My eyes flickered open and fell on a hunched over creature. It was shrouded in darkness and blood, but…I knew…that within him was some light. Some sort of desire to find peace and keep it for as long as he lived. The creature stood up and stared at me, his inky black face washed off and I beheld spine tingling red eyes that spun blazingly fast. I was out before I could hit the ground.
This story came at me when I was writing another chapter of 'Shadows smirk'. I thought to myself 'most of my stories revolve around either a clan or a fighting style. Like 'Greatness' talks about Puppet master! Naruto, 'Out of the Blue' talks about Samehada wielding! Naruto, 'White hornet' is an Aburame! Naruto story. Why don't I have a byakugan! Naruto or even a SHARINGAN! Naruto?' Then this was born.
The Naruto I depicted here is what you would call a secret prodigy, not the type that would behave stupid so people would underestimate him, but the type that would prefer the company of the peace and quiet, though he isn't a loner. I've changed up some history, some ages and some sharingan abilities so be prepared. Don't come after my head just cuz of all that.
If I get a good enough reception for this story then I'll put another chapter up, like a sequel. This isn't holding a story hostage, its being cautious; I don't want to type out a story if nobody likes it. So please tell me what you think after reading it.
I don't want to hold you all back anymore.
Something big was happening in the elemental nations. Changes, small and barely noticed at first turned to blaringly obvious signs. Though the more experienced shinobi would say that the change first started when the Kyuubi jinchuriki had been kicked out of his home, Konoha, into the harsh outside world. Away from all he held near and dear, as small of a group as they were, the nine year old blonde boy, with his eyes lowered in disappointment and his shoulders sagged, he resigned to his fate and walked off into the darkness.
A monumental power shift happened many years later.
Naruto was kneeling on a cliff, his sky blue eyes looking up at the pale moon. A sigh escaped his lips and he closed his eyes, "they've finally done it," he whispered to himself, "I thought it would have been more violent," the minor scabs on her arms and rope bruises on his wrists and ankles had already fully healed, "what do I do now?" his small fists clawed the ground as he bent his head down.
The boys ears twitched and he whirled to his feet, flipping backwards away from a thrown senbon. He landed on his feet smoothly and stood at his full height, an average nine year olds height, he frowned sharply at the five blank masked ninjas standing before him, and all were in strong taijutsu stances. His frown deepened when he saw the Konoha symbol etched onto their foreheads, "stand down, Kyuubi. You are ordered to come back to Konoha to be trained," the woman at the centre droned,
"I left Konoha without making a fuss or a scene," he clenched his fists and the beginnings of a scowl came onto his face, "I left Teuchi-oji-san, Ayame-san and Itachi-san there. I didn't complain. I didn't cry," he closed his eyes and took a deep breathe, "all because of Kyuubi." A hollow chuckle escaped his lips, "and you people have the gall to give me orders," the Root ninja had already been briefed on the boy; Naruto was smart, he was cunning and he was very resourceful. That was all they could gather from the very secretive boy. Naruto stopped laughing abruptly and his eyes snapped open, "let me show you what I think of Konoha…" the two tomoe spinning lazily in each of his eyes morphed into three, completing it.
The ninja actually stepped back when they saw this.
Naruto had the sharingan.
The boys eyes began spinning madly and he sprang forward. The world around him moved in slow motion; the Root ninja drew their swords, moving like they were walking in syrup, swung the blunt side of their weapons in sync with each other at the boy but Naruto ducked under each strike and rammed his fist into a ninja's belly, digging it so deep. He, with his arm still inside the poor ninja, ran up another ninja's front side, stomping his head so hard he formed a massive bruise and landing on the first victim's shoulders, his arm out of his stomach.
The ninja never had a chance; his head spun in a perfect 180 degree angle and life left his body. Just as he was crumbling Naruto leaped off and grabbed the lone female by her face mask and spun around her boy, dragging her into the ground face first and bringing his elbow down onto her neck, breaking it. He rolled away from hastily thrown shuriken and ran at the thrower, swerving in his running path as he went forward, and, with a wicked spinning kick he nailed him. The result was that all feeling left his body and he crumbled to the ground bonelessly. With deadly precision the boy sent a quick snap kick to the down ninja's neck and his head snapped backwards. Dead.
The last surviving ninja was frantic, or as frantic as a Root ANBU ninja could get; he clenched his tanto strongly. His mask was broken off, showing the bruise on his forehead,
Naruto straightened up and looked aver the mysterious ninjas features and smirked slightly, "an Uchiha…" a young one for that matter, seeing as he wasn't too tall,
"You're coming back to Konoha, Kyuubi," his sharingan had three tomoe spinning in his sockets. He was obviously inexperienced in using it at this form, seeing as he was constantly blinking his eyes and shaking his head. He raced forward and swung his weapon, Naruto side stepped the strike and dealt two punches on his opponent's mid-section, and he ducked again and punched the other side of his mid-section. The Root ninja's movements slowed down, he wheezed and blindly swung again. Naruto scoffed and side stepped and sent three wicked right hooks to his mid-section and a strong blow to the side of his head. Blood sprayed from his mouth and he dropped his weapon, Naruto punched his chest and pulled him back when he was about to topple back, giving the ninja a rib shattering knee to his side. The boy wasn't done with his onslaught yet; he spun around and slammed his elbow across the ninjas face, grabbing his flak jacket when he was about to fall over again. The blonde boy rained down two merciless blows to the boy's face and swept his feet from under him.
The blonde Uchiha looked down at his battered opponent and frowned, "weak," he stepped on the downed boys chest and pushed down, making the Root ninja wince and weakly claw at the offending foot, "pathetic,"
Naruto's mind went back to his first meeting with Itachi; the older boy by only a few years had said that Naruto had what no other person his age group had: untapped potential. The blonde boy had been struggling to get his academy taijutsu right, not knowing that it wasn't the style in the first place. Itachi had corrected this for him and showed him how to do the Henge. This allowed him to sneak into the library and read as much as he wanted to, knowing that he wouldn't learn anything from the academy. He trusted Itachi enough to show him his sharingan, which had one tomoe then. Itachi had trusted him enough to tell him about the sharingan's full form. The Eternal Mangekyo sharingan.
