(Originally started: June 4th)

Pikatwig: One more day until BBTag officially comes out.

SZ: Eeyup, and I preordered it.

Pikatwig: One small thing I do want to request that you do when you get the game… I heard that, in the gap of time between the beta and the game coming out, Ruby and Noel had a pre-battle interaction added into the game. Nobody has uploaded any footage of it, so… when you get the game and stream it, can you play a round with them and show their dialogue off?

SZ: Can do good buddy

Pikatwig: Cool. *gives a small smile* If/when ArcSystems pulls back on the 'No Story Mode' rule for streams… I can't wait to see your reaction to how the Persona story mode ends. It's pretty funny. However, I can't say because spoilers.

SZ: That's fair, and the ban is most likely up because the game's not out yet due to some people getting the game earlier than others.

Pikatwig: Some people have guessed it was done by Atlus and the other companies agreed to it. Given some of the stuff I heard about Persona 5 and rules about uploading stuff for that game… I can kind of believe it.

SZ: *nods*though there are times when they outright block the final boss in certain games…*glares at Capcom and Namco*

Pikatwig: Think I warned KKD about that… emphasis is on I think. Regardless… let's get into another chapter of this story.

SZ: Hai but first disclaimers!

Disclaimers: Pikatwig, Seanzilla, Muk and KKD do not own anything in this story except for the original concepts and characters within. The rest belong to Arc System Works, Arcsys Games, Toshimichi Mori, Yuki Katō, Atlus, Katsuhara Hashino, Kouji Okada, Kazuma Kaneko, Ecole Software, French Bread, Nobuya Narita, Rooster Teeth, and Monty Oum.

Warning: The following story contains language not suitable for children and may offend some readers. Reader discretion is advised.

Ruby, now alongside Weiss, arrived at the studio where they would work on filming the game.

"Pretty cool, right?" Ruby smiled.

"I will admit, this does seem...interesting," Weiss admitted as she glanced to a door that had some kanji written on it, "What does that mean?"

"Oh. It means… it means… uh…" Ruby blinked for a moment. She quickly got her Scroll out of her pockets, snapped a picture, and ran it through a translator app, "It says 'Welcome'."

"Oh… I see," Weiss noted before her Scroll buzzed, "I need to take this. Think you'll be alright by yourself?"

"I'll be fine, Weiss. You worry to much."

Weiss simply headed back out the door to take the call.

"Alright…" Ruby smiled as she headed forward.

Ragna, Yu, Hyde, Noel, Yosuke, and Linne were working on some filming for the game, some of them working on their lines, some of them doing some motion capture for their in-game attacks, and some sitting on the sidelines waiting for their chance.

"Hey~!" Ruby called out as she hurried over, "Sorry I'm late."

"Ohaiyo, Ruby-san," Noel greeted.

"...uh… hi…?" Ruby blinked.

Yosuke turned to her and began to ask her some stuff, but Ruby couldn't answer due to Yosuke speaking in Japanese.

"...Huh?" Ruby tilted her head, a question mark popping above her head.

"...Ruby, can you...not understand Japanese?" Noel asked.


"...lemme ask again…" Noel sighed before clearing her throat and began speaking in English, "Can you not understand Japanese?"

"Is that the language you're all speaking?"

"Gonna take that as a yes…" Ragna sighed in English.

"Now I can understand you guys!" Ruby smiled.

"...Noel, mind giving her a crash course?" Ragna muttered as he took his seat, "Tired from that damn motion capture device...asshole director wanting to be precise about everything…"

"Good idea…" Noel nodded, "Hey, Ruby, think you can meet me back here in about half an hour?"

"Sure," Ruby smiled as she walked off.

"Why half an hour?' Ragna asked.

"I'm kind of sore from motion capture myself…" Noel admitted as she sat down.


After the half hour had passed, Ruby returned and saw what looked to be a chalkboard, some seats, a desk, and some books.

"...huh…" Ruby muttered as she sat down at a seat in front of the chalkboard.

"Ohaiyo," Noel's voice called out as she walked over, but was now in a totally different outfit. She was wearing a black female suit, with a skirt that stopped a bit above her knees, black high heels, a small necklace, a pair of red-orange glasses, and a small teacher's stick.

