Beast Boy was... really confused.

A colossal understatement, yes, but the emotion seemed to fit the bill perfectly. He was kinda dazed, slow to respond, and couldn't piece together a coherent sentence to save his life. And thinking? He was pretty sure any cognitive thought had checked out sometime between accidentally asking Raven on a date and then her actually agreeing to it.

No, his mind had immediately realized that this matter was beyond it, and had gracefully stepped aside and allowed his basic instincts full control. You know - eat, sleep, fight bad guys.

And avoid Raven; that instinct being closely tied to self-preservation, and all.

Of course, that last one was kind of hard to do, seeing how Adonis had literally just thrown him across the room and towards said teammate. Realizing that crashing into her in the form of a gorilla was probably a bad idea, Beast Boy hurriedly morphed into his human self.

Sure, something smaller and softer, like a bunny, would have probably been a better decision - but he wasn't thinking right now, remember?

Their bodies collided with an audible smack, him having literally knocked her off of her feet as they tumbled to the grimy locker room floor.

"Ow," Raven deadpanned beneath him, her hand absently rubbing the back of her head as she attempted to sit up. Beast Boy scrambled to get off of her, finding her face a little too close to his as she propped herself up on her elbow.

"Sorry!" he squeaked, practically flinging himself to the side in his attempt to escape, which only resulted in him smacking his head against the locker beside them. Rubbing the spot sheepishly, he realized that he had at least managed to get half-way off of her.

Raven gave him a sideways look, though she neglected to comment on his apparent clumsiness; something she usually made a point of doing. But no, she instead regarded him blankly, before delicately removing his limbs from her person. "Better you than a gorilla, I suppose."

Beast Boy gave her an embarrassed grin, before the sound of Cyborg's sonic cannon pulled him back to reality.

The mission. Adonis. Right.

Shifting into a hummingbird, he flew away from the empath and towards the suited villain.

Adonis was probably one of his least favorite villains to fight. The guy was arrogant, aggressive, and cheesy as hell. Plus, the fact that he always tried getting Raven into compromising positions?

Didn't sit too well with the changeling.

But, again, Adonis was one of his least favorites - Beast Boy loved getting the chance to kick his ass.

His opponent seemingly distracted with dodging Cyborg's blasts, the green hummingbird patiently hovered in place, waiting for the perfect opportunity to drop in. Cyborg had paused his attack for a minute, having to momentarily recharge his cannon, but Raven had immediately swooped in as she quietly mumbled her mantra.

Adonis smirked at the sight of the sorceress, and was undoubtedly readying some lame pick-up line as he opened his mouth, though he was interrupted by a bench being unceremoniously hurled at him.

Unfortunately, it had only knocked him back a few feet before he got a good hold on it. "You like it rough, huh?" he sneered, his eyes zeroing in on Raven as he tossed the bench towards her. "I can do rough."

Beast Boy watched as Raven quickly ducked out of the way, only for the bench to knock over an unsuspecting half-robot.

"Oh, come on!" Cyborg cried, shooting their teammate a glare as he pulled himself back onto his feet. "Not even a 'head's up'?"

But Raven only shrugged as she returned her sights to the suited villain, who was rapidly advancing towards her. Deciding that this was as good of a time as any, Beast Boy zipped across the room and over Adonis, before shifting into an elephant.

Apparently distracted by Raven (who, Beast Boy could admit, was super fucking distracting), the villain hadn't seemed prepared for the five tons of African mammal that had suddenly landed on him. Hearing the satisfying crunch of metal, along with a dejected whimper, Beast Boy returned to his normal form to assess the damage.

Adonis's suit was crushed beyond repair, though the villain remained relatively unharmed as he pouted within its confines. Sticking his tongue out triumphantly, the changeling hopped off of the destroyed suit and sidled up beside the empath.

"Impressive, huh?" he laughed, ignoring his instinct to tuck tail and run as he gently nudged her shoulder with his own.

But Raven only raised a brow. "Any reason you didn't do that sooner?"

