Tony goes on a mission and gets severely hurt by an unknown enemy. Dr. Strange knowing no other way to saving Tony uses a spell that can only be something either good or bad for Tony. What will happen in the future of these two? And why did this unknown enemy want to come to earth?

Please be kind to me this is my first ever story. I kind of got the idea of what if Strange used a gender change spell on Tony, but that seemed too lame. So I gave it a twist of Mpreg. Because why not, please enjoy and any feedback is greatly appreciate it.

Tony didn't know how things had ended up like this. His armor broken in to pieces, not even able to re-generate like it should. His abdominal area blown away and bleeding out like a waterfall. Damn his pride and ego for thinking he could do this mission alone.

Slowly he tried to crawl away from this unknown enemy. However, his wound and pain was too much to even let him move an inch. Nice one Tony, not only do I get to look like a fool but I'll die bleeding out my life, he thought. Maybe this was it, the end of the game for him. He wasn't going to lie, he always imagined it would look more heroic than just crawling away, I guess things never turn out the way we want.

The thing approached him slowly and Tony still couldn't get over on how ugly he was. The resemblance to that ugly leprechaun from that stupid horror movie made him but laugh and cringe in disgust, the green skin and pointy bat ears also threw him off. The leprechaun grabbed him by his collar and picked him up till they were making eye contact, as if things couldn't get any worse seeing it up close made this whole situation even worse. Slowly it raised its arm, its appendage shape shifting into something more dangerous than just an arm.

The blade that had formed from his arm was ready to strike Tony and deliver the final blow. Tony closed his eyes waiting for the blow to hit him. But to his surprised a minute went buy and he felt nothing, he was afraid that when he opened his eyes he might be dead or worse. To his surprised when he opened his eyes there was nothing, just him in an empty black space. He didn't know what to do he tried to move but pain ran through his body. "For god sakes Tony, could you please stay still while traveling through dimensions" That voice seemed very familiar to him, yet he couldn't figure it out before he passed out.

Dr. Stephen Strange has become a good friend to Tony after the events of Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet. He consider Tony a great ally and friend above all, their friendship went as far as calling themselves the "Facial Hair Bros" ridiculous but fitting for both of them.

Being the sorcerer supreme was not an easy task keeping realities in check, checking on anything that might alter his own reality and being part of the avengers took a toll that sometimes event things might get past his sight. He took notice when that thing entered the earth's atmosphere it showed as a change in this reality. How he didn't know, however when Tony called out that he would take care of it, he became at ease. He knew Tony was very capable at defending himself and taking care of it. But things don't always go according to plan.

By the time he had arrive to the scene things were beyond words. He never imagined he would see a Super Skrull here on earth. He had to act quick as the Skrull was ready to deliver the final blow, without hesitation he instantly teleported Tony back to the temple. As per the Super Skrull he could be dealt with later Tony was far more important, and with the snap of his fingers the Skrull was trapped into a different reality.

Traveling back to the temple was nerve wrecking for him, especially since Tony was badly hurt. When he arrived Wong was stabilizing Tony's soul the best he could with a bound spell. "Tell me Wong, how he is holding up" Strange's voice echoed in the temple as he approached. "Not too good, his soul is trying to leave his body and join the dead, his wound is very severe and the bleeding does not stop" Wong replied, his words spoken very calmly.

Strange took a look at his friend dying in front of him, he felt both angry at himself and concerned for how to save Tony. Tony looked pale, lifeless, as his should kept on trying to escape his body. "He won't hold on for much longer, what should we do?" Wong asked concerned with what will happen to the Avenger. Strange felt nervous seeing his friend in this state made him uneasy about his own ability to save him. He had to save Tony not only as his friend but also for his duty as a doctor, he made a vow to always save and protect his patients from death.

Looking back at Wong with concerned eyes, he knew he had to heal Tony before being able to stabilize the soul for good. The problem in this situation was that as a sorcerer he had very little knowledge on healing magic. He focused so much on defense, and attack that he never had the time to read many books on healing. Having only read one book about healing was beyond disgraceful as a Dr. He never would have guessed something like this could happen, and yet here he was.

He supposed the spells of that book could come in handy for this situation, however he was afraid of the outcome if he used it, especially since Tony was a male. The little spell he knew for healing were directed towards the female gender, he supposed the book was written many ages ago to save women in stressful situation for miscarriages or infertility. "I'm afraid I can't heal him Wong". Wong looked at his concerned "What do you mean you can't. You are the new sorcerer supreme and a renounce Dr." Strange looked at him. "What I mean is that I know healing magic yes, but not the kind that should be use on Tony, he is a male and the healing is intended for the female body."

Wong looked at Tony one more time in order to once again stabilize his soul. "Use the spells you know and save him, later we can change or fix any mistakes or consequences that come from it, after all his life is more important than him being turn into a woman for a short period of time". Strange seemed surprised by Wong and his willing of taking a chance with magic that had never been used before. But he was right if they needed to save Tony, he needed to put everything aside and deal with the consequences later.

Strange stood next to Tony putting both his hands up and moving his fingers in order to create a glow of pink from his hands, he slowly placed one hand in Tony's abdomen. A strange glow emitted from Tony many symbols began to appear in the very center of the glow. Tony's massacred abdomen began to heal mending itself little by little it took some time for the process to be over and when it was done it appeared as if nothing had happen to him.

Next was the most difficult part of the procedure, having to calm the soul down and guided back into the body permanently. Strange had done this before it was an easy process but it definitely took a toll on him each time he used the spell. He put both his wrist together moving the hands opposite to one another, each movement was different for each finger created a symbol. Every time a symbol appeared it went into Tony's body, once all the rotations were done a soft glow of gold emitted from Tony's chest.

"He will most likely be passed out for now" Strange looked at Wong as he spoke. Wong only nodded in agreement with the Dr. He hoped nothing out of the ordinary would happen to Stark with the spell they used. He only hoped.

To be Continue...