He was five when he met the twelve year old stoic Uchiha and presently the nine year old secret Uchiha looked down at the ninja and a small smile crawled to his face, "you will serve a purpose to me after all," he bent down and slid a scroll from out of the downed Uchiha's flak jacket, knowing what a sealing scroll was. He unsealed everything inside and washed his hand with a bottle of water, before he dug his fingers into the boys eyes, ignoring his screams, and sealing the sharingan eyes into the sealing scroll, "perfect, don't you think?" the boy was whimpering pitifully, "thank you for your eyes, Uchiha-san," he slipped a stray kunai through the side of his head, killing him.
Naruto stood up and stretched, he then began to silently gather all the equipment the Root ninja. He snagged the female ninjas back pack and filled it with all the sealing scrolls, spare weapons, clothes, and every other thing. He chose to keep the sharingan eyes scroll in his pants pockets. He took out a map and hummed in thought,
"I need to get stronger, where do I go first?"
From the moment Danzo made the mistake of trying to retrieve the reclusive jinchuriki he had sealed everyone else's fate. Naruto had disappeared without a trace after that first night, but six years later was when major news began to circulate.
Six years after Naruto was kicked out of Konoha the blood thirsty Mizukage, Yagura, disappeared from his office for about two hours and when he returned he was fully repentant on what he had done. The man, till this day was very tight lipped on how he was so easily kidnapped but the only person who had witnessed the event was a civilian cleric that had gone to his office to retrieve some official documents.
Shirui, the old cleric, stiffly shuffled through the upper levels of the Mist Kage tower. The man sighed and he walked up to the Mizukage's door. He sighed tiredly, ready for the daily jab on his inability to get a raise or even a better job by Yagura; he pushed opened the door. He walked in and Yagura glared at him icily before he smirked,
"well if it isn't my favourite stagnant, old man," he dropped his pen and was about to stand up before a swirling vortex opened up behind him and sucked him in, a blonde teens head popped out and looked around, the person wore a red skull jaw half mask over his lower jaw,
"I'll be borrowing him for a few," he looked around the office again and shook his hair, "the paint is horrible," he then blinked out of sight with his vortex.
"What…just happened…?" Shirui mumbled,
The kamui vortex opened up hundreds of miles up in the air, directly over Ameagakure. At first Yagura flailed his hands until he managed to get his body under control and he spread his arms open. He felt two feet landing on his back and he instinctively knew that he was being used as a surf board.
"Woohoo!" Naruto leaned back and jammed a senbon clean through Yagura's neck and a seal matrix exploded to life immediately after that, stopping him from moving or channelling his beast chakra, "nice try!" the wind was whipping around them harshly but the 15 year old boy was under perfect control of whatever was happening; he swerved side to side and hopped up, making the Mizukage spin, and landed neatly back onto him, this time his face was up. The offending boy wore mainly black clothes; black short sleeved shirt and ninja pants that were occasionally striped with deep red claw designs her and there. He had on deep red forearm and shin guard with thick red ninja sandals. He had on red fingerless gloves. The boy also had short blonde spikey hair that definitely fit his attire. He briefly looked in horror as he saw three tomoe sharingan spinning in his eyes,
"Who the hell are you!?" Yagura snarled at his unwanted passenger, the younger boy didn't respond for a while seeing as he was too busy using the man to dive through clouds and rolling around. The duo broke through the Ameagakure rain bubble and was immediately doused by the chakra rain pouring around.
"I'll need you to act as bait!" Naruto yelled as he spotted the Amekage's tower', "on three!"
"I never agreed to anything!"
In answer Naruto knelt down on one knee and grabbed Yagura by his chin, "dude, you don't have a say in this!" his eternally activated sharingan morphed into the half complete form, the Mangekyo, and he looked into the Mizukage's eyes, "wake up!" the sharingan induced illusion visibly shattered, Yagura blinked frantically and was about to ask, more politely, who the boy was until the sharingan spun again, "sleep," a finger poke to the man's forehead and his eyes turned into the Mangekyo sharingan. Naruto swerved away from a tall building and roughly rode down the side down to the ground.
Despite the landing Naruto jumped off the swirly eyed man and looked around with a bored face, pursing his lips in thought before he snapped his fingers, "get ready," against his own will Yagura stood up shakily and hastily pulled out his signature hook staff. Naruto smirked slightly when he saw the Mizukage obey his command so quickly, without hesitation, "they should be here in five, four, three, two-"
He flew through some hand seals and murmured, "Lightning release: Bug zapper," he pointed at the first person to reach his position, Kisame, and before he could get his feet under him he was blown away. "Nagato is mine," he said to Yagura over his shoulder,
"You'll know him when you see him. You'll handle the ones that come here," here he turned around and glared at the man, "do NOT hold back," Yagura nodded, "look alive, we've got company," the boys intangibility kicked in and a scythe to phased through him, he reached forward with a clawed hand and tore through Hidan's stomach. Hidan coughed in shock and couldn't act fast enough to when Naruto ripped his spine out. The Jashin worshipper flopped forward limply, looking up wide eyed as Naruto stabbed his spine straight into his head, not killing him but making him think through a few things; like acting before thinking.
