A/n: Alright so, after the chat with Rias in this chapter, there will be a timeskip to the beginning of Cannon. Now Issei will still become a devil, while Asia will not. She will remain on Naruto's side and be loyal to him. She will still be friends with Issei, but if she has to choose sides, then she'll side with Naruto. Now let's get into this...and I still haven't decided the pairing for this story yet. It's been the hardest one so far. Oh and later on Semiramis will be a bit OOC. The reason for this is because of her constant state of being around Naruto. He warmed her ice cold heart somewhat.

(Story Start)

"So Gremory-san, what brings you to my neighbourhood?" Naruto asked as he stared at the red haired devil in front of him.

"I sensed something odd. And now I figured it out. Your the priest my brother told me about." Rias said as Naruto gave her a bow.

"Naruto Shirou Uzumaki. It's nice to finally meet Lucifer's younger sister." Naruto said as Rias' glare lessened.

"So what are you planning?" Rias asked not trusting the smile Naruto seemed to have plastered on his face.

"Whatever do you mean?" Naruto asked innocently. Wanting to see where Rias was going with her questions.

"For what reason did your higher ups send you here?" Rias asked as Naruto nodded.

"I was ordered to come to Kuoh in order to try and build peace with devils such as yourself." Naruto said plainly as Rias scoffed.

"How am I meant to know that you won't simply ignore your orders and try and kill me when my backs turned?" Rias asked as Naruto laughed.

"Because if I wanted to kill you...I wouldn't of come to meet you by myself." Naruto explained, never once losing the smile Rias was quickly coming to hate.

"Is that a threat?" Rias asked with her hands tightening in anger as Naruto shook his head.

"Nothing of the sort Gremory-san." Naruto said waving off her anger. "I mean nothing by it. Though I do have a question, if you wouldn't mind answering it." Naruto said to her.

"I'll humour you then. What is your question?" Rias asked as Naruto's eyes gained a dark glint to them.

"What are your plans for those with Sacred Gears here?" Naruto asked as Rias' eyes narrowed once more.

"They are none of your business." Rias said as Naruto chuckled before he started to walk away from her. "Where are you going?" She asked as Naruto stopped and glanced at her out of the side of his eye.

"From this meeting alone, I have all the information I need. I hope we could be friends later on Rias Gremory. But for now, I must depart. I have other things to do." Naruto said before he continued walking away.

Rias on the other hand was glaring at the blonde priests back as he walked away calmly. Turning around, she decided to leave the man be unless he does something to aggravate her. Not knowing how he may effect her future. For better or for worse, remains to be seen.

(Two months later)

It had been two months since Rias had encountered the new priest within Kuoh. After that, she's had her familiar watching him. Making sure that there was nothing out of place. Naruto on the other hand, was slightly annoyed. Annoyed at the fact that he was constantly under watch. Though he could see where she was coming from. Still didn't mean he wasn't irritated by it. On the other hand, he had become popular with the locals of the town due to helping out in some random jobs. Whether it was weeding a garden for a old lady, or helping someone carry groceries from the store back to their own home. At first, people were hesitant to accept the help that he would offer, but others were glad to have a helping hand.

Now whenever he goes on his walks around town, he is greeted with friendly smiles and kind greetings. It was these actions that reminded Naruto of the objective he set for himself. If successful, then everyday would be like this. With no worry for war, no worry for destruction, and with no worry for the suffering of others. A perfect world. Currently the blonde priest was sitting in the ramen store Issei took him two months prior, his shroud missing, leaving him in his normal priest robes while said perverted boy at his side keeping an eye on the blonde.

"Now Issei, you should focus more on your meal instead of me." Naruto said slurping up the noodles in front of him calmly.

"Sorry, it's just I'm kinda expecting you to disappear on me when your foods finished." He said agitated as Naruto choked on his ramen slightly.

"Well, I have no plans on doing that again. This is my treat Issei, don't worry about a thing." He said smiling as someone entered the store. Someone who instantly put him on edge.

