Author's Note: Last chapter, guys. It's been a wild ride. Hopefully this ties up most of the loose ends.

"Don't do anything stupid, dad. I'm trying to keep you out of a jail cell, not put you in one," Lucy said.

"I'm free to leave whenever I want?" General Lane asked, looking around the simple bedroom.

"There's an armed guard outside your door. If you need to go somewhere, knock on the door and he'll open it to take you there. It's the best I could do."

He nodded in understanding. "How long will I be your prisoner?" he asked.

"That's not my call, though I'm trying to get you a shorter sentence."

"I see you were not interested in my information regarding Cadmus."

Lucy sighed. "Did they really threaten me?"

"Yes, darling, that's why I did it. To protect you and Lois. You know how dangerous they all are. I came here to help the DEO defeat them. Instead, I am treated like the bad guy."

"You are the bad guy in this situation. You're my father, and I believe you, but a lot of people here see you as the enemy. Be on your best behavior and you might change their minds. Do you need anything else?"

He shook his head.

Lucy walked towards the door.

"I love you, Luce."

"I love you too, Dad."




"Lucy, I still don't trust him," Alex said.

"I don't fully trust him either, Alex. That's why he's under supervision from an armed guard. What more do you want?"

"I want justice. Kara didn't die, but she could have. You're the one who operated on her. You saw how bad it was."

"I know," Lucy said softly. "I'm not excusing my father's actions. He only did it because he believed his family was in danger."

"You believe that?"

"I have to try, Alex. He's my father."

"You're being naive."

"You're being cynical! Can't you just trust that for once, people have at least some good in them. Nobody is either good or bad. The world's not black and white. He's a good man and an even better father who did some very messed up things."

Lucy sighed.

"I want to see him pay for his actions just like you. He deserves it."

Alex put a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry about all of this. I can't imagine how hard it must be."

Lucy smiled weakly. "Thanks."

"I'm gonna go be with Kara. If you need anything, you know where to find me."

She walked down past the dorms, pulling shut an ajar door.

Weird, she thought.

As she continued down the halls, the nervous pressure in her chest refused to settle.

As she neared her sister's room, she found out why.

General Lane was standing over Mon-el and Kara, who were both sleeping, with a green knife.

Alex kicked open the door and unholstered her gun with a satisfying click.

"Drop the knife," she commanded.

The General froze but refused to drop the green blade.

"I have to," he said, sounding almost pained.

"Then I'll have to shoot you," Alex replied, cocking her pistol.

The General was now only a few feet away from Kara, Mon-el frozen beside her.

Mon-el and Alex exchanges a look and a tiny nod,

All at once, Mon-el slipped gracefully off the bed and picked up a scalpel while Alex advanced on the General.

Before he could get to the General, he had already taken Kara and held the green blade up to her neck.

"What'd you do to your guard, General?" Alex asked, hoping to distract him somewhat.

"What I had to," he said, touching the side of the blade to Kara's throat, wincing as she screamed in pain.

Alex saw streams of green going through her skin, telltale signs of kryptonite poisoning.

"It doesn't have to be like this, General," Mon-el said. "Put down the knife and we'll talk."

"Then what? Either you'll kill me, or Cadmus will. This is the only way…I'm sorry."

The General took the knife back and plunged it forwards just as Alex's finger tugged the trigger.

The bullet connected with the General's head just as the tip of the blade pierced Kara's skin.

Before he could do anymore damage, the General fell to the ground, dead.

Still weak from the explosion, Kara fell into Mon-el's arms.

"Kara? Are you okay? Tell me you're okay," Mon-el begged.

"M'fine…just…kryptonite," she gasped.

"Get her on the bed," Alex said. "I'll reattach the IV."

"Alex? I heard a gun is everythi-"

Alex turned back to see Maggie in the doorway.

"He had a kryptonite knife. He was going to kill Kara. I…I had to."

Once the IV was back in, Alex walked out of the room just as Lucy was passing.

"Hey, Alex. Are you okay? I heard a gunshot."

"Your dad had kryptonite, Lucy. I…had to stop him. I'm so sorry," she said, feeling panic creep in her chest.

The events of today were finally catching up to her.

"He's dead?" Lucy asked, studying Alex's face.

Alex nodded sadly, tears creeping up.

"Hey, it's…I'm sure you wouldn't have killed him unless you had to…I forgive you, Alex…Just, give me a minute."

Lucy walked up to Maggie, who was still standing in the doorway and said something that Alex couldn't hear over the sound of her own heartbeat.

Why was she feeling like this over one death?

She'd had to kill many people in her lifetime, but she had never reacted like this, not even on her first kill.

"Hey, Alex, baby." Maggie cupped her face and pulled her in for a tight hug. "You need to slow your breaths down, okay? You're hyperventilating."

She continued to use the tricks that Alex had taught her for Kara until she was alright.

"You did the right thing, Alex. You saved Kara."

"I…I killed him, Maggie. Lucy's dad."

"You had to, baby. Lucy's sad, but she's not upset with you. Even she knew it had to be done."

Alex nodded. "We need to clean up the body."

"Somebody's already on it."

"We need to find his guard, too. I think…I think he stabbed them."

Maggie called over a guard. "Check Lane's bedroom. We think there's an agent down in there."

The agent nodded and moved along to check.

Just like Alex had thought, there was a guard there who had been stabbed in the leg.

He was taken to Medbay as well.

"Hey Maggie?" Alex asked.


"I think I know why I had that weird feeling."

Maggie chuckled dryly. "Yeah, I think I do too."

"He got in here to kill Kara."

"Yeah, but you didn't let him. You saved your sister."

Alex hummed.

"I think we all know who the real Girl of Steel is here."

Alex looked up at her. "Yeah?"

"Yeah," she said, pulling her chin up for a kiss. "You did good today."

Alex snuggled into her wife's side, happy that the uneasy feeling was finally gone.

Everyone was okay, and the threat was gone.

It finally felt somewhat normal again.

Normal was good enough.

Again, if I had all the time and patience in the world, It probably would've been a little different. However, I feel like I've written most of what I wanted to write and done it all decently.

Honestly, I probably never would've made it to here without all your support, so from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I don't think I've ever had a story get this…interactive(?) I don't know if that's the right word, but your comments give me life, and I've really enjoyed hearing everything you had to say.

Writing is always better when you're doing it for an audience (and myself I guess)

I haven't said all I wanted to, and I don't think I ever really could cause I'm not so good with words (ironic, right?)

Anyways, I guess just…thanks.

Love y'all so much.

I don't know if I want to make more fanfiction, but if I decide that I do, I hope you'll continue to support me.