Naruto stepped over the quietly cursing man and walked forward, defying gravity by leaning far back to dodge a clanking puppet wielding swords and knives from every point in its body. He performed a clean handless backflip and his sharingan caught sight of the chakra strings leading up to Sasori. He continued walking forward calmly, hearing the noise from the Mizukage's fight with Kakuzu and Diedara, probably with a healed Hidan too. Oh well…
The teen continued his calm walk to where the Kage's tower stood tall; he stopped and looked up with his red spinning eyes at the rain shielding the tower. He turned around and a kamui opened up, swallowing a puppet and opening another one above Sasori. The wooden man, since he couldn't scowl, settled on blankly staring at his young opponent as he tried to pry the Nidaime Kazekage off him. Naruto threw his hands at Sasori calmly and watched as a slanted pillar of rock shot at the puppet master and nailed him, throwing him far away. He turned around and continued walking to the tower. He lifted his left leg when Samehada snapped at it and he flipped through a few hand seals,
"Lightning release: Bug zapper," he spat out the jutsu but as it was about to blast Kisame again the man commanded his sword to suck it up and drain it of its chakra,
"Not this time idiot!" Kisame yelled and whipped his sword at the imposter,
"You must feel so smart right now, Kisame," he closed an eye and deadly black flames warped out of the lone open eye at Kisame "amaterasu". The man's first mistake was ordering his sword to swallow the fire, not remembering when Itachi, his partner, had first used the Mangekyo ability against him in a spar. Samehada squealed in unrestrained pain as it wiggled out of his master hands, the black flames also coated his frilling body. Naruto allowed the man to frantically tend to his suffering sword; he kept on walking to the tower. His mind went to the training-torture he had to go through before he could activate the Mangekyo sharingan. Most weren't aware that killing a loved one wasn't the only thing an Uchiha had to do to activate his Mangekyo; he merely pushed his body well past his body's limit, used his sharingan to do everything from reading, to brushing his teeth, to training. The half completed form of the sharingan came a year after he had killed the Root ANBU. Itachi had been sending him letters and scrolls on how to master the sharingan and how to upgrade it.
At that time the twelve year old boy had the Mangekyo sharingan but the Kyuubi chakra in his system that was in perfect harmony with his own chakra prevented his sharingan from going blind anytime soon irrespective of all the jutsu he performed with his eyes. He had never appreciated Kyuubi anymore than he did at the very moment he had performed five amaterasu fire attacks to carve a bloody, fiery path through Hidden Star as practice. He smirked at the memory. Though he still replaced his eyes with the first sharingan he got, acquiring the Eternal Mangekyo sharingan. He gave the nurse at Hidden Marsh a hefty amount of money for not asking questions.
He held up a single ram hand seal and spat out a ball of deep red fire from his mouth, ploughing through an Earth attack that had been coming at him courtesy of an irate Sasori, who hadn't used ninjutsu for a very long time, "pesky puppet master," Naruto said, "your will is admirable," he kept walking forward to the wooden man that had leaped down in front of him as well as the silver sand using puppet that protectively hovered in front of the puppeteer. Naruto smiled lightly, an intimidating sight to Sasori. A wave of sand came at him but he spat out another ball of molten hot fire, carving a path of melted silver until it stopped a few feet in. His sharingan spun lazily and he held up a tiger hand seal, "Fire release: Red ivy," from under his feet spiny vines with thorns erupted and honed to the dead Kazekage, his silver sand didn't hold the attack off to much; the creeping fire vines slithered along the protective dome that had been hastily formed, creating small cracks and spider webs. He could only imagine how hot the interior of the silver dome was.
Naruto walked past the occupied man coolly, knowing his attack would hold the S rank ninja off for a full hour. His mind then went to what he had seen during the one tails retrieval. How the puppet master had faced off his grandmother and almost losing if he had not sent the man into a kamui and deposited him above Diedara. Gaara had lost Shukaku but his life was given back to him by a trade Sasori's grandmother had made with the Shinigami. He respected strength and sacrifice, and that old woman had those in spades. He had visited her grave to pay his respects. He ran his hands through his short blonde hair as he neared the tower and caught five shuriken in his fists neatly and throwing them back to Itachi.
The standoff was spine tingling. Both Uchiha having small smirks etched on their faces. Naruto cocked his head to the side slightly and asked, "Are you going to stand in my way, Itachi?"
Itachi looked over the younger Uchiha's shoulder at the wreckage at his wake, from the still burning Samehada, to the distracted Sasori. A bomb went off at where Yagura was holding off Diedara, Kakuzu and Hidan, making the bloody Uchiha traitor look at the younger Uchiha. He stepped aside and motioned to the tower, "I'd be crazy to do that,"
Naruto walked to the tower and stopped beside Itachi, looking at the man. A small smile crawled to his face, as with Itachi, and he patted the older man's shoulder, not having to reach to high up to do so, "where are you going now?" the Uchiha shrugged, "stay in Akatsuki, you're still needed," Itachi nodded silently.
Naruto walked past him and entered the pitch dark hallway leading through the massive building. He sniffed the air deeply and hummed, before he walked straight forward. The only sound that could be heard was the light padding of Naruto's sandals since he knew with absolute certainty that Pein had been expecting him. Itachi wasn't only konoha's spy. Plus, the man had discovered his hide out in Hidden Mountain… and destroyed the place. It had been a shinobi called Tobi that had come after him and he was sure he had never gone up against any one so strong. His saving grace was his unlimited use of kamui, amaterasu, the Susanno his extensive study into jutsu, his taijutsu and his overall chakra capacity. Tobi had been forced to flee when he had been wounded by a combined Susanno/Kyuubi Beast form. He was sure the masked man was having the tailed beast chakra leached out of his body somehow. He would find him later; now he had a 'god' to deal with.
Naruto loved Hidden Mountain; the village had taken him in without question about his past or demand him to join their forces. He had chosen to be a passive, rank-less hunter ninja that chose his missions and did so whenever he wanted. Hidden Mountain was still grateful for the addition into their forces. He had been away from the village hidden in the mountains on a mission to track Zabuzza for his sword. Of course he already found the man dead but he still stored the sword for safe keeping or in case he ever needed it. When he came back he had found Tobi cutting through the Mountain populace, looking for him. The thing that got him really angry was that Tobi was happy. He didn't hold anything back.
