this new invention will work as soon as-

"Hey Mocho, you ready for your 11 o clock beating?" Asked a bigger kid

Mocho froze hearing that.

"Sure he is, but before you beat him" said Lucy

Lucy squirted water in the big kids face.

"Run mocho run" said Lucy

Mocho ran away on all fours before the bully could react. The bully grabbed Lucy and stuffed her inside her locker before giving chase to Mocho.

(Near end of school day)

Lucy was running through the halls with her hands over her crotch. She had to pee really bad. When she reached the bathroom she was grabbed by Bully Jimmy Cane. Not the toughest bully in school but he was her biggest threat at school.

"Hey princess, missed you today. Eat lunch with your friend the vice principal again? Well he's not here now" said Jimmy

"Please Jimmy I just need to pee" said Lucy

"Oh you'll pee alright after this" said Jimmy

He dragged her into the boys bathroom and stuffed her in a toilet. He flushed the toilet and Lucy got sucked down screaming.

(Home, later that day)

After showering, Lucy lied on her bed watching pawn shop shows on tv while eating random candy she had beside her. Without looking, she grabbed a bar of Airheads taffy. She tore open the candy and took a bite out of the bar. She looked at the bar and panicked upon swallowing. She clutched her stomach and her body began shaking. Her head morphed into a smiling red balloon and her body blasted off through a boarded up hole in the ceiling.

(Few minutes later)

Sour Bill was watching Lucy hammer new boards into the ceiling.

"I don't see why this hole can't be fixed without the wooden boards." Said Lucy

"This isn't the first time you've done this you know. Every time you eat an airhead in here or jump on your bed hard enough you go through the ceiling." Said Sour Bill

Lucy finished boarding up the hole in her bedroom ceiling and Sour Bill left. Lucy shut her tv off and grabbed her purse.

"Mom I'm going out" shouted Lucy

"Ok, just don't be out too late" shouted Vanellope

(Taffyta's burger queen restaurant)

Night was starting to fall on sugar rush, the arcade was closed for the day and citizens were moving about. Lucy was exiting Taffyta's restaurant and walking back to her kart with a brown bag in her hands. Lucy sat in her kart and pulled out a burger, but upon taking a bite she spit it out.

"I said no onions and no mustard. Stupid XS robot workers" said Lucy

Lucy threw her burger back in the bag and smacked her face in her karts steering wheel.

"This is the worst day ever." Said Lucy

She took her fries out of the bag and threw her burger at a pile of trash which wasn't picked up. Lucy heard a small meow bear the trash. A blue kitten tore the bag open and took a few bites out of the burger.

"Aw, a kitty"

Lucy took the burger and the cat to her kart. Lucy scratched the cats head and the cat snuggled up against her. Lucy smiled. She'd always wanted a cat, but her family had a pet devil dog.

"You're a cute little guy aren't you?" Asked Lucy


"I'm gonna call you, Gumball. Because you're blue like one, and I like blue, and there's a cartoon character named Gumball who was a blue cat, he used to make me laugh. You like that name Gumball?"

The cat started kneading on her lap.

"You're so cute" said Lucy

There was a loud thunder in the sky and it began to rain. Lucy unzipped her purse and made some room for Gumball to sit. She zipped her purse closed just enough for Gumball to breathe and to stay dry. Lucy put her hood over her head and drove to the closest place she and Gumball could go to wait out the storm, Diet Cola Mountain.

(Diet Cola mountain)

Lucy was sitting in her mother's old hideout telling Gumball about herself and the bad day she just endured. The cat rubbed up against her in response and made Lucy feel better. Lucy knew she wanted to keep this cat, he was making her smile. Lucy dug in her purse for her phone and called Vanellope.

"Hi mom. Listen I found this stray kitten in the garbage and I was wondering-

"I'm sorry Lucy, the answers no" said Vanellope

"But why?" Asked Lucy

"If spike sees that cat he'll probably kill it. And plus you're not always responsible with him either. Don't think I forgot about the incident with Bill last month." Said vanellope

"So he almost got his hand bitten off but that wasn't entirely my fault. Please mom, this little guys all alone he has no one" said Lucy

"No Lucy. I'm sorry" said vanellope

"He can stay in my room. I'll feed him, change his litter-

"No Lucy, and that's final. When you move out you can get a cat but until then, you'll just have to take him to a shelter. I'm really sorry Lucy, I know you want a cat, but Spike will kill him if he sees him. I hope you understand" said Vanellope

"Ok. I'll see you as soon as the rain passes. I'm gonna take him to a shelter." Said Lucy

"I'm sorry things have to be like this sweetie, I'll make it up to you somehow. I'll see you soon" said Vanellope

"Ok, bye mom" said Lucy

Lucy hung up her phone and leaned against the sponge cake bed in the hideout. She looked at Gumball and petted him. If she were a normal girl she'd probably listen to vanellope, but she wasn't a normal girl. Lucy picked up Gumball and put him in her purse.

"You're coming home with me. And since I have an invention that allows me to hold infinite space in my purse, I can sneak you a litter box and some food" said Lucy

She picked up her purse and walked to her kart.

"We're gonna make a quick stop at the store and then we'll head home. Just try not to show your face to mom, I gotta prove I can take care of you" said Lucy

Lucy zipped her purse closed just enough before driving off in her kart