Ruby couldn't help but give a faint blush at how Noel looked, "...uh… why…?"

"Tell you later," Noel responded as she walked to the chalkboard and wrote her name out in kanji, "For now, call me Noel-sensei."

"Oh..okay, Noel," Ruby nodded before yelping when Noel lightly smacked the stick on her desk.

"Noel-sensei," Noel corrected.

"Ok… Noel-sensei…"

Noel softly giggled as she adjusted her glasses and began to write something on the chalkboard, "We'll start with some basic phrases." She turned to face Ruby and motioned to some kanji, "Ko-ni-chi-wa. Repeat, please."

"..Ko...ni ji…."

"No no. Ko-ni-chi-wa."

"...ko… ni… ji… wan?"


"...chi… wan?"

"Wa," Noel said before she thought a moment, "Sometimes you hear that as the first syllable of a villain doing an evil laughter."

Ruby thought for a moment before she spoke, "...oh. So… ko… ni… chi… wa?"

"Right. Now all at once, Ruby. Konichiwa."


"You forgot the 'oh' sound at 'ko'..."

"My bad…"

"One more time…"

"I got this… koni… chi… wa. Konichiwa!"

"You got it," Noel smiled.

"...so… what does it mean?"

"Hi or hello."

Ruby nodded as she got out some paper and wrote that down.

"Next…" Noel smiled as she wrote down some more kanji, "Hai."

"...I thought konichiwa was 'hi'."

"No no. 'Hai' means yes, ok...in fact it has quite a few meanings. It's a response if somebody asks you a question and you want to say 'yes' or something along those lines."

"...so… 'hi' is a Japanese word that got mistranslated?"

"...it's spelt differently… it has an 'a' between 'h' and 'i'..."


"This is going to be a long day…." Noel muttered.

Meanwhile, a certain green haired 'snake' was currently looking at some papers containing info on the characters that'll be joining this 'project'

"Oh yes… these Persona things…interesting… a reflection of your 'true self'... so… does that make you my Persona?"

"...I'm not even gonna dignify that with a response," Terumi deadpanned.

"But you just did," Hazama countered.

"...just get back to reading so we can figure out how to mess up someone's day."

Hazama looked over a list of papers that had a list of characters that Mori had ideas to bring into the game. He soon noticed a list of characters with a label 'Do not include' that was nearby, "Oh… lookie here…"

He skimmed the list to see that it included Sun, Cinder, Carl, and Platinum.

"Say… I know a good way to get under Raggy's skin…" Hazama smirked.

"That is so evil and I love it…"

Hazama then took a pencil, erased a name from the 'do not include' list, and turned his attention to the 'include' list, "Let's see… oh. Let's see how the fans of RWBY will react when it's only their beloved main characters…" He erased a name from RWBY and wrote in something as close to Mori's hand-writing as he could. He soon noticed another name, "Aigis? Hmm… didn't she lose to Noel Vermillion in that Death Battle X thing?"

"...oh you thinking what I'm thinking?" Terumi asked with a snake like grin.

"Oh massively so~" Hazama replied with his own grin.

A few hours had passed and Noel and Ruby were having a break from their lessons.

"So… how am I doing, Noel-sensei?" Ruby curiously asked.

"So far you're doing good, Ruby-chan," Noel smiled a bit, "But we're far from done."

"Had a feeling," Ruby figured as she got out a snack, "So… I asked this earlier, but why are you dressed like that?"

"Friend of mine is a pretty avid cosplayer and wanted me to dress the part to teach you. She has a way to make me do what she wants…" Noel informed.

"Me dress as an actual teacher?" Noel blinked.

"Hai. If you dress up in it…" her friend paused before pointing to a panda on her head, "I'll let you pet him."

"...Where's the dressing room?" Noel asked, a glint in her eyes, as she took the clothes.

"Well… whoever made it did a great job. You look fantastic," Ruby complimented.

"Well...th-thank you, R-" Noel began before the wall bursted open, "EH?!"

"What the…?"

