Disclaimer: I don't own Yuri! on Ice or any of it's characters. The storyline and a few mentioned characters not pertaining to canon verse are mine.

It was odd how easily Yuri fell into his new routine in just under a month. He practiced hard almost everyday. Then one night, he went clubbing and met Otabek then had sex with him during his unscheduled heat. It was the most memorable moment of his life. After a week of avoiding each other, he quickly fell into a dating relationship with the Alpha. Yuri even stayed over at Otabek's apartment a few times and was quite comfortable with doing so. If anyone observed how he acted with the Alpha, they would assume they had dated for at least a few years if not more. Though they had only known each other for practically three weeks now.

Sure, one could say things were moving too quickly between them but, Yuri couldn't not be around Otabek when he wasn't at practice. It was like Otabek had some odd pull on him and Yuri gravitated towards him like a moth to a flame. Or like a spaceship getting caught in a planet's gravitational pull. And Otabek was the same way, sometimes visiting Yuri when he hadn't been too busy and calling him often. Yuri wouldn't admit he had it bad for the Alpha even after Mila had interrogated him after practice one day. He denied it while reminding Mila that auditions were in the beginning of next week. But it was really obvious Yuri had strong feelings for Otabek considering how much happier he had become recently.

After today's practice, Yuri went grocery shopping with Mila before they took the train home. The conversations between them were normal with Yuri asking question after question on how her relationship with Sara was going and if she was coming to watch her audition when the time comes. His roommate's animated tone told him things were going well with the Alpha woman and was excited to show off her skills to Sara seriously. Mila told Yuri how she danced a little for Sara while he was staying at Otabek's place for a couple of days, though it was more explicit. Yuri stopped the story there, while stating he had heard enough. That didn't mean he wasn't happy for Mila. Her new partner seemed nice after briefly talking to the pretty Italian woman and Mila deserved to have someone great after dating assholes. Yuri genuinely hoped Mila would have the best relationship and be able to stay with a good partner for a long time.

Their conversation finally steered from their relationships to how they will binge a little on dinner tonight. They had been eating healthy for a while and neither of them doesn't mind, but this is something they wish to indulge in as a reward after working so hard. They were going to binge eat, but they also didn't wish to be total gluttons and eat solely unhealthy foods. At least dessert was going to be something sweet. Yuri and Mila were in the mood for ice cream for dessert and they picked some up from a nearby convenience store on the way to their apartment. When the two of them had arrived back at their apartment, they set the food items on the island counter in the kitchen area. Including several kinds of vegetables.

"Are we putting more vegetables in the Pirozhki?" She asked as she began mixing the dough. "Those katsudon ones you've made a few times were delicious."

"I can't take the credit. Viktor and Katsudon taught me the recipe last year when they visited from Japan." Yuri answered. "And yeah we're putting it in there. Just because we can eat whatever, we should still try to eat healthy."

"Yuri, katsudon-pirozhki isn't healthy."

"I did say 'try.' Which is why we bought a shit ton of veggies to eat along with it and inside the pirozhki."

They both laughed as they took out the ingredients to make their dinner. The preparations for dinner were under way and it was very easy with what they intended to cook for tonight while they made light conversations back and forth. The conversation went in a few directions including when Mila brought up his relationship with Otabek, knowing it was Yuri's turn to deal with her questions. Yuri did try to be elusive as possible when Mila asked about his sex life, but when she asked how Otabek was with him, he was practically glowing. Yuri admitted rather easily that Otabek was the best Alpha he ever been with. He mentioned if he was pregnant, he had a strong feeling Otabek would be there for him and help take care of the child. It was too fast for them to consider it so soon, yet it felt right. Mila had a suspicion of how different Yuri's and Otabek's bond was, but it was too soon to assume things. She figured she should observe how her best friend and Otabek interact one of these days.

She suddenly had an idea.

"Hey, we should invite Otabek over to eat. He hasn't tasted your cooking yet, right?" she suggested.

"Yeah, but he has to work and then study for a test." Yuri answered as he started washing the vegetables. He wasn't disappointed about his boyfriend having to work and study. It's something one has to do in life. Yuri knows this since he had a part time job and does ballet instead of going to college full time. Though it didn't mean he did not want more time with Otabek because he does. But he had to live his life as normal after stealing one or two articles of Otabek's clothes.

