Before filling the form you must take note on various factors such as:

This game begins at the end of the Final Killing Game but as far as you know, it begins at the end of Killing School Life, officially.

Nationality won't a major problem and it is still happening in Japan.

The location will be at Hope's Peak Academy, the same setting as the Killing School Life take place and will make sense later on.

As to how you enter the game, you will forget a "bit" and will be a "gap" in your memory during the first day of class before forgetting the rest.


Nickname: Optional







Appearances: This includes your character's height, weight, clothing, and body appearance

Personality: 1 paragraph at least

History: 1 paragraph at least

People they like:

People they hate:

Reaction to the killing game:

Reaction to the death of a peer:

Reaction to an execution:

Role during Investigation:

Role during Class Trial:

Survivor/culprit/victim: If there are too many of something, then we play the number game~

Death number: Pick a number between 1 and 16. Current used: 1, 5, 13

Killing number: Pick a number between 1 and 16. Current used: 1, 9, 3

Dance clothing:



Weakness(es): the same as strengths










10 student(s)

5 Male(s)

3 Female(s)

[1] ? – Ultimate Friend M



[4] Renata Aotsuki - Ultimate Herbalist F (mayurie)

[5] Tatsu Fujimoto - Ultimate Wakeboarder F (JessJess1818)

[6] Hex Dreemurr - Ultimate Strategist M (BalancedHex1232)

[7] Nyssy - Ultimate Gamer F (?)

[8] Kiharu Inubousaki - Ultimate Mnemonist F (Notadeadguy)




[12] Sayuri Tsukishirou - Ultimate Botanist F (Shiroikage)

[13] Hiroyuki Shoji - Ultimate Archer M (Crunch-Crunch-Crunch)





Name: ?

Nickname: Hope

Talent: Ultimate Friend – A person that has acquired an abnormal amount of friends via online or IRL while having a keen eye to befriend all.

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Birthday: Nov. 6

Nationality: American

Alignment: True Neutral

Appearances: Hope's height is about 5ft. 8 in. and weight about 129 lb. His attire consists of a large white robe with yellow trim on the edges which hang on his back like a coat and wearing black gloves. A black collar, long-sleeved T-shirt and accompanied by dark pant with dark and white shoes. Hope's hair is very unkempt, wavy hair with bangs covering his right dark eye and has a rather slim body overall.

Personality: Hope is a rather charismatic young man that likes to befriend all people and always look for other people's happy while ignoring his own. He tries to look the bright side of everything life has stored for him and enjoy taking the lead of everything to ensure everyone is happy with his choices. He is a rather easy-going kind of guy that makes people lower their guard since he doesn't seem like a threat nor a genius which make his words allure anyone that dare listen to him. Because of that, he can be childish at times and mature when the right people or scene call for it since he knows that people have differents way to approach them.

Despite people relying on him, he can be quite emotional and even depressed when people try to get too close to his personal space. The sudden panic and fear overwhelmed him when other people try to look at him and prefer to rely on him.

History: ?

People they like: All

People they hate: None, for now.

Reaction to the killing game: Hope will most likely take the situation as a mere "fun" joke of someone's prank and won't change much until death appears or the confirmation of the game actually happening.

Reaction to the death of a peer: At this point, Hope will most likely start to panic but hide it to prevent other people from panicking like he is inside and try his best to motivate the others or say something to change the subject about the corpse or murder if it doesn't relate to a case.

Reaction to an execution:

Role during Investigation: He will most likely help the right person with his/her search to find clue since he has no experience with this sort of things and will do his best to help them out.

Role during Class Trial: This is where Hope will shine, he has good speech skill and with the help of his peers, he will try to solve the trial and once again, rely on information given by others.

Death number: 1

Killing number: 1

Swimwear: ?

Strength(s): Charismatic, High speech skills, easy-going, and Keen eyes.

Weakness(es): Lone wolf, Easily depressed, not strong, and neglect his health.

Like(s): Video games, sugary sundries, friendship, and rain.

Dislike(s): Violence, really spicy food, being lazy, and hot weather.

Hobbie(s): Video game and sword fighting (a bit and as a pass timer)

Secret(s): ?

Fear(s): ?

Goal: ?


"Hello friend, my name is...err...Hope. Sorry, I don't remember my real name...hehe"

"Why Hope? Hmmmmm, I don't know why but I get the feeling that...someone...gave me that nickname..."

"Trust means everything to me, I can put my life on the line for others but I don't expect a reward for it, that would be silly of you."

"Y-You want to know why I am sad? Well...don't worry about me, you should worry about yourself since I am more worry about you."

" like video games? I like video games too! We should hang out more and talk about our same interest! We can become friends after a good talk. "