Hi, so, I'm rewriting this, trying to do a better job. Hope that it's better, and, with less error than before. Anyway, like I told you before, this is a trilogy of 3 books. This is the 1st book, a tragedy which will take place around season 5 of PLL. Starting after episode 10 when the girls, including Emily, turn their back on Alison.

NOTE: Everything in bold italics, it will be an internal dialogue, I mean, like, their thoughts in their mind. And everything between parentheses () it's to describe the scene, the scenario.

So, thanks for reading this again, and, thank you in advance if you have the time to leave a review, thanks! Let me know what you think! See U soon! Have a great day!

Chapter 1 – The Dream

*** Alison's narrative (voice-over) ***
I had a dream... a beautiful dream... a dream where I was in love... a dream where I was loved, I was happy, truly happy... yes... it was a beautiful dream, but, you should know that there is something about dreams ; sooner or later you've to wake up... and in my case, without knowing it, I was lining up for a rough awaking

Emily yells. - "I'm so done with you!"

Hearing those words coming from sweet Emily, it broke something in Alison's heart. Even Emily was turning her back on the Queen Bee? How is that possible? Alison wonders while she sees Emily, walking away, without looking back, and that's it, that's the moment when Alison realized that she was alone… completely alone… and, it's been all her fault…

It has been hours since the brunette left. And, Alison hasn't been able to stop thinking about her. The blonde was lying down in her bed, not able to fall asleep since Emily's words were thundering her mind like a lightning strike, a lightning strike which hit directly her entire soul, through her heart...

I'm so done with you !', those were Emily's words. Is Emily really done? Are they really done? Alison wonders, and, tears take shape in those blue eyes of Alison, blue like the ice, unbreakable like the ice too, till something hit them into the core. And, if there's someone who can break Alison's cold core, that's Emily Fields...

Alison mumbles, with a mix of anger & pain in her voice. - « How she dare to look at me like that ?! To yell at me, like that ! To walk away from me, just like that !»

Disappoinment, the sweet Emily looked at her with so much disappointment that Alison's heart twists in pain, just by recalling the way that Emily looked at her. But, the problem is not the fact that Emily yelled at her, or, that she turned her back on the Queen Bee; the problem is that the thought of losing Emily, it's even more heart-wrenching of what Alison ever imagined...

Alison mumbles when tears fall from her blue eyes - « She's my favorite ! How can she walk away from me ?! How can she leave me alone when I need her?! When I...»

(Noises of someone breaking in, through the window)

Alison sits on the bed and says. – "Who's there?!"

Between the shadows of the night a familiar face appears…

Cece smirks. – "Hey, Ali… did you miss me?"

Alison. – "Cece? What are you doing here? You should be in Paris right now, you…"

Cece cuts her off. – "I came back for you...» (She shrugs) « What can I say ? I can't leave just like that, after all…" (She sits over the bed and says) "Are you not happy to see me?"

Alison clears her tears, and, says. – "Well… I guess, it's nice to see that at least you're still loyal to me…"

Cece. – "What do you mean?" (She frowns) « Were you crying ? »

Alison DiLaurentis is many things : a pathologic liar, a bitchy, arrogant girl. But, there's one thing she will never be, and, that is to be the kind of person who can freely open up and talk about her real feelings. Cece knows that, but that doesn't matter because Cece has this skill to make people talk even if they don't want to, and, that's why, Alison finishes opening up her heart with the worst person she could have chosen...

Alison sadly says - «Emily turned her back on me... she... »

Cece. - « She broke something in you... I can see it in your eyes... »

Alison just nods, no words are needed since Cece can read her like an open book, and, that's something that the blonde Queen Bee will regret it later...

Alison. – "How can she turn her back on me... ? »

Cece. – "What do you want me to tell you? I told you those bitches would turn against you… it was just a question of time…"

Alison. – "But, Emily… she can't ! She…"

Cece. – "She means so much to you…"

Alison. – "Huh?"

Cece gets closer, and, says while she stares at Alison in the eyes. – "I must say that I underestimated her, I mean, not anyone can really hurt the Queen Bee of Rosewood, but, she, turning her back on you… it hurt you badly…"

Alison turns her head away, avoiding eye-contact, Alison pouts angry, because Cece is right, it hurt… it really hurt what Emily said to her, and, far Alison was going to know, that the brunette would hurt her even more in the near future…

Cece. – "Why it hurt you so badly…? Why she's so especial to you…?"

Why? Alison has asked herself that question many times, and deep down, the blonde knows why, but, she's too reluctant to admit it out loud, but...

Cece teases. – "It wasn't just for practice, isn't?"

Alison. – "What are you talking about?"

Cece. – "About your kissing sessions with Emily…"

Alison snaps, blushing. – "WHAT?!"

