Short chapter! I know, it's weird, after writing a really long chapter a couple of weeks back, I came back with something short. Well, this is because due to failing at managing my time properly, I end up not writing too much, so... This is it, for now.

Chapter 16: Aftermath

(Police Station - Morning)

The events that took place yesterday were in everyone's mouths. The small earthquakes were felt in the center of the city, but that wasn't what everyone was talking about, they were talking about the foot-like print in the streets. People were confused, some scared even, how could they not? Out of nowhere prints were formed in the streets. Not only that, but some videos were recorded and uploaded on several websites, including the video were Kenji and Rintaro were making the arrest of the blonde girl, only for her to escape followed by the Shadow appearance. Needless to say that Kenji and Rintaro were both confused and a little scared of what they witness. After that, they took Sora Yagami with them to the Police Station for him to be safe. The Chief allows it and they stay there for the whole night for his own security. During that time, Kenji stayed in the Station while Rintaro leaves for the night, it was an order from Kenji. The next morning when Rintaro came back earlier, both of them took Sora to an interrogation room and start making questions about the events of yesterday. He was eager to do this yesterday, but Sora was still in shock and refuse to talk, now he was calm down and the interrogation could take place. Kenji didn't waste any second and start making the most obvious question.

"That blonde girl, what did you talk with her? Did she said something?" He asks, Sora close his eyes and tries to remember.

"Nothing that would be of any use. She just call me, by name and start talking to me. Saying that she actually needed something of me... Out of nowhere, I didn't know why, but I couldn't look away from her eyes. It was as if I was trapped, I felt trapped, I could even move a muscle into you shout at her. She look away from me and I could move" He describe his experience. "I still can't believe all this is happening to me. I just wanted to go back home earlier that day and I end up chasing by that white monster"

"... That what we wanted to ask too" Said Rintaro. "On the street, you saw something... That girl did the same. What did you saw? That same monster?" Sora slowly nodded and Kenji takes out his phone and show him two videos, first of the security guard.

"Tell me... Do you see anything odd in this video?" He asks. Sora watch the video and came with the answer that Kenji at this point was expecting.

"That man... He was dragged by hands... It, it exactly what happen to me" He claimed.

"Be more precise, please"

"Okay... Hmm... That day I was going back home from work. Nothing out of the ordinary, really. I was walking down the street when I got a call. A weird call, may I add. I answer and I hear nothing but static and weird noises... They sounded like screams all of the sudden. Then, before I knew it, I was grabbed from behind, something pull me and suddenly I found myself in that weird Red World. Then this small, black goo monsters try to grab me, but I ran away... at the corner I saw it... That White monster"

"Can you... describe it?" Rintaro asks. "We'll like to know... Also... why we can't see it"

"I don't know why you can't. Maybe because I was attacked by him. I don't know" Sora shrug. "That monster looked very human... He had a very human form, but all white and a Red mask on its face"

"A mask?" Kenji asks.

"Yes... in fact, all the monsters I saw wear a mask. It was weird"

"Hmmm..." Kenji then suddenly remember the broken mask he found in Aokigahara weeks back. "Were they the same?"

"Some of them, yeah"

"... We do have a mask we found a couple of weeks ago. Wait a minute" Kenji left and came back around 10 minutes after. He bring the broken mask and Sora recognizes it immediately.

"Oh! One of them have one of this. I'm sure of it!"

"Well, that's good. Some progress at least" Kenji sigh. "Still... We can at least assume that... Ugh..." Kenji rub his eyes. "There's... another... world... and monsters," He said difficulty. It was very clear he was having a hard time saying it out loud, mainly because he was having a harder time accepting that fact. He knew something was wrong, very wrong and even though he have enough proof to at least come to that conclusion, he still couldn't quite believe it. "... This sound very silly and stupid saying it out loud"

"You are not alone" Said Rintaro. "But at least we know that we are dealing with some kind of conspiracy here. I mean, this girl could erase Sora's memories, just like she did with Hidetaka and the other officers"

"She's troubles, that's for sure. Still, even though we have Sora, we still need that girl to get some legitimate answers... We need to know WHAT is happening and WHY. Those questions need to be answered, and fast"

"So... I assume you can't see the hands on the video" Said Sora.

"That's correct" Kenji confirm. "We don't know why is that"

"That's really odd... So that means that is either because I was attacked or because there's something else we don't know about" Sora whisper to himself.

"This case is turning into the weirdest thing I ever seeing" Rintaro sigh. "I hope nothing bad happens"

"That's wishful thinking, Rintaro"

(Kofu Jonan Hospital)

Sachiko walks out of the hospital and look around in anticipation. The streets were kinda empty, only a couple of persons walking around and few cars passing by. She takes out her phone and checks her last message from her parents. According to them, they would be there to pick her up, but they weren't around, not even the car was there. She sigh at her Parent's negligence and stood there, waiting as long as it takes. While she do, she start to hear the exact same voice she's been hearing since her weird and sudden pain in the head. She couldn't understand a thing of what that voice was saying. It sound distorted. Sachiko ignore the voice inside her head, but it was getting hard to do so when it was the only thing in her head, not even her thoughts could even distract her. She wanted to scream when the voice started to get annoying. Luckily for her, her father appears around the corner of the street with the car. As soon she saw him, she runs quickly to get in the car.

