A/N: Apologies for the long time between updates. I've been busy working on other stories as well as preparing for Christmas. I do hope you are still following this story and I promise that I will finish it. I will never leave any of my work unfinished, however long it takes! Thanks for your continued support. Now, read and please review. I love hearing for you. Happy New Year to you all.

Chapter 12

After his shift, Raul drove home and took a quick shower before travelling to his grandparents' home. He entered the house without knocking and found them seated at the kitchen table. They stop talking and turn to look at him.

"Raul, such a pleasant surprise to see you" said his grandmother, speaking in Spanish.

"You knew I was coming to see you today, Grandma" replied Raul in his native language, planting a kiss on her cheek.

"She's just telling you off for not coming sooner" added his Grandfather with a grin.

"You know I can't always get to see you as often as I'd like" explained Raul.

"We're just teasing you" added his Grandmother, chuckling. "I know how busy you are at the hospital. Come, sit down and tells us what's been happening since we last saw you."

Raul dutifully did as he was asked and accepted the proffered cup of coffee and plate and spoke while his grandmother busied herself putting some tortilla chips and dips on the table as well as nachos with cheese, salsa and guacamole. Never being able to resist his grandmother's cooking, Raul took mouthfuls in between recounting what was going on in his life. When he'd finished, Raul asked "How have you both been?"

"Oh, there's nothing wrong with us" stated his grandmother, dismissing his concern and ignoring his raised eyebrows. "You worry too much" she added.

"Of course I worry about you. You've been laid up with a serious virus and I need to know that it's not coming back. Besides I love you."

His grandmother patted his hand and smiled. "I'm fine. I'm completely recovered but if it makes you feel better, check me out."

"I intend to" added Raul, getting his medical kit. He examined her before giving his grandfather a quick examination as well. Satisfied that they were both well, he said "Well it seems you are both healthy but call me if you feel any of the symptoms returning." After putting his equipment back in his case, he sat back down and they continued to chat.

"I'm going for a ride. It's been a tough few days and I need to unwind. Have you seen anyone up here recently especially strangers?" Raul asked casually.

His grandfather shook his head and his grandmother added "No, only Senora Sanchez's daughter Juanita popped over with some food. She asked about you. I think she likes you" said his grandmother, in a tone of a woman who is match-making.

"Perhaps but not in the way you think. We grew up together; we're just friends. She's like a sister to me" answered Raul.

"Men! You know nothing especially about women and matters of the heart" laughed his grandmother. "Go, enjoy your ride" she added, shooing him out the door.

Raul took his rifle from his truck and went to the stable. His horse nickered softly as he recognised Raul. "Hey boy, I missed you too" he said as he gently stroked the horse's nose in affection.

Taking a brush, he entered the stall, checking the horse for any signs of injury. He groomed the horse down the neck and withers, across his back, under his belly and down his legs before moving to repeat the process on the other side. He brushed the mane and tail to ensure both were clean and free from tangles and straw. He then took a hoof pick and, raising each hoof one at a time, ensured nothing was wedged in the hoof to cause discomfort or lameness. He took a clean saddle cloth and placed it over the horse's back, then put the saddle on top and reached under to do up the girth. Taking the bridle, he slipped the bit into the horse's mouth and eased the headpiece over the ears and then fastened the throatlatch. Having already hidden the crutches into the rifle holder, Raul fastened it to the saddle and hooked his rucksack with the medicines, over the pommel. Taking hold of the reins, he opened stall door and led the horse outside. Before mounting, Raul tightened the girth ensuring it was tight enough that the saddle wouldn't slip but not so tight that it caused pain.

Raul mounted and rode out of the small holding and took a path that wound its way to the ridge and an open stretch of hillside. They trotted along before he eased his mount into a slow canter, gradually increasing the speed until the horse was at full gallop. Raul relished the breeze in face and hair and the freedom that being at one with your mount brought. As he rode Raul scanned the area for signs activity but saw nothing. He turned round and made his way back as if heading home, but then turned off into the trees where he double backed on himself and headed toward Turk's cabin.