A young teen with blue hair walked upto the two. Her golden eyes looked over Naruto lightly before they moved towards Issei. Her eyes trailed over the boy with a slight disappointed gaze before it switched to a seductive one. Something that had Issei blushing as Naruto's left hand slowly fell to his side.

"Your Issei Hyoudo right?" She asked looking towards the teen.

"Wait, your looking for me?" He asked pointing to himself while the girl nodded. "And not him?" He asked pointing to Naruto who turned his head slightly to stare at the girl.

Blue met gold in a intense stare as the girl laughed nervously. Naruto noticed that she was wearing a red dress underneath a black jacket with high heels on. It may seem like she was looking for a boyfriend. But Naruto could sense the ill

"No, I'm not into old people." She said looking away as Naruto summoned a couple of black keys to his left hand in anger.

'Let it go Naruto. Let it go.' Naruto chanted to himself as the black keys faded away.

"He's not old. It's just the way he acts makes him seem more mature for his age. Though he is childish when it comes to ramen." Issei said making Naruto smile.

'I'm not gonna say anything on being childish Issei.' He thought as the woman looked at Issei and giggled.

"Whatever you say cutie." She said before grabbing Issei's hand. "How about you and me go on a date?" She asked as Issei glanced at Naruto slightly.

"Don't let this old man keep you from your life." Naruto said mockingly as Issei nodded and stood to his feet.

The two left the store as Naruto finished up his meal and placed some money on the counter.

"They grow up so fast don't they?" The chef asked as Naruto raised a brow.

"What do you mean?" He asked as the chef laughed.

"It seems as though it was just yesterday that Issei was being brought in by his parents and now I'm here watching him run off with a girl." The chef said as Naruto smiled.

"Honestly, the kid deserves better than someone like her." He said standing to his feet. "And if that date is gonna turn out the way I think it is, then he'll find that someone." He continued as he folded his arms behind his back and left.

After exiting the store, Naruto quickly left the area and returned to his church. Greeting others with a fake smile as he felt conflicted on what actions he could take. He could either interfere and save Issei, but then the boy would question him. And questions were not something he wanted to deal with. And the alternative to that, was to sit back and allow Issei to possibly die. Making up his mind, he quickened his pace to his home. Once he arrived at his home, he quickly wrote a small note before Semiramis walked in.

"What are you doing?" She asked as Naruto folded the note.

"Issei is currently going on a date with a Fallen. By the looks of it, she might be working independently. I'll have to question Raynare when I get the chance, but for now, I need you to do me a favour." He said holding the note towards her.

"Who am I sending this too?" She asked as a dove flew in through a open window.

"Rias Gremory. She has a base in the school grounds. Search for the building that leaks the darkest energy. And afterwards prepare for a fight." He said, placing his shroud one as he noticed a small note on the table.

"Who left that here?" He asked looking towards Semiramis.

"Who do you think? Your little fan boy arrived earlier and left the note before taking off." She said with a sigh as Naruto shook his head.

"I'll be going then. I'll see if I can't find Raynare and find out what's going on." He said walking out the door.

"Look at me, listening to the words of someone who's beneath me. How low I've fallen." She said to herself as Senna walked into the room.

"But you like father don't you?" She asked as Semiramis looked towards her.

"Like that fool?" Semiramis asked before shaking her head as she attached the note to the dove. "I can't see it. I merely follow him because he's my form of entertainment." She said looking out the window as Senna smiled.

"Yet your worried for him." She said as Semiramis scoffed.

"That fool can handle himself. Begone." She said not staring at the girl who walked out of the room smiling. "Me, be worried for him?" She asked shaking her head. "Absurd." She finished walking out of the room.

(Hours later)

Naruto had found himself wandering around the town for hours on end. His irritation growing slightly as he took a few calming breaths and wandered out towards the nearby park. Hoping that the surrounding nature would calm his emotions. And it succeeded. Wandering around the park he remembered words that he holds dear to his heart. Words from his mother on his family's creed.