Cece smirks. – "Come on, Ali… for once in your life, be honest with yourself… say it… say it out loud… what does Emily Fields really mean to you…? »

Honesty is not in her DNA, it's rare when Alison is really honest at 100%, but, at least one time in her life, Alison wants to know what it feels to be honest with herself, and she couldn't have chosen a worse moment than now, but before knowing the consequences of it, she was already talking from the heart...

Alison. – "I did terrible things, I still do… I'm a liar, the lies come to me like the air we breathe, so naturally… I've no practice telling the truth… I don't like the truth… the truth is slippery… you can't depend on it…"

Cece insists. – "Try it, just for a minute…"

Alison takes a deep breath and says. – "I know how I feel when she looks at me… I've never felt that way with anyone else before… it's like… she sees who I really am… she see through all my walls, all my masks… all my lies… she sees me… the real me, and, that's the scariest part…"

Cece. – "What do you mean?"

Alison. – "I look at her, into the eyes, and I… I… I just want to be worth the effort… I want to be the person she sees…"

Cece whispers. – "You love her... » (Big devious smirk when she mumbles) « I can use that... »

Alison. - « What did you say? »

Cece stands up, and, says, - « Nothing... » (Big smirk) «Thanks for the talk…"

Alison. – "You're leaving…?"

Cece. – "Yeah, I just wanted to check on you. But, don't worry, you'll see me again…"

Alison. - « Oh... okay... »

Cece. – "It sucks that you're going though a hard time… but, it will get better before you know it… I promise…"

Cece said it with that particular smirk she has, and, Alison just knows that Cece got something in her mind, and, Alison has no clue of what was it, but, eventually she will find out, but sadly, it will be too late, to do something about it…

(The next day, at Rosewood school)

Emily. – "I'm sorry guys, you were right all the time about Ali…"

Spencer. – "You're finally seeing her for what she's, Em… »

Emily nods with a sad look

Hanna. – "So, what now…?"

Emily. – "I think I will get back with Paige…"

Hanna. – "I wasn't talking about your love life, Em… really… Paily again…?"

Emily raises an eyebrow. – "Paily?! What is 'Paily'…?"

Hanna. – "Paige + Emily = Paily…"

Emily rolls her eyes

Spencer. – "Look guys, what we need to do now is to…"

Spencer's speech gets interrupted when their phones ring…

Aria says with fear. – "What now?!"

With scared looks, they look at their phones and, they drop their mouths open by reading the new message from -A. And, that day, these pretty little liars weren't the only ones who received an unexpected text...

(At the DiLaurentis house at night)

Alison hears her phone rings, and, a big smile appears on her lips when she sees that she got a text from her sweet Emily...

Alison smiles. - « She's not done with me... »

After reading the text, Alison puts on her best make-up, and, she gets ready to leave the house, but, someone gets in her way...

Jason. – "Where are you going…?"

Alison. – "Out…"

Jason sighs, he hates Alison's attitude…

Jason. – "You shouldn't go out at this hour… you just came back, you should be careful, and…"

Alison says with a sassy voice. – "And, you shouldn't pretend to be a 'big carrying brother' when it's just the two of us…"

Jason closes his fists; he's really trying to be there for his sister, but, damn! Alison makes it so damn hard sometimes. Alison looks at herself through the mirror that's in the entrance of the house, one last check on how she looks, and, she smirks with pride when she sees her impeccable appearance. She's looking stunning and Jason notices it too…

Jason. – "Where are you going…?"

Alison. – "I just told you… out…"

The blonde tries to open the front door, but, as soon as the door slowly opens, Jason closes it…

Alison whines. – "What the HELL, Jason?!"

Jason. – "You're not going anywhere till you tell me, where are you going…"

The blonde takes a defensive posture, reluctant to give into Jason's demands, but, looking at the clock, she doesn't want to waste time in this fight, so, that's why she gives in... just this time...

Alison. – "I'm going to see Emily… happy now ? » (She tries to push him aside when she says) « Now, move, I don't want to be late to meet her..."

Jason. – "I thought you weren't talking…"

Alison. – "Why you say that…?"

Jason. – "I heard yours conversation of the other night, when she yelled at you…" (Sighs) "I heard the things she said to you, and, I heard you crying after that…"

Alison avoids eye-contact and says while she crosses her arms around her chest. – "I've no idea of what you're talking about…"

By Alison's posture, it's very certain that the blonde will not recognize how much she cried that night because of Emily, and, Jason decides not to push Alison's buttons, so, he decides to let it go when he opens the door for her…

Jason. – "Go… I'll cover for you if Dad comes back before you…"

Alison mumbles a 'thank you', she was ready to leave, but, before she could get out of the house, Jason grabs her by the arm...

Alison says, annoyed. – "What, now?!"

They look at each other in the eyes when he says...

Jason. – "Ali… you and me, we have something in common, we got a second chance…"

Alison raises an eyebrow. – "What do you mean?"

Jason. – "Some months ago, I almost died of an overdose… and you… you just came back to life…"

Alison sighs heavy, not sure of what she should say about it…

Alison mumbles. – "I… I didn't know… I'm sorry… are you okay?"