On the edge of the trees, Raul halted and sat quietly watching the area. He saw nothing that made him suspicious and his horse was calm, not picking up on anything that caused him concern. Raul looked at the cabin and saw no signs of life. "These guys are good" he thought to himself as he nudged his horse into a walk and headed to the cabin. He dismounted at the barn and opened the door to tie up his horse out of sight. The SUV was there under a dusty tarpaulin. Raul was further impressed because he hadn't seen any tyre tracks.

Closing the barn door behind him, Raul walked casually to the front door and announced "I'm the doctor from the hospital. Turk sent me. Don't shoot! I'm coming in."

Opening the door, slowly Raul stepped inside and slipped the rucksack and rifle holder that had been slung over his shoulders to the floor. He raised his hands in the air to show he was not holding anything as he closed the door behind him with his foot. He was faced with Sam and Kensi both training guns at him. Deeks was asleep on the couch.

"Search him, Kens" said Sam as a precaution although he recognised the man. Kensi placed her gun in the waistband of her jeans at the small of her back before stepping forward to do as she was asked. Shaking her head she stepped back. "Sorry Doc" apologised Sam. "I needed to be sure."

"Understood" said Raul and seeing that Sam was favouring his bad leg went on to say "Hey, you'd better sit down and let me look at your leg."

"Thanks Doctor" said Kensi. "I've been trying to get him to do that but he keeps pacing up and down."

Sam glared at her and said "I don't like hiding out here leaving Callen alone."

"He's not alone" answered Raul. "Turk's with him as well as some little old lady."

Sam and Kensi exchanged surprised looks. "A little old lady? Describe her" asked Sam.

"Tiny, stands about so high" said Raul, raising his hand to indicate her height. "She's got short, brown hair, has round glasses and is wearing a pant suit. She looks harmless enough but her eyes …" Raul paused, looking for the right words. "They bore into you with such ferocity but then soften." He shook his head.

Sam and Kensi smiled. "That's Hetty, our Ops Manager. I didn't know she was in Mexico" said Kensi.

"Where else would she be?" commented Sam. "She's gonna be where Callen is."

"Happy now?" asked Kensi.

"A little but I should be with my partner!"

"Well, I think you're better off here" said Raul. "You're not in the position to help him if you can't stand properly. Now sit down and let me look at your leg. Then I'll check on Deeks."

Sam sat down as Raul pulled on his latex gloves before gently removing the blood-stained bandage from Sam's leg and cleaned the wound. "You've split your stitches. I'll have to stitch it up again." Raul got the needle and thread and a syringe of local anaesthetic. When the anaesthetic had taken effect, Raul closed the wound and covered it was gauze and re-bandaged it. "By the way, there are crutches for you in the rifle holder" Raul said as he worked. Kensi went to retrieve them and seeing the look on Sam's face, Raul added "If you want your leg to get better, I suggest you use them." Realising the doctor was right, Sam nodded.

Raul turned his attention to Deeks, who remained asleep, examining him thoroughly but quickly, Satisfied Deeks was no worse than when he'd last checked on him in the hospital, Raul said "I'm not happy that you've brought him here but I understand your reasoning. He'd be vulnerable in the hospital should Williams and men attack and I know from Turk that you didn't want to put the staff in any more danger. I appreciate that. I've brought some medicine for you both with instructions for various scenarios. Here's my number. Call me from the phone Turk gave you should the condition of either of you deteriorate or if you're worried about anything. Do you have everything you need?"

They assured him that they had and invited him to stay for some food. "Thank you but no. I'd better get going. I want to get back before it gets dark so I don't cause my grandparents any concern or make them suspicious." Raul picked up his gear and walked to the door where he stopped and turned to them. "Take care. I've not seen anyone about but that doesn't mean they won't come looking. We'll keep you updated if we can but assume no news is good news. I'll try and come out again tomorrow."

They watched him walk to the barn to retrieve his horse. He mounted, raised his hand to them in farewell and rode off until he disappeared from view in the trees. Closing the door and bolting it, they settled down for a long and cold night.