"Remember my son, never hold anger for someone. Never resent another person. Live your life as a beacon of peace and happiness. Not someone who will fall to his emotions easily. A guide for others, to the perfect world."

Hearing his mothers voice and words brought a smile to Naruto's face as he walked through the park until he came to the centre where he found Issei impaled on a spear of light.

"Issei!" He exclaimed, worried for the boy.

Running over to the boy and summoning a black key in his hand, he destroyed the light spear and laid Issei on the ground gently.

"I'm sorry for not being here earlier." He apologized as Issei pointed behind him.

Turning around he saw the teen from the ramen shop, except more grown up. Her hair went to her thighs while she wore a form fitting red suit jacket with a short dress. Her golden eyes glared at the priest in annoyance as a spear formed in her hand.

"Why do I have to deal with these nuisances?" She asked readying the spear as Naruto turned his attention back to Issei. His gaze wandered the boy's dying body as he found a small note on the ground, having seeming fallen from Issei's pocket.

"Issei, if you can hear me. Wish for something." He said as he placed the note in the boy's hand. "And after all this is done. I'll treat you to some more ramen." He finished as he stood to his feet, a blank expression on his face.

'Naruto...I wish...to thank...you.' Issei thought as the note glowed a faint red.

A red magical circle appeared behind Naruto as Rias appeared. She stared at Naruto's back in shock before she saw Issei laying on the ground. Seemingly dead.

"Gremory." The priest called getting her attention.

"What is it?" She asked as Naruto turned his head slightly and stared at Issei's body in regret.

"The boy's Sacred Gear, for some reason he was killed because of it." He said as his gaze returned to the fallen as he brought the black keys close to his face. "Do what you need to do. But please, don't let a innocent life perish because of this." He said as he threw his left arm forward, the swords leaving his hand quickly as he created two more in his hands.

The Fallen dodge them as Naruto continued to bombard her with his weapons. Using her light spear, the fallen deflected the keys as they were eventually stuck into the ground. Smiling Naruto blocked a spear thrown at him as a gold circle appeared in front of his right hand.

"Set." He called as the black keys stuck into the ground were surrounded by the gold circle, before they were thrown into the air. Or more specifically, towards the fallen.

Rias, having reincarnated Issei into her pawn while the priest and fallen were distracted, watched as the priest sent blade after blade towards the fallen. Though it was then she felt a strange energy flowing off of him. It wasn't the usual energy used by magical beings, but it seemed familiar to her some how.

"I don't have time for this." The Fallen said to herself as she sent out a barrage of light spears, destroying all the black keys Naruto sent after her. Jumping away, Naruto threw the keys in his hand, destroying any that came close to Rias and Issei. Turning his attention to them, he saw they were fine. When he turned back to the fallen, she had disappeared. Willing his black keys to disappear, he turned back to Rias and Issei to see them surrounded by a magic circle.

"Tell Issei, he's always welcome to come and talk with me." He said walking away from the two.

(At Naruto's home.)

After arriving at his home, Naruto took off his shroud and sat down in the living room. His face covered by his hands as Semiramis walked into the room.

"What is the problem?" She asked staring at him. "The pervert died, but he was revived. Mission successful." She finished looking at him only to see him take his hands away from his face.

"There is no problem Semiramis. In fact, everything went according to plan." He said showing her a smile. "With Issei reincarnated as a devil, all I have to do is continue to play my part." He said looking down to his lap.

"So what's the plan now?" She asked as Naruto chuckled.

"We wait. Once Raynare brings Asia to us, then we will move to remove the fallen from the town." Naruto said as Semiramis sighed.

"All this waiting is boring me." She said annoyed as Naruto stood to his feet.

"Don't worry, our time is soon." He said calmly.

"Everyone's in place. I've gotten reports from the others." She said calmly as Naruto smiled.

"Good. Then all the pieces all falling into place." Naruto said as he turned his head to stare at the ceiling.

'Not too long now. I'll reach our dream. Mother.' He thought closing his eyes.

