Chapter 1: Taken

December 12th, 7:30 pm

Nine- year old Jake Smith was playing with his toys when heard some laughing coming from outside of his room. Jake then stood up from his floor and walked over to his window. Jake then opened his window and looked outside. Jake found nothing but the street outside and a lady walking her little dog down the sidewalk. Jake just shrugged his shoulders and closed the window. As Jake went back over to his toys, he heard something go bump on his roof. Jake then looked up at the ceiling hearing someone walking on the roof. Jake then heard something go crash in his attic. "Jake!" said his mother from the doorway of his room.

"Mommy!" Jake said as he ran over to her and hugged her. "Sweetie what's the matter?" his mother asked. "There's a monster in the attic!" Jake replied. His mother then sighed and rolled her eyes. "Jake I thought we talked about this?" his mother said as she picked up her son and place him in his bed. "But mommy I heard something up there," Jake pleaded. His mother then shook her head and then kissed him on the head. "Jake there is no such things as monsters. The only monster here is Mr. Cookie Monster," his mother said as she placed Cookie Monster next to her son. "Oh okay," Jake said as he held Cookie next to him. "He'll protect you. I promise you," his mother said as she kissed him on the head once more before leaving him. "Goodnight mommy!" Jake said with a smile. "Goodnight sweetheart," His mother said before closing his door.

Jake took a deep breath before turning on his side and closing his eyes to sleep. After only an hour later Jake heard something go bump from his closet. Jake jerked awake and looked to his closet. In Jake's closet was the door to the attic, Jake then took his blankets off and took Cookie with him over to the closet door. "He'll protect you. I promise," Jake heard his mother's voice in his head as he opened the door to his closet. Jake looked around the closet and found nothing. "I guess it was nothing," Jake said as he held Cookie close to him. "Jake…" said a voice from above. Jake felt the hairs on the back of his neck all stand up as slowly looked up at the attic door. Before Jake could scream or even run, two green hairy arms and hands grabbed Jake and took into the attic without a sound. Suddenly Jake's Cookie Monster fell from the attic with blood all over the stuffed animal.

(The Next Morning)

Thomas jerked awake as his alarm went off on the side of the bed. Thomas yawned and then turned it off. Thomas then rubbed his eyes before getting up. Thomas went into his bathroom and took a shower and then got ready for school. Before Thomas left his room he saw that Kodi was laying down with his puppies. "Looks like Dusty is walking me to school this time," Thomas said in his head as he walked out of his room. As Thomas walked downstairs he met up with Dusty in the kitchen. "So it's your turn huh?" Thomas said with a smile as he opened the fridge. Dusty chuckled as she looked at Thomas. "Yep it's me today," Dusty said with a smile. Thomas just grabbed some water and closed the fridge door. "You ready?" Thomas asked as he took a drink of his water.

"Yeah, I'm ready," Dusty said with another smile. "Alright let's go," Thomas said as he grabbed his backpack and through the living room. Thomas noticed that Berry was sleeping on the couch with some drool on the pillow. Thomas chuckled before he and Dusty walked out of the house. "So Dusty I'm guessing Kodi is a little tired," Thomas said with a smile as he and Dusty walked along. Dusty chuckled as she looked up at Thomas. "Well being a dad does that to you," Dusty replied as they continued to walk along. Thomas chuckled, "I guess it does." Thomas said as he looked down at Dusty. After a while of talking and walking. Thomas and Dusty noticed some red and blue lights coming from the road ahead. "Hey. I wonder what's going on here?" Thomas said as he and Dusty started to walk closer to the house with the cop cars.

"I know who lives there," Dusty spoke as she and Thomas stood outside on the sidewalk with everyone else who got out of their homes to see what was going on. "Really? Who lives here?" Thomas said as he looked down at Dusty. "My ex-boyfriend Ralph," Dusty replied. Thomas was a little shocked to hear this. "You had an ex-boyfriend?" Thomas still looking at Dusty. "Yeah… let's just say he wasn't the best of boyfriends." Dusty now looking up at Thomas. "No! I'm telling you! It wasn't the dog that did this!" Mrs. Smith shouted with tears rolling down her face. "Ma'am, are you sure that your dog did not claw out your son's eyes?" The officer asked calmly. "Yes!" Mrs. Smith cried out loud. "If I know one thing about Ralph. Is that he's not a killer," Dusty while shaking her head.

