Chapter I

He knew what he was doing is wrong, however, he felt he it was obligatory for him to do this. So here he was searching for that very person who they're supposed to capture the next day.

After roaming for hours he finally spotted her. She stood beside some other teens he didn't recognize nor did he care about them. She spotted him too. Her eyes widened, however, she quickly regained her composure and started to walk in a random direction, oblivious to the protests of her squadmates. He started his way towards her, each step making his heart thump harder.

After some steps, she took a turn into an alleyway. He followed her in and faced her back."What are you doing here Yeager?" Her voice was commanding. His posture faltered slightly but he dismissed it.

"I came to see you, Annie."He replied nervously. "We need to talk."

"Well I have nothing to talk about, so good day, Yeager'' she replied monotonously without turning to face him. Even though she had nothing to talk about, she remained there. Truth was, she actually enjoyed his presence. However, she didn't want to make it obvious so she'd have to remain neutral around him.

Seeing she wouldn't talk like this, he started anyway."They said you were the female titan. Is it true, Annie?''

She remained silent. This was disturbing news for her. She knew sooner or later they'd figure out she was a titan. However, she didn't expect it to be this soon. " What do you believe, Eren?'' She finally turned towards him and looked him dead in the eye"Well, do you think I'm a titan?"

He remained silent for some seconds. Instead of answering her question,''The scouts plan to capture you tomorrow." The truth was, he had no answer to her question. He didn't want to believe she was the titan, however, the similarities were too great to be dismissed.

He walked closer to her. Entering her personal space, she, however, didn't push him or step back. Instead, she remained firm on her position and stared up, as she was quite shorter than him. However, she was quite skeptical about his actions.

"Why are you telling me this?" she inquired

No aggregate of training or type of training might have prepared her for what he said next.

He merely smiled, ''I love you." his answer was simple, however, the meaning of his words were heavy for her.

She stared at him with wide eyes. She remained silent for some time. " Then you're a fool to love me."

He shrugged nonchalantly" Call what you want but my feelings are true." He grinned" Hey what happened to 'suicidal bastard', huh?"

"Shut up!"

He grinned."So, can I kiss you now?''

She glared at him"You do that and you won't hear the end of it." The truth was she wanted him to make the move, however, she was hesitant. All her life her father had encouraged her, saying the whole world is her enemy. Yet, here he was, standing in front of her confessing that he loved her. Proving her father wrong."You do know that I killed so many, right Eren?"

At first, he remained silent,"So you are the female type, huh?" She could see it in his eyes, the pain, the betrayal but most of all acceptance. She actually, for the first time she felt a pang of guilt course through her heart.

"All my life Eren, my father always made me train." He took a few steps back from her. She however, wasn't fazed by this and continued," I had no mother so my father was my guardian since, well since as long as I can remember. I don't know what happened to my mom. Since the age of nine, I've been trained by my father. He taught me how to fight the way I fight now. Throughout my training, my father never showed me any affections. He never made any signs of whether he loved me or not. Yet I was always obedient to him. So you see Eren, love is a foreign emotion for me."

He covered his face with his hands and let out a frustrated sigh."Life without a mother and a father who doesn't love you, eh? I thought my life was hard. Your's is on a completely different level. No wonder why you're not so social." She nodded." can we spend some time together Annie, please?''

"Why do you still stay with me knowing I betrayed you? What's so special in me anyway? Why do you even trust me?'' He could see that her self-esteem was low. Not only that but her eyes were also glistering. He, however, remained silent.

Instead of answering her, he moved quickly and wrapped his arms around her. He was quite impressed by the amount of energy she used to free herself. However, he restrained her, not letting her escape until she finally stopped moving." I didn't ask for this life."Her voice was weak and wreaked,"I didn't ask for this life, Eren, I didn't. I was forced upon all of this. I don't want to live like this, kill me Eren. Kill me and finish this miserable life of mine, please." she begged. Now he could feel the front of his shirt being a little wet. She was indeed crying or at least letting out a few sobs.

His grip on her tightened and he felt her wrapping her arms around him too and that made him all too giddy." Annie, don't say that bull crap! You're alone and I know that. Sure I don't know how that feels but always remember whatever you do, you'll always be loved by someone, wherever you go." He pulled back just enough to look into her eyes." You're not worthless Annie Leonhardt. You're a queen of your kingdom. Don't forget that. You had a rough time and it's okay because everybody has gone through difficult times. It's what life is about." He stopped to take a breath and let her absorb his words.'' Truth is Mikasa has it the worst. She saw her parents being murdered right in front of her. Yet she's alive. She's alive because she has a purpose. And that's exactly what you need Annie. A purpose. And I believe I can help you find it.''

He wiped the few tears that fell from her eyes and gave her a reassuring smile,'' Of course it's up to you whether you want me to help or not. I won't force you into anything. But know that I'm willing to disobey direct orders for you"

She nodded,"Help me then. I don't want to hide or run."she could see it in his vibrant green eyes, the trust in them. Not the type of trust he'd give to his fellow soldiers but the type of trust he gives to Armin and Mikasa, to his family.

He nodded,'' You have to surrender then. So that I may plead your case. Tomorrow we plan to capture you within the city many hundreds of innocents might die during the act. However, we can prevent all of it. I can promise you, Annie, you will not be executed that I can guarantee. You will be interrogated for some time, asked about your background, where you come from and stuff like that. Perhaps they might let you go free or you'll be spared but will be in a prison for life or some years." he stopped awaiting her response.

"Or I could run away now and no one would know and I'd have answer no questions," she stated

He shrugged" Do as your conscience dictates, I speak only of your best interest. It's your life. You're a master to yourself."

She nodded understandingly" Very well, I agree to your terms and surrender. However, i'd like to spend some time with you. Bond with you. Perhaps i'd even get to know you better." she finished with a smile and for the first time in decades her smile was true and genuine. He returned the smile eagerly.

What'da think guys?

I would gladly accept the critics.