He entered a wide and empty throne room and sniffed the air again. He looked around with his EMS eyes and raised his eyebrows when it was the purple haired paper jutsu user that had come out from behind the throne, "you're new. What's your name?"
The woman stoically stared at the very strong intruder and answered, "My name is Konan. What do I call you?"
"You may call me Naruto,"
"You've made a grave mistake by coming here, Naruto," the woman, who still had her hands to her side, walked forward and stood a two feet from Naruto, staring straight at him without any trace of fear, or at his neck so he could avoid his eyes. Naruto had what you called an abnormal growth rate that made him as tall as an average nineteen year old man, while in truth he was only fifteen. The woman before him stood unwavering and he admired that. Little did he know that the woman admired his strength more. She mentally shook her head and ordered herself to focus.
"And you've made the mistake of serving Nagato. Stand aside lady," he cocked his head to the side and motioned for her to move but the woman remained unmoving, "brave but foolish," the woman's torso turned into sharp paper shards that sliced through the teen, who allowed it to phase through him. He grabbed the last sheet of paper and looked down, only to give an impressed smirk just as the explosive tag went off. Konan reformed just outside the smoke and leaned away from a thrown kunai. She swept her arms over the smoke and stray paper on the ground blew it away, showing that there was no one inside the smoke besides a charred log.
"Lightning release: Bug zapper," she wildly threw paper at the attacking bolt of lightning to slow it down and dove out of the way in time, rolling away from another lightning bolt. She stood up and flipped over the wall, dodging another bolt of lightning. The woman spun in a circle, sending waves of sharp paper out of her Akatsuki attire. Naruto phased through the paper attacks and briskly walked up to her, defying gravity again by leaning back impossibly, dodging another wave of paper, "Wind release: Dead man's telescope," it seemed like a weight had settled over both occupants of the room, with the weight increasing bit by bit, making the woman's knees wobble under the strain of holding herself up and making her paper go after Naruto. Now though the paper was too heavy for her to hold up. She grit her teeth under the strain and sweat began building on her head. She fell onto her knees when the weight tripled and used her arms to hold herself up.
Naruto, with a visible bubble of air around him, stood over the woman and looked down at her. His red eyes spun slowly before he nodded and walked past her, "s-s-s-stop," she woman gasped as her arms shook from holding up against the invisible weight. She gasped again and strained every muscle in her body to get back up but she was fighting a losing battle. Naruto blankly looked at her and mentally increased the weight, "g-g-g-" the woman was desperate as she huffed and pushed with all her might to get off her knees, and again she was failing. She finally fell under the weight and the ground beneath her caved, forcing her to fall several stories down to the first floor.
The blonde Uchiha snapped his fingers just as the woman reached the first floor, making the weight lift off her. Naruto then idly looked down the hole at the woman who was lying on the ground, spread eagle and tired. He screwed his lips to the side and contemplated killing her, before he shrugged and walked to the door behind the throne. He threw the doors to Nagato's room open and was summarily thrown away by an 'Almighty Push' courtesy of the dead Yahiko.
The force of the rinnegan jutsu was so strong that he was pushed through the wall and flung into a building, and into the ground. Naruto chuckled lightly and got out of the crater, stretching his arms over his head, "well…I didn't expect that," Itachi certainly didn't warn him that the rinnegan could cloud his vision, and cover the owner of the eyes, briefly, from his EMS. If Pein could surprise him, the person that could see everything, then he would have to take this confrontation seriously. He crossed his red forearm protectors together, "let's see what you've got, Nagato,"
The fight shook the very foundations that Ameagakure. All other fights ground to a halt and all watched in awe as the Akatsuki leader, Pein, faced off the impossibly skilled blonde Uchiha with all his paths present. Pein had pulled off all the abilities he had in his arsenal and Naruto countered and struck back with equal ferocity.
It was a fight that went straight into the Ameagakure history books.
Despite the wreckage the two (or seven) fighters were carving through Ame they ensured they didn't affect any civilian whatsoever. No civilian or Ame shinobi died in the affair.
After the battle all bowed in subservience to Naruto as he stood over the last path of Pein, the Animal path. Plunging his fingers through her head and shattered her skull as well as her brain. (We all know that the Animal path is dead female right?) He had broken down Pein's door and debated whether or not to kill him; he settled on taking the man's eyes, his title as leader of Akatsuki and Amekage, and bestowing on the man a normal pair of eyes he had in a storage scroll. Pein chose to live the rest of his life in a small apartment in Ame and Konan had sworn her life to Naruto, still loyal to Pein but was still all for world peace.
Being a Kage of a very powerful village, Naruto began to set his plans into motion, but first he had to take care of a few things and kill a few people.
The first person to fall to Naruto was Orochimaru.
Naruto stood over the feral snake Sannin, who was covered in bloody gashes and fist sized holes in his torso. In his hand he held a bloody tanto, his EMS lazily looked on as the Sannin tried to crawl away and at the same time struggling to keep the Kusanagi in his grasp,
"I came over with a proposition, Orochimaru," the teen slowly said as he stalked to the man, Orochimaru's breathing became heavier and he winced when he felt his ribs cave in a little, "I asked you, politely, to serve me as my advisor," he lightly kicked the man's side and remained blank faced as he heard his screams, "all you needed to do was say 'no' and I would leave," he reached down and grabbed the Sannin neck, "I would have gone," he whispered to Orochimaru, "but you attacked me. You wanted to take my eyes," he pointed his tanto behind him at Kabuto, who was nailed to the wall and bleeding all over the place, "his death is your fault," he pointed to another side of the room at Sakon and Ukon, who were tied up together and headless, "their deaths are your fault," he pointed to the opposite side of the room at Tayuya who was still coughing up some black blood, her back was to the wall and her eyes were bleeding heavily, "you saved her from dying when those trees fell on her, but she's going to die here,"
He then held the tanto over Orochimaru's head and lifted him up so they were eye level, the man's legs couldn't get enough purchase on the ground to support his own weight. Naruto head butted him when he saw he was about to spit out his tongue,
"I thought we have established that that is useless against me," the boy looked deep into the snake summoner's eyes with his Mangekyo spinning quickly, "you were a worthy opponent, Orochimaru of the Sannin." He head butted the man again, "but you're a very stupid opponent. Tsukoyomi,"
The second person to fall was Danzo.
