A/N: So….Surprise, another FBI's favorite sniper fic. This will be a series of one shots based on Edgerton's appearances from his perspective.

Disclaimers: As always, don't own anything and don't make any money. Just taking the characters out for a spin.

Tag for Chapter 1: Sniper zero

Ian's heart skipped it's normally steady beat when he saw that mop of curly hair dive behind the police cruiser, and he let out an uncharacteristic curse. He had taken his eyes off the building for a second when he saw Agent Eppes's younger brother wandering aimlessly in the middle od LA's finest. Who the hell had let him in?

He had been about to yell at Agent Eppes over the radio to wrangle his brother when two shots in rapid succession rang out. His eyes whipped back to the building. There you are. Ian relished the crack his own rifle made, and smirked as his bullet met its target and the shooter crumpled to the floor.

The moment was short lived as Ian scanned the crowd for the professor. He saw Agent Eppes crouching in front of who Ian assumed was Charlie. Grabbing his rifle, Ian quickly made his way to the cruiser. The professor had some nerve strolling into an active scene, no warning, no protection. He wasn't law enforcement. And Agent Eppes? How idiotic was it to let your clueless brother tag along, or let him think that he could? Ian fumed. This was no place for someone like the professor.

Ian stopped short. He had just met the two and the professor's distrust of him, and disgust for what he does was obvious. He'd be off on another op tomorrow. Why the hell did he care? For some reason he did.

The first thing Ian noticed was the kid was moving. At least he's alive. "Shooter's down is he okay?" Charlie and Don looked at him, not having noticed him approach. "I was just working on some probabilities." A clipboard caught his eye next to the cruiser and he knelt down to pick it up.

"Actually, he was pretty close" Ian remarked. Ian noticed the professor bristled at the comment. The professor didn't like being "close." I know the feeling kid.Charlie was visibly shaken. "Sorry" Charlie mumbled as Agent Epees admonished him. Eppes hauled his brother to his feet. "Next time use a phone." Ian shook his head. Maybe he wouldn't have to knock some send into the Senior Agent after all. Ian turned on his heels as he slid his glasses onto his face and disappeared into the crowd. He had a feeling this wouldn't be the last he saw of the Eppes brothers. And he was okay with that.