Nothing to say here except you may be wondering why I made Sabine's family live in New York. No, I did not make a mistake. I know she is Chinese, and I'm going with her sister immigrated to New York in this story, while Sabine went to France. There is a specific reason for this, as you'll see later.

Sorry but I can't answer to any reviews because I really want to get this chapter out, but thank you all so much! I wouldn't have continued this story without your support!

P.S. Sorry if I get any French wrong in the future of this story; I may speak French, but it is French Acadian so most of the sentence structure is different.

Peter was in a good mood.

Not only has Mr. Stark actually been speaking to him regularly, but May had finally got a raise.

They were going out to an actual sit-down restaurant tonight, but first he had to go by some bread and milk for lunch.

Obviously, his good luck couldn't last for long.

He was walking to the grocery store when his spidey-senses started tingling. Something bad was going to happen. He could feel it.

Within a few seconds it wasn't hard to figure out why.

Something that sounded like an explosion shook the ground beneath Peter's feet. He looked around widely, trying to see what direction it had come from. He finally spotted smoke rising from the direction he was heading in the first place.

Turning to glance one last time at the rising smoke, Peter ran off to find an empty alleyway.

He could never get much of a break, could he?

"Anyone up here?" Yelled Peter. His suit provided some protection from the smoke, but not much. He bent over to cough, covering his mouth with his hand. God, he couldn't be in here for much longer; the smoke was so thick he could only see a few feet inn front of him. It must've made his spidey-sense go out of whack, too, because he couldn't sense anyone near him, though he heard someone coughing nearby.

"Hello?" He yelled, throat feeling scratchy.

Without his heightened hearing, he wouldn't have been able to hear what someone replied three aisles over.

"Help me, please."

The voice was high pitched, and without wasting another second Peter ran to the voice, worried that the building would fall before he and other victims could get out.

But when he turned the corner to where the voice was coming from, he stopped.

There was only one thing that the red spandex suit could mean.

Another superhero?

Peter could only stare at the girl.

She was small and frail, at least that was how it looked because of the red skin-tight suit. And why were there black dots? Was she dressed like a ladybug? What kind of super hero was that?

(Although he shouldn't be talking, Peter realized. He was a spider-themed superhero)

"What are you doing?" Yelled the girl over the ruckus, an unconscious man's arm draped over her shoulder. (how could such a small girl carry a man twice her size?)

"Don't just stand there, help!" She had a French accent, making Peter even more confused than he already was.

Peter immediately went to the girl and grabbed the man, slinging him over his own shoulder. "I go this guy. Last I checked there was still a kid missing."

The girl nodded and sprinted away, leaving a very confused teenager in her wake.

Haven't I heard of a ladybug-themed superheroine somewhere? Peter thought as he dragged the man towards the back exit. Wasn't there a cat involved?

He almost laughed out loud at that very thought. The smoke must really be messing with my brain. Ladybugs and cats have nothing in common.

Finally, Peter emerged out of the burning building and into the fresh air. He took in a deep breath, never being so thankful for the New York air.

A few seconds later the girl emerged from the building as well, carrying a little girl in her arms. She ran to where another ambulance was parked across the street, needing to get the girl checked out.

Peter was about to go talk to the superheroine to get some more information about her when a cop ran up to him. "Spider-Man!" Two paramedics and a gurney were trailing the cop, ready for the unconscious man Peter was carrying.

"Yes sir?" Asked Peter as the paramedic took the man from his arms. Peter was worried; the cop looked angry, and this wouldn't be his first scuffle with the NYPD.

Luckily, it seemed that the police officer's anger wasn't directed towards him.

"Some idiot went in to blow this place up, it seems. We have some eye witness accounts of a woman acting suspicious and were already on our way when it happened. Is everyone out of the store?"

"Oui, monsier. Everyone is accounted for." A feminine voice answered before Peter could even open his mouth. He turned to see the spotted heroine behind him.

The police officer gave her an odd look than nodded. "When I first joined the force, I would've been suprised to see a new superhero, but now I'm just used to it." He shrugged. "Usually I would ask third parties to stay out of it, but we already have a situation in Hell's Kitchen, and I'll be damned if I let this bastard get away."

Peter blinked, not believing what he was hearing; officials hated Spider-Man. "Are you saying you want us to catch this guy with no police interference?"

The man nodded. "But you didn't hear it from me." With that the man ran towards a few other officials who were taking statements from the non-injured victims.

"So I guess that make us partners." Spoke the girl, making Peter turn his head. "What did you say your name was again?" She held her hand out to shake.

Peter grinned and grabbed her hand. "Spider-Man."

She smiled. "I'm Ladybug."

I really hated how this chapter turned out but honestly it's been over six months so what the hell.

This will likely be a four-part story plus an epilogue. Now that my writer's block is finally gone, this story should be finished by New Years.

Don't forget to drop a review! Like I said before, every review helps, even if it just makes me write a single sentence, without you guy I wouldn't have kept writing.