Naruto pulled his leg back, away from a tree spike that had been flung at him from far across the training ground 44. He raised his hand for Sasori to stand down and for Kisame to come closer "bring him to me, Kisame, assist him Konan," the shark man grinned toothily and bowed quickly to his leader before he blurred over to the fleeing Danzo. Konan looked to her leader, into his Mangekyo eyes, and smiled lightly before she whooshed to where Kisame and Danzo were.
All the members of Akatsuki were present, standing behind him as they watched Kisame and Konan match up against the Sandaime's rival. He had to give the older man some credit though; he sure was stubborn. Around the S rank nuke nin and Naruto lay numerous dead or dying bodies of Root ANBU. He looked down boredly when he felt his pants leg being tugged; Itachi lifted up the surviving ninja by his hair and forced him onto knees in front of Naruto,
The teen blankly looked down at the ninja and raised his eyebrows, "why are you still alive, Shinobi-san?" he nodded gratefully when Itachi removed the cracked blank white mask from his face to reveal a face that had two black eyes (one on each eye) and a cut lip,
The person tried to talk but his throat was too clogged up with blood, he heaved out some of the blood and spoke, "the g-great tree would-would stand strong…" he spat out some thick blood at Naruto's feet. Naruto snorted, stopping Itachi from punching the offending ninja across the face. The man would die anyways; Kakuzu had thoroughly pounded most of his internal organ to paste, according to what his eyes were telling him.
"This 'Great tree' you speak of is nothing but a delirious man's dreams of grandeur for a corrupted village," he was speaking about the Sandaime, the spineless Hokage that didn't stop the mob of Konoha citizens from kicking him out of the village; he KNEW the man knew he was being kicked out, he had Zetsu steal the dead man's journal. At least the man was remorseful. He whipped out his red tanto and sliced a clean line through the kneeling ninja's throat, cutting his jugular. He bent down and wiped the blood off on the dead man's trousers,
The young but incredibly powerful boy looked up when he heard feet land before him. He stood up straight and sheathed his sword in the sheath at his left side. Danzo looked horrible; his arms had been shaved off and his legs from his knees were also gone, his right eye had been burst by a sharp paper shard when the man had been too focused on keeping Kisame from sucking out his chakra, courtesy of Konan. The shark man was holding him up so Danzo, whose head was lolling to the side, could see Naruto, "y…you…" Naruto had his half mask hanging off his neck,
Instead of answering Naruto grabbed the man by his neck, Kisame let go, and squeezed lightly, "you organised the mob, correct?" the man knew what mob he was talking about,
"Hiruzen…" he wheezed, "he didn't want…me to train…you. You…were too…secretive…you…you were," his lone eye was slowly shutting but it snapped open when Naruto slapped him across the face, he continued like he had not stopped, "a security…risk… It had to be…done. For the good of…Ko-" Naruto couldn't bear to listen to the dying man anymore, he squeezed his hands and the man's neck broke, killing him. He dropped the recently murdered man,
"You can have him, Zetsu,"
No Konoha ninja could hear the sounds of battle, no Konoha ninja arrived on time.
The third to fall to Naruto was…Madara.
Zetsu had entered his room in the Kage's tower and attempted to kill him and, of course, steal his eyes. He didn't count on the fact that Naruto was a very shallow sleeper.
Or that Naruto had a secret guard.
"I knew you weren't for the group, Zetsu," Konan murmured as she sliced off Zetsu's arm, the one he was using to reach for the 'sleeping' Naruto. She quietly stepped out from a dark patch in the room and crossed her arms beside Naruto, who had sat up and leaned on the beds head board.
"Who do you work for Zetsu? Really," Naruto said as he folded his arms on his lap,
Zetsu reformed his arm and looked between both shinobi, "the question should be why it's Konan in your room instead of Itachi,"
Naruto ignored the plant creatures question and flickered out of sight from the bed and appeared in front of Zetsu, he grabbed his throat and forced him to look into his EMS which had changed from the three tomoe form, "tell me all you know," Zetsu couldn't resist the alluring pull of the Mangekyo and he spilled everything he knew. After the interrogation Naruto murmured, "Katoametsukami," and immediately after the plant creature was under his sole command, "take me to Madara Uchiha,"
Madara didn't pose as too much of a threat; it was Zetsu that personally killed the man.
The blonde Kyuubi jinchuriki had annexed Hidden Sound and the entirety of Grass country under Ame. That should have been the first indication that powers were shifting and being amassed by the missing ninja village but this still went unnoticed. It had started slow; with Ame steadily increasing their borders even though the chakra rain still poured directly over the village. The only ninja to have noticed this was the legendary toad Sannin. The man had notified Tsunade, the Hokage, on his observation and the woman had summarily sent him into Rain to investigate.
The Sannin wasn't too much of a match for the Amekage, but he did put up a worthy challenge.
Gamabunta, wilding his massive sword, hopped to Naruto but he was easily thrown held back by the boys Susanno armour. He clanged and clanged his sword against the impenetrable armour but it didn't budge. Naruto deactivated his Susanno and unsealed a weapon he had not used in battle before.
The kubikiribochou, the head cleaving sword.
He swung it sideways and the toad used his own sword to block the strike, though he was pushed back from the sheer strength behind the blow. The now eighteen year old boy snorted when Jiraiya had spat out a fire jutsu at him, the fire phased through him and he leaped over the toad boss to the Sannin. He brought the sword down on the man but it stuck into Gamabunta's thick skin.