(Timeskip to Asia's arrival.)

Naruto was standing in his kitchen, finishing some baking when there was an urgent knock at his door. Answering the door, he was greeted to the sight of a bloody Raynare. Helping her inside, he closed the door and laid her down on the floor before he started healing her.

"They...got her." She said as Naruto stared at her confused.

"Come again?" He asked confused.

"Asia, I was...going to bring her here, but they stopped me." She said as Naruto looked at her in shock.

"You'll rest up here. Look after the kids for me." He said as he helped her to sit down on the couch.

He walked out of the living room, into the bedroom he and Semiramis shared. Opening the wardrobe, he pulled out a sheathed katana. It was hidden in a pitch black scabbard. Unsheathing the blade, Naruto admired it, drawing a finger over the blade lightly as the skin on his right index finger split from the sharpness. He watched the red liquid trail from his finger as he stared at the blade. Sheathing it once more, he grabbed the sword by the scabbard under the guard and left the house.

Upon closing the front door, he was greeted to the sight of Semiramis standing in front of him. Her gaze drifted to the sword in his hands.

"Your bringing that?" She asked confused as Naruto nodded.

"Yes. These fallen must be taken down." Naruto said, his voice displaying how serious he truly was.

"Alright then. Let's go." She said calmly as Naruto glanced at her.

He knew that no matter what, in a situation like this, she wouldn't sit back and do nothing. Smiling, he walked down the street, to where he could sense a large gathering of magical energy. Energy he had become accustomed to with his years of working under Gabriel. Eventually, Naruto and Semiramis came to a old abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town.

"How shall we greet these crows?" The queen asked as Naruto smiled.

"The only way terrible guests can be greeted." He said as he kicked the door down.

His eyes widened when he saw a small teen, dressed in a nun's outfit, tied up against a cross while she was surrounded by four people. One, a man in priests clothes similar to Naruto's own, but different as well. Where as Naruto's was completely black, this mans clothes was a combination of black and grey. His silver hair and red eyes glared at the two as the others turned to them. One, the fallen that Issei took on a date. Another a grown man wearing a trench coat and a fedora. And another, a blonde haired girl with blue eyes as she was dressed in a gothic lolita fashion.

"The stench these fools give off is making me sick." Semiramis said as Naruto's eyes hardened.

"What's this? A priest here in Kuoh?" The silver haired man said as he aimed a gun towards Naruto. "Guess I'll end you and your whore there." He said as Naruto drew his sword in his right hand and stepped away from Semiramis.

"I'll leave the priest for you my dear." He said as the scabbard disappeared and three keys appeared between the fingers on his left hand.

"It's for the best." A enraged Semiramis growled out as multiple pieces of stones with writing appeared around her.

She started the fight as the stones launched lasers towards the group. Naruto taking advantage, threw his keys at the nearest Fallen before rushing as he dodged the keys. His sword clashed against the light spear of the only male of the group. A smile came across his face as three more keys appeared in his hand. Thrusting his hand forward, he tried to impale the Fallen in the face only to have to dodge a second light spear aimed towards him. Backing away while throwing the keys, he ducked as the blonde Fallen tried to impale him.

"Set." He called as the thrown keys that had embedded themselves in the ground were covered by a gold circle.

They flew from their positions and a couple stabbed the male in the back. Using the distraction, Naruto rushed the blonde as he swung his sword at her head. She ducked and jumped into the air, only for two keys to stab into her wings from behind. She fell to the ground in pain as Naruto met her halfway, his sword at his waist as he stared her in the eyes.

"Rest in peace, and may you find your way, under the guidance of the lord." He said before swinging his sword, cutting the girl in half.

Her two pieces hit the ground as the only male tried to punch Naruto in the back of the head only to be struck by a small gloved fist. When the Fallen was slammed against the wall, Naruto quickly riddled his body with black keys before he dispatched the Fallen by decapitation. Turning to the one who helped him. It was a girl dressed in the uniform of Kuoh academy. She had white hair and hazel colored eyes. Turning to the door, he found Rias and her peerage standing there.

