Chapter twelve: All I Need

Disclaimer: I don't own anything but the story rights to Miracels and Eva.


:::Jasper's POV:::

"You unofficially asked her to marry you? Is that even a thing?" Emmett grinned nudging me as we pulled into the parking lot.

Rose decided she wanted to show off one of her convertibles today and asked if I wanted to ride with her and Emmett. I decided to go with them not wanting to really deal with Edward's fluctuating emotions. I was surprised I haven't gotten a headache by now.

"You know what Emmett, shut up. At least she said yes." I challenged back.

"Are you sure you didn't dazzle her into saying yes?" Emmett's grin broadened when I punched his arm.

"Emmett I'm pretty sure I said yes on my own volition." Eva smiled approaching us.

She was dressed in a cute light grey sleeveless hoodie dress with a pair of white tennis shoes. Over that dress she had one of the jackets I gave her.

"I like the dress looks simple and comfortable." Rose smiled.

"Oh it is! It even has fricken pockets!" Eva looked way too excited.

"Why don't you join us and tell us more about Jaz's impromptu proposal? The warning bell doesn't ring for another twenty minutes." Rose gestured for her to come into the car.

"Sure. I've got nothing else better to do than to hang out with my boyfriend and his siblings." Eva grinned jumping into the back seat with me.

Not long after we saw Edward's Volvo pull in. Now normally I wouldn't think much of this if it weren't for Eva gasping.

Rose, Emmett and I turned and saw that Edward in fact had not only driven Bella to school but he had draped his arm over her shoulder.

"As much as I love talking with you guys. I have sisterly duties to attend to." Eva grinned watching them come closer to us.

"What duties?" Emmett asked as Eva jumped out of the car.

The three of us watched as Eva crept up behind Bella. She then pounced on her sister's back.

"Edward and Bella sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Emmett and I started to laugh uncontrollably.

Bella whisked around blushing furiously. Edward watched Eva with an unamused look.

"Eva what the hell? What are you five?" Bella scowled.

Before Eva could come up with a comeback Emmett piped up.

"Damn Jasper I didn't know you were into robbing the cradle." I punched him getting out of the car and walked over to Eva with her back pack and my own slung on my body.

"Shut up Emmett. Jasper isn't much older than me physically." Eva stated not having to scream to make her point.

"Make me." Emmett suck his tongue out.

Eva let out an exasperated groan. I followed her as she stomped towards the school muttering about what she would do if she were a vampire. Her irritableness vanished when she heard Emmett say "Damnit Rosie that hurt." I glanced over at Edward who was watching Eva as she began to skip happy that Emmett got what he deserved in her opinion. Edward was projecting his emotions again. He held a brotherly fondness for Eva that he would never announce. That alone made me smile. Even Edward looks at her as a sister. Meaning Eva was going to fit in Carlisle's coven with me just fine.

"Jasper don't just stand there. We're going to be late if we don't start moving." Eva was at my side again this time with her hand intertwined in mine.

I just gave her a quick little kiss pulling her along. Students were watching our little public display and whispered. Apparently it's abnormal for both Swan sisters to have swept in and taken Fork high's "Most Eligible Bachelors". I held back an amused chuckle. Both female and male students alike were jealous of either Eva and her sister or Edward and I. We continued down the hall towards our history class Eva unaware of what others were saying and I happily holding my mate's hand.

Later during our off period, Eva sat back on the hood of Rose's car with the radio on. It's funny how now that Eva has cemented herself in all of our lives in some way that we adopted one of her favorite pass times. Much to Eva's distain, Rose chose the radio station but the displeased look on her face didn't last long when when I pulled her into my lap on the ground.

"So when do you think Edward is going to insist that Bella officially meet everyone?" Eva hummed while I stroked her silky soft curls.

"Probably this weekend knowing him." Emmett spoke.

Rose scoffed disapprovingly.

"Rose I know you don't like my sister but please show a little civility. Bella is self conscious. You showing an absolute distain for her will hurt her." Eva stared at Rose.

"She's a danger to us and you." Rose muttered.

"She might not be the most self aware girl I know but she really is good company once you get to know her." Eva tried to appeal to Rose.

"That's easy for you to say. You've had eighteen years to get use to her irritating lack of self awareness and lack of empathy for others." Rose continued to hiss.

"Rose she does have empathy for others. It just doesn't manifest itself the same way that mine does. Bella isn't all that bad. Please." Eva begged Rose.

"Fine. I'll say hi but that's it. I don't want to be around her if I can help it." Rose grumbled.

"Thank you." Eva smiled still nestled in between my legs with her back on my chest and my arms around her.

"I'm only doing this because you asked me to." Rose retorted.

"I knew you loved me." Eva teased giggling.

"Yeah yeah I do." Rose's grumpy disposition changed seeing Eva's smile.

"Oh my god. Africa by Toto? Really?" Eva laughed so hard.

"It's a classic." Emmett replied pulling Rose up with him to dance.

"Care to dance?" I asked Eva.

"Not this time. I want to just sit with you and enjoy the moment." Eva kissed me and then sat back.

I rested my back against the car breathing in her comforting scent as we watched Emmett and Rose dance romantically. Eva even hummed softly to the song holding my hand.