"That's a shame. Is that why you took his clothes?" Yuri's face flushed a dark pink at the sudden question.

"It was only Beka's jacket and t-shirt. And maybe his scarf. I'm not nesting or anything." he denied while refusing to look at his roommate as he chopped up the vegetables.

"Yuri, it's a normal thing for omegas and betas who have partners to do. I have some of Sara's things with me. I love how she smells. Makes me feel safe when she isn't here. So," The inflection in her voice made Yuri look at her. "How does Otabek make you feel when you have his scent all around you?"

"Same thing. I know I don't need to be protected and I can defend myself pretty damn well. It's just… Reassuring to have him near. Or at least his scent. He's different from other alphas for sure. It's why I want to have his scent with me all the time." Yuri resumed chopping the vegetables until he was done then took the dough Mila was working on from her and mixed the veggies and freshly cooked pork slices into it.

"You're really into him, Yuri. Do you love him?"

"I like him. Just not sure if it's actually that kind of like."

"'That kind of like?' Yuri, are you five?" Yuri glared at his roommate.

"Shut up, Mila."

"I'm just saying at nineteen, you should know if you like or love someone, Yuri. Especially if that someone is a really good alpha to you in and out of your heat."

"Last time I actually told that someone I loved them, I ended up getting burned pretty bad by that person. I don't know if Beka will be different from other alphas, Mila, but I hope he is."

Yuri felt Mila approach him and gave him a small hug, being careful to not touch him with her dough covered hands. She pulled away and Yuri turned to look at her.

"Otabek is different. Trust me. I can't stress enough how important it is for us to be cared for during our heats. You know this already." She stated and took the pan full of pirozhkis from Yuri then put them in the oven then set the timer on her phone to go off after a certain amount of time. "Seeing Otabek bring you water and making you something light for you to eat even when you weren't hungry was a sight I rarely see from alphas. He cares for you, Yuri."

Yuri's stomach had little flutters at his roommate's statement about Otabek, hoping this was true. He liked Otabek a lot. More than any person in his life, aside from his brother and grandfather. He wanted to let himself trust Otabek, yet he always thought the Alpha would betray him and his trust at some point. The last guy he dated did and said things that made him wary of himself and of Alphas. It was unfair for Yuri to distrust all Alphas, including Otabek, just because a few were assholes to him, and a few he had dated. However, he is making an effort to trust Otabek. Hopefully it won't be another downfall for him.

"Not to sound cheesy or anything, but I like him too. I just hope he isn't using me for my body." Yuri murmured, taking three opened cans of mixed vegetables and dumping them into a pot. "Alphas and Betas already think our only worth is to fucking breed. I'm not falling into that stereotype just because Beka is an Alpha. Besides, it's too soon to think about having kids anyway."

"Like you said, Otabek is different. He's good. He wouldn't mistreat you like your past partners had, Yuri."

"I hope so. I mean, I know."

Yuri felt warm knowing this and he hoped in his heart of hearts that Otabek will be different. He already liked him more than he was willing to admit to Mila. And himself.

After that, the subject matter changed to something other than their dating lives to family matters. Yuri was quick to ask Mila about her sister and listened to how animated the woman became as soon as she started talking about her sibling and how she was coming back to Russia the following weekend and of course, Mila wanted to introduce him and Sara to her sister. Yuri felt more than obligated to meet her sister since she met Viktor and his brother-in-law, Yuuri unexpectedly and they thought she was his girlfriend. While he did correct them, Yuri was still mortified with how quickly his brother assumed he was shacking up with his roommate. With Sara coming by, it should save him from the "Are you and Mila dating?" questions. Besides Yuri was already taken.

Yuri was also was eager to meet Mila's sister because he wanted to know what living in America was like and what stories she had to tell. The only thing he knew about it was Starbucks, how teen pregnancy was a worse issue than here, and how the country itself has a questionable person running it.