"Fire release: Red ivy," the fiery vines erupted around the toad boss and seared into his skin, putting him through unbearable pain. When the heat was too much for him and he couldn't wiggle out of the vines he yelled an apology to the Sannin and went back to the summoning realm. Naruto landed smoothly on his feet and lifted the massive sword onto his shoulder easily, he cocked his head to the when he noticed the toad sage's new appearance, "I now see why Itachi and Kisame were hesitant to fight you all those years ago, Jiraiya the toad Sannin,"
"They know awesomeness when they see it kid; you should reconsider fighting me," the man crossed his arms and on his wide shoulders two old toads stood. The man's skin was warty and his eyes were yellow, having that signature amphibian pupil in each.
"Do not underestimate him, Jiraiya-chan, his chakra levels are off the charts," Pa grunted,
"I know, I can sense it,"
"And he has the sharingan," Ma added,
"I know," the fiery vines wiggled high up in the air around Naruto as he responded,
"You are as cocky as your former team mate Orochimaru; you need to think things through," he used his free hand to motion around him at the Akatsuki members a little bit away from him and to the Ame shinobi that were just outside the fight zone, "you are in hostile territory and you think your name is going to save you," he grasped the air above him and the rain froze, making all see the tiny droplets in mid-air, "I control all in Ameagakure," he snapped his fingers and the drops elongated till they turned into small senbon, pointing dangerously at the toad sage, "I was alone when I killed Orochimaru and his 'Sound five'. Do you still wish to fight me, Jiraiya the Toad Sannin?" he was giving his irresponsible godfather a chance to retreat.
"Think about it Jiraiya-chan, he's giving you a chance to run. Take it," Pa hastily whispered to the man he was standing on,
"You should listen to your summons," Naruto said. Jiraiya gulped at the rain senbon that were pointing at him. The man mentally ran through all the jutsu in his arsenal and yelled out his response,
"Ninja art: Toad skin!" he closed his eyes and the senbon rained down on him, unrelenting and unforgiving. He looked like a pin cushion ten seconds after it started; his jutsu wasn't as effective as he had wanted, not counting on the fact that all the rain poring around Ame would attack him. He wheezed and coughed up some blood, "stay…back,"
"I gave you a chance to flee honourably, but you didn't take it. Your remind me of Orochimaru,"
"I'm…nothing like…him…" he sensed the boy walking to him and he was proven correct when he was dealt a rib shattering blow to the centre of his chest,
A swirling vortex opened under the air borne Sannin and sucked him in, depositing him back to where he had been punched. The man regenerated immediately after all the rain senbon melted off him and the rain began pouring. Naruto raised an impressed eyebrow and his eyes swirled in his sockets slowly, gradually increasing speed. A Rasengan was side stepped and he bent under a left hook. The boy kept dodging the older man's attacks effectively and three steps too ahead, until he grew bored of doing that and plunged his hand into the toad sages belly,
The man doubled over and his sage mode flickered off, his concentration shot from all the external chakra the rain senbon had pumped into him as well as having a hand deep in his stomach, he could literally feel the boy grab hold of his large intestine. Naruto looked at him with a raised eyebrow as he deepened the blow till he felt his ribs; he slapped away the two toads as they came at him,
"H-h-how?" Jiraiya whispered as his knees slowly gave out, Naruto still had his hand in his stomach so he used his strength to hold the man up, not even showing any signs of strain,
"You should have listened to advise, you should have thought things through," it sounded like Naruto really wanted the man to retreat, "I gave you a chance," he frowned and dug his hand deeper, by passing the spine and exiting his back, some blood dribbled past the dying man's lips,
"I-I-I-I'm sorry kid," he slowly hunched over tiredly and his arms limply fell on his side, "p-please…" he apologized to his lost godson,
"I can forgive, but I do not like stupidity," he twisted his arm and relished in the man's close eyed quiet wince, the toads came after Naruto again but were blown away by the blunt side of Hidan's scythe, "don't interrupt me, elderly toads,"
"Release him!" Pa yelled going through a few hand seals for a "Water release: Water dragon drilling bullets!" Kisame stood in front of the attack and commanded Samehada to suck up all the chakra in the attack, nullifying it,
"Please!" Ma yelled, "Please don't kill him!"
"Get them," Naruto simply said and all the Akatsuki members rained down on the two toads,
"Ma, Pa run!" Jiraiya used the little strength in his body to yell, his body was not responding to him in any way, making him remember the time he had been poisoned by Tsunade when he had gone to retrieve her.
Kakuzu thundered to the toads and blasted drilling fire bullets at them, working with Itachi to make the fire bullets more deadly by imbuing them with wind. The toads fought in sync to counter these with water shields and a "Water release: Sea gods typhoon!" which, as the name implied, sent a massive wave of water around them to repulse the S rank ninja. Kisame grinned widely as he expertly rode the wave and dove at the two toads,
"Water release: Drilling water sharks," the deadly ninjutsu attack honed to the duo and impacted around them, splashing water around. They jumped over a razor sharp fin that sliced under them and Pa sent a punch to another shark, destroying it, "tough little guys aren't ya,"
The toads ran over the waves of water at top speed, using their diminutive height to pass the S rank ninja and grabbed Jiraiya by his pants, reverse summoning him back to the toad summoning realm. Naruto looked at his bloody arm where the toad sage was formerly impaled and frowned, "live another day, Jiraiya,"
Tsunade had saved her team mates life, just barely, but she had been forced to come to terms with the fact that it was her godson, the one she had abandoned, that had done this to the man.
Or that Naruto had the sharingan. Something Minato couldn't even unlock, seeing as the man was from an almost extinct branch of the Uchiha clan, the Namikaze clan. From what the toad sage had told her before he passed out he had fully mastered his eyes. She needed to stop Naruto before he got too powerful.
