This is an idea I had for a while, I will be releasing two different types of Bleach crossover stories. This one, being Ichigo with the boosted gear. Another one, being Ichigo with his main powers.

Mentioning this now for those who might get confused in the future, Ichigo will have his hollow powers. His Soul Reaper Powers and Quincy Powers, however, are gone.

'Where am I' Ichigo thought, his eyes opening slowly as he was greeted by a white ceiling. The last thing he remembered, was him and Yhwach stabbing each other in the stomach, before twisting their blades at the same time messing up their insides and killing each other just like that.

"Oh look, the baby is waking up!" He heard a cry, making his head turn over to see a somewhat attractive woman with brown hair and light brown eyes. Next to her, was a somewhat normal looking man with glasses who had a look of happiness in his face. His hair color being orange and dark brown like his mothers, and a small but noticeable scar on his chin.

'Baby?' Ichigo thought confused before his eyes caught something. His hands no longer were they big and rough, they were now small and soft just like a...

'Oh god...' Ichigo couldn't help but let out an internal groan as he thought about the possibility of what just happened.

"Hey, what do you want to name him?" Her husband asked, to which she gave him a big smile.

"Let's name him Ichigo, like a strawberry!" At this, Ichigo couldn't help but cry. Maybe it was because he was in a body of a baby, that he couldn't help let his emotions run rampant.

'What the hell! Why does everybody keep thinking of a strawberry whenever they hear my name! Hell, even my new parents named me that!' Ichigo cried causing his parents to look at him in worry.

"Honey, I don't think he likes that. Maybe change the meaning, like Number One Guardian?" Her husband suggested which immediately calmed down the new-born Ichigo.

"See he seems to like that meaning." The husband smiled at his wife, his hands reaching towards Ichigo's head and patting it.

"Alright, Number One Guardian it is then. Ichigo Hyoudou... Kind of has a nice ring to it, don't you think?" She smiled happily at him, making Ichigo somewhat warm from that smile.

A family, he had one of his own, which consisted of Karin, Yuzu, and his Dad. While he was saddened by the fact he won't ever see them or his own friends again, he had to keep moving forward. He already completed his goal, which was to keep them safe. No doubt, with the removal of Yhwach, the three realms will now be in peace for quite a long time... Now, he will just have to keep his current family happy...

-Years Later-

A 7-year-old Ichigo stood there, his eyes smiling as he was doted on by his parents.

It's been exactly 7 years since Ichigo was reborn into this world, while he wasn't exactly sure why he took a guess the Soul King must've pulled the strings which turned out to be false like most guesses would.

Right now, you might be thinking, reborn into this world? Didn't he just get reincarnated and that was it?

No, when he said this world, he meant an entirely different one. Albeit 99% of it was similar to his own, the 1% practically proved that this was a different world.

The moment he turned 5, he asked his parents about the location of Karakura Town, much to their confusion. The shock hit him quite a lot, as they told him that there was no such thing as Karakura town.

Of course, countries like Japan, China, the United States, Canada, and Korea existed, Karakura was the only one that didn't exist.

To say he broke down was quite the understatement of the century, to say the least. While he knew he was reincarnated, he thought he could've just simply met his old family again after he grew up a few years older. Thinking of the somewhat funny scene after his sisters find out that their roles were reversed with him being the little brother now.

Sadly, such a scene will never become reality, as this world he was in, was not his own. That night, he cried himself to sleep, knowing that he won't ever see his other family again. His depression also came back for a few months after he learned that he won't ever see his family again.

On the bright side at least, Ichigo took in the fact he probably won't have to go out in the night and slay Hollows. He can finally live a normal life, just like he intended to in the past.

"Happy Birthday Ichigo!" His parents cheered, causing a smile to crawl onto his face as he looked at there joyful look.

"Thank you, mom and dad!" Ichigo said happily as he stared at the cake that had 5 candles lit in it.

"Go on now, what do you wish for son?" His dad asked as his mother held her camera, obviously waiting for him to tell them his wish.

"My wish... I wish to just protect everyone close to me! Especially you mom and dad!" Ichigo expressed his deepest wish closing his eyes as he blew the candles out.

"That's such a nice wish Ichigo!" He heard a cry of happiness, making him turn and see a person wearing a simple shirt, shorts, and a cap on her head. Though, what caught his interest was the thing in her hands.

"Ah, hey Irina!" Ichigo greeted waving at her, causing her to grin.

This was a friend he made about 6 months ago, the two met due to their parents being very good friends with each other which in turn cause them to be very good friends as well after a certain accident happened leading the two to tie a few kids down who was trying to attack them.

"Happy birthday, Ichigo." A man with blonde chestnut hair and violet eyes said smiling at Ichigo, who just nodded giving him a "Thanks".

"Sorry for being late! We were just trying to pick you up a present here." Irina said smiling sheepishly, a hint of pink appearing on her cheeks from embarrassment.

"It's alright, I understand." Ichigo nodded walking towards her, causing his mother to squeal.

"Oh look at the honey! Our Ichigo is trying to act all mature! Isn't that adorable?!" His mother let out a squeal, as she rapidly clicked the button on her camera, taking many photos of Ichigo much to his embarrassment.

Don't get him wrong, he loved his family, but there are times when they get a bit...too overboard.

"Sorry for being late. We were busy talking with an old friend of mine." a man with chestnut hair and violet eyes said apologetically. This was Touji Shidou, Irina's father. Though, what was in his hands caught the most attention out of everything in the room.