Yuri's mind went back to Otabek as he waited for the food to finish cooking. The prospect of Otabek here and eating some pirozhkis he cooked, made him a bit giddy. He knew Otabek was studying right now and it would be rude to interrupt, however, Yuri wanted to check if the Alpha wanted a break from studying. And Yuri also wished to have Otabek close. Just having his clothes paled in comparison to smelling Otabek's scent straight from the source.

He pulled out his phone, entered the passcode to unlock it, then dialed Otabek's number. The line rang twice and Otabek picked up on the third ring.

"Yura?" The sound of his voice had Yuri feeling calm immediately.

"Hey, how's studying going? Or are you still at work?" Yuri asked.

"Just got off. I was considering heading to the library to study since my roommate has his boyfriend over. Then I figured everyone will have the same idea as me so I'm sitting at the cafe until my roommate texts me." Otabek explained, sounding exasperated. "So, how are things with you, Yura? Your audition is tomorrow, right?"

"Things are good and yeah the audition is tomorrow. After they had pushed it back two weeks. Mila and I made dinner to celebrate our hard work. I was thinking you should come over and eat with us. Her girlfriend is coming over too." Yuri answered before adding, "And I could help you study."

"What do you know about astrophysics?" Otabek inquired.

"Nothing, but making flashcards is something I do know how to do. And I can quiz you. So, how about it? Want me to help you?"

"Of course and you'll be feeding me too which is a bonus. See you in twenty. Can't wait to try your cooking, Yura."

Now he really wanted Otabek to be here sooner.

"See you soon, Beka."

Mila was already on her phone exchanging texts with Sara and the Alpha woman will be here sooner than Otabek will be. Yuri hadn't had the chance to talk with Sara so hopefully they'll get along since she is dating his roommate. The pirozhki finished cooking shortly before Sara arrived and Yuri noticed immediately how Mila's entire demeanor changed when her girlfriend arrived. It was eerily similar to how Viktor was with his brother-in-law. Though this was a bit more tame. Yuri was genuinely happy his roommate and friend had found someone so good for her. And now he could see her without the dim lighting of the club for the first time.

From what Yuri could see when he saw the alpha woman in more natural lighting, he noted that Sara was quite pretty. She had bright purple eyes, long dark hair, llight brown skin and she was subtly built in musculature. She didn't look like she was an alpha, but her scent gave her away. And Mila told him the other woman loved to figure skate. She was definitely Mila's type.

"Ah, you must be Yuri!" Yuri flinched slightly when the woman spotted him in the kitchen area and rushed over to him. The Italian alpha greeted him with two kisses, one on each cheek, and Yuri was too stunned to react. She was definitely an eager and friendly Alpha.

"I'm Sara Crispino and it's great to officially meet you. Mila talks about you all the time." she introduced herself after pulling away from Yuri then shook his hand.

"Likewise. Mila adores you and the ground you walk on. It's good to see her like this with you." Yuri noted as he relaxed around her. "Anyway, I guess make yourself at home until Otabek arrives."

"Alright. Your cooking smells good, by the way." Sara told him as she returned to Mila who had migrated over to the couch.

"Thanks." Yuri responded as he added a bit of seasoning to the vegetables to give them a kick of flavor then stirred the three pots carefully. He turned off the stove after a few minutes and was putting the pirozhkis onto a large plate when the doorbell rang. He set the empty pan down before rushing to open the door.

The person standing there was the one he had wanted to see since getting off the phone with him. He forgot Mila and Sara were in the area as he reached for the Alpha as he reached for him and they held each other closely. Yuri took it upon himself to scent Otabek who was already burying his face in Yuri's neck, rubbing against a scent gland. The Omega in Yuri loved it and an odd sound left Yuri's lips.

"Hey! Before you two can have fun, we need to eat before the food gets cold!" Mila called out to them, managing to get Yuri's and Otabek's attention.

Yuri had forced himself to pull away from Otabek despite wanting to stay in his arms longer. It would be a bad thing to forget about dinner after the effort he had put into it. He set the food on the table while Otabek, Mila and Sara had took their places at the table. After Yuri took a seat next to Otabek, everyone had began to eat. It was quiet for a few minutes since it was clear everyone was hungry. Even Yuri despite the fact he was focusing on cooking the food and was suddenly distracted by Otabek's arrival. He glanced over at Otabek who seemed to enjoy his cooking, particularly the katsudon-pirozhki.

