A/N Hey guys! As promised I have uploaded a new chapter today!


Harry woke up with a face full of platinum blonde could hear the faint snoring that emitted from Draco who was firmly tucked under his arm. It took Harry a few moments to realise where he was. But a few blinks later, he recalled the events of the previous day. Harry decided that he should go and visit Snape..no.. his father after dinner. Harry sighed which awoke Draco who could feel the stress and thoughts coming from Harry.

"The meeting won't be that bad with your father Harry"

"I know but it seems weird, my entire life has basically been a lie. I've been told I inherited my looks and my talent at Quidditch from my father… James"

"You probably have a glamour charm on you, your mother might have put one on you when you were born so no one would suspect anything different that James being your father," Draco exclaimed.

"True, maybe I do, I'll have to ask Snape later when I visit"

The boys chatted and played games until Madame Pomfrey finally dismissed Harry from the Infirmary. By the time they got out, it was lunchtime. Surprisingly, Harry ate a lot more food this time, tucking into sandwiches and other snacks. Draco was shocked but realised he must have had a nutrient potion to make his stomach bigger, to handle more food for his growing body. Draco himself had a few sandwiches and chicken wings. After lunch, the boys headed to double potions. They were to brew a simple healing potion. Harry and Draco began preparing and collecting the ingredients they would need straight away to get a head start. When Harry went back to the store cupboard to return what some of the ingredients that he and Draco didn't use or need, he went to Snape's desk.

"Professor.. would you mind if… I mean…would it be possible to have a chat with you after dinner?" Harry asked hesitantly.

"No problem Harry, meet me in my office at 7:30 pm"

"Thank you Professor," said Harry as he rushed off to his desk in order to finish his potion. Once Harry got back to his bench, he realised that Draco had completed their potion and that it just needed to brew for a couple more minutes. Whilst they waited, they began to write up a 3-foot long essay on Bezoars ready for their next potion lesson. Twenty minutes passed and it was the end of the lesson. Only Harry and Draco managed to successfully brew the potion and were awarded 20 points each for their work. Next, they had Defence Against The Dark Arts with Professor Malfoy (Draco's father and learnt about Bowtruckles) They then had Transfiguration and learnt how to do the spell Orchideous which conjures flowers. The lessons passed quickly and it was soon time for dinner. Harry began feasting on roast chicken, carrots and potatoes: Draco had the same but a smaller portion. Harry was feeling nervous about the meeting with his newly found father. Draco could sense this through their bind, despite this he remained silent. Finishing his meal, Harry checked the time and was alarmed to find it to be 7:25 pm meaning he had 5 minutes to get to the dungeons. He rushed away, not wanting to be late. Luckily he made it just on time and nervously knocked on the large oak door. He heard the bellowing voice of his father for the other side of the door.

"Come in"

Harry tentatively opened the door, stepped inside and closed the door carefully and silently.

"Ah…hello Harry, please take a seat," Severus said anxiously, gesturing towards the chairs in front of his desk.

"Hello Professor, I hope you don't mind, but I have a few questions that I would like to ask you," Harry said, whilst cautiously sitting down.

"No problem Harry, although please call me Severus when we are in private"Snape replied.

"I know it sounds stupid but how are you, my father?"

"I knew you would want to ask this question… well, let's start with my 5th year…. It began when me and your mother, Lily were playing a game of Truth or Dare with other Slytherins and Gryffindors. It was my turn and I chose to do a dare. My dare was to kiss your mother, so we kissed for a few seconds before pulling away to see a whole bunch of people with shocked faces. They immediately began questioning us on what they just saw.. you see me and your mother had a soul bond, just like you and Draco. Anyway, you know how a soul bond is completed, through intercourse. Now I may be wrong from here, but two years after we graduated you would've been born, but after me and your mother completed the bond, your mother was told she was in an arranged marriage with that James Potter. I assume Lily had to consume her marriage and passed the child as James', I was in hiding so Lily couldn't have contacted me to say that she was pregnant. Then their "friend" Pettigrew had to open his mouth and your mother and my other half were killed. I honestly didn't know that Lily was pregnant with you when we were fully bonded because soulbonds are so rare, it wasn't until I began reading about them this year that I found out that everyone conceives during the full bonding."

"So because you had a soul bond with my mum, is it more likely that I have a soul bond because you and my mother had one or does it have anything to do with the fact that I have a soul bond?" Harry asked

"Soulbonds are so rare, they cannot be something past down through genetics or bloodlines. However, it appears that the same has happened for Draco as both Lucius and Narcissa are bonded as well as himself. The only documented case of this happening, where two soulmates have parents with a soul bond was documented over 5000 years ago."

"So me and Draco and you and his parents are… rare?"

"Yes we are, but no one can find out otherwise we may be wanted for research. now do you have any more questions?"

"Yes, a few more…. Do I have a glamour on, because I look nothing like you?" Harry remembered from his conversation with Draco.

"You probably do Harry, I can try and remove it from you if you like?"

"Oh yes please Severus" exclaimed Harry

With this Severus removed the glamour that was placed on Harry with the Snape's' personal charm that only works on their blood. Harry now had shoulder length black hair with green eyes and more prominent cheekbones.

"I look like you!" Harry excitedly said, "Would it be weird. I mean would you mind if I called you father or dad this early on?"

"Of course not Harry, only if it's ok if I can call you son?" replied Snape

"Deal!", with this Harry burst into his father's lap in an embrace because for the first time in his life he has a family member that cares for him. For the first time since he can remember, he has expressed family affection. Harry began to sob, "I..I..I'm sorry but this is new to me and your primly very uncomfortable right now"

"Honestly Harry if this is what you want, I shall allow you to commence," Severus said sympathetically whilst awkwardly rubbing Harry's back.

"T…t…thank you" Harry stuttered

And they remained like that, embraced in a hug until Harry fell asleep a few hours later.

A/N I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter!

Just a heads up... I will try and upload every fortnight but exams ake priority. I will be 100%committed to this fic compared to my old one because things are going the way I wanted.

Thanks to everyone who reviewed my previous chapter or emailed me, all of your thoughts and suggestions are being taken into consideration. Not all ideas can be put into the fic as there would be a lot of contradiction xx

Thank you for reading, please don't forget to follow and review! xxxxx