Hello! I have a new story for all of you. I hope you like it!

This story is very dark, but also has its moments of fun and adventure.

Please tell me what you think. This story will be the next one to join my Harry Potter ones.

Please review and follow.

*I do not own Harry Potter or any of its Characters*

Chapter: 1

September 1, 1987

Professor Dumbledore sighed as he looked to the list of names attending Hogwarts. The list was bigger than it was last year. He was quite glad knowing that more youthful minds would come to the school to seek knowledge that they would carry through their lives.

Less and less families feared what could happen to their children at school. The numbers of attendance got bigger as more time pasted since the end of the war. It made the old man happy.

He didn't want people to fear Hogwarts. It was a place of learning.

The aged wizard thought about the magnificent castle school he ran. Full of wizards in training that would shape the future of the wizarding world. The new students, pureblood to muggleborn, that would enter as inexperienced children, and exit as young adults that would become a part of the Wizarding society.

And while there was some house rivalry, the students were free from prosecution and were safe to learn magic as they pleased

And it was all thanks to Harry Potter.

Since the defeat of the Dark Lord Voldemort or as he is called 'You-Know-Who', the wizarding war had ended and people celebrated their savior, announcing the fifteen month child as the boy-who-lived.

Almost everyone cheered for the monster's death. Many lives would be spared from his persecution and would be able to live happily.

But sadly, the victory of the Dark Lord's defeat was not without cost.

'That poor child lost everything that night.' Dumbledore thought sadly. The parents of Harry Potter did not make it through that faithful night. Three people died that night and one was thrown in prison because of it.

The death and betrayal of every student weighed heavy on his heart.

Lily, James, and Peter all died because of the betrayal that none of them had seen coming. Despite his hatred for the Black family, Sirius followed in their footsteps. He led Voldemort right to the unsuspecting family then went off and killed his other childhood friend Peter.

All these events led to a poor child being orphaned at such a young age. The thought burned in Dumbledore's heart about his failure. Failure as a headmaster and as a friend to those who needed him.

He just hoped that Harry would be able to forgive him for what happened.

Now the child lived with his muggle family. They were not the best people for the job, but the blood wards kept Harry Safe from anyone after his life.

'Speaking of which, I have not received any mail about Harry from Ms Figg in a few weeks.' He thought to himself.

The last report he received stated that Harry's relatives were perhaps not treating him right. Figg claimed that Harry looked skinny and was cleaning more often than his cousin.

Dumbledore would have checked out the situation, but he had been busy preparing for the new year. That, and the wards showed that a strong emotion bond was held between Petunia and Harry, so he didn't believe there was any problem.

'Perhaps I will check on Harry after the sorting ceremony. It wouldn't do to have Figg overreacting about something that can be fixed with a visit to the Dursleys' Albus thought genially.

Albus Dumbledore then stood up from his chair and left his office, knowing that all the new students would be entering the school in a few moments. He would make sure to be there presentably when all the 1st years entered the great hall.

He strolled out of his room, throwing a lemon drop into his mouth with a smile.

Despite his knowledge, there was one thing that Dumbledore didn't account for. An emotional bond was not always positive. It didn't have to be love, it could be something much worse.

As the door closed on the room, Dumbledore wouldn't notice how the ward monitor for Privet Drive began to sputter. The little trinket that lay on his desk flickered for a few moments before becoming completely silent and immobile.

The wards that protected the boy-who-lived home had fallen.


A flash passed through the trees of the forbidden forest. A whiz of blue haze moved through the trees, hoping to not be seen by anything or anyone.

It just wanted to keep moving and never look back. It was terrified of the thought of being caught. The little haze thought it could find a place to escape.

It was scared and confused. It didn't want to be hurt.

It moved with haste and trepidation, trying to find a place to hide.

Then it did. A giant castle in the middle of nowhere.


Dumbledore stared at the collection of new students coming in the great hall doors.

This was why he loved being a teacher, now headmaster. Seeing their awe-inspired faces looking upon the magic that saturated all of the beautiful castle with him with warmth.

He could feel Hogwarts' magic fill with joy at the prospect of having new students walking around within it.

Hogwarts was not just a castle. Years of magic are imbued inside every brick and tile the it is made up of. It's as if it's alive.

And right now it is enjoying the prospect of taking care of the next line of 1st years.

