Old Souls

A/N: Ah! Sorry for the long wait! I have been so busy with things lately that this kinda got neglected. I just got Fate Grand Order along with a few other games and have been playing them for a while so I got distracted along with writing a few other things that would not leave me alone. Also my mother is quite sick with a tooth infection so I have been trying to keep out of her way, but she is going to the doctor so she should be feeling better soon. Now onto the story!

Chapter Song: Hometown Smile - by Bahjat

And I'll Do Anything Just To Keep You By My Side

Barak let out a relieved sigh as he quickly shut the door to his and Myrddin's rooms and leaned against the closed object. The plum haired teen then ran a shaky hand through his bangs as he eyed his white-haired lover pace about the grand room with a dark look painted across his face. Barak grimaced as he saw the almost evil gleam in Myrddin's normally bright aqua eyes. They had just been shown there own room by the tall fanalis male associate of Sin's (Though he doubted that that was the man's real name, The look of annoyance on the white-haired advisers face had clued him in after he had heard the older man referred to as such by Aladdin.) who had been giving them a rather odd look as he showed them to the room. That had made Myrddin's already bad mood plummet to almost outright anger. Seeing a snarl cross the face of the taller teen Barak huffed then strode over to his lover before reaching up and gently cupping his face with a small smile playing across his lips.

Myrddin for his part was trying to keep from rather belligerently cursing out the man who they had run into on there way to Balbadd when he was suddenly brought back to his senses by Barak gently gripping his face and ever so softly pressing his mouth against the taller teens. Myrddin felt his irritation slip away and he melted slightly into the kiss, reaching around and drawing Barak closer to him so that he could get a better angle. He smirked into the kiss as Barak let out a small moan as Myrddin's hands massaged his tense neck and upper back. After a few moments longer the tall white-haired teen pulled back and rested his forehead against his little lovers with a sigh of contentment.

"Sorry, dear one." Myrddin murmured as he slid his eyes open just a bit to stare into the bright gold orbs that searched his own face. Barak just smiled a bit before leaning up a fraction of an inch to touch lips once more then pulled back before it could go any further.

"S'alright love. Just wanted to know why you are so upset. I mean it was just a few odd stares, nothing more than what we usually get." Barak said in a low confused tone that made Myrddin sigh with slight annoyance at how obtuse his dear King was being.

"I'm Upset," He huffed out while giving the smaller teen an annoyed look. "Because I am fairly sure that that nudist idiot is your father. If he is…" The Magi cut himself off with a slightly weary look on his sharp face. Barak now getting the full picture just blinked before letting out a slight chuckle that made Myrddin give him an odd look. The plum haired teen just shook his head before pressing himself against his taller lover and whispering into his ear.

"I don't care who he is," Barak stated in a rather possessive tone that made the other male shiver slightly at hearing the rarely used tone of voice. "You are Mine, My lover, My Magi and My Best Friend and I won't let anyone take you away from me or vice versa." Myrddin gulped slightly and resisted the urge to rut against his little love as Barak's rarely seen dominate side kicked in. It always turned him on to see the once so shy teen become so possessive and well, Hot. He knew from his time as Hermione that systematically abused children were rather possessive of there few belongings, including people, so he never was upset to be considered Barak's anything. Hell, he himself was possessive as hell of the smaller boy so it stood to reason that the plum haired teen could be possessive too. Losing the battle to keep from touching the smaller teen intimately when Barak pulled at his long hair Myrddin slid his arms down and then settled his large hands along Barak's rather nice arse, using the purchase to draw the smaller boy closer. He hissed as their fronts made contact and he felt a rather telling hard hot object lying against his upper leg before raising Barak up slightly so that the smaller boy could wrap his legs around Myrddin's waist.

The two continued the rather heated kiss that quickly turned into a full-on makeout when Barak managed to knock Myrddin on his ass and straddle him, ignoring the small ache in his knees as they banged against the rather unforgiving carpet covered floor until Barak managed to get Myrddin's shirt and vest undone and was nipping and kissing his way down the other boys muscular chest when the door suddenly opened without warning.

Sinbad in all his idiocy had not even thought to knock on the door when he went to pick up the two teens for dinner that night so was greeted to a sight that made him freeze. Barak, His almost certain progeny was straddling the tall white-haired teen who had the unnerving smile. He took in the fact that the plum haired teen had the taller teen pinned and the rather evil eye that the boy was giving him from under a curtain of hair before he slammed the door back shut with a hurried apology and a promise to bring back some dinner. His two advisers who were standing behind him looked rather like they had just seen something that only confirmed there suspicion and wore blank faces as they stared at the closed door.