She didn't know she was already too late.
Sasuke had never been so frantic until that very moment.
He was sucking up as much chakra as he could from Karin's wrist as his Mangekyo looked at the blazing inferno he had caused, despite that he knew that the person, or persons, he was against were far from harmed. He hastily pulled the awed red haired and himself away from a thrown three pointed scythe that was connected back into the fire by a chain. The scythe tore through the ground back into the fire and Hidan walked out with a grisly grin on his face.
"Get the job done, idiot. Boss wants him down when he arrives," Kakuzu rumbled as he too walked out of the flames, he doused the flames off Hidan's Akatsuki cloak, leaving some parts of the cloth burned off but leaving just enough to cover his lower half; his chest and arms were out in the open. He rocketed to the duo but leaped away when a Susanno flared to life around them, "he has the Susanno…" he murmured dully, knowing from personal experience that the armour was fairly impenetrable, but from what he was seeing the armour wasn't too complete seeing as it was just a rib cage,
"Do the thing," Hidan said as he slashed the rib cage numerous times,
"What thing?" Kakuzu grunted as he analysed the armour and the smug Uchiha inside it,
"That…thing Itachi showed you; I know you know what I'm talking about," the Jashin worshipper huffed and slashed the incomplete celestial shell one more time before he leaned on his scythe, "boss will be here any minute, hurry up you salty ass worshipper!"
The calmer immortal ignored the jab and tried to remember just what Itachi had shown him before he snapped his fingers and pulled his hand back, wind and fire chakra covered his entire arm. The man refrained from yelling at the searing pain and punched the rib cage, "Punch!" the rib cage covering the Uchiha slid backwards and the man punched more times, destabilizing the shell and allowing Hidan to leap in and bash his scythe against Karin, throwing her to where the other two members of team taka lay unconscious.
"What do you want?" Sasuke growled as he held up his sword defensively,
"Boss wants to speak to you, kid," Kakuzu grunted and walked up to him, ignoring the sword the boy held.
"Stand down, Kakuzu," Naruto said from behind the duo as he stepped out of a kamui,
"Naruto-sama," both slightly bowed in recognition, he motioned for them to move away as he walked to Sasuke.
"Who are you?" Sasuke glared at him with his sharingan but Naruto shrugged it off, staring right back with his eternal Mangekyo sharingan.
"I'll be in need of your…assistance,"
"And why would I help you?" he noted the Akatsuki robes on the teen as well as the Ame forehead protector the blonde was donning proudly,
"Your team falls under Akatsuki, Sasuke, and by extension so do you,"
"Who do you think you are?" Sasuke snarled and just barely held himself from slashing at the obviously powerful man in front of him,
"Your boss, unless you wish to leave Akatsuki…" there was only one way to quit the Akatsuki. Death.
The black haired Uchiha really wanted to try his luck against the blonde Uchiha, but he held himself back; this boy reminded him of Tobi, the mask wearing Uchiha that had beat him and disappeared, except Naruto wasn't masking himself with childish joy.
Sasuke slowly sheathed his sword and frowned, "what do you want me to do?"
"I want you to lead Hidden Sound,"
Despite Tsunade warning the other nations about the sheer strength, power and skill Rain had in their ranks, they couldn't rally their forces together soon enough to defend the invasions.
Naruto had Kiriagakure under his thumb the moment he had freed Yagura from the genjutsu. The man had handed over power to Mei Terumi. The woman wisely swore her allegiance to Rain and Naruto. Naruto had the whole of Grass country, Snow country and Demon country during his shadow campaigns with his loyal Akatsuki members.
All fell under him. All swore their loyalty to him.
Naruto took the nations and Hidden villages under his grasp and commanded them, from Ameagakure, to expand progressively around. Each shinobi had specific commanders, the main Akatsuki members, to lead them in the invasion. More villages fell under his at the shadow invasion.
They didn't have a chance.
Konan ducked her head slightly under Naruto's gaze. The boy, for once, didn't have his sharingan activated. The taller twenty year old boy gently pushed her purple hair behind her ear and smiled down at the twenty nine year old woman, his sky blue eyes glinting in secret happiness,
"You've let your hair grow out, Konan," he stepped closer to her and lightly rubbed her cheek with his thumb,
A light blush dusted her cheeks and she lifted her hand to hold the hand on her cheek, "you said you liked it that way," she looked up with wide eyes at her leader, Naruto laughed quietly and placed his forehead on hers,
"I would like you even if you had short hair," he held her hand, gently grabbing her other hand, and held it up between them. The two were alone in a Hidden Fang command centre, even Zetsu wasn't eaves dropping; he knew just when to stay away. The weather was warm and calming, and the atmosphere was perfect. Naruto smiled a bit wider when he felt the woman's heart rate go up a bit.
Konan's mouth wiggled as she smiled back, wider than she would have wanted, "I like you too, Naruto-sama," she hesitantly craned her neck up and placed a small, chaste kiss on his lips,
"You can call me Naruto," he shortly kissed her back,
She bit her lips lightly and kissed him again, putting her arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. This was a time Naruto was glad he had asked her not to wear his Akatsuki cloaks, him as well; he lifted her up by the back of her thighs and she wrapped her legs around his hips. The younger boy lightly squeezed the woman's butt, eliciting a quiet moan from her so he could gently slide his tongue into her mouth. Konan savoured Naruto's taste and didn't offer any resistance. He ran his hands up and down her thighs slowly, making the woman feel tendrils of pleasurable fire go up her legs to her back. She moaned quietly again when Naruto increased the intensity of his kiss.
