Chapter 1: A Hero Society

It all began one day, in one hospital in China. For reasons that have scientist still have no idea of, a young baby was born. A bright glowing baby. From that day onwards, more and more children are born with increasing weird and unique abilities.

One may have ice powers.

Another with flaming arms.

Soon, decades passed and soon enough most of the population are possessed some kind of superpower of some kind. And with that comes a great change in society as a whole. As there now exist a job that was once thought to be fictional, now became something people strive for, admired to.


More and more of these licensed vigilantes pops out across the globe, as their popularity sky-rocketed into new heights and reached to a peak with one such hero.

All Might, the greatest hero that has ever lived and the Symbol of Peace for all. Thanks to him, crime is at an all-time low in all of history and an era of peace has been ushered in.

But we aren't talking about such a hero in this story. Instead, we're talking about the little guys, the ones among the common folk that tries their best to contribute into this crazy and amazing workforce. The friendly neighborhood Heroes of any towns.

And one such Hero is currently…

Pacing up and down in a hospital.

That Hero is Takaya Maki, aka Speed Hero: Hermes. He was hoping for Turbo Hero but that was taken a great while ago so Speed will have to do.

His costume is rather colorful as expected but plain compared to others in the same career. A dark blue tight jacket with standing red collar reaching to his chin along with a red tight pants tucked into a pair of red leather boots that has a metal wing-shaped plate sewed into its ankle parts and white rubber soles, a metal-fedora with a plastic visor linked to it and pair of leather gloves completes the look.

He was on patrol when his office called him to inform that his pregnant wife has broke water. After a quick deal with one of his sidekicks, he ran as fast as he could with his Speed quirk to the hospital, where he is directed by the counter to outside the maternity ward where his ten-year-old son is sitting on a bench with a book in his lap accompanied by his kid cousin, Nemuri Kayama whom was visiting for the weekend.

After that, it is the waiting game as he paced back and forth in front of the birthing room with worry look on his face.

"Dad." His son, Takaya Tetsujin, turned to him worriedly, "Mom's been there a while."


"Hope she's okay…"

"She'll be fine!" He tells him as he increased his pacing, "It's just… she needs time… Oh god, please let there be nothing…"

"Calm down." Nemuri tells him, "It's not the first time she's been in there."

"But it's the first time she's been there this long!" He exclaimed worriedly, "Tetsu didn't take this long, so why is…?"

"Relax, Maki." She assures him patting him on the shoulder, "Lisa is a tough girl! And besides, Tetsu-chan's delivery was fine, wasn't it? I'm sure she's just-"

Then the door opened, interrupting their talk as a doctor walked up with a tired grin on his face, "May I know who's the lucky father?"

"I-I am!" Maki exclaimed as he flashed in front of him in a blur, "I-Is…"

"It's a smooth delivery." He assures the panicky Hero, before stepping aside, "Would you wish to see her?"

The Hero dashes pass him in a hurry as he took in the sight in front of him. His wife, his beautiful Lisa, sitting on the birthing chair with a small bundle of towels in her arms. A few quick steps later and he is next to her as he took a look at the newest addition to their family.

"She has your hair…" He stated with a smile when he saw the turf of blonde hair.

"She does." Lisa said with a tired grin as she leaned on her husband's shoulder.

Nemuri and Tetsujin entered next, with the young boy jogging up to his parents with a curious look towards the bundle in their hands. Maki wordlessly pulls a chair over for him to climb onto, which he did and took a look at his new baby sister, the little infant is snoozing silently all snug in her blanket; when Tetsujin looked at her as a new feeling filled his chest, a desire to protect her immediately taking root.

"This is your new little sister, Tetsu." Lisa tells her son, "What do you think?"

"She's… so small…" He stated in awe, "So… tiny…"

"Yes, she is." Maki stated, "You were like this when you were born too."

"I am…?" Tetsujin gently poked the infant's cheek, who flinched a little before resuming her peaceful sleep.

"Have you decided on a name?" The doctor holding a clipboard ask them.

"We have." The mother of two nodded with a smile before looking at her new daughter once more, "Genko. Tatsuya Genko."

You know, reincarnation is… kind of weird. It's hard to describe it; being reborn as another person is bizarre, especially when you still have memories of your past life completely intact, including how you died.

I have never expected my time to come to an end via falling down a flight of stairs and landing at just the right angle to break my neck and ending my life instantly.

