To my readers:

I have lost the urge to work on this story because of lack of motivation. This is not about reviews nor traffic, it's just that I was never a true Twilight fan. I figured I would try to write in the fandom anyway. I will keep writing this with just ONE POV for now on. From now and until May-June I will try to work on this. If it is NOT adopted, then I will work on it when I can.

Having two POVs where I was constantly having to think outside my outline for Bella was taking too long and quite frankly doesn't go along with the vibe of Mafia (to me, at least). I was giving her a complete outline of her own based on each chapter.

I love reading Twilight (Mafia or not) but maybe not such an extensive and intricate world of Mafia unless I can make it short. I would still like to work on Part 2 of my Twific Journey series one day.

I have posted in several groups on Facebook about having someone adopt it, but until then I will continue to work on it. If I finish it by May-June, then great. If not, I hope whoever takes over this fic will do it justice.

Thank you