Thomas felt a chill run down his spine as turned around and looked around the neighborhood. Thomas could have sworn he felt eyes looking down on him and every move he was making. "Thomas?" Dusty asked looking up at her owner. "Yeah?" Thomas asked as he looked at Dusty shaking himself out of his thoughts. "Can you walk the rest of the way to school I think I want to see Ralph and see what's really going on," Dusty asked as Thomas keeled down to her level. "Yeah go ahead," Thomas said with a smile as he patted her on the head. "Okay. I'll be sure to send Kodi to pick you up from school." Dusty said with a smile. "Okay sounds good," Thomas said as he stood up and started walking to school.

As Thomas walked along he puts his hood on and watches the police leave the smith's house. Once the police had left Dusty had snuck into the backyard to find Ralph. "Ralph?" Dusty called out. But there was no answer, Dusty was about to call out Ralph's name again until she heard some crying coming from a dog house that was coming from the other side of the yard. Dusty Then walked over there to see if it was Ralph. "Ralph?" Dusty said softly. "D-D-Dusty?" Ralph said with tears rolling down his muzzle. "Ralph, what happened here?" Dusty now getting in the doghouse with him. "My boy was killed last night Dust. And the police think I did it! But I would never do such a thing!" Ralph said now raising his voice. "Ralph I know you never do that. Even to a little boy," Dusty said softly.

"Dusty who would do this? Who would ever do this to my boy?" Ralph said with tears running down his muzzle. "I don't know Ralph. I really don't know," Dusty replied with her ears lowered. "What would you do if Thomas was killed like that?" Ralph said now with his eyes red and puffy. Dusty then took a deep breath before answering. "I would do everything in my power to get whoever or whatever did that to him," Dusty replied. Ralph nodded before feeling more tears running down his muzzle. Dusty then got closer to him and then nuzzled him to comfort him. Ralph then nuzzled her back leaving some tears on her silver coat.

Berry was now awake and flipping through channels on the TV as Alan walked out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee. "Is that all you do Mr. Berry? Is watch TV and eat?" Alan with a chuckle before leaving for work. "Mr. Berry my tail," Berry said before turning on the news. Kodi and the puppies then walked down the stairs and heading into the living room where Berry was. "Daddy where's mommy?" Anika asked as she looked up at her father. Kodi looked down at his daughter and smiled. "She should be home real soon," Kodi replied as he nuzzled Anika. But although Dusty should have been home already and this made Kodi a little bit worried. Kodi then walked over to Berry and whispered to him. "Did Dusty tell anything before she left to take Thomas"? Kodi whispered to Berry.

"No I was sleeping," Berry asked. Kodi then frowned, "You're always sleeping." Kodi whispered back. "I don't always sleep!" Berry said out loud. The puppies the stopped playing and looked at their uncle and father. "Your not what uncle Berry?" Nova asked. "It's nothing son. we're just talking," Kodi replied with a smile. "Oh okay," Nova said as he and the other puppies started playing again. Kodi then looked back at Berry, Berry then crossed his arms and stuck out his tongue at Kodi. Kodi then used a low growl at him. "This just in! A local nine- year old boy was killed last night inside his own home," The news reporter said showing some video of the house. "I know that house," Kodi said while looking at the TV. "You do? Whose house is it?" Berry asked. "My old friend lives there and he has a kid. A little boy named Jake." Kodi explained.

"What we are about to show may too disturbing for younger audiences. You have been warned," The reporter said before showing some pictures of Jake Smith. Kodi and Berry's eyes widen once they say how Jake was taken in with his eyes cut out and his jaw ripped apart. "Oh man," Berry said with his eyes glued to the TV. Kodi's heart broke as he was thinking about how Ralph was taking it losing his boy. Kodi would lose it if Thomas was killed like that or Dusty or his puppies and even Berry was killed like that.

Thomas was now eating lunch alone until Austyn placed his lunch down at his table. "Dude, did you hear about Jake Smith?" Austyn asked before taking a bite of his sandwich. "Yeah, I was walking by the house and heard about it," Thomas said as took a bite of a carrot. "Did you see what he looked like after they found him," A soft female voice said from behind Thomas. Thomas turned around and smiled at who he saw. "Hannah. Come sit with us," Thomas said still having his smile. Hannah had a warm smile on her face as she sat down next to Thomas. "So what were you saying about what he looked like after they found him?" Austyn asked taking another bite of his sandwich.