The group of first years walked forward and looked up at Dumbledore with wonder and excitement. He genial smiled back and could tell he had a good bunch this year.

Before he could even say a word, he felt something pass through the wards of Hogwarts. It was small and didn't feel like a person. Most likely a magical creature of some sort like a baby centaur.

He brushed it off for now. He would investigate what it was after the sorting.

"Welcome everyone to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry..."


The blue haze found itself in front of a beautiful castle. It looked at the giant stone keep with amazement.

It had never seen a castle before. It had never been allowed to see or do anything fun.

Shaking these thought away, it ran to the castle and found itself at the door of the castle.

If you looked closely, the blue haze became clearer as time passed, now looking more like what it was before. Before its death.

A little boy.

The child passed right through the door of the giant wooden door and lay witness to something amazing.

People, floating people were floating around. Their appearance a light blue in color and transparent.

He wanted to talk to them. They were just like him. Maybe they could help him.

But at the same time, he didn't want to be caught. He was afraid of what they could do to him. If they were like him, then they could hurt him too.

So he ran behind a wall and moved carefully, discovering more amazing things as he looked around. Talking paintings, shifting stairs, and a strange energy that could be felt from the very walls he was hiding in.

He wanted to see it all, but was too afraid of being seen. He didn't want to be hurt. Not again.

These blue people that moved around the castle were like him, so they could probably do to him what his family did.

He moved around some more, seeing more of the moving paintings and amazing things that were out of this world. The child made sure to be hidden in object or the walls so nobody would see him.

He felt like he was in a dream. It was so beautiful in here. He felt as though he never wanted to leave.

But he knew it wouldn't last. After all, dreams never did.

Then his ears picked up something. A voice that bellowed from a room down the hall from where he was.

He waited for a moment then heard another bellow from the same room.

His child curiosity got the better of him and he moved carefully in the walls, as to not be seen by anything, and poked his head out to see a giant room.

This magnificent room was filled with people. Some of them were wearing green or blue while others were dressed in red or yellow.

At the end of the room he saw a man place a hat on a student. There was a slight pause before the hat somehow screamed out Raven-something. He watched with enraptured focus as the hat went through every person at the front of the room.

He didn't notice something creeping up on where his head stuck out.

As the last person was finished with the strange hat and walked to a table, a weird looking bearded man stood up.

Before the child could here anything from the strange man, he heard someone else.

"Well, what do we have here? Are you alright child?" The tiny transparent boy hesitantly looked up to see a man. A nearly headless man looking at him with a smile, though it was upside down from his perspective.

Before the headless man could say anything else, the boy dashed away.

He had been caught! He was going to be punished! He didn't want to be hurt anymore.

He made a break for it.

He headed for the way he came in but saw more blue people.

Moving quick, he moved into the hall, avoiding the headless man.

He floated by people, knowing that they couldn't see him. They were just like everyone else after all.


"You are now all students of Hogwarts. I hope you all get adjusted to your new houses. Remember to ask your head of house any questions that you might have about the new year. Now let the feast..." Everyone, teachers included, wondered why Dumbledore suddenly stopped the yearly introduction. This had never happened before.

Eventually they noticed that he was looking at something. Something moving towards the front of the Great Hall with Nearly Headless Nick following but not being able to keep up with such a fast target.

Everyone's eyes began to follow the blur that was speeding by. Some where thinking it may be a ghost, but it was moving quite fast. They had never seem a ghost move so quickly.

The tiny blue haze did not move much further though, as it found itself being hit with a knockback hex, courtesy of the now standing Severus Snape.

Severus still had his wand pointed at the ghost child, obviously prepared to dispose of it when need be.

Now that it was not moving so quickly, people could start to make out features.

It was a child. A tiny boy from the looks of it. He didn't look a few days over six or seven.

He was wearing crooked broken glasses, baggy ripped up clothing that would fit a giant, making him seem that much smaller in comparison, and shoes that were basically made up of tape.

Overall, the child ghost looked pitiful and terrified. The boy began to look around frantically with fright at all the students gazing at him. It was as if he didn't expect people to see him.

The professors and older years had to hold back their gasps at the age of the ghost. Wizards only became ghost if they died unjustly or too early. That could only mean one thing:

This poor boy died so young.

