A/N: This is my first fic, I've watched all three movies and read a couple of good fanfics recently so I thought I'd make a crack at one. This Story will take place about a month after the events of KFP 3.

Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Kung Fu Panda

Kung Fu Panda: Dark-Bright

Written By: Ace_Risk

Chapter 1


Darkness. All he saw surrounding him was darkness. For what seemed like an hour, he sat there in what he thought to be an unlit room. Then a faint sound was heard, it sounded very familiar. Almost as if another creature was using its tongue to sense something in the area. Where had he heard this noise before...? The only one he knew who made sounds even remotely similar to these was Viper. However this option was quickly overruled as heard footsteps shortly after, although they weren't your average footsteps, they sounded rough like claws scratching a hard surface and though he didn't want to admit it...they were intimidating. The creature then stopped, he still couldn't see the creature as the room was very dark, however he knew it was nearby as the footsteps sounded close. It sarcastically spoke out "Comfortable?" He hadn't even noticed until now that he was sitting on a dirty stone floor which reminded him of the dungeons in Gongmen City, although this room was much larger than those small prison cells. The creature then began chuckling as it said "don't worry you wont be here for much longer, I have greater plans involving you." He couldn't understand what the creature meant by this as he thought to himself, what plans? Where am I? Who or what is this thing that is speaking to me? His thoughts were soon interrupted as the figure then got even closer, still not close enough to see in detail, and it whispered into his ear "you'll find out soon enough that darkness can consume anything if given the chance." He was taken back by this statement from the creature but before he could ponder it, his neck was met by two fangs that had punctured his skin. And then…

"Gasp!" Po breathed as he shot up from his bed. He looked around while trying to catch his breath. He could see paper walls with wooden frames all around him allowing a small amount of light into the room, as well as wooden shelves with action figures of the Furious Five and a jade staff with a Yin and Yang symbol at the end on a stand. He settled down and managed to catch his breath knowing that he was in his room at the Jade Palace barracks. "I hope nobody heard that." He muttered to himself. He then looked back at the paper wall behind his bed, judging by how much light was filling his room he presumed that it was 5:00 AM, just an hour before the morning gong would go off. He was about to get out of bed to do his morning training routines until his thoughts went back to the nightmare that he had just had. Who was that creature in the dark room? What did it mean when it said it had plans involving me?

He knew he couldn't dwell on this dream for long as he had important duties to keep up, his training and teaching to name a few. Discarding the thoughts of the nightmare, he got out of his bed and went to go put on his new clothing.

Ever since he had become a teacher at the Jade Palace he wanted to look the part, so he asked the tailor in the valley to make him some clothing for training and some clothing for teaching. The new tailor in the valley of peace was one of the best in China, she had even made certain garments for the emperor himself and was well known for making clothing for all sorts of people from the lights of Rabbits to Rhinos. She managed to make him some pairs of training pants, a couple of white training vests as well as two green tunics with patterns of golden dragons which looked much like the one he had made out of Chi while battling Kai in the spirit realm. She also made him a cloak which was about six feet long which had patterns of lotus flowers colored black with the rest of the cloak was colored gold which he frequently wore as he always imagined himself wearing what he would call 'an awesome cape' when he was younger.

He quickly slipped on his training clothing and quietly left the student barracks to get some early training in before the morning gong. He didn't realize however that on his way out of the Barracks he was being followed.

A/N: First Chapter done! Thanks for reading! Be sure to post a review, favorite or follow and stay tuned for the next chapter coming soon!