Locked in Time

Entry 0A5521

The experiment was a success, my time compression device worked almost perfectly. There is still a slight discrepancy in the chrono phase variance, probably due to the excess and gross overabundance of chronitons and tachyon particles produced as a by-product of the machine

I am wonder if this is due to my machine or if there is another variable at play here. This will require further study, perhaps I can find away to harness these excess particles. With Lincoln as my assistance, my research and development has sped up exponentially. I am glad to have at least one familial unit with decent IQ.

Speaking of which, family issues are continuing to bedevil me, a surge in aggression is probably what sent Lincoln to seek my company. Again, this will require further examination to ascertain the situation.

As for now, I will continue to make pleasantries with my male sibling. His company makes me…happy? I am also learning more about him and his hobbies…He is an interesting subject to say the least, his extracurricular activities have gained my intrigue. I will endeavour to learn and record more

Lisa Loud, signing off

Entry 0A5522

Another success, I have managed to perfect the machine to hold the halt time for as long as I please. This has opened more avenues of research, not to mention that it has freed my time greatly for other pursuits.

This machine has allowed me to study my siblings in closer detail, letting me learn a great few things about them. With the machine and my cameras, there is nothing that my siblings can hide from me. As much as I wish to give them privacy, I would rather have to knowledge. I will not defend my reasoning…as I don't have a good argument.

Subject Lincoln has been closer examined, his motives for seeking my company seemed to vastly differ from what I expected. I thought it was to get away from our other siblings or possible as a spy implement bout our parental units to keep an eye on my safety.

Further study has indicated something very different…I am not totally positive on his motives, but I have a theory in place.

Only time will tell the truth.

Lisa Loud, signing off

Entry 0A5543

My eighth birthday has arrived, bringing with it the usual festivities. The gifts where borings, the standard gifts give to me by my family…With one exception. Subject Lincoln has gone above and beyond what was normally expected of the gift giving. He had spent his entire allowance, which he'd saved up for some reason or another.

What he bought me…It left me speechless and our other family members speechless, those who understood anyway. Lincoln had bought me a signed, first edition copy of "Stephen Hawking: A Quest for The Theory of Everything" and a signed letter of authenticity along with it. Something which would have costed him a lot of money after the unfortunate passing of the scientist.

As much as I wanted to hold back, I couldn't do so. I hugged my brother and wept in both happiness and sadness. It was clear that this was a big deal for me…When I offered to repay him in anyway he wanted, he whispered in my ear that all he wants is the pleasure of my company. This puzzles me, I will need to study further into phenomena

Lisa Loud, Signing off

Entry 0A5563

It's been a full month since my birthday, my progress has…most certainly grown. I have a better understanding of Lincoln, though things still seem to puzzle me. There is an odd feeling in my chest when I am around him that I don't quite understand, my first instinct was telling me that is was a medical issue. Further research dispelled that notion.

I asked my older siblings, only one of whom gave me a straight forward answer. Luna told me that what I was feeling was attraction…The feeling means that I really like somebody and that it was my bodies way of telling me this.

This feeling scares me, my scientific mind telling me to push the ideas out of my brain. That the very idea is wrong on a fundamental level… but a stronger voice is tell me to pursue it, to nurture the feeling.

Is it possible that I'm in love with my own brother…IS this what love feels like…Why is it so terrifying? I need to deliberate on this

Lisa Loud, signing off

I'm not a stranger to seeing my siblings…pleasure themselves on occasion. It tends to pop up quite frequently on my camera's video feed and for the sake of their privacy I delete them. I have studied their habits enough already to get the information I need anyway, no point keeping the video

Until I saw this one video on my feed…Of Lincoln. He was once of the rarer finds on the feed, despite being a fifteen-year-old boy. I'd managed to catch some footage, but it was very rare.

This makes what I see on the feed even more shocking, to the point where my heart skipped a beat. Lincoln went about his business and I watched in fascination. I half expected him to pull out a laptop or a pornographic magazine, something along those lines. Instead, he pulled out a pair of panties. This is shocking on its own to think that you brother is masturbating to one of your sibling's panties, even more shocking when those panties belong to you. Due to the high quality of the camera, I knew they were my panties wrapped around my brother's penis and my name he is moaning between pants… my brother was masturbating to me.

Lisa Loud, signing off

A/N – Hi folks, Tamashi here.

I know this isn't another chapter of Going through the motions or anything on the vote list, but this was a request I got from someone who wants to remain anonymous. They have been enjoying my stories and requested I write something form them, which I normally wouldn't do.

I will be writing this instead of one of the voted-on story ideas because of that and I will still be writing Going through the motions so don't worry

I hope you guys enjoy this story, it will be rated M for obvious mature content. This story will be written in the style of like diary entries, containing some of Lisa's inner thoughts and experiences.

If you guys, have any questions, comments, idea, suggestion or criticism, leave a review or send me a private message and I will respond to you either in a PM or in the next chapter.

I hope you enjoyed, ciao for now