A/N This little drabble idea invaded my mind and wouldn't leave until I wrote it down. It's angsty. Takes place at some point during s3 after Jane and Kurt have reconciled.

Disclamer: Don't own anything. All rights belong to Martin Gero & co, and the actors who portray these characters.

Invincible no more

"Jane's hit!" Tasha's message in Kurt's ear felt like a sledgehammer to his stomach. This was supposed to have been a simple interview and information-gathering trip but things had suddenly gone to hell and turned into a shootout with members of the group they were tracking. Kurt was taking cover in the upstairs offices, exchanging fire with the gunmen and Jane and Tasha were at the other end of the industrial building.

"Jane! JANE!" As she didn't reply to his calls, the feeling of dread intensified. "If she's not answering, it's bad." Kurt took down the gunman who was pinning him to the office and moved out. "Tasha, I'm coming to you! Are you with Jane?"

"I can see her, but I can't get to her, Weller. They have us pinned down. There's at least four of them on us….Three now!" Tasha replied triumphantly as she managed to take down another of their assailants.

Kurt wound his way through the maze of containers and forklifts as fast as he safely could, desperately trying to get to his wife. "Jane!" He anxiously called for her again. As he heard her pained and quiet whimper in his ear, he was filled with a sense of urgency "She's alive…" "Hang on, Jane, I'm almost there," he spoke, trying to keep his voice calm. In reality he could hear his heart pounding in his ears, his fear for Jane almost overpowering. It was like the situation at Rossi's cabin again. Except, this time he knew Jane was hurt.

Kurt could hear fewer shots, Tasha must have taken down another of the shooters. "Patterson, get NYPD here, and an ambulance! We need backup," he barked, as he fired off a few rounds at one of the gunmen and took cover behind a shipping container to change the magazine to his pistol.

"On it."

Circling to the other side of the container, Kurt was able to surprise the shooter he was exchanging fire with and take him down. He could see Jane lying on the ground behind a large wooden crate some 20 yards away. "Tasha, I just took out what I think was the last shooter. Keep your eyes open, I'm going to Jane!"

Kurt sprinted to where Jane lay and dropped to his knees besides her. Seeing the large amount of blood and her still form brought his world crashing down. He reached out to touch her cheek, afraid that she wasn't breathing. "No…no. Jane."

"Kurt…," she whispered faintly, opening her eyes at his touch.

He gently lifted Jane into his arms, cradling her to him. "I'm here, my love. I'm here." He could feel the blood seeping into his shirt, she was bleeding badly. He was unable to suppress the gasp that escaped him as he lifted Jane's shirt. The round had entered her abdomen, blood flowing steadily from the wound. Jane moaned quietly as Kurt turned her in his embrace and traced his hand over her back and chest, searching for an exit wound or more entry wounds.

Kurt winced in sympathy. "I'm sorry, I've got to look."

This wasn't supposed to happen. Not to Jane. She always managed to escape serious injury. She was supposed to be invincible, at least in Kurt's eyes. And yet, here she was, shot and bleeding in his arms.

Jane cried out in pain as Kurt pressed his hand down on the wound, trying to stop the bleeding. He murmured his apologies into her hair, wishing he could switch places with her. He'd do that in a heartbeat if it meant sparing Jane from pain. She'd already had far too much of that in her life.

Suddenly, Jane squeezed Kurt's arm weakly. Looking into her eyes, he saw something that shook him. He saw fear. Pure, unadulterated fear he hadn't seen in her eyes since they had taken down Sandstorm. "Kurt, I don't think I'm –"

Kurt shushed her gently, but he knew she could see the redness and fear in his own eyes, although he tried to hide it.

"Don't go there, Jane. You're going to be okay. I've got you. Just lie still."

He cradled her in his arms and kept whispering to her tenderly.

"We still have many good days ahead together. Quiet evenings at home, hmm?" Kurt dropped his head to her ear and nuzzled her lovingly. "That second honeymoon we talked about. Just the two of us."

Jane mumbled an unintelligible reply, snuggling deeper into Kurt's arms. He tightened his arms around her and pressed another loving kiss to Jane's forehead as he prayed for the paramedics to get there soon.