Hey everyone, Muk854 here with the first chapter of the new Yo-Kai Journey. Now that I'm starting fresh, I can think clearly on this story so that no mistakes will be made. For one, no Crafter Z this time, which was my biggest mistake from the original version.
Second, I do have an idea of where this story takes place in the canon universe. Unlike the old version, which took place before the first movie, this one will actually take place after the movie, but before Nate gets the Model U.
That's pretty much it. So now, without further ado, let the New Yo-Kai Journey, begin.
The sun was shining brightly on the city of Springdale as the people were doing their own things. However, the Yo-Kai that the humans didn't see were doing own things as well, which involved inspiriting humans and causing mischief. Their actions went by unseen by most humans, except for one. A boy named Nate Adams, who could see them thanks to his Yo-Kai Watch, who befriends the Yo-Kai.
However, currently Nate is going through a crisis. Not a Yo-Kai crisis, but a different kind of crisis altogether.
"This is not good, not good at all!" Nate said as he was pacing in his room in a panicked state. Curious Whisper, Nate's self-appointed Yo-Kai butler, went up to him.
"Nate, could you care to explain what the problem is?" Whisper asked.
"Problem, this is more than a problem Whisper," Nate responded, "This is a crisis!"
"Settle down Nate, I haven't seen you this worried since the Wicked" Whisper said, "Just explain what's got you so worried."
"Tomorrow is Katie's birthday and she invited me to her party, but I don't have a gift for her!" Nate exclaimed.
"Oh, well that very much explains the state of mind you are in," Whisper said.
"You don't get it Whisper, this could be my only chance to impress her without any Yo-Kai interfering," Nate clarified.
"Ah, now it's starting to make sense to me," Whisper said.
Nate sighed before laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about what to do. For as long as he has known Katie, Nate has always had feeling towards her. He had been trying his best to impress her, but usually with little success. "What am I going to do?" he inquired in a somber tone.
"If you want Nate, perhaps I can provide some assistance," Whisper stated, which got Nate curious.
"How?" Nate inquired sitting up to look at the Yo-Kai.
"Perhaps there is something in the Yo-Kai World that she might like," Whisper explained while taking out his Yo-Kai Pad, "We can just search through my Yo-Kai Pad for anything she might like, and once we find it I'll go pick it up from the Yo-Kai World just in time for Katie's party."
Nate thought about Whisper's idea for a bit, thinking if it was a good idea. But seeing how his options were limited, he couldn't think of a better idea, "Alright, let's search the Yo-Kai Web for her gift."
For the next five minutes, both Nate and Whisper were going through the Yo-Kai Pad, searching for anything that would be a suitable present for Katie. It was only when Nate noticed a particular item that their search came to a halt.
"Hold on, what about that one?" he inquired while tapping on the Yo-Kai Pad to show the object in question. The item was a necklace with a pink strap and case decorated with heart patterns. The case also had glass in the middle of it, which Nate guessed where a picture can be put in.
"Oh my, I have never seen a necklace like this before," Whisper admitted.
"It's perfect, that's the one I'm sure of it," Nate said excited, "That would be perfect for Katie."
"Alright, just give me a moment to order it," Whisper said as he proceeded to purchase the necklace, "And done, and with a good deal as well. Guess being friends with one of the richest Yo-Kai ever has its benefits."
"This is great, Katie is going to love it," Nate said happily.
"And then she'll love you," Whisper teased with a smirk.
"Shut up," Nate said with a small blush, which got out a chuckle from Whisper. But Nate didn't care, all he could think about was how much Katie would enjoy the necklace he got for her.
*The Next Day*
Nate had just gotten out of school and was already home and heading towards his room. Katie's party was going to start soon so he was just going to get the necklace and head over to her house. "Hey Whisper, you back with the necklace?" he asked as he entered the room.
While Whisper wasn't in the room, Nate did see a small black box on his desk. He went ahead and picked up the box and opened it, revealing the necklace inside, looking exactly as it did on the Yo-Kai Pad. "Perfect, now to get to Katie's party," he said, closing the box and leaving to Katie's house.