Beast Boy felt himself flush slightly as he gave her a guilty grin. "Uh, just wanted to make sure Rob and Star got all the civilians out?" he answered, semi-truthfully. "You know, falling elephants are kinda dangerous and all... I didn't want to squish some meathead."

Raven's eyes fell towards the villain momentarily, before darting back to meet his.

"Adonis isn't a meathead - hell, he's scrawnier than I am," Beast Boy objected lightheartedly.

"I can hear you," the villain growled. The frown had yet to leave his face, and it seemed he wasn't as keen on flirting with the half-demon without the protection of his suit.

"You're not scrawny," Raven stated simply, ignoring Adonis entirely. "Lean muscle is a thing, you know."

Beast Boy's eyes had immediately sought out Raven's legs, despite his better judgement. "Heh, uh, I know," he replied, swallowing down the lump in his throat as he turned his attention towards the villain.

Cyborg was lazily poking at their foe's suit, seemingly unconcerned with releasing him from what had to have been an uncomfortable position. "Got an 'open' button or anything?" he questioned, but instead of waiting for an answer, he hoisted the villain up and threw him over his shoulder, mangled suit and all. "No? Oh well."

Adonis grumbled something unintelligible, his eyes shamefully avoiding Raven's as he glared at the ground. Beast Boy smirked at that, despite the fact that he was kinda doing the same thing.

He had asked Raven out yesterday, planning on lunch for 'tomorrow', but 'tomorrow' was now today, which meant that today was the day that yesterday's question had referred to -

Beast Boy scowled, mentally berating himself. Thinking was supposed to take a hike; he was running on instinct right now, and instinct was telling him to run. After all, it was kinda hard to count to three when you weren't allowed to think.

"Well, would you look at the time!" he exclaimed awkwardly as he held up his watch-less wrist. "We all got a press conference to get to! Can't just stand around and chat all day!"

Raven seemed unconcerned with his random outburst. "Are we still on for lunch, afterwards?" she asked, her usual monotone ever-present.

Beast Boy hoped that she didn't see his blush as he quickly marched past her. "Huh? Oh, uh... yeah. Yeah! Totally!" he sputtered. His eyes focusing on the exit, he silently cursed himself for getting so flustered. She was on board, after all. She had agreed! There was no reason to get so worked up over it. They had eaten countless meals together - today's lunch would be no different.

Aside from the fact that they had both referred to it as a date.

"...though it is a possibility, in the near future." Robin spoke confidently, as usual, while addressing the mass amount of reporters staring up at the five of them.

Beast Boy smiled politely from behind his leader, completely used to having the boy wonder speak for them all. The changeling himself couldn't get through the questions without cracking a joke, and Cyborg, too, struggled with keeping things professional. Starfire loved to do the talking, but she was always wandering off topic. And Raven? The reporters would be lucky to get two words out of her - not that they'd be able to print them. F-bombs were apparently a no-no in the world of journalism.

Though, blatant lying was a-okay, it seemed.

"And now, my colleague here would like to address a few rumors that have been circulating," Robin continued, his words causing Beast Boy to stiffen.

He watched in horror as the masked titan stepped away from the podium while Raven moved towards it, inadvertently bumping into Beast Boy as she passed him. He stumbled forward a bit, feeling himself flush as a few heads turned in his direction.

Though, the moment the empath cleared her throat, all eyes were on her.

"Seeing how introducing myself is rather pointless, I am going to get straight to the point," she began bluntly, her demeanor eerily calm as her eyes passed over the many faces before her.

Realizing he was staring, Beast Boy averted his gaze, and instead focused on his shoes. He knew that the empath was still a little bitter about her argument with their leader the day prior, but he hadn't realized that she would be making a statement. It seemed Robin wanted them to nip the rumors in the bud.

He ignored the feeling of disappointment that pooled in his stomach.

"There have been several articles published recently pertaining to the relationship status between me and my teammate, Beast Boy."

He flinched at the sound of his name, his eyes darting up to meet the curious gazes of the press.

"In these articles, facts have been distorted, as well as left out entirely," Raven accused, though she remained stoic as she dully regarded the mass of reporters. "It seems that several writers have taken to writing fiction, at the expense of my team."

