Okay so this idea has been in my head for some time now, and I decided to finally write it. And just like my last human AU, this will tackle some serious topics. So be warned. Also, some characters might seem OOC at the beginning of the chapter. But I promise, it's all going to make sense.

So I also wanted to explain the title a bit. I'm obsessed with Eurovision, I love the show, especially the songs that are released. So my favs this year were Belgium, Bulgaria and Denmark. And since I almost always take story titles from songs I like, I decided to take this title from my favourites. (If you follow me, I just published a story called A Matter Of Time, which is the title for the Belgium entry). So this one is the Bulgarian entry "Bones". And I choose this (because I still want the title to fit the story) because the song is about loving each other, and standing together despite physical obstacles for example. One of the singers explained it as follows:

"We are all a strong, strong family if we are together. We all need to love each other, we all need to help each other and to give a hand – because love is love." And this fits so well with this story I feel like. But you'll see it in later chapters! :D For now, ignore my ramblings about Eurovision and I hope you enjoy the first chapter!


"He's getting worse" Was the first thing Leo says the moment he closed the door. I sigh, hanging my head and rubbing the bridge of my nose.

"What did dad say?" I ask, glancing to my right to see Raph, unsurprisingly very pissed but also concerned.

"He was caught with weed" Leo tells me, sitting down on his office chair, turning it around so he was facing us. He sighs as well, cracking his back and tangling a hand through his hair. Stress was obvious on his face, and he seemed as distraught as when he answered the door.

We hadn't worried much, Mikey had said he was studying with some friends, for once that is. But when a colleague of dad pushed him inside we instantly knew he wasn't with the good kind of friends, and certainly not studying.

"Will the police press charges?" I ask softly but Leo shakes his head.

"Mikey's lucky a friend of dad caught him, but if this keeps going for too long.. he will take action himself if dad doesn't do it" Leo says with a serious tone and Raph grumbles.

"Do what?! Send ta kid to rehab?"

"It's a possibility" I mumble and Raph glares at me. I whip my head around, glaring right back. "You know it's a valid consideration Raph, this is the third time this week he's been high!" I hiss, voice rising ever so slightly.

"He's been rebelling ever since we got back from our trip two weeks ago" Leo mumbles, crossing his arms.

"Ya think something happened?" Raph asks, but we both knew the answer. So Leo shrugging wasn't really surprising. After all, we had asked ourselves this question many many times in the past two weeks. Ever since we came back, Mikey hasn't been himself, hasn't acted like… like Mikey.

He was angry, irritable, rebellious. But most importantly, he was doing bad stuff. He was going out with weird kids from school, from the streets even. Go to their houses and get drunk and stoned. We only caught on after Leo had to pick him up in the middle of the night because he had to leave the house but was too drunk to do so.

And instead of calling dad, he called Leo. Raph had called it cowardly, trying to find a way around punishment, but of course dad had woken up, smelled the alcohol.

"Maybe he's just angry we left him home?"

"Bonehead would be willing to get drunk just cause he's angry at us?" Raph intercepts and I look at him, but neither he or Leo, nor me is sure of the answer. Whatever the cause, Mikey was in a messed up place and neither of us knew how to help him.


3 weeks ago

"Can you just not go?" Mikey whines, latching onto my arm. I snort, untangling his limb.

"Sorry squirt, we earned our holiday, unlike someone here" I retort and Mikey takes a step backwards, glaring at me.

"Well you three didn't have to earn it, unlike me" Mikey shoots right back at me and I roll my eyes. "And you know I suck at math, I can't help my marks"

"Sorry kid, but that was the deal, you get a sufficient mark and you get to go with us" I shake my head, picking up my suitcase again. "You got an insufficient, so too bad" I continue with a smirk, ruffling his hair. He slaps my hand away angrily and I turn around, heading outside to get the suitcase in the car.

Leo and Don were already waiting near the car, their suitcases long in the car and ready to go. Of course I would be the last one to get ready, I mean I would've been faster if Mikey hadn't been bugging me for the last 2 hours not to go. But at least Don was always worried and had given us plenty of time to spare.

"D you don't even like skiing" Mikey continues whining and Don smiled down fondly at his little brother.

"Never said I didn't Mikey, you really need to find a better excuse" Don replies and I smirk again, throwing my suitcase in the back of the car.

"Mikey, stop stalling. I know you're disappointed dad didn't allow you to come but you should've studied harder" Leo says with a slightly frown, but I could see he was also slightly guilty about leaving Mikey behind for a full 10 days. It was a trip school organised, a ski holiday during school days.

But it was expensive, and in response to Mikey's ever dropping marks, he said Mikey could only go if he were to finally get a sufficient grade on the math test. Which he didn't obviously.