"Are you sure you're ready for this? It's pretty graphic what I'm about to show you," Hannah said as she took out her phone. "I'm game," Austyn said proudly. "Okay," Hannah said as she pulled up the pictures and showed Austyn them. "I think I'm going to be sick," Austyn said as he puts down his sandwich. Hannah then turned and looked at Thomas. "Do want to see them, Thomas?" Hannah asked softly. Thomas then nodded as Thomas took her phone and looked at the picture. "Jesus," Thomas said before giving Hannah her phone back. "How does something like that happen?" Thomas asked he looked at Hannah. "I don't know, I really don't know," Hannah said as she puts her phone away. "I heard it was the dog did it," Austyn said now picking up his sandwich and eating it again. Thomas and Hannah both looked at Austyn. "Then explain how he was found in the attic," Hannah asked Austyn. "How do you know he was found the attic?" Austyn said as he crossed his arms.

"My dad's a cop and my mom's the one who reported it," Hannah said before taking a carrot from Thomas's tray. "Oh, I guess that makes sense," Austyn said as he scratched his head. "Wait didn't you date Jake's older brother Justin?" Austyn asked. "Yeah I did," Hannah said as she looked down at the table. Thomas looked to his left and noticed that Justin was eating lunch by himself. Thomas then looked at his friends. "Should we go say something?" Thomas asked. Hannah then stood up with her bag and looked at her friends. "Yeah I think we should," Hannah replied as she looked at Thomas. Thomas nodded as he stood up and then threw his tray away. Austyn also did the same and followed his friends. "Justin," Hannah spoke up first as she stood in front of her ex-boyfriend.

Justin looked up at Hannah with his hood on. Justin's eyes were red and puffy from crying. "Hey, Hannah, Thomas, Austyn," Justin said as he looked at everyone. Hannah then sat down at the table and placed her hand on Justin's. "Are you okay Justin?" Hannah asked. Thomas and Austyn both sat down next to Hannah. "It wasn't Jake's dog that did it. I know that for a fact," Justin said in a soft tone as he looked forward into Hannah's eyes. "I found Jake in the attic." Justin simply said. "You found him the attic?" Hannah asked. Justin nodded with a tear rolling down his face. "I had to go wake him up for school this morning," Justin said as he started to tell the story.


"Jake come on we're going to late!" Justin said as he walked into his brother's room. Justin looked around the room but couldn't find his brother anywhere. "I'm in here Justin!" Jake called from the closet door. "Come on Jake! I don't have time for games." Justin said as he walked over to the closet door. Justin then opened the closet door and found Cookie Monster on the ground with red stains on it. "What did you do spill paint on him?" Justin said out loud. "Up here, Justin!" Jake called from the attic. "Mom's going to kill you," Justin said to himself as he went up into the attic. "Alright, Jake come on!" Justin said as he turned out his flashlight on his phone. "Jake?" Justin said as he looked around the attic. Justin then turned to his left and saw Jake's dead body. "Ahh!" Justin screamed as he fell back down the attic ladder and then ran out of the room to get his mom and dad.

(End Flashback)

"But Jake was already dead how did he call for you?" Hannah asked. "That's the part I don't understand. He was already dead when I found him and yet I hurt his voice in that attic," Justin said with more tears coming down his face. "And the way he looked and how he was killed. His dog couldn't do that! I know Ralph. He loved Jake… more than I could ever." Justin said as he took his hand back from Hannah. "Justin… Jake knew you loved him." Hannah said looking into Justin's eyes. Justin looked down at the table away from Hannah's eye contact. "I wasn't very nice to him a few days ago," Justin said looking back up at Hannah. "I told him a little urban legend. That story when were kids in the fourth grade, about the Grinch," Justin explained. "He was acting out at mom and dad, So I wanted to teach him a lesson and told about the Grinch. About how Grinch takes kids away and eats them," Justin explained looking down at the table.