"This is delicious. I recognize it's pirozkhi, but the filling is different." Otabek commented before making eye contact with Yuri.

"My brother Viktor's mate thought of it. He's Japanese and his favorite food is katsudon and he figured it would be a good idea to mix that with pirozhki as a way to blend our two cultures. Katsudon, Yuuri, taught me the recipe months ago before he and Viktor went back to Japan." Yuri explained. "Who knew that this would be one of my most favorite foods?"

"Well it tastes amazing, Yura. And everything's delicious." Otabek told him truthfully as he grabbed another one. The omega in Yuri was beaming from Otabek's praise. Part of Yuri couldn't deny this instinct no matter how hard he tried.

"Can't take all the credit. Mila helped." he clarified.

"Well, both of you made such a delicious dinner. It's definitely worth coming over here for," Sara acknowledged. Both of the omegas felt extremely happy from their alphas' praises and the conversation continued from there.

They talked about work, school, both Mila's and Yuri's auditions tomorrow and how excited they were about it. While it wasn't an audition that allowed outsiders to watch them, Yuri wished on the inside Otabek could watch him dance. He wanted to show Otabek what he could do even when the alpha never doubted his skills as a dancer. The praise from Otabek, despite the alpha never seeing him dance once, had the omega inside him beaming. The conversation never paused between the two couples and it flowed easily as if everyone had known each other more than just about a full month. Even Yuri had a pleasant time talking with Sara when she asked him a few questions. She was definitely considered one of the good alphas in his book. Next to Otabek. The blond omega hoped she would be a great partner to Mila since his friend didn't have a good previous relationship before.

After cleaning up the dishes and putting some leftover food away, Mila and Sara disappeared into Mila's bedroom, leaving Yuri alone with Otabek alone in the living room area. This seemed deliberate yet Yuri didn't complain. When Otabek had pulled him onto his lap, Yuri's rational thoughts went out the window as he slowly rubbed his nose along Otabek's neck and inhaled the strong scent there. This paled in comparison to having a few articles of the alpha's clothing. Otabek smelled so good with his usual scent there and another odd scent he cannot place that seemed to be permanently infused into his skin. It was addictive. And it made Otabek smell better. He loved it.

It was when he rubbed himself against one of the scent glands on Otabek's neck when he smelled the desire coming up in his scent. He knew they should stop now before they end up fucking on the couch even if Yuri was not opposed to the idea. He remembered he still shares an apartment with his roommate and they agreed to not have sex in the kitchen and living room with their partners after moving in together.

Otabek carefully got up with Yuri immediately wrapping his legs around his waist and arms around his shoulders. He carried Yuri into his bedroom then kicked the door closed with his foot. Clothing littered the floor as they moved towards the bed, their lips finding one another soon after. The rest of their night consisted of heated kisses, tender touches, and their bodies becoming one. Only a little studying was able to be done after the second round of sex sated both of them. Yuri and Otabek thought it was worth the time spent. Hopefully Otabek will pass his test with the studying he tried to fit in.


"It's a shame Sara and Otabek can't watch us audition," said Mila as she watched the first few people audition for the white swan part in addition to the prince.

Auditions began once the entire group finished their usual barre exercises. The music for that didn't grate on Yuri's nerves today. He was already having a mini freak out as it is and hoped no one else would pick up on it.

"And see the travesty going on before us? They're better off at school. But at least Otabek is stopping by after his classes end." Yuri whispered to Mila as his excitement held the nerves he felt at bay.

Auditions were going as well as Lilia's facial expression appeared to be. It indicated that the woman was not going to pull any punches with her critiques on each person's dancing. Some of the dancers were in tears after they auditioned, some even left after receiving not so stellar comments from Lilia and Yakov. The parts everyone were striving for would be determined on how they do today in terms of performance and general aura they give off with each move they make as they tried out. Yuri knew this as this was what was drilled into his head all his life in this field. He had to feel the part of the swan prince and not just dance the part. When he showed Otabek last night, with Mila's help, he told Yuri he would be perfect for the part. It would be amazing if Yuri got the part. The reason he was able to finally get a feel of the swan prince part because he was performing for Otabek. And he felt a surge of happiness when his boyfriend had sent him a text wishing him good luck, the ballerina way. They were going to hang out at Otabek's apartment afterwards since the college classes end around the time auditions would end.