"I just don't want you to go" Mikey whispers softly, bowing his head.

"We'll be back before ya know it squirt" I smirk, ruffling his hair again and pulling him in a headlock. Mikey didn't seem to appreciate it for once, struggling out of the hold and looking away from me. "C'mon little brother, that's not a good farewell" I say, slightly less harsh. He looks at me and for a second I'm shocked.

Real fear was showing in his eyes, real sadness. He really didn't want us to leave.

"It'll be alright Mikey, we'll be back in 10 days, and you can still wave us goodbye at school" Don helps me out, wrapping an arm around Mikey's shoulder and dragging him over to the car. Mikey doesn't struggle anymore, willingly climbing in the middle seat of the car as Don and I squish him from either side.

Leo was, as always sitting in the front seat, and dad was driving.

Mikey leaned into Don's embrace, placing his head on his shoulder and closing his eyes. I frown slightly, and Don seemed to be just as surprised by the look he was giving me. Mikey was acting odd, even for his doing.

It took us 10 minutes till we arrived at the school, and the bus was of course, already present. It took us another 5 to load the luggage and to see what spot we had been given. Casey had of course saved me a spot next to him in the back while Leo and Don had a saved spot with Karai and April respectively.

After dropping off our hand luggage we walked outside again, where dad and Mikey were still standing.

"Don't burn down the house squirt" I snicker, pulling him in a quick hug. He gratefully accepts it, seemingly clinging to me for a few seconds before letting me go. He did the same with Don and Leo, before we three, almost reluctantly I might add, got onto the bus. But the moment we drove away, that was all forgotten.

Not knowing how much Mikey would change over the next 10 days.


"Leo?" A soft voice enters my room. I hum slightly, rubbing my eyes and looking at the door, which was now opened just slightly. A tiny bit of light was entering the room, but it was enough for me to recognise my youngest brother.

"Mikey?" I ask, and Mikey pushes the door open a bit further.

"Can I sleep with you?" He whispers, swallowing heavily. I was almost tempted to say no, the officer bringing him in just hours ago still fresh on my mind, but I quickly decided against it.

"Always" I tell him, lifting my blanket. He smiled slightly, closing the door and shuffling over to the bed. He instantly crawls against me, and I throw the blanket over his body as well. "You're shivering" I frown, and another tremor runs through his body, but he shakes his head.

"I'm not cold" He announces softly. "I-.. I just have the symptoms of being cold" I snort at the sentence, rolling my eyes.

"You're high Mikey" I say, a bit of blame creeping into my voice. Of course I wasn't happy with him right now, of course I didn't approve of him getting high in the first place. Not because it was harmful, but because it could be harmful, and it was illegal here in New York.

Getting caught could've gotten him into jail, going outside while high was dangerous, he could've gotten himself hurt, or worse, killed.

"Leo" He says, eyes widening in panic. "I need to tell you something"

"What is it?" I ask, suddenly alarmed. But Mikey tenses suddenly, blinking a couple of times before looking at me again.

".. Nothing… it's nothing" He mumbles and I frown, reaching out for his hands.

"Mikey" I urge him. "You can tell me what bothering you.. you can tell me anything" I whisper to him but he shakes his head again tiredly, leaning a bit more heavily on the pillow and closing his eyes.

"I was scared… when you left" He mumbles after a while, but he seems too out of it to properly respond again. He must've been really sleepy after all, being high kind of had that effect according to the internet… and Casey's and Raph's previous attempt that one time. But unlike Mikey, ironically enough, they were responsible.

They did it at Casey's home, stayed home, had plenty of food and were careful.

And I know what Mikey was talking about, I was scared, even if he didn't specify it, when you left. I knew what he was talking about. When we left him for 10 days.

Something definitely happened in those 10 days.


I was startled awake when something warm spread across the mattress. I let out a yelp, scrambling up to find the cause. In an instant Mikey is up as well, looking at me with wide eyes. He whimpers, scrambling backwards. I reach for the light, turning it on and illuminating the room.

Then my gaze falls on the dark spot on my bed, and the dark spot on his pants.

"I'm sorry" Mikey whimpers, letting out a sob. He wet himself.

"Mikey" I try to get his attention but he whimpers, shaking his head. "Mikey it's okay" I urge, sliding off the bed and walking around to get to him. He stiffens when I put my hands on either shoulder, but he reluctantly looks at me.

"It's embarrassing" He mutters, tears burning in his eyes. I shake my head with a slight smile.

"It's not Mikey, it can happen" He looks down at the statement and I frown. "Did it happen before?" He stays silent for a moment, not daring to look at me before he slowly drags his gaze to the spot on the bed.