"Definitely your kid." Ja'far muttered to himself in annoyance as his eyebrow ticked slightly. Masrur just nodded a bit with a stoic expression on his face and Sinbad twitched before grumbling to himself.

"This is karma isn't it?"

~~~~~~ Some Time Later That Night ~~~~~~

Barak's gold eyes stared at his beloved from under dark lashes as he laid curled in Myrddin's arms as the other boy slept deeply, tied from there amorous activities. The slightly smaller boy sighed and rested his head against his lover's shoulder wondering if perhaps he should be more worried about finding his probable father than he was. Really though, Myrddin meant everything to the young teen and he would fight until his last breath to keep him by his side. So really if he had to choose between getting to know his father and being with Myrddin than he would choose Myrddin every single time, after all, he had lived one lifetime already without a real father and he was sure he could do it again but he knew he couldn't live without his best friend.

Myrddin sighed and shifted slightly in his sleep, curling his long arms tighter around the smaller teen and Barak smiled gently up at the male before cuddling closer. No, he decided, if Sin (Which he knew was not his real name) wanted to get to know him then he better be prepared for Myrddin to be there every step of the way.

With that decided Barak closed his eyes and finally gave in to his exhaustion falling into a deep sleep that would not even be disturbed by a certain white-haired adviser coming into the room to drop off some food.

Ja'far for his part looked the two over and smiled slightly as he saw them curled close together. He was not sure of this but even he, with his cold heart, could say that it was a rather cute sight with the two of them curled around each other like small children. A frown marred his face however as he thought about just how the people of Sindria would take a prince who was admittedly enamored and in a relationship with another male. Oh, it's not like there was much of any kind of predgedus amongst the population, Sinbad had made sure of that, but there where a few noble's who would cause problems if only so that they could force their own children onto the boy. If the child was truly like his father, however, Ja'far shuddered slightly as he began to make his way out of the room trying to not wake the duo on the bed, it would not end well at all.

No, if the boy was anything like Sinbad he would happily ruin anyone who tried to separate him from his lover and smile the whole time he did it.

~~~~~~ The Next Morning ~~~~~~

Myrddin groaned as he woke with a slightly cramped spine. Slight movement beside him made the white-haired teen glanced down and then smile softly as he took in the sight before him. Barak had at some point during the night rolled over onto his back and was softly snoring as he lay sprawled amongst the cotton blankets. Long strands of plum colored hair were tangled about him and wound around his body. A snicker came from Myrddin as he imagined just how annoyed the other teen would be when he woke. Barak had considered chopping off his long locks before when he had once again woke with them tangled around him but Myrddin had protested quite vehemently and told him that if he did so then Myrddin himself would cut his hair, which he knew the other boy liked to play with. Reaching over the teen slid a lone long finger down the side of Barak's face and smiled even softer at the slight content sigh that came from the other boy. His aqua eyes softened and he leaned down slightly, ignoring the strain it put on his already hurting back and gently pressed his lips against Barak's own.

Barak came awake at the gentle pressure on his mouth and blinked sluggishly before catching sight of Myrddin hovering over him, haloed in the early morning light streaming in from the window. It made him look almost otherworldly. A smile crossed his face and he leaned up and gripped the back of Myrddin's head as he deepened the kiss. However, before it could end up with one of them inevitably taking it further Barak backed off and smiled up at the other boy. Myrddin smiled back at him and then glanced at the position of the sun outside the window and sighed before glancing back at his little love.

"We should get up, I don't know about you but I'm hungry we did not exactly eat anything last night you know?" Myrddin said in a soothing tone that had a slightly wicked edge to it. "Well we ate but nothing substantial…"

Barak flushed slightly at the reminder of there late night activities before he chuckled a bit and nodded. Yes, he was quite hungry too and he was betting that Aladdin and Mor were both hungry as well.

"Well then, let's get dressed and go grab the brat and Mor then. I would like to get something to eat before the Nudist gets back from his visit with whoever he needed to see this morning." Barak stated remembering the older plum haired man stating that he had business to take care of that morning before he left them the day before. Myrddin groaned and moved off the bed unmindful of his nude state and the amber-eyed stare he could feel from Barak who eyed him and got up himself. Barak walked up to his taller lover and ran a careful hand down the other boys back pausing above his lower back and smiling softly before he stepped back grabbing his pants off of the floor. As he was pulling them on he glanced at Myrddin and was only half surprised to see the boy using a mild healing spell on himself. He had been rather rough on the other male last night so it was not all that surprising that he needed to do that. He would have felt bad but Myrddin certainly had not complained about it the night before.