"Hey Ichigo! Do you remember how you told me about how you were interested in swords and told me about those awesome fantasy stories! Especially the one involving the Winter Hero?!" Irina asked excitedly jumping up and down, her eyes filled with stars and excitement. Oh, he was seeing where this was going. Although, what did the stories of his previous life had to do with this?

"This here is a holy sword, albeit it's in the shape of a katana! It's a gift from God himself!" Irina puffed her chest somewhat proudly, causing Ichigo to just shake his head and smile at her.

"Sure it is Irina, sure it is." Ichigo decided to went along with it, although, Irina pouted and glared at him playfully knowing he wasn't serious.

"But it is though!" She whined causing ichigo to just shake his head, his eyes looking at Irina's father who let out a sigh of relief making him stare at him suspiciously.

"Is that...?" Ichigo's eyes widened a bit as he saw the bag in Touji's hand.

"Ah, I saw this in your mailbox. Assuming it belonged to a friend of yours, I grabbed it here for you." Touji said rubbing the back of his neck handing Ichigo the bag.

Grabbing the bag, Ichigo stared at it for a while, before a certain note attracted his attention making him rip it away. Gripping the note in his hands, he began reading. With each second passing, the smile on his face kept growing.

"Happy Birthday Ichigo! If you're reading this, then I'm sorry that I couldn't make it. My Little Sister has gotten a bit of trouble with her teachers and family problems popped up. Can you imagine though? She got in trouble from arguing with her teacher because she kept on correcting them on subjects like math! Isn't that hilarious?! She's only younger than me by one year too and she's extremely smart! I sadly can't tell you my family problems though since they are kind of personal so sorry about that. Anyways, inside the bag here are a bunch of sweets I made. I'm sorry for not being there at your birthday party, but know that I'll definitely come by and visit you in the future if I can. I hope you won't forget me though before we meet again..." ~Edelweiss

Holding the note in his hands, a smile graced his lips as he finished reading it. Opening the bag, he took out a piece of cookie, throwing it into his mouth and chewing it tasting the Edelweiss's homemade sweets.

"Delicious..." Ichigo mumbled enjoying the taste of the cookie.

'Of course I won't forget about you. Just as long as you don't forget about me.' Ichigo answered the note mentally to himself as he continued to enjoy the sweets in the bag.

"Hey Ichigo, open my present now!" Irina shoved the heavy present towards Ichigo somewhat forcefully, causing him to slowly drop the bag of sweets on the table as he unwrapped it.

"Zangetsu..." Ichigo's eyes widen in shock as he stared at the katana that looked exactly like the Psuedo Bankai of Zangetsu. It sat there in front of him, the blade being steel black along with the handle and guard. Red diamond decorated on the handle and lastly the chains on the hilt of the blade. Reaching his hand towards it, he grabbed the blade, feeling the weight almost similar to the original, although quite heavy considering his body was that of a child.

"Do you-" Before Irina could finish asking if he liked it, she was immediately enveloped in a hug with Ichigo, wrapping his arms around her tightly.

"Thank you Irina, you have no idea how much this means to me." Ichigo whispered in her ear, causing it to burn slightly a bit. He wasn't joking when he said that either, the two most important people in his life being Zangetsu and the Old man who stood with him since the day he was born. The fact he now has this blade, the reminder of who made him, his journey to save his friends, and his past life meant a lot to him.

"Alright kids, let's break the hug for now and cut the cake!" Ichigo's dad said with a grin on his face, his hands holding a knife as he cuts a few pieces of cake and places them on a plate.

Like that, the two broke the hug as they went over towards the table, enjoying the night with there parents. All of them laughed and sang that night, both kids and adults having a good time.

Sorry about the second half of the chapter's quality. It was honestly better until I done fucked up and forgot to save. I did my best to recreate everything, although some not matching the original chapter as I expected sadly. Though it is close enough I guess. Anyways, this was basically a chapter introducing Ichigo, Irina, Touji, Ichigo's parents, and lastly Edelweiss who kind of appeared?

I will be diving into Ichigo's and Edelweiss history together later after they meet.

I will also dive into Ichigo's relationship with each girl in his small harem.

Yes, this is a harem story if you guessed, although they won't be there for display and won't be ridiculously huge just like my past God of Shinobi in DxD story.

Ichigo Harem: Edelweiss (Rakudai), Irina, and Rossweisse. That's all I have so far. The limit is 3-5. I'm either sticking with the current people in this or adding two more.

Not allowed: Rias, Asia, and Xenovia. Sorry, but I don't like writing them in my story. Personal preference. If you're looking for an IchigoxRias story then I suggest something like Nebarius Heir if I remember correctly or ask other authors to make a story involving his relationship with these 3 people.

People who I don't mind adding or trying to write; Koneko, Kuroka, Tiamat, Gabriel, Valerie, Le Fay, Akeno, and I think that's about it.

If you guys want to, come support my collab story with VTheDarkCrowV. It's called The Heavenly Dragon of Fairy Tail. Basically Vali in the Fairy Tail world.

Definitely a unique idea in my opinion as I saw this type of thing being done once. The second chapter will be released in about 2 days for it if all things are going according to plan.

Sorry for the Issei fans out there but Ichigo replaced him in this story. I will be making another DxD story though so watch out for that. This one including all the casts of DxD.

I'll be saying this now but no way will I make a 5-year-old Ichigo overpowered to the point he will classify as an Ultimate Class Devil or match up to The Strongest Exorcist Dulio.

He'll have to train to adapt to his new powers and get used to his hollow one as well. So he's starting out kind of weak here but eventually will become OP which is around the time of canon.