Again, Beast Boy flinched, though it was in sympathy for the poor sap that Raven was publicly calling-out. Having somebody with a Superhero-Status accuse you of being a liar was sure to kill a career.

"So, as determined by my leader, who has so graciously allowed me to speak," she continued, a slight bite in her otherwise monotonous voice, "I am going to clear the air, once and for all."

Beast Boy again tried to ignore the disappointment he felt at her words. If she was supposed to deny that they were dating, did that mean that their lunch later wasn't a date? That it was again just a phrase; a poor choice of words on his part? That it was no different than her calling their training session a 'date'?

He only half-listened as Raven let out a slow, controlled sigh, before watching as she straightened her posture.

"Beast Boy and I are not dating."

With all of his focus going towards keeping a neutral expression, it took Beast Boy a second to realize that the empath had casually grabbed his hand.

"We're engaged."

A hush fell over the crowd instantly, with no one daring to utter a peep as everybody simultaneously blanched at Raven's statement. Beast Boy was in a similar state of shock as he gaped at his teammate, who was, for some strange reason, avoiding eye contact.

Though, as he continued to stare, he could see the slightest smirk tug at the corner of her mouth.

"Raven - " Robin practically growled, but it seemed his voice had finally broken the spell.

Beast Boy cringed as an onslaught of questions were directed towards the pair, everyone's voices merging together to form one loud, excitable hum.

"How long have you been together?"

"When did he propose?"

"Why aren't you wearing a ring?"

"Where is the wedding going to be?"

"Have you set a date?"

Despite the blush that was slowly working its way down his neck, Beast Boy couldn't help but beam. Raven had just pulled the prank of a lifetime - and he wanted in.

"Ahem," he began, obnoxiously clearing his throat.

The crowd immediately quieted down.

Stepping closer to the podium, Beast Boy ignored the way Raven questioningly squeezed his hand. "Well," he mused, his eyes leisurely surveying the crowd as he pondered over which question to answer. Feeling a sly smile creep over his lips, he settled on the one that would give him the most to work with. "We've decided on a fall wedding, seeing how Raven's gonna start to show here soon, and I still want her to look hot in her dress."

He then pointedly placed his free hand on the half-demon's stomach.

Another silence fell over the crowd, before Beast Boy's ears were met with a deafening roar. He could hardly discern one voice from another as the press practically shouted at them. Cameras were flashing and cellphones were recording and half of the reporters were frantically taking notes, the sounds of their pens scratching over paper only adding to the cacophony of chaos that Beast Boy had unwittingly caused.

Though, he couldn't help but grin. He lived for a good joke, after all. Despite the fact that this one might be the one to kill him.

"Off the stage." A hand was suddenly on his shoulder, while a voice snarled menacingly in his ear. "Now."

Beast Boy glanced behind him, noting the way his leader practically steamed. "Heh, uh... Sure thing," he replied sheepishly, before tugging Raven with him. She had yet to let go of his hand - not that he was complaining, of course.

"Ha, uh, m-my colleagues were obviously joking," Robin addressed the crowd, having quickly taken their place at the podium. "A bad joke, mind you. But I can assure you all, there are absolutely no fiances or fetuses to report."

As they descended the stairs, their fingers still laced together, Beast Boy cautiously sneaked a peek at the empath.

She was glaring at him, unsurprisingly. But it also looked like she was fighting back a smile. Though, much to his disappointment, as soon as they were hidden behind the stage and out of the reporters' sights, Raven delicately slipped her hand from his. Instead, she regarded him with a raised brow, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Did you just imply that we've had unprotected sex?"

Beast Boy grinned in spite of the sudden sense of dread that filled him. "Heh, uh... Well, you're the one who said we were engaged," he bit back lightly.

But the empath rolled her eyes, effectively dismissing his argument. "Robin is going to kill us," she mused instead, before the smirk she was holding back finally broke through.

Entirely enraptured by her upturned lips, Beast Boy nodded absently. "You started it," he accused.

Her smile widened, ever so slightly. "He told me to deny the dating rumors." A mischievous glint lit up her violet eyes. "He just didn't specify how."