"Woah, woah, woah! What happened, Sachi?" Her father asks, but Sachiko shout.

"I just want to go back home, Dad. Please drive"

"... Okay..." He shrug and drive. Sachiko look out the window and as soon she blinked, she saw the sky turning red, the big red moon above her and even a giant Shadow in the distance. She blinked again and everything turned to normal.

"... What is happening to me?" She thought. "Am I gonna be okay?"

(Antique Shop - After School)

Kaede took a chair and sit down, facing Hideaki, Kurumi and Mashiro who sat at the other end of the table. The group was in Kaede's house at the back of the shop. Kaede momentarily closes up the shop for her to have a long talk with the group. Kaede at first was reluctant to talk but she needed to explain a lot of things that they need to know.

"Alright, where should I start?" She asks.

"How about the beginning?" Hideaki suggested. "What is that Shadow? Why did attack you?"

"Well... That is a long story..." Kaede took a deep breath.

"I already got an idea from that sigh of yours" Said Kurumi.

"... Please, take your time. I'm sure it must be difficult for you to talk about it" Said Mashiro.

"Yeah, Thanks..." Kaede looks at each one of them. "It all begins before I was born. According to my father, that Shadow was already a threat and from time to time it was after him, several times. That Shadow was actively hunting him down and after I got a Persona, he started to get more persistent. One day, that Shadow corner us in an alley and... Kill my father..." Kaede looked down, trying her best not to cry or yell. Remembering that moment was really painful for her. Nobody said a thing and hear Kaede in silence. "Right after that, my Persona changed to Fenrir and fight that Shadow... I was lucky to survive the first time... But I think he let me live, he could easily kill me. I don't know why he let me go... maybe because he just wanted me to live and suffer the loss of my father, or just because he felt like it" Kaede massage her forehead. "After that, it was the first time in my life I saw death so close... I could feel it... and I hated feeling death so close. I promise to never let it get to me, or anyone else, so after I graduate I focus on saving as many people I could"

"So you have some kind of history with that Shadow, huh?" Mashiro asks. "It's safe to say that he won't leave you alone any time soon"

"... I don't know" Kaede replied. "To be honest, I wasn't expecting him yesterday. Sure, I forgot about the Full Moon, but before that, I was kinda expecting another Shadow to appear. The White Shadow had some kind of... schedule? He wouldn't attack for two or three months. I don't know why, but when he showed up he would go right after me. With more abilities than usual and yesterday, he showed up with more messed up abilities"

"... Hmmm..." Mashiro start thinking and coming up with theories about what Kaede said.

"Well, sucks to be you. Now you have a Shadow as your sworn enemy. I see that as the worst possible luck" Kurumi crosses her arms. "Still... If that Shadow is chasing you, it must be for some reason. Sure, he killed your father, but why chasing after you? Unless by killing your father wasn't enough for that Shadow and just want to kill every single member of your family because it has a huge grudge on you all"

"That sound like a really cool plot for a story..." Hideaki thought.

"I thought Shadow's weren't that self-aware to been able to feel hatred toward someone" Said Mashiro. "I thought they were just animals, according to their behavior"

"Well, this is clearly a sign that we know nothing about them" Hideaki pointed out.

"... That thing... Is looking for something..." Kaede look away, her eyes look at a picture on the wall, a picture of her father. "And I think Dad knew what it was..."

"Kaede, that Shadow must have some kind of ability that let him absorb the abilities or other Shadows or something like that. I seriously doubt that he would just appear with random abilities all of a sudden. Not only that, but he started changing masks every time he used new abilities. That would support my theory" Said Mashiro.

"That would make some sense" Kaede sigh. "But he didn't have that many masks before... He was clearly busy getting stronger"

"... What now?" Hideaki asks. "What do we do? To be quite honest, that thing scares me now. Especially after that laser beam"

"... He could either attacks again today, or just wait... I think he would wait" Said Kaede

"Why are you so sure?" Mashiro asks.

"When there's no Full Moon, he is defending his territory in Mount Fuji. That's for sure" Kaede explained, but that didn't convince the rest of the group.

"So... You are really going to assume that this Shadow won't came back today to kill you when you least expect it?" Hideaki asks.

"... Yes? I did that before"

"Do you realize how dumb that actually sound, right?" Kurumi almost yell. "If I were that thing, I would go after you and kill you in your sleep!"

"Wait... Why Full Moon?" Mashiro asks. "Why is that even important?"

"During Full Moon, every single Shadow gets stronger. Their abilities are improved and are more powerful, on the other hand, Personas get significantly weaker during Full Moon, so Shadows have a really big advantage in battle... That is why he only attacked during Full Moon up until know" She explained. "That is why he won't appear. Colored Shadows roam Kofu during Full Moon, leaving behind their territories. After that, they fight each other to get new territories or expand the ones they already have"

"Well, then that means the Moon is directly linked to our powers, is that correct?"