Once Nate arrived at Katie's house, he went over to the table that had the gifts and placed the box with them. The next thing he did was opening up his Yo-Kai Watch to search for any Yo-Kai that may cause trouble. After not finding any, he smiled and closed the watch, before joining the party with the other kids.
For the most part, the party itself was uneventful. Nate was mostly with his two friends, Bear and Eddie, just talking to one another. When Nate left them to get some food though, he found Katie getting some food as well, so he went up to her.
"Hey Katie, happy birthday," he greeted, getting her attention.
"Hey Nate, thanks," Katie thanked, "I'm glad you could make it."
"You kidding, I wouldn't miss your birthday for the world," he replied.
"That's good to hear," she said with a smile.
They just stood there talking to each other for a good two minutes before Nate decided to head back to the others. But before he left, Katie said one last thing, "You know Nate, out of everyone who showed up, you're the one person who I really wanted to come. Even if you were the only one who showed up today, I would still think this was a good birthday."
Nate had a small blush on his face from her comment, caught off guard that she would say something like that about him. She giggled at his expression and winked at him as a small blush formed on her face as well, "I look forward to seeing what you got me."
"Y-Yeah, I hope you like it," he managed to let out before joining Bear and Eddie, who saw the whole scene happen and teased him for it.
Soon it was time to open the presents and everyone was gathered around the table as Katie started to unwrap her gifts. Some gifts included some makeup kits, drawing utensils, and a few accessories. She soon came down to the last gift, which happened to be Nate's gift to her. She opened up the box and her eyes widened when she saw the necklace.
"Wow, this is beautiful," she said picking it up.
"So you like it?" Nate inquired.
"Like it, Nate I love it," she replied with a wide smile, "Thank you."
Nate smiled at her enjoyment with an unnoticeable blush spreading across his face from her compliment. Eventually, it was time to go home, and after saying goodbye to everyone Nate started to walk back home.
When Nate entered his room, the first thing he noticed was Whisper frantically searching through his room while muttering 'Where is it?'
"Whisper what are you doing, did you lose your Yo-Kai Pad again?" Nate asked.
"No it's not that, I'm trying to find the necklace," Whisper said as he went through Nate's desk, "I put it on the desk before I had to leave to check something with the store it was from, but when I came back it wasn't here."
"Oh you don't have to worry about that necklace Whisper, I already gave it to Katie," Nate informed.
"You what?" Whisper asked as his search came to a halt to look at Nate.
"Yeah she loved it, you really saved my hide there Whisper," Nate said. But to his confusion, Whisper didn't seem relieved, in fact, he seemed to be in more distress.
"You gave her the necklace?!" Whisper exclaimed, "Oh dear, this is not good."
"Whisper calm down, what's wrong?" Nate asked confused.
"Nate, the thing I went to check on the store was the necklace, I noticed that design looked exactly like the design of your Yo-Kai Watch," Whisper explained, pointing to Nate's watch, "So I talked to the seller and it turns out that necklace wasn't a necklace, it was a Yo-Kai Watch."
The moment those words left Whisper's mouth, all of the happiness that Nate had felt earlier was gone, only to be replaced with dread and despair. "What do you mean it's a Yo-Kai Watch, it looks nothing like one?!"
"Apparently that model is a pocket watch version of the Yo-Kai Watch," Whisper explained, "But in the haste of finding her a gift we didn't notice what it actually was."
"Oh man, what have we done?" Nate asked as he sat on his bed, "What now Whisper?"
"There isn't much we can do, just to wait and see and what happens next," Whisper said.
And with that, the first chapter of the New Yo-Kai Journey is done. Got to say, compared to the original, this version is definitely better. So as the old saying goes, out with the old and in with the new, now I can get back to writing these, so no more long waits… hopefully still no promises on that.
I got to say, my favorite part was the talk between Nate and Katie before the gifts, I figured I would add a scene of them talking to show how close they are to each other.
But anyways, all is said and done, hoped you all enjoy this chapter and keep an eye out for the next one.