The dust caused from explosion began to settle and Noel looked to the figure there, "...Aigis?"

-I shall have my revenge for you defeating me, Noel Vermillion. Initiating weapons-

"Eh?! M-matte, wh-" Noel began.

"Woah~! H-her whole body is a weapon~!" Ruby beamed.

"Ruby-chan… not the time…" Noel responded as she took out what looked to be a keychain, pressed on it, and gained her twin guns, "Mind helping me o-"

"Wow! Those look so cool!" Ruby gawked as she looked at Noel's guns, "Can I look at them real quick?!"

"...Ruby-chan…not n-eep!" Noel yelped when she dodged another gunshot from Aegis.

-How sad. You need somebody to help you… very well… I shall even the playing field…- Aegis responded as she summoned her Persona.

"...what is that…?" Ruby asked.

"I d-eek!" Noel yelped when she dodge the Persona's thrown spear. She then quickly fired at Aegis, but Aegis was able to counter with her own gun-fire.

"Hmm… I got an idea, leave it to me, Noel-sensei," Ruby stated.

"Alright. I'll…" Noel paused before looking at Ruby, "You don't have to keep calling me Noel-sensei, you know."

"My bad…" Ruby quickly responded before she dashed forward and slashed at the Persona with her scythe. Aegis clutched one of her arms from the damage caused to her Persona, "Get her, Noel!"

"Right," she nodded as she fired a few shots at Aegis, who quickly blocked them with her arms as she propelled herself back. Noel held her guns for a moment before she looked towards Aigis, "Why are you fighting us?!"

"Don't listen to that annoying girl. You want revenge against her for beating you… you want revenge. Embrace the nickname of the 'Heartless Armed Warrior'..." Terumi's voice echoed in her head.

-Affirmative...must get revenge…-

"Oh, and tell her her cooking is terrible!" Hazama laughed.

-Her...but I have never tasted her cooking, nor have seen it-

"Wait…" Noel muttered, squinting her eyes a little, "I think I know what's happening…"

"You do?" Ruby blinked before Noel shot at one of the headpieces on Aegis' head, "Ahh! What are…" she blinked when she noticed what looked like the remains of an earpiece, "...eh?"

"You ok?" Noel asked Aigis, who blinked as she looked around.

-...affirmative. Though I am unsure why I am in the school.-

Ruby blinked a little before she approached Aigis, "Oh… now that the fight is over… hee hee… hey, Aigis, can we trade weapons for a while?! Just to look at! That's all, really!"

Aigis looked to Ruby for a moment before she started to back away, -Dangerous enthusiasm and persistence detected. Retreating immediately!-

"Ahh! Wait!" Ruby called out as Aigis flew off, "Wait come back! I didn't get to look at your weapons yet~!" she cried as she ran after her.

"Ruby, get back here! I'm still teaching you!" Noel yelled as she chased after Ruby.

"So much for that plan…" Terumi commented.

"Relax. We still got our other plan in motion to get under Raggy's skin…" Hazama reminded.

The next day rolled around and everybody was just relaxing or talking to somebody.

"So… how's the foreign language class going?" Weiss asked Ruby.

"Pretty good," Ruby smiled.

-Attention everyone. Please meet in the main room for an announcement-

"Oh! Alright… ikuko, Weiss!" Ruby declared.

"...iku-zo, Ruby-chan. It's ikuzo," Noel reminded.

"Oh… right then."

Noel and Ruby walked on ahead, unaware of both Weiss and Makoto looking on in slight jealousy as they followed.

"Now that I have the attention of everyone, I have to tell you a special announcement…" Mori started.

"That you won't be locking Blake and my sister behind a paywall?!" Ruby asked quickly.

"...I had no intentions of making them DLC at all, Ruby, but I had no choice because we can't delay the release of the game. They are going to be free, but that was not the announcement. The announcement is that all characters will have a dual language setting. Basically, people can choose if they want to hear an English audio or Japanese audio," Mori informed.

"Wait… do the Under Night characters even know English?" Yu questioned.

Hyde simply gave a shrug of his shoulders.

"I… guess I can teach them…" Noel figured.

"Have fun, guys," Linne said in English.