Good news, I don't feel any pain. Bad new, it makes the entire experience even more jarring.

And don't get me started on getting born. Oh, that is one memory I am repressing at all cost. Trust me, you won't want such an experience.

For the first couple of months, being a baby is as it is sounds: Boring and super awkward for someone with a maturity of a full-grown adult. I mean, even after I left the hospital, or at least, I think it was a hospital; being a newly born infant usually means bad eyesight, but I'm getting off-topic here, after leaving the hospital, my parents pretty much left me in a crib, with my new mother coming to check on me whenever I'm awake or hungry, or when I need a… Uugh… diaper change…

Speaking of which, being an infant also meant I have little to no self-restraint, with crying being one of the most things I've done for that month next to pooping and peeing. And as an adult, that is really, REALLY embarrassing. I am proud of my restraint from bawling my eyes out whenever I read the part in One Piece about Merry's funeral.

…What?! I get emotional really easily!

Getting back on point, in those two months, I have somewhat gathered on how my new life is going to be.

For one, I'm Japanese, or at least, part Japanese. My new mother, Lisa, is definitely European with the blonde hair and cyan eyes. My new father, Maki or Ma-kun by Lisa, is a full-blood Japanese, with black hair and dark eyes and all that package.

Second, my name is Genko. Or Gen-chan. Either one. And I'm a girl. Which isn't a bad thing considering that I was trans on my past life. I'm so glad that I'm born in the right sex this time.

Third, dear old dad seems to be a vigilante of sorts. I have seen him running out of the house in a rather hero-looking costume that just looks like a parody-version of Jay Garrick's Flash costume. So probably getting into a hostage situation in the near future.

Lastly, I have an older brother named Tetsujin. He seems way older than me, being at least ten years old whenever I see him. And I'm so happy for this!

I was the eldest in my generation in my entire family in my past life, with two younger siblings and cousins, not to mention the kids from my older cousins. I was always the one left with taking care of them during New Years and other family events. Trust me, that is not a fun time.

Now being a younger sibling, THAT I can get behind on! Getting spoiled, blaming the older brother for things he didn't commit, ratting out all his wrong-doings, my list just keeps growing~!

Three months after I was born is when I gain the ability to move about, at least roll over to my stomach at least. Trust me when I say this, I want to get out of my infant phase as quick as I could! The faster I can walk about, the better.

This month is also marked the first time I get to leave the house! In a stroller, anyway, but I finally get to see the world outside! As soon as I got changed, mom finally opened the door for a stroll about the park.

Now, as soon as we start strolling down the neighborhood, there are already warning bells in my head. For starters, the completely unique people that are wandering about. Sure, you have your normal human-human, but then I saw some rather… unique individuals.

People with animal-like heads, people with disproportionate arms, with claws, to even bug-like eyes!

And then, there were advertisements in the billboards all over town with what seems to be costumed heroes promoting products all about. Like actual costumed superheroes!

Then, for the kicker that drives home that bad feeling, is when we passed an electronic store and something played on the TV on display.

You may think that is normal, but it is the content that really shocks me.

It was an interview, on one couch is a reporter dressed in a smart looking black suit. On the other, on the interviewee couch, in a black suit that is strained to the max under his muscular body…

Is All Might.

All Might, as in the fictional character in one of the most entertaining and well-known manga in the recent decade, THAT All Might. The very same one with blonde hair antennas as well as his heroic sounding laugh.

I couldn't process it all, that of ALL the places to be reborn into, I have to be reborn in the universe of My Hero Academia.

…At least my life is going to get interesting.

To be continued…

SIOC for the win! Man, I have wanting to write one of these in a very, very long time. Ever since the anime adaption was announced!

So… yeah. New fic, a reincarnation fic no less. When I'm still writing another fic.

I can't help it! This manga is so good and I have this idea in my head as long as the very FIRST season starts airing! So many plans for this… and I planned to write out a decent one with this. Hopefully, I can serve this piece of pie some justice!

So yes, of all things, why a reincarnation fic?

Now that, I like to point to a rather well-written and popular fic in the form of Lamarckian on , a SIOC fic that pretty much gave me the idea on such a fic. The way she/he writes the MC to interact with the world and her influence on the plot is on par of This Bite's idea on One Piece.

That fic gave me an inspiration to write such a fic, as such a fic is the best way to write an OC story on My Hero Academia.

With that, I thank you for reading this!