Beast Boy could only stare at his teammate, his heart beating rapidly as his affection for her grew tenfold. Though, he hurriedly squashed down the emotion with a count of three, choosing to focus on his amusement instead.

"After all, I've already been perpetuating things. What did he expect?" She gave a dainty shrug, before casting her eyes towards the ground as a pink blush dusted over her features. "I probably should have discussed my plan with you, though. I figured you'd play along, but, still... I should have asked you first."

Surprised by her sincerity, Beast Boy opened his mouth to respond, but was immediately silenced by her sudden glare.

"'Look hot in her dress'?" she repeated, incredulous. "Really?"

Though, before he could defend himself, a hearty chuckle broke the tension. "Oh, y'all are gonna get it!"

Glancing towards the stage, Beast Boy watched as Cyborg descended the steps with a devious grin.

"Where's Robin?" Raven asked plainly, ignoring their teammate's mirth.

"He is doing the 'damage control'," Starfire answered as she floated down behind the half-robot. She was nervously wringing her hands together, though a small smile graced her features. "You two were very convincing."

Another blush swallowed the changeling whole, and he momentarily focused in on the sound of his leader's voice, adamantly denying any engagements.

"I'm surprised the grass stain here is still in one piece," Cyborg teased, before ruffling Beast Boy's hair and breaking his concentration. "What, with him insinuating y'all are doing the nasty."

His skin literally burning, Beast Boy pointedly avoided Raven's gaze as he shot his best friend a dirty look.

"It was an unplanned addition to my announcement, but it did garner the reaction I was hoping for," Raven deadpanned.

Starfire landed beside the empath, before warily placing a hand on her shoulder. "And what reaction was that, friend?"

"Beast Boy! Raven!"

Cringing at the sound of Robin's voice, Beast Boy's eyes darted over to meet Raven's, despite his better judgement.

She was the epitome of calm, though he could still detect a twinkle of amusement behind her eyes - a stark contrast to the fear in his.

"Yes, Robin?" the half-demon deadpanned.

The masked titan marched down the steps, his hands balled into fists. "What. The. Hell. Was. That?!" he growled.

Beast Boy's head sunk between his shoulders as he backed away from their leader, though the man paid him no mind, seeing how he was entirely focused on the empath.

"You told me to deny the dating rumors," Raven mused.

Cyborg let out another snicker. Starfire slowly removed her hand from Raven's shoulder. Beast Boy swallowed nervously.

Robin only scowled. "So you make things worse?" he hissed, throwing his hands in the air. "God, we get enough flack from uppity soccer moms about me and Star - Now you wanna act like you're pregnant? W-with Beast Boy's kid?" His arms dropped to his sides as he let out an exasperated groan. "The mayor is going to kill me..."

Beast Boy opened his mouth to defend the empath, only to be interrupted by her throwing him under the bus.

"I only said we were engaged," she defended flatly. "Beast Boy was the one who alluded to that."

Finding no reason to hide his annoyance with her, Beast Boy's eyes narrowed at his teammate. "Gee, thanks, Rae."

Again, she only shrugged.

Feeling Robin's glare shift towards him, Beast Boy let out a weary sigh as he stood up straighter. If he was going to die, he'd at least do it with dignity.

The masked titan was clenching his fists once again, before he let out a sigh of his own. "I can't deal with this right now. Back to the tower; both of you," he ordered, his hands relaxing.

"But we have a date," Raven argued halfheartedly.

Robin's annoyance immediately returned. "I don't care," he seethed, his head whipping back towards the empath. "I've got to set the story straight, and I can't very well do that with the two of you parading around town. Back to the tower." His stance relaxed once more as he looked between the two of them. "Please."

Surprised by their leader's attempt at keeping his cool, Beast Boy nodded. Yeah, he was bummed that he couldn't take Raven out to lunch, but after the stunt they had just pulled... well, it was probably best to keep under the radar.

Satisfied that they would comply, Robin slowly ascended the steps once again, Cyborg and Starfire trailing after him.