"Wait, you can speak English?!" Hyde yelled in Japanese.

"Yeah. I know a lot of languages."


"Si. Well, au revoir, bakas," Linne said as she quickly headed off.

"...that's the Japanese word meaning… bird, right?" Weiss asked Ruby.

"No Weiss. It means 'stupid' or 'idiot'. Even I know that," Ruby responded.

Noel stood in her teacher's outfit once more and had her teaching stick up against a wall with some English written on it, "So… repeat after me…"

There was a sickening 'crack' sound and Noel turned to see that Waldstein had crushed the chair he was sitting in, "That's the fifth one in the past ten minutes! My power is too great for these tiny chairs!"

"Eep! S-sorry!" Noel yelped, hiding behind her desk.

"Eh, lighten up, Noellers," Makoto said.

"...Makoto? Why…?"

"Assistant," Makoto answered.

"...a-alright…" Noel nodded as she went back to writing on the chalk board.

'Heh...let's see anyone try and snatch her away from me now…' Makoto thought with a smirk as she admired the teacher outfit Noel was in.

Some days had passed and things had gone relatively smoothly. One day, though, it all changed. Ragna approached the main door of the building as he heard somebody loudly bonking it.

"Give me a minute…" Ragna grumbled as he looked out the window on the door, but then loudly gasped, "Nope! Nope! Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope!"

"What's wrong, Ragna-san?" Yu asked as Ragna walked past him and Ruby.

"I'm going to be in my trailer! If anybody needs me, don't! Don't need me for any trailers! No combo videos! Nothing!"

"Um-" Ruby spoke up.

"God F*bleep*ing damn it!" Ragna's voice snapped as loud crashing sounds were heard.

"...something up?" Makoto asked as she and Noel walked over.

"He saw somebody at the door and just… well… reacted badly," Yu informed.

Noel walked over to the door and saw who was at it, "...oh no…"

"No what? Noel wh-"

"It's her…"


Noel and Makoto both gave an annoyed glare at Mori while Ruby, Yu, Hyde, Yosuke, Weiss, and Linne all looked at Platinum, who was sitting in a chair happily as she looked around a bit.

"So… who is this?" Ruby asked.

"Mori, why is she here?" Makoto asked in an irritated tone.

"Uh… who is this?" Yu asked.

Noel gave an annoyed sigh as she looked to the six, "This is, without a doubt, one of the most annoying characters from my home series. Platinum the Trinity."

"...you sure she's annoying? She looks like something out of a magical girl anime for kids," Hyde pointed out.

"Why. Is. She. HERE?!" Makoto asked Mori.

"We're trying to find Jubei. She's the only one who knows where he is right now, but she refuses to say where he is," Mori explained.


"...she really doesn't seem all that bad," Yosuke noted as he looked at Platinum, "Greetings, Pl-"

"Hello, pedo."

"Gh?! P...pedo?!" Yosuke gawked, nearly losing his balance in his seat.

"...what?" Ruby blinked.

"And now you see the reason Ragna hates her. She calls him that without any provocation all the time," Noel informed.

"Whatever, ironboard," Platinum huffed.

"...don't talk about Noel like that you annoying little twerp!" Makoto yelled.

"I'll say whatever I want, boob monster!"

"...can we kick her out now?" Noel asked with an eye twitch.

"Not until she tells us where Jubei is," Mori stated, "Then she goes."

"We just need to learn where one person is? Not to hard," Weiss figured as she walked over, "Hello there. How may I…?"

"Shut up! I won't listen to a flat-chested sidekick like you!"

"...excuse me?!" Weiss yelled.

"...wow… this girl is annoying…" Ruby exhaled.

"Yu, did you hear what she called me?! She called me a pedo! I don't even.." Yosuke began before a frying pan was thrown to his face, "Gah ha!"

Platinum stuck out her tongue before she ran off in a huff.

"...I'm not dealing with this…" Yosuke quickly commented as he walked off, "Ice…"

"...I guess I can try," Ruby figured.

"Good luck, you'll need it," Noel warned.

"A LOT of luck…" Makoto added in a deadpanned tone.