"I ruined your bed" He mumbles, wiping the tear away that was slowly trailing down his cheek. I chuckle slightly despite the situation, gently forcing Mikey to look at me again. I brush away the other tears with my thumb.

"You didn't otouto, you know that" I tell him gently, reaching for his hand. "We can sleep in your bed for tonight, and ask dad to clean it tomorrow" At the mention of dad Mikey stiffens suddenly and he starts shaking his head. Did something happen between him and Mikey? I frown.

"Don't tell dad" He whimpers, and despite asking why, I nod slowly.

"Okay, I will do it tomorrow. I have the first 2 periods off" I assure him, and Mikey nods slowly, slumping slightly. "Come on, you need a change in clothes" I say, hauling him off softly. I could tell the effects of the drugs weren't completely gone yet, but he seemed lucid enough right now.

But his reaction to the mention of dad still worried me. What could've happened between those two? Both weren't the ones to get into a fight. I shake off the thought for now, I would have to talk with Raph and Don tomorrow, after school probably. But for now, getting Mikey towards the showers was the priority.

After Mikey was done, I quickly jumped under the shower as well, putting on another pair of pyjamas before crawling into Mikey's bed instead.

Mikey was laying on his side, face towards me but eyes already closed. I frown, staring at Mikey while he slept. Of course we had all wet our beds when we were younger, multiple times, even if Raph would deny it every time. We hadn't in a long time, come to think of it, Mikey had been the last one to stop.

Still, something must've happened for him to suddenly lose his ability to control his bladder like that. And somehow he didn't want dad to know.


"I need to talk to you guys" I frown as I saw Raph and Don walk through the hallway, they both look at me with a surprised face. "It's about Mikey" I clarify, but they still seem confused, looking at each other before turning back to me again.

"Let's find somewhere quiet then" Don opts and I smile slightly, nodding. It was lunch time either way, so we had plenty of time talk about what happened last night. Downside however was that it was lunchtime, and everyone would be walking through the school, still, I knew a few spots.

I led my two little brothers to a corner somewhere on the north side of the school, a place not many people knew about. So it was perfect for talking.

"What did you want ta talk about?" Raph asks, sitting down on one of the chairs that was still standing there.

"Mikey came to me last night, asked me if he could sleep in my bed" I start, leaning against the wall and crossing my arms. "I don't know if it was because he was still high, but he wanted to tell me something and he seemed pretty freaked about it"

"What did he say?" Don asks, but I shake my head.

"That's just it, it was like he realised he couldn't say anything and said it was nothing" I tell him. "He also told me he was scared when we left, and I don't think he was exaggerating" I frown slightly, and Raph seemed to have a similar reaction, nose scrunching up slightly. It was an old habit he had when he was uncertain about something.

Like the situation right now. Where none of us knew how to help Mikey.

"Scared of what?" Don asks but I shrug, shaking my head.

"I don't know, I asked dad this morning but he seemed just as lost, thought maybe Mikey was just acting out to spite him"

"Because he wasn't allowed with us on the trip" Raph opts and I shrug again, because I really, really didn't know the answer for once. And it was driving me crazy, it was driving all of us mad. We were all protective of each other, especially of our younger brothers. And Mikey had three big brothers that looked after him.

So not being able to help Mikey was frustrating for all of us. Not to mention that Mikey never got into trouble, if anyone would not act out or rebel it would be Mikey. If anyone would stay away from drugs the longest, it would be Mikey. I mean, sure Raph beat him to it, but no one had ever considered Mikey abusing drugs and alcohol.

"Something tells me that's not everything" Don suddenly speaks up, and no matter how badly I wanted to deny that, I shook my head.

"He wet the bed last night" I tell them. I didn't really know what reaction to expect. It was really fifty-fifty on the reaction, either laughter and ridicule, or concern. I was actually relieved when a look of concern and confusion crossed both my little brother's faces.

"He… wet the bed?" Raph asks, but for once, no judgement was behind his voice. He was just thoroughly confused. "He hasn't wet his bed since we were 7" Raph exclaims, voice rising a bit.

"I know" I state with a glare, trying to calm him down a bit. Raph blinks a couple of times, but seems to understand the message. Calm down.

"I once read how wetting the bed could be caused by extreme stress or… other psychological issues" Don mumbles, frowning slightly.

"That doesn't sound too optimistic" Raph mutters, and I shake my head absently. "So what are we gonna do about it?"

How could we help our youngest brother?


So there's the first chapter, next chapter will hopefully be out soon and it will answer some important things in the story! So stay tuned and I'd love to hear your ideas so far :)

The "I just have the symptoms of being cold" part was actually what I was saying when I got high for the first time :))))) It hit me a littl' too hard and I just started shaking as if I was cold. To this day, my friends still mock me for it xD