He walked forward and put her sumptuous behind onto the command table, he slipped his hands into her pants and rubbed them and Konan slipped her hands into his shirt. He slowly laid her down, their mouths still connected. He ran his hands up her light purple shirt and thumbed her womanly breasts, and since he didn't have any callouses it felt more than good for the woman. She moaned again and her back arched up into his hands,
"We should stop," Naruto muttered as he peppered her neck with kisses, making sure to suck on a pressure point in tune to her breathy gasps,
"Please…no…" her legs tightened a bit around his hips and she grasped his black shirt, pulling her closer to him, "keep going…please," Naruto sucked particularly hard as he heard her response, making her moan a little louder,
"I don't want to push you," he kissed down her neck, "I'm not exactly good at this,"
"You're doing fine. Yes, yes, yes, keep doing that," she whispered her encouragement as Naruto used the bulge in his pants to grind into her core, "please don't stop…"
Naruto grunted as he put his forehead onto hers, making her look into her eyes, lust as plain as day. He slowly kept grinding and smirked down at her, she blushed in response and hugged him closer to her, squeaking as he pushed a little too hard, "this isn't what people do before they go on a first date," he sped up a bit and grunted, he was glad though; Konan seemed to appreciate it very much if her loud moan,
"there, yes, yes, right there," her soft noises were intoxicating to Naruto, "I don't mind, we can go on a date later," she began moving to the rhythm of Naruto's grinding, shuddering pleasurably as her desire doubled. Naruto reached down with his hand and slipped it into her pants, rubbing her sopping wet core in sync with his erections thrusts, "kami-sama,"
Naruto chuckled but it was muffled by her hasty kiss, he thrust faster and harder, having to slip her ninja pants off her so he could make her feel much more comfortable, her body shaking moan forced her lips away from him, "is this your first time?" she nodded and pulled his hips closer, kicking her pants off her right leg. Her under wear was a cute purple dotted with flowers. Naruto leaned back so she could throw off her T-shirt, exposing her light purple bra that comfortably held her breasts.
"Isn't this your first?" he nodded and rubbed his hardness up and down her core, still separated by three pieces of clothes, "how are you so good?"
"I've read a lot of books," he hastened his thrusts as her pleasurable sounds increased sharply, not knowing that telling her that little bit of information could turn her on even more. She exploded all over his pants a few seconds later. Her orgasm cascaded through her so hard she could have powered a house for a month. Naruto kept on humping her throbbing core until her arms went limp and she began heaving in deep breathes. Naruto gently kissed her lips and she lazily kissed back, too tired to resist.
The blonde Uchiha sat up and smiled lightly at her, "that was…so, so good," Konan whispered, her eyes trailed down his still clothes chest, appreciating his torso, then to his pants where his man wood was still throbbing in his pants, "you're still up…"
Naruto looked down then back to her, "its fine, your happiness is my priority now,"
Konan shook her head and sat up, she held his hand and smiled, "no, I want you to feel good," she nuzzled his chest before she pushed him back and had him lean onto the command table, running her hands over the bulge in his pants, "I really want to do it, if you want to as well of course,"
"I'm not stopping you," Naruto ran a hand through her hair as she knelt down and unzipped his pants,
Konan had found Naruto's soft side and she couldn't be happier. The blonde boy could be incredibly romantic if he wanted and Konan couldn't be any more flustered. Konan had never been any more turned on when Naruto had used his bare hands to break a Sand shinobi hands off when he had made the mistake of looking at her behind for too long. The sex that day was mind melting; she couldn't walk straight for a full week.
Despite being a little bit more invested in hanging out with his love interest Naruto still had a responsibility to keep; he had to govern all the nations and villages he had invaded. Even though he now stood in front of his shinobi with Konan standing behind him to the side protectively, he was still a force to be reckoned with; no one was ready to go up against him so it was best if they stayed on his good side and remained loyal.
The last village to bow to him was Hidden Leaf. Konoha.
But before he commanded his forces to plough through leaf he had one more thing to do.
Naruto heard quiet dripping as he smoothly walked through the cave in the valley of end, his EMS spinning slowly. He walked into a well lit stone walled room and walked to a hospital bed in the middle of the partially empty. He looked down at the occupant in the bed and raised an amused eyebrow at the scowl Tobi had on his face as he looked up at him.
"You just came," he was referring to the fact that this was the same place Madara had been killed by Zetsu and he hadn't reported about Tobi staying there until that morning when the plant creature was packing out all of Madara's life work to Rain.
Tobi frowned and closed his eyes, seeing that his lone sharingan eyes weren't affecting the superior boy hovering over him. The Kyuubi chakra had been wreaking havoc in his system ever since his last fight with Naruto, his eyes were slowly failing him and his internal organs were revoking. Just that morning he had four heart attacks, if he didn't have the medical technology he had stolen from Hidden Sound he would have died years ago. He wasn't sure how much longer he could hold on for, "yes. Why are you here? To rub your victory in? Go ahead, I don't care anymore,"
"I'm here to kill you. You destroyed my first home, Hidden Mountain. Remember?"
"Yeah, I remember. They were very brave," he breathed in deeply, "I respect bravery, even though they were very much out classed," Naruto nodded as well, "how am I going to die, Naruto?"
"Honourably and with your dignity intact. You shall be remembered for pursuing peace, even though how you did it was appalling,"
"I'll take what I can get. I'm ready," he closed his eyes and winced when Naruto jammed his pointer finger into his chest and pumped some demon chakra, making the deformed man decay before his very eyes,
After this Naruto re-sealed the tailed beast in the Gedo statue into six children, orphans he had taken into his home to live with him and his love interest, Konan.
The then twenty year old blonde Uchiha finally took over Konoha, with the leaf village not posing that much of a threat to his forces, though he did have to deal with Tsunade and Jiraiya, who had wised up after their encounter.
He gave the two Sannin honourable burials for their fearlessness.
This was how the elemental nations was run over by a swift power change, all caused by a power hungry man. Naruto, finally married to Konan after three years of dating, appreciated Danzo for doing what he did; if he hadn't he wouldn't have found the drive to push back.
All was well…
Until Momoshiki and Kinshiki attacked…
Authors note
How was it?
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