Judging by how the child looked, he didn't deserve what happened to him.

"Severus. Please put your wand down before you scare the poor thing even more." Said Dumbledore.

The man hissed at the headmaster before placing his wand back into his sleeve.

Dumbledore slowly stepped forward towards the scared ghostly child, who was still looking around at all the people who were looking at him.

'Perhaps he did not know wizards can see magical entities such as ghost. It would explain the poor boy's shock.' Thought the old man.

"Hello dear child." He began, getting the attention of the child.


The boy was scared. From the way things looked, everyone could see him. He had been going so fast that he didn't see whatever had hit him knocked him back.

When he fell on the floor, he saw all the people he was passing were actually kids. They were all older than him, but kids nonetheless.

And they were looking at him!

He just wanted to curl into a ball and hide. If they could see him then they could hurt him. He didn't want to be hurt anymore.

More of the blue pale people were surrounding him too. One looked like he was covered in blood, while the other next to him was a lady that had no see-able neck.

He just hoped that it would be over quickly. The quicker the pain, the faster it passed.

"Hello dear child." The boy looked up to see an old man with a long beard and twinkling eyes.

He understood what was going to come next.


"Please don't hurt me." whispered the tiny child. "I don't want to be hurt anymore." he begged pitifully.

Dumbledore's old heart clenched at the words. It was obvious that someone had hurt this child before his death.

Or perhaps led to his death.

He brushed those thoughts away. It wouldn't do to assume something that may have never happened.

"I will not hurt you my child. You are safe."

The child didn't seem to trust Dumbledore's words, as he then curled up into a little ball. "I don't want to be hurt anymore. Please...please just leave me alone. I don't wanna be hurt no more...no more...please." The child whispered into his own arms.

Everyone was completely silent. This poor child must have been through some terrible hardships, that much was clear to most of the students and teachers at Hogwarts.

"You will not be hurt here." Dumbledore kindly stated. "You will never be hurt at Hogwarts. This is a school for learning, not for violence."

That seemed to work a little bit, but the child was still not looking very convinced about his safety.

"Do you have a name?" Dumbledore asked, hoping to change his strategy and learn about the child's origins. The more he knew about the child ghost, the better. "My name is Albus Dumbledore."

The child looked down once more, back to his taped up ghostly shoes. "I-I don't have a name." The tiny child said softly.

"Well, there must be something that your family called you when you were at home. Can you please tell me." Dumbledore asked.

Everyone in the room edged a little closer, hoping to get as much detail about the conversation as possible.

The child was looking at his feet, still on the ground in a tight ball. The professors, except Snape, wanted to comfort the scared child.

Then they all heard a mutter. Nobody, not even Dumbledore, who stood close by, could not hear the child.

"Could you say that again please. I'm sorry, but I did not here you."

There was a pause of silence, everyone wanting to hear the words of the child.

"M-my name..." the child began. "My n-name is f-freak."

Everyone that heard the slightly louder whisper began to whisper to everyone epse about the poor child's name.

Some of them understood what it meant to be called a freak or unnatural. To muggles, wizards and magic were different. It was strange to the non magical world.

Dumbledore looked at the child with sadness. "Do you perhaps have a different name my child?"

The small boy cowered a little bit. "I-I'm not allowed to use it outside school. I-I'll be punished if I do."

Dumbledore smiled comfortingly at the boy. "Well you're in luck. This room is part of the school, so you won't be breaking any rules. You will not be punished for saying your name."

The child hesitantly looked around for a quick moment. After a two minute silence the child finally gathered up some courage.

"O-okay. I'll tell you. J-just please don't tell Uncle." The boy pleaded.

everyone looked in shock. This boy's uncle treated him so such a degree? He wasn't even allowed to use his name outside of school.

Some of the teachers were ready to find out who the child's relatives were so they could avenge the poor boy.

While they didn't know if his family killed him, it was obvious that they didn't treat him right.

"I'll not tell your uncle my dear boy." Dumbledore stated, feeling the same way some of his fellow professors felt.

The bespectacled child looked up at the bearded man. "M-My name is Harry. H-Harry Potter."

(End Chapter)

Oooooo! The reveal. I hope you liked it.

Don't forget to follow or review!

Please give me any ideas that you have for the story.

The idea came to me in the middle of the night, so I had to write it.

Until next time, See ya!