Back home Jack was coaxing Carley out if her dress with a promise of a bubble bath, Ianto now deciding the dress was beyond help but he was not angry about it, she had others and at the end of the day she had enjoyed her day.


Ianto turned to find Dylan clambering onto the counter stool to lean in and hook a carrot he was cutting up, "Uncle Idris is a king."

"Yes, he is king of the Hoodlums" Ianto nodded sagely, "He is my cousin. That means I am like…well…a duke or something I guess. I hate being called anything royal though, feels old. This is a new world where we all need to start acting like one people, that means we accept ourselves as equals."

"We all are, right? The same?" he asked his Taddy with those innocent eyes of a child.

"Dylan, you know we are the same, all needing love and comfort. Some don't see that though. They think they deserve more because of the colour of their skin or the planet of origin" Ianto gently lectured his son, "There will always be those who see themselves as more. Who will never understand their own worth is measured in the eyes of others. That's why you will be a better man. Because you will remember that you must treat people as you would like them to treat you. The only way there is hope."

"That man was you grandfather?"

"Yes, my Mama's Da. He turned from her when she went with me Da. When me Ma died he eventually took my sister in but…not me. I was sent to militarial school. I leant to be my own best friend, to strive to be more than he thought I was. I now know it was because I look like my Mama, I hurt him with her eyes. He sent me away for his own healing. As an adult I understand now, as a little man I didn't think he loved me. By the time he realised this it was too late and I had turned from him too" Ianto stopped talking as he brushed the carrots into a pot, "Now we are like strangers."

"That would make him my…"

"Great Grandy" Ianto nodded, then sighed as he saw the little boy's eyes sliding to the side. "Dylan, he is a good man, he did what he thought was best. It just…injured our relationship. Would you…would you like to know him?"

"And Uncle Idris?"

Ianto smiled "Naturally Uncle Idris. Grandy lives there with him. A lot of his people do."

Ianto then cut some potatoes into large wedges. He glanced at the child again, "What are you thinking love?"

"Uncle Idris had all those dogs. Is that because he's rich?" Dylan asked, "The big house and people who live there to make him happy?"

Ianto put the knife down and considered then answered, "Uncle Idris had a one true love. You know, like in the movies. He had a one true love and he died. Now Uncle Idris misses him and is sad. So sad sometimes he is angry at the worlds. Yes, he is rich and as he no longer has the arms of his love to comfort him he decided to use his arms to comfort the doggies. He has lots and lots of money so he can make sure no doggie is killed from lack of love."

"That's sad" Dylan slumped on the counter as he pondered, "But we love him, right?"

"Yes, we do. And our arms will help too" Ianto smiled at the big hearted boy, "One day the hurt will be less and he can smile more."

"Will it go away?"

"Love never dies. Never. My wife Lisa…our beloved Walter. I will miss them forever. Forever but Daddy is a new love, a different love that fills the holes left behind, you and your siblings fill me with love again but I will always miss them." Ianto smiled as he reached out and touched his son's face, "For you are a love of my life too."

Dylan smiled as he let his head rest against Ianto's hand, "And you are mine Taddy love."

Ianto leaned in and kissed Dylan's forehead gently, then released him.

"I'm gonna wash" Dylan said as he slid from the stool and walked to the door then turned back, "I will always miss Mummy too. But you fill me up."

Ianto looked up and the doorway was empty, the child having done his first Jones-hit-and-run.

Ianto cut onions next.

Because they were needed, not to hide the tears.







So ends the meeting of the Uncle. Not sure what to do for the next part ... suggestions?