This is my contribution to the Captain Swan Supernatural Summer. It's been in the works for a while now, and will be updating every Friday.

The cemetery near Alder Park was eerily silent.

Even the bugs avoided the place.

The local residents scoffed at the idea of it being haunted, and still visited the church during the daylight hours. They still buried their deceased in its hallowed grounds. Yet, as soon as night fell, people stayed as far away from the grounds as possible. A few teenagers would run through it for a dare every few years, but once in a while, one wouldn't make it out alive, and the stories would start again.

That evening, a lone resident was sat on the bench at the far end of the grounds.



The man's bright blue eyes were locked on to the latest headstone added to the ground earlier that day. The obituary said Michael Darling had been found dead behind the local club, with bite marks to his neck.

The police were calling it an animal attack.

But he knew better.

He knew what had happened to poor Michael Darling, and he was there to make sure Michael couldn't bring the same kind of death to anyone else in town.

It was as the last bell rang, heralding midnight, that it finally happened.

With an almighty crack, an arm shot out of the ground before Michael's headstone.

The man on the bench didn't even look that way. He knew it would take the guy a while to break free.

It took three more attempts for Michael to finally punch through the ground above him, and pull himself out of his own grave.

A sharp breeze chose that moment to whistle through the cemetery, and Michael immediately turned his head in the direction of the man sitting on the bench. The only thoughts in his mind were to kill, to feed. Hungry eyes narrowed in on the only being in sight, and Michael snarled, fangs bared, as he made his way towards his prey.

He had only taken three steps when the whoosh of a bolt leaving a crossbow met his ears. On his forth step the bolt pierced his heart, turning Michael into a pile of ash that was promptly blown away by the wind.

The man on the bench tucked his crossbow into one of his inner jacket pockets, before he stood to leave the cemetery.

His job for the evening was complete.

On the other side of town, Storybrooke High School stood in darkness. The students had left hours ago, leaving the librarian alone to complete his research. Ever since he had been placed in the small town, he had spent most of his evenings split between the cemetery, and the library.

The shrill ring of his phone cut through the silence of the building, and without removing his eyes from the page in front of him, the librarian accepted the call.

"Gold speaking." His British accent was clearer in the empty school that it normally was, often drowned out by the loud American teenagers that walked its halls.

"It's time. Mulan is dead."

"I understand, Sir."

Gold disconnected the call and closed the book he had been reading, pushing it to one side. In its place, he pulled out a large manila file with the label Swan, Emma stuck to the top.

The librarian poured himself another cup of tea, as he settled himself in for a long night of studying.

You can find the rest of the wonderful fics and artwork for the Captain Swan Supernatural Summer over on Tumblr (CSSNS), and in the AO3 collection (CaptainSwan Supernatural Summer). I'm kicking things off today, but everyone will be posting regularly throughout the summer - so please go and show them some love.

Thanks for reading.