When it was Ivan's turn, the beta shot a condescending look to Yuri before walking to the center of the room. Yuri rolled his eyes as he diligently did his stretches, mostly to keep himself from punching Ivan in the jaw. The beta man never missed an opportunity to get under his skin. It was when Ivan started to dance when Yuri realized he had his work cut out for him. Ivan was giving it his all and it seemed as though he was flawless in his movements.

However, there was something lacking from the beta's performance. He wasn't dancing to seduce the prince in falling for him which was the point of the play as Lilia had reiterated before when she pushed back the audition dates. Yuri hoped he could be the one to ace the concept instead of Ivan and he felt as though he did that last night when he thought about Otabek. How he was doing everything to have him fall for him more. Dinner and some quality, private time cuddling one another was what he had done for his boyfriend. How strange both of them craved that more than sex. Though Yuri couldn't deny the faint tingling beneath his skin wherever Otabek touched or placed sweet kisses upon. It made him a bit depressed when they parted ways last night when Otabek had to leave. He ended up sleeping with his alpha's clothing just so he could get to sleep easier.

Yuri was doing his usual stretches when his name was finally called, also bringing him out of his thoughts of Otabek before they tread into lewd territory. He walked to the center of the room then got into position.

As soon as the first note of the music was heard, Yuri's body started to move with it. He knew the music to the white swan was soft, pleasing to listen to like a peaceful river. So Yuri allowed himself to feel the music and his movements changed completely. It was like his body became more pliant as if he had a full body massage minutes ago. Though in his case, Otabek was the one who made him and his body feel like it was floating. The thought of his boyfriend fueled him further. He wished Otabek was here, watching him dance and see where he shines. He ignored the omega within him telling him he really needed his alpha mate near.

Yuri blocked out the astonished whispers and stares from his peers as he danced with the music. He had danced the white swan dozens of times during his home practice sessions, but never like this. It was like something within had been unleashed like a dam breaking. He aimed to dance in a way he is trying to woo the prince in a sense. His arms moved as though he was preparing to take flight. If his boyfriend was here as his Prince Siegfried, Yuri would definitely show him and the world who the true swan prince is. In a version of the play, Siegfried and Odette get married, probably popped out a few kids then live happily ever after.

He was unable to ignore his inner omega telling him he would love that same, cheesy ass ending but with Otabek. God, why must his omega side be so loud today? Now wasn't the time for his thoughts to distract him. In a weird way, it urged him to try harder at his audition as he pushed everyone and everything around him, except for the music and Otabek, out of his mind. The nerves he had faded to nothing and his limbs moved like it was filled with nothing but air.

The music ended just as Yuri strikes his finishing pose with one of his arms in the air and putting most of his weight in his left foot while extending his right backwards slightly as the platform of the shoe was off the floor. It was then Yuri came out of his head space and the entire room burst into applause at his stunning performance. Even Yakov, and more shockingly, Lilia looked flooded at what she witnessed and that had to be a good sign. She regained her composure quickly before she spoke.

"Excellent performance, Yuri." she said while Yakov agreed and whispered something to her. She whispered back and from the looks of things, Yuri felt as though he may actually get the part of Odette. The omega went to stand next to Mila who smiled widely at him.

"What?" Yuri asked her."

"Nothing. Just that you definitely have this in the bag. Plus, Ivan is looking at you like he wants to set you on fire." Mila answered, lowering her voice to where only Yuri can hear her.

"Then it's worth it if Ivan is pissed. And besides, he wouldn't be able to do that anyway with you nearby. He's scared of you."

"True and he has to look out for Otabek too. That guy would definitely do anything to protect you." The sound of the door opening caught the redhead omega's attention. "Speaking of Otabek…"

Yuri turned as Mila said this and he couldn't believe his eyes. Otabek actually came to see him. He hadn't expected him to come here earlier than he expected him to. It made Yuri incredibly happy. He gathered his things and shoved them into his bag as Yakov shouted at the young alpha.