The two remaining titans stayed silent as their teammates returned to the stage, before Raven broke it with a huff.

"I didn't think we'd be punished," she mused, a somewhat bitter edge in her tone.

Beast Boy sent her a sympathetic smile. "Eh, that's usually what happens when I pull a prank," he explained, shrugging. "I guess lunch is a bust, huh?"

Raven gave him a thoughtful look. "Not necessarily..." she replied ominously.

Beast Boy arched his eyebrows, curious.

"You could always... We could always just... make something. At home," she suggested. "If you want to."

Flashbacks to their previous cooking session instantly filled the shapeshifter's mind, and he answered almost immediately. "Yes."

The counters were covered in flour, his hands were sticky with batter, and the overpowering smell of vanilla filled his nostrils, but Beast Boy couldn't stop himself from smiling.

Raven was slowly pouring said batter into the waffle iron, biting her lip in concentration. "And it'll just beep when it's done?" she asked, sparing the changeling a hesitant glance.

Beast Boy tried to suppress his smile, but she had flour in her hair and looked so completely awe-struck and it was just so unexpectedly adorable. "Yes, Rae. You pour in the batter, close the top, flip it over, and then it'll beep when it's done," he replied, finding amusement in how inept she was when it came to matters of the kitchen.

"So, I wait until it beeps," she repeated, before returning her attention to the batter as she slowly closed the top and flipped the waffle iron over, "and then, I'll have successfully made a waffle."

His grin widening to the point where it almost hurt, Beast Boy let out a chuckle. "Yes, Rae - you'll have successfully made a waffle."

Her eyes returned to his, though they were now fixing him with a glare. "Don't patronize me," she warned, before gracing him with a small smirk. "This is a very important moment in my life, you know."

Beast Boy swore his face was going to split in half. "I know," he cooed. Though, despite his amused outer appearance, it was complete chaos in his mind as he attempted to rein in his affection. Sure, he was cool with crushing on her - but he didn't want to be crushed by her if she ended up sensing his emotions.

She was giving him that small, barely-there smile that made his insides turn to mush, but as she opened her mouth to continue with their weird banter, she was interrupted by the beeping of the waffle iron.

Whipping her head towards the sound, he watched as she hesitantly flipped it back over, before opening the lid.

A perfectly-formed, golden-brown waffle greeted them.

"I made a waffle," she deadpanned, before using her powers to pluck it from the iron and set it on a plate. "I successfully made a waffle."

Beast Boy nodded, admittedly impressed by her first attempt. "That is definitely a waffle," he agreed. "An edible one, too."

Raven turned to face him once again, but rather than glaring at his teasing, she was smiling. "Thank you," she mused. "For teaching me."

Grinning, Beast Boy couldn't stop himself from what he said next. "What, no kiss this time?"

But before he could mentally berate himself for bringing that up, his vision was suddenly obscured by violet as Raven leaned towards him, and any and all brain functions had immediately shut down when he felt her lips against him.

This time, though, she hadn't kissed his cheek.

It took him a full three seconds to realize that her lips were firmly pressed against his own, and that her hand was gently cupping his face, and that he was standing there like a total idiot with his eyes wide open.

It took him another three seconds to realize that he should probably kiss her back, seeing how he had literally dreamt of this moment since he was fourteen years old. But by the time that thought filtered through, Raven had already broke the kiss, her lips ghosting over his for a moment, before she released his face and took a small step backwards.

He hadn't yet blinked, and could only stare at his teammate in shock as she feigned nonchalance.

"Yes, well... Thank you, again," she continued somewhat awkwardly, a furious blush spreading down her neck.

Still, Beast Boy only stared, the synapses in his brain slowly firing back up.

Raven had kissed him. On the lips. Raven had -

But his musings were interrupted by the sound of shattering glass, and the two of them were suddenly met with darkness as every light bulb in the common room exploded.

"...I need to meditate," Raven announced needlessly, before disappearing from the room with a wave of her hand.

Beast Boy continued to stare at where she had been, his mind attempting to make sense of what had just happened, before checking out once again.

Ayeee something finally happened lmao

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