"Justin that's just a story. It couldn't have happened to Jake," Hannah said placing her hand on Justin's hand. Thomas noticed that his nose was starting to bleed. "Are you okay Thomas?" Austyn said looking at his friend. Hannah and Justin both looked at Thomas. "I'll be right back," Thomas said before leaving. "Thomas, wait!" Hannah said as she stood up. Thomas had already run into the bathroom before Hannah could go after him. Thomas ran into the bathroom and grab some paper towels. Thomas wipes away the blood from his nose and then heard some humming from his stones. "Shit, what now?" Thomas said as he pulled out all of his stones from his pocket. Thomas looked at his stones and noticed that they were changing colors while humming.

Suddenly all the stones turn black with the lights going out. "This can't be good," Thomas said to himself. The light then came back on real quick with Thomas jumping back from seeing what was in the mirror. Words written in red marked the whole mirror. "Jake wasn't the only one," Thomas read out loud. Thomas' eyes widen when he heard someone breathing behind him. Thomas turned quickly and then scream. Jake's dead body was standing there in front of Thomas. Jake's eyes were black with his jaw ripped apart while blood was flowing out of it. Thomas started breathing hard as Jake started walking forward to Thomas. "Help me, please help me," Jake said in a low sad tone. Thomas then ran towards the door and left the bathroom.

Once Thomas escaped the bathroom, he bumped into Hannah, Austyn, and Justin. "Whoa, Thomas are you okay? What's wrong?" Hannah asked as she placed her hands on Thomas's shoulders. Thomas was breathing too hard to even speak. Hannah then looked at the boy's bathroom before walking towards it. "Hannah that's the boy's bathroom," Austyn spoke up. Hannah didn't listen to Austyn, she went ahead and walked into the boy's bathroom. Hannah looked around the bathroom but found nothing. The mirrors looked the same and the bathroom just looked like a normal boys bathroom. Before leaving, Hannah noticed on the door someone had scratched the words "Help me, Please help me,"

Hannah felt a chill go down her spine as she opened the door and left the bathroom. Hannah closed the door the door behind her and met up with her friends. "Well, what did you see in there?" Austyn asked as he watched Hannah walk up to them. "Nothing really," Hannah said as she looked down at Thomas who was sitting down on the staircase. "Well then, Thomas what happened in there?" Austyn asked as he crossed his arms. Thomas looked down before answering. "Nothing I guess I just freak out from having a nosebleed," Thomas said as he stood up and grabbed his backpack.

"Where are you going?" Hannah asked as Thomas stopped in his tracks and turned and looked at his friends. Thomas then focused on Justin before looked down. "I have to go figure something out, I'll call you guys later," Thomas said before walking away. Thomas walked the hall towards the main entrance. "The stones are telling me something, I know they are! I just know it!" Thomas thought to himself as he walked out of the school. Thomas noticed that Berry and Kodi were waiting for him. Thomas sighed before walking towards them. "Thomas have you seen Dusty at all?" Kodi asked a little bit worried. "Last time I last her, she wanted to see if Ralph was okay," Thomas answered.

"I knew it," Kodi said to himself. "Alright let's get going," Kodi said before walking away. Thomas walked closely with Kodi, while Berry jumped onto Thomas's shoulders. "You okay Thomas? You look a little stressed," Berry said as he looked at Thomas's face. "I'm okay, it's just with everything that's going on, it makes me tired and a little stressed," Thomas explained as they walked along to Ralph's house. Thomas didn't want to worry Kodi with the vision he saw in the bathroom. But it was stuck in his mind on how Jake looked and the feelings he was leaving the room. But what really stuck out was the message on the mirror. "Jake wasn't the only one," Thomas whispered to himself. "What was that?" Kodi asked he looked up at Thomas as they walked. "Nothing," Thomas simply answered.

What the trio didn't know as they were walking to Ralph house, something in the dark shadows of the forest was watching them, eyeing them, wanting to taste them.

Kodiwolf321: Alright guys! Welcome to Grinch! I know this might be a strange story so far with the Grinch and all, but I wanted to take on a new type of way to mix the Purpose Universe with The Grinch. I wrote a shorter version of Grinch with my pal drewdog302 in Nome Is Strange Vol. 1 and with this one, I wanted to have a fresh new scary feeling with the Grinch and I think everything's coming together really nice. So guys let me know what you think and if you want an OC to be featured in here just let me know. This Also takes place Between The Fate Of Us and REPUTATION