Jason teases. – "You don't have to pretend to be the 'little carrying sis' when it's just you and me…"

Alison rolls her eyes, and, Jason chuckles with her reaction…

Jason. – "Look, what I'm trying to say is that we got a second chance and not everyone gets that chance… we should cheer it and this time, really try our best on not wasting time; make each second precious and unforgettable… Ali… for once in your life, stop thinking about the incomes, what you get or what people will say… just think about what really makes you happy and go from there… follow your heart and you'll not regret it…"

After hearing Jason's words, Alison walks towards her meeting with Emily. And, following her brother advice, Alison was getting ready to follow her heart, even if that meant to walk towards a trap...

(At the kissing rock)

Emily says with hesitation. – "I've a bad feeling about this…"

Spencer. – "Em, you read -A's message; the safety of your parents and Paige depends of this!"

Emily says angrily. – "I can't believe -A dares to treat my parents and Paige… I swear, if he does something to them, I…!"

Aria cuts her off. – "Don't think about that… nothing bad will happen to them… that's why we're here…"

Hanna asks. – "And, what exactly are we doing here?"

Emily shakes her head. – "I'm not sure… -A just told me to settle a meeting with Ali here, and, wait…"

Hanna, - « Wait for what ? To get killed ?! »

The girls look at each other with fear, no sure of what was the next game that -A has planned for them…

Spencer hears something and says. – "Someone is coming…" (She says to Emily) "Don't worry, Em, we have your back…"

Hanna. – "We will be hiding between the bushes…"

The girls start walking away, and Emily says to them…

Emily. – "Wait! What I'm supposed to do…?"

Spencer. – "Just play along…"

Emily. – "What…?!"

The brunette sighs heavily, passing a hand through her hair, she has no idea of what she should do, and, she was planning to make a banal talk with the blonde, but, she gets speechless when she sees the smocking blonde who's just walking towards her…

Emily mumbles while she stares at the blonde. – "Ali…."

Alison smirks so brightly when she sees how Emily stares at her. The brunette is eating her with the eyes, and, it increases Alison's ego. That's one of the reason why Emily is her favorite…

Alison says with a sassy voice. – "So… you ask me to meet you here… why?"

Emily presses her lips together, she has no idea of how to reply, she's there just because -A commanded it…

Alison sits on the kissing rock, and, asks again. - « Why I'm here, Emily ? »

Emily, - « Ahmmm... »

No words come from Emily's mouth, and, it got worse when Alison crossed her legs in a sexy way. The tiny skirt that the blonde chose to use tonight, it left nothing to the imagination, and, that was the purpose of wearing it tonight, so, Alison could make Emily speechless, just like now...

The blonde grins when she gets to see Emily blushing, eyes fixed on Alison's legs. Alison looks down, at the rock, she maps with her fingers their initials when she says...

Alison. – "Talk to me, Emily… why I'm here…?"

The brunette was thinking of an excuse when some fireworks appear over them...

Emily looks up and says. – "What the hell?!"

The blonde looks up too, she looks confused, just like Emily, and, she gets more confused when a big banner appears behind Emily, hanging between two trees...

Alison reads the message written on the banner, a big smile appears in her face. - « Marry me… »

Emily wildly opens her eyes in shock and, says. - « What did you say...?! » (She turns around, and, gasp in shock when she reads the banner, too) « What ?! »

The girls, Emily and Alison read the message and they drop their jaw open, not sure of what was happening…

Hanna. – "Is this a prank?!"

Spencer. – "No… this is a sick game…"

Aria. – "Why -A is doing this…?"

From nowhere, a drone flies over the kissing rock, and, drops something on Alison's hand. The blonde grabs it on the air and when she opens her hand and see what is it; she glows when she sees the beautiful diamond ring.

Alison mumbles. - « You are asking me to marry you, Emily ? »

Emily is speechless; she doesn't know what to do, she's even more shocked than Alison. And, while the brunette is trying to process everything that is happening, Alison pictures in her mind the life she wants, the person she pictured being with, and, when she does that, she realizes that what she wants for her future, with whom she wants to be, it's no one else than : Emily.

Emily mumbles with a shaking voice. – "Ali… I… I… I"

The blonde looks at the brunette who's standing in front of her, she stares at her and recalls her previous conversation with Cece, with Jason and then, the unexpected happens… something that no one saw it coming… no one… except for -A…

Alison. – "I'll marry you…"

Emily says in shock. – "You, what?!"

Pursuing her dreams, Alison says yes to her biggest fantasy, ignoring that the dream will eventually turn into her biggest nightmare, Alison slides the ring on her finger and she smiles looking at how good it looks in her. And, to the surprise of everyone, the blonde stands up to hug the brunette when she happily says…

Alison. – "YES! Yes, I'll marry you!"

Emily. – "WHAT?!"

*** Alison's narrative (voice-over) ***
So, like I told you, before... I had a dream... a dream that started here.