"Hey! You're not supposed to be here!"

"Calm down, Yakov. He's with me." Yuri told the disgruntled man, as he put his bag on his shoulder then rushed over to Otabek who hugged him. Whispers erupted amongst the omega's fellow dancers, which he ignored, as they watched him interact with the alpha.

"Yuri, you know outsiders are not permitted here." Yakov reminded him.

"Good because we're about to head home since I auditioned." Yuri quipped, not aware he was pressing his body closer to Otabek's at the moment. He started to leave the area with his boyfriend when Lilia stopped them this time.

"Wait!" Her commanding voice even had Otabek stopping in his tracks as he turned his attention to the woman. What could she want?

Lilia eyed Otabek then approached him as soon as Yuri shifted closer. She circled the young alpha and Yuri, her expression showing she was searching for something in Otabek before her eyes widened slightly with a hint of a twinkle in them. That didn't particularly mean it was a good sign, in Yuri's experience. Why was she examining Otabek like a piece of meat? What did she have planned?

"Tell me, what is your name?" She demanded.

"Otabek Altin," Otabek answered her casually. How the hell was he not fearing Lilia?

"Have you ever taken ballet before?" She asked him.

"When I was younger for about five years. I stopped at thirteen."

"So you have some experience…" Lilia pondered to herself then briefly noticed how Yuri acted around Otabek even when he didn't say anything. It was mostly the way they moved as if neither men wanted to move away from each other. She had seen this twice in her life with a relative and a close friend. It was a rare thing and she needed to have both of them in the next production of the season. First, she needed to have Otabek audition.

Then the woman did something Yuri had never expected her to do. He watched Lilia take out a card with the company's information and scribbled something on the back of it before handing it to Otabek.

"If you have nothing better to do on Friday, then be here in this room at 8 am. I want you to show me what you are capable of." Lilia said then turned around to walk away before Otabek could form a reply.

"Whoa… That has never happened in the time I've been here." Mila commented as she approached the couple. "You must have potential if Lilia has taken a liking to you, Otabek."

"Considering how I haven't danced since I was a kid, I don't see where she saw the potential." Otabek shrugged.

"This is huge, Beka. You could be our Prince Siegfried!" Yuri interjected.

"Yura, I'm not entirely sure. I would still have to audition for the part. Besides, I don't have any pointe shoes."

"I can help you. Besides, I need motivation to dance my part."

"Alright. I'll hold you to that if I get in."

"When." Yuri corrected and Otabek laughed.

"Okay, when I get in. You ready to go?"

"Just have to change first. These aren't street shoes, you know."

"I'll come with. Gotta head back to the apartment before meeting up with Sara." Mila chimed in.

Yuri was okay with this as he needed the company. He and Mila left the room to go to the locker room to change into their street clothes. They talked a little as they changed clothes, clearly in a good mood regarding their auditions since they didn't bomb like some of their peers had. Yuri hoped he will get the part of Odette. His other choice would be Odile since he knows he could dance that part well too.

After pulling on his black, fluffy ugg boots, he left the room with Mila. They heard commotion outside the principal's studio then entered the room before Yuri stopped in his tracks at what he was witnessing.

'What in the fuck.' Was the only sentence Yuri could think of to describe this situation he came back to. His skin crawled when Ivan briefly made eye contact before rubbing himself against one of Otabek's scent glands. Why wasn't Otabek pushing Ivan away? Did the beta smell good to him? And why wasn't Ivan keeping his hands and body to himself? Yuri's scent covering Otabek alone should have let the beta know the Kazakh alpha was well off limits.

There he was, witnessing his enemy for the past year hanging onto his boyfriend as if they were still together. It did more than piss Yuri off. He felt a combination of emotions that weren't happy ones. He was frozen in place, unsure how to react as his eyes sting slightly with impending tears. Was this really happening?

Yuri made eye contact with Otabek as he felt a stab of pain in his heart. Before either Otabek or Mila could say anything or even thinking entirely himself, he left.

Author's Note: Sorry for the delay! I had some stuff in real life happening and it stressed me out so I couldn't edit this for posting here. I was also under the weather but I am much better now. Thank you for the nice reviews guys! I'm happy you like this fanfic! ;o;