"It seems as though we lost the numbers advantage. As such." The priest said before he ran away, Semiramis growling as she shot laser after laser at him.

"Freed you worthless priest!" The last Fallen said before golden chains appeared around her.

The others looked at the source of the chains only to find them embedded into Naruto's left arm. He walked over to the group as the white haired girl glared at him.

"It seems all those who were at your side have either left or died." Naruto said as he and Semiramis stood in front of the fallen. "Why did you disobey the orders Azazel gave you?" He asked confused as the fallen glared at him.

Semiramis, seeing a break in action walked over to the hostage and freed her.

"Are you OK?" She asked as the blonde looked at her.

"Who are you?" She asked as Semiramis scoffed.

"The descendant of the Queen of Assyria, Semiramis." She said giving a small bow as Naruto walked over. His chains disappearing after he pinned the fallen to the ground using his keys.

"Asia-chan. Are you OK?" He asked standing next to Semiramis.

"Father!" She called out and hugged him tightly.

"Now now Asia-chan. Your safe now." He said patting the girls back as Semiramis smiled.

"With those looks, you could actually pass Asia off as your own child." Semiramis said as Asia looked towards her.

"And I guess that would make you her mother." He joked as Semiramis' eyes widened slightly.

"What do you mean fool?" She asked as Naruto smiled.

"Think about it, I'm around you most of the day. It would be foolish of others to not think of us as her parents." He said gently pushing Asia towards Semiramis.

Asia stared at the black haired woman who just gave her a glare. She backed up slightly, her fear getting the better of her. Naruto only smiled and pushed her towards Semiramis once again.

"You two make up. And I'll talk with our friends over there." He said walking away to question Rias and her peerage while Semiramis stared at his back.

"Don't take his words t-"

"Mother." Asia suddenly said as she hugged Semiramis tightly.

This action caused the Assyrian queen to glare at the blonde teen. Asia only held onto the woman tighter as she smiled lightly. Semiramis' glare lessened as she looked at the others only to find them leaving with Naruto standing at the door. Seeing this, she gently patted the girl on the back and held her lightly.

"Only for a little while longer." She said looking away.

Asia smiled at the woman's words and held her tighter.

"That's enough." Semiramis said quickly, raising her hands. "And don't tell anyone." She said after Asia parted from her.

"I won't." She said quietly.

"But I will!" A voice that brought nothing but pain to Semiramis' existence said. "I must say this was quite the turn of events. From the dramatic entrance, to the calmness Naruto held killing those Fallen Angels, to the loving bond that has started forming between you and the girl. This is truly Magnificent!" The voice continued as a man walked out of the darkness.

"So you've finally arrived. Shakespeare." Naruto said calmly as Semiramis wanted to scream.


So in this chapter, Issei became a devil, Semiramis showed her softer side with Asia and one of Naruto's 'Friends' have arrived. Now for those wondering, Semiramis' dove sent a message after Raynare entered their home. The ORC followed the dove when it returned to Semiramis. And yes, those were Chakra chains. Basically where as Kuroka can use Poison mist with Youjutsu, Naruto can create chains with Senjutsu. I will explain mroe when I deem it necessary. (Which will probably be around the time the ORC travel to Kyoto) And yes I am building Issei up for two reasons. In this, he will be redeemed instead of being a useless pervert, and because his power will fit Naruto's plan easily. He's, like everyone else who's unaware of Naruto's plan, is being manipulated for, a perfect world in Naruto's opinion. Anyway, I posted two new stories, Nazarick's Greed, a Naruto/Overlord crossover with a slight FMA crossover. And A Black Ops Life, a Naruto/My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU story. Check these out as I feel they are some of my better stories in terms of pacing and content. And also a thanks to Crowfeast for checking out this chapter, along with the starting chapters of Nazarick's Greed and A Black Ops Life. And I will see you all in the next update.