Well, that temporary mind break was embarrassing, good job no one knows about that. Teara did talk to me about that, It went something like 'Fleet, you kinda need help. It's not healthy to-to-to just snap like that! What happens when you get in a stressful situation! No, don't give me that look Fleet, you know I'm right! '

Ah, the good old days before she threw me aside like trash to run off with her delusions that humans were just misunderstood. AND I DON'T NEED HELP DAMMIT! WHO AM I SUPPOSED TO TALK TO ANYWAYS?! THE STARLY?

Anyways, age-old argument aside, I am still traveling with Brat, Stone (Has a face of a stone, it's creepy), and ...I haven't come up with a good name for Dawn. Cruel could work, but I have seen no signs of outright abuse, Naive? More of a descriptor for most of humanities whelps. Stupid?... damn, I'm drawing blanks. Oh well.

Ash has backed off and has seemed to realize that I don't want to be friends with him, I can tell he is a bit saddened but has regained his senses and is a less childish than before, so one small mercy.

Brock still seems wary of me. And Dawn seems confident that I will 'come around eventually' PFT, not on her life.

As their journey progresses, I tag along silently, never helping unless it directly involves me, 'cause like hell, I am going to help humans of all creatures. But as we go along, I have not found a good fruit grove yet!

It has been several weeks already! When can I just find a place to call home? That's all I want! Just somewhere AWAY from humans!

I am interrupted from my thoughts when Ash is challenged by some random trainer, this happens every now and then, sickening to see pokemon obeying orders like slaves, but they make no effort to escape so there is nothing that I can do. Ash scratches his temple and says with a sheepish grin "Sorry, but all my pokemon are tired out from my mock battle with Dawn that I just had only an hour or so ago"

The red-head trainer looks at Ash like he is stupid (Correct assumption) before pointing to me "Well, what about that Lucario. He is yours isn't he?"

Dawn steps in "Actually, no. He is mine, but he doesn't like to battle"

The Trainer shrugs "Well, I need practice for an upcoming gym battle, and he looks strong enough" That red-headed snake then smirks and taunts "Or are you just chicken?" HAH, get roasted Dawn! "Or maybe he is just weak and you don't want to embarrass him?"

...What did the snake just say? OH, IT IS ON! This is a matter of pride now! I step forward and growl, dis nasty fleshbag is about to get the snot beaten out of her!

Dawn looks at me cautiously "Are you sure about this Lucario?" She comes closer to whisper so that snake doesn't hear "She looks like she is pretty strong, so you would have to follow my commands. Is that ok?"

I look at her hard. It sickens me to take orders, but on the other hand, she did ask… NOT THAT I APPROVE OF BEING A DOCILE SLAVE, but for a matter of pride like this, I suppose I can bend just this once. I nod my head once before stepping out in front of her like I have seen her slaves do.

The Red-head snake smirks smugly and sends out a Girafarig "Girafarig! I choose you!"

A strong looking Girafarig appears in a burst of red light.

Brock steps off to the side where he says loudly "I will referee this battle. This is a 1 on 1 battle, where the battle will end when either pokemon is unable to battle. Begin!"

Dawn calls out "Lucario! Use Bone Rush!" Not a bad first choice, fine.

I lunge forward before the other trainer can react and smash a Bone Rush attack over the Girafarig's head and side 4 times before sweeping the Bone Rush underneath the Girafarigs legs which causes it to land heavily on its side.

I would normally keep attacking with Bone Rush but in an attempt to appear like a tamed slave, I leap back and, ugh *shudders* await orders.

Dawn and the rest of the stupid gang look shocked at my prowess, but Dawn quickly overcomes that and orders "Quick! Use Toxic while it's down!" Backhanded, I approve.

I gag somewhat before rapidly spitting out Toxic and hitting the opponent directly. Girafarig gets back up to its feet, looking worse for wear, but still going strong.

Its Trainer grits her pearly whites and barks out "Girafarig! Use Thunder!"

Dawn quickly orders "Dodge then use Aura Sphere!"

The Girafarig packs quite the punch, but it is slow. So I dodge the attack effortlessly and fire of an Aura Sphere quicker then the Girafarig can fire another Thunder. The Aura Sphere bursts on impact and knocks the Girafarig down ruthlessly.

Girafarig trembles as it stands back up. The Red-headed snake then calls out "Stop! I forfeit Girafarig! Your Lucario is too high an opponent for Girafarig to take on at the moment and toxic was an underhanded move"

She then recalls her Girafarig and says "You said your Lucario doesn't like to battle? That's a lie if ever I heard one. I need to get Girafarig to a Pokemon center right away to get rid of that toxin" She then walks away quickly before anyone can respond. Most likely very embarrassed.

Dawn looks to me in shock "wow Lucario! You are really strong! Did you have a trainer at some point in time?"

I glare at her and shake my head. She just grins and asks me hopefully "Then how about actually joining my team for real! I could help you get even stronger!"

It sounds tempting, but I know how this works. How dare she!? Just because I followed her battle plan doesn't mean I will join her!? Who does she think she is!? I growl at her. She looks disappointed. I couldn't care less.

Brock, on the other hand, says "You know, I thought that girl would be trouble from the way she acted. But it was admirable how she would rather lose then have her Girafarig be thrashed by Lucario"

Ash just looks excited and contemplative, which is new from what I have seen " Di you see how strong Lucario was? I thought Lucario would have had a trainer beforehand since he knew toxic, but apparently not! But I wonder why he got strong in the first place, maybe to protect someone? That's usually the case with other Pokemon who get as strong as he is without a trainers help"

Brock contemplates it for a few seconds before saying uncertainly "Now, I am not sure, but maybe Lucario had a bad experience with humans, so he trained himself to get stronger"

Ash looks at me, with a surprising lack of childlike mentality "Hmm"

Was Ash just faking his childish manner?! Now that's a spooky thought. You know what? I'm just not going to think about it, but the longer I spend with these humans, the more….. Disturbed I get.