After pulling on his shirt Barak grabbed his jacket and made sure that his swords were secure before turning and looking at Myrddin who was brushing his hair out and pulling it back into a low tail. Myrddin saw him looking and beckoned him over as he held up the comb with a questioning look on his face. Barak smiled and walked over before letting the other teen run the comb through his long hair. Barak sighed softly and almost purred as Myrddin ran the comb soothingly through the long purple strands. He really loved the little intimacies that he had always been denied as Harry Bloody Potter. The simple act of having another person comb your hair for you was something he deeply treasured. He knew Myrddin did too, He had not gotten much positive attention in this lifetime so he treasured the little things like that as well.

After a few moments Myrddin set the comb down and pulled the hair he was holding back into a high tail after quickly and efficiently braiding back the sides to keep his forelocks back. Barak blinked sleepily as he glanced back and then gave the aqua-eyed boy a thankful smile before pulling away.

"We should go get the other two now." He rumbled out as the white-haired boy nodded and picked up his staff, inspected it closely for any cracks, then slid it into the inconspicuous harness that was made into his white cloak. Myrddin then began to head out after wrapping an arm around Barak's shoulders and pulling the other boy after him.

The two quickly made it to the room where Morgiana and Aladdin were staying. Barak calmly knocked on the door and when Aladdin answered asked if they wanted to go get something to eat for breakfast then wander around a bit before they met Sin and co. for lunch. The little magician boy and the fanalis girl quickly agreed and a few moments later the foursome were heading out into the open air market.

Barak bit back the anger he felt as he walked about seeing the devastation that was so apparent under the grand veneer of the main street. The previous King of Balbadd had been kind to him and to see his legacy squandered while his people were oppressed by his spoiled heir like this tore at the teens conscious. Myrddin noting the narrowed angry gold eyes that flashed with repressed rage stepped closer to his small lover and leaned into the smaller male in an understated way. Barak managed a small smile at the taller teen before pointing out a great place to get some pastries. As the quartet ate Barak questioned the little old lady that owned the stall and was unimpressed with what he found out.

"...The taxes are so high now that only the truly wealthy can eat regularly. Most of those who worked on the docks have lost their jobs as the ships have stopped coming in and none are leaving. Truly I don't think we can handle much more of this." The elderly woman stated in a distressed tone as she looked at the dear boy who used to come almost every day to her little stall until the previous King died. Barak sighed and rubbed at the bridge of his nose before smiling gently at the lady and taking her hand in his.

"Don't worry Miss Amiah. I will try to find out what I can do to help, I'm not sure I can do much as I am only one man but I will try." He promised confidently as he smiled at the slightly bent elderly lady. The white-haired old woman smiled softly back at him and some of the stress disappeared from the lines of her face.

"You are such a dear child, Try to not find trouble. With that fat King and the Fog Troupe causing problems it's a wonder that this country has not already fallen apart." Barak frowned at the last bit.

"Fog Troupe?" He asked lowly, Myrddin hearing the tone glanced cautiously at him with a furrowed brow then listened in as the elderly lady answered in a surprised tone.

"You don't know about that? Well…"

As she told him about the miscreants running around Barak felt his face pale and his blood began to boil in his veins. The damn fools were causing more problems than helping the common people and this Alibaba the Wonder…

"I am going to kill him…" He hissed after thanking the woman and turning away to see that only Myrddin remained behind while the others were looking at various stalls with interested expressions.

"Well, it will have to wait." Myrddin said in a low tone as he leaned closer to Barak. "We need to meet up with that nudist Idiot soon. It's closing in on the time we said we would meet him at the restaurant for lunch." Barak sighed and nodded running a tired hand down his face.

"Erg, I don't even want to deal with him right now."

"Well too bad, we have too."

And that was that the quartet headed off to meet up with the older Trio while Barak brooded in silence and Myrddin stewed in his own annoyance at the blond-haired brat that his King had taken in as an adoptive brother. Really, this was just not there day.

Little did they know that it was going to get worse.

A/N: And that is it for this chapter. Sorry but I have the beginnings of a migraine and I don't want to try and write any more tonight. I will try to make the next chapter longer. Thank you all for reading and please favorite and review.