"I think so. I mean, almost everything I know I learn it from my father and my grandfather"

"Still... I think we should at least stay here for a couple of hours" Hideaki suggested. "I won't be convinced until I know for sure that the White Shadow doesn't come back. Besides, I won't leave you alone. I won't forgive myself if something happens to you"

"Me neither" Said Mashiro.

"... I don't want you to die either" Kurumi said, a little reluctant. "I'll stay too"

"... Are you seriously staying here?" Kaede ask in surprise and want to oppose the idea completely. "You certainly must have better things to do"

"Not really" Hideaki shrug.

"I actually have an event, but I have the game on my phone, so I can stay as long as I need to" Said Mashiro. Both of them turn to Kurumi. She sigh and given them a really simple answer.

"I don't want to spend my evening in this old shop, but if we make sure that the White Bastard won't appear today, I can at least sleep in peace"

"... Thanks but... I don't want to bother any of you with this. I know for sure that nothing will happen"

"You can't blame us for being skepticals" Said Hideaki. "We care about you"

"... Heh... Yeah, I guess you do..." Kaede smile a little.

"Well... Now that's settled... What are we eating?" Mashiro asked, only for Kaede to stare at him in disbelief.

"... If you believe I will make dinner for the three of you... You are so wrong"

"Considering we are staying for hours here, we might as well have dinner here... Let me guess... You don't have any food" Said Kurumi.

"I-I do, but... I don't feel like making dinner"

(Sundaikofu High School)

Nobu Tanaka was organizing some files in his desk on the Student Council Room when someone knocks the door. Nobu didn't want to stand up at this point. He was tired and wanted to finish the work before leaving as quickly as possible to deal with another thing. Nobu speak up "Come on in!" He said. The door after and Satoshi Ikari, the homeroom teacher of Class 3-A. Nobu didn't pay too much attention to him as he walk into the room.

"Sensei, what a surprise to see you here" Said Nobu.

"It is, right? I don't come here that often... Anyway, Tanaka" Satoshi address him by his last name, which was odd. "I wanted to talk about your other member in the Student Council"

"Sure, what do you want to know?"

"Is not what I want to know, it's something you need to know" Satoshi pick up a chair and take it in front of Nobu's desk. He sit down and look at Nobu in the eyes. "We actually receive a call from their parents and... they well... they disappear," He said reluctantly. Nobu stop working at look at his teacher.

"... Are you sure?" He asks in disbelief.

"The parents called us after they talk to the police first. Apparently they just disappear in their bedrooms. This is just like what happens to Sachiko Mikami here" Satoshi sigh. "Suddenly all this weird things are happening and I want to let you know first that after this sudden incident... We are deciding that the Council should cease activities for at least a week or until we know for sure that they are alright. Mikami appear so we are optimists about it, but until then, you should take a rest from all this work"

"... So suddenly?" Nobu asks. "I mean... I still can take care of everything here on my own. I don't really need them"

"I know you can, but the thing is... you shouldn't, for your own sake"


"Nobu... just take a rest"

"..." Nobu look down and let out a sigh. "Fine... Just, tell me if they are alright if they appear again"

"You'll be the first to know"

(Unknown Place)

The Blonde Girl was watching the TV in front of her. She has been captured in a video, of course, the focus wasn't her, but the quakes and the weird footprints-like craters on the street. Still, she was in video, on TV no less. She turns off the TV and covers her face in defeat. Her room was in complete darkness now and the phone next to her start ringing. She reluctantly picks it up and answers the call.

"Valkyrie here" She said and wait for an answer.

"You appeared on TV" The voice on the other side of the phone was the voice of a grown old man. "That wasn't part of the mission. It makes me believe you don't understand what the word "Undercover" means"

"You said you believed in my abilities, right? Let me do this in my own way"

"I send you because of your "Ability", but I start to question my decision now"

"Yeah? Well... Let's just say I'm not done yet. I'll stay and continue my job here. Remember, I'm not alone here, Pegasus is here with me. We have gathered a lot of info and we are now keeping a close eye on a certain individual"

"I don't care. If you are staying, deal with the evidence of your involvement at once. Remember, you are caught, you don't know us, you don't work for us, you said anything, we'll deny it and... you are done. Did I make myself clear, Valkyrie?"

"Yes, Sir... You made yourself clear enough"

"So... about this individual... Is-" "A Persona User, yes"

"Good... The Shadow Activity is..."

"Slowly rising up, Shadows are constantly getting into this world"

"... Do what you must to erase yourself from the mind of the people there and do everything in your power to not get the attention of... unwanted individuals"

"Don't worry, we'll succeed"

"You better, or you can say goodbye to this world" The call ended and Valkyrie, the blonde girl, grab her head in frustration. She wanted to yell, but she keep quiet and keeps all her frustration and anger inside.

"I need to erase those cops' memories now... Pegasus will take care of the videos on the web, I know he will... Now... how can I get close enough without raising too much attention to myself?" She thought.