Platinum was prowling around the place, looking for Jubei as she had her staff out.

"L...luna, don't you think you were…" Platinum began in a male voice before snapping, "Shut up, Sena!"

"...Sela? Luna? ...did your parents theme-name you or something?" Ruby asked as she walked over.

Platinum just looked at Ruby with an annoyed look on her face.

"Well, I'm Ruby Rose. It's a pleasure to meet you, a-" Ruby spoke before she got bonked upside the head by Platinum's staff, "Ow! What the heck?!"

"Don't talk to me, big boobed riding hood!"

Ruby blinked for a moment before she couldn't help but snicker a little at the comment.


"Ok… that was actually kinda funny…" Ruby admitted.

"Funny?! It wasn't meant to be funny, you red doofus!" Platinum snapped, "But Luna..that really was uncalled f-SHUT IT SENA! AT LEAST SHE'S NOT LIKE THAT SLUTTY SQUIRREL OR THAT FLATCHESTED ICE QUEEN!"

"...what did you say about my partner?" Ruby questioned with an annoyed look.

"She's flatchested! Not as much as the blue ironing board, but sh-" platinum began before Crescent Rose was aimed right at her face, "?!"

"...you need to stop insulting people without provocation," Ruby told her.

"...at least I don't threaten people with a creepy scythe!"

Ruby then gave Platinum a very angered look before she used the top of the Crescent Rose to hook Platinum's weapon.

Ruby then tossed Platinum back into the room that she had met her in, "Somebody else handle this brat. I'm not doing it!"

Ruby then quickly dashed away and left Platinum on the ground.

"...what you said to her was really uncalled for…" Platinum muttered in the male voice before snapping in the female voice once more, "Shut up Sena!"

"Oh great… her…" Yosuke muttered as he hid behind Yu and Chie.

"What's so wrong with her?" Chie questioned.

"Well… I guess I can try keeping an eye on her," Yu said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"...good luck man…" Yosuke told him before he ran off in a hurry.

Yosuke, Chie, and Yukiko all sat at a coffee stand and were all just trying to relax.

"Wonder how Narukami's time with the kid is going," Chie pondered.

"Hopefully better than what happened with me…" Yosuke mutered.

"Oh come now, Yosuke. Platinum-chan isn't that bad."

"She called me a pedo!"

"...ok… even I gotta say that's a little harsh…" Chie admitted.

Yosuke then saw Platinum run off in a hurry while the door to Yu's trailer was still opened, "...I'm going to go check on him."

"Why do you get to do it?" Chie asked.

Yosuke quickly ran towards Yu's trailer and saw Yu was curled up in a fetal position, "Ah! Yu! What happened?!"

"...I never thought I'd live to see this day…" Yu whispered weakly.

"What day?"

"...the day… I doubted the power of the bond…"

Yosuke gasped in horror as Yu weakly looked to his phone, "Hey man! Keep it together!"

"...tell my girlfriend that… I love her…" Yu said before he seemed to pass out.

"Yu! Yu! YU~~~~~~!" Yosuke yelled before he blinked a little, "Wait… who's your girlfriend?"

Linne smacked around a training dummy that looked like Jin, various cuts on it as she breathed out.

"Hmph...perhaps I should've found this ages ag-" Linne began before Platinum pushed her out of the way.

"Out of the way shrimp!"

"...shrimp?" Linne repeated before she looked at herself and then Platinum, "I'm taller than you."

"We can take care of this ourselves. So stay out of our way, pipsqueak!" Platinum yelled as she tried to bonk Linne with her staff.

Linne just gave an annoyed stare at her as she blocked her staff.

"Luna… why do you keep antagonizing p- shut it Sena!"

"...you're about a hundred years too early to try fighting me," Linne scoffed.

"...midget old lady!" Platinum snapped as she ran off.

"And this is where we'll be recording the motion capture stuff," Ruby informed as she showed Blake around the set.

"I see… is there anything else I need t-" Blake began.

Platinum eventually came tumbling into Blake and knocked Blake onto the ground.

"Oh no…" Ruby muttered.

"Could you please watch it? Oh shut up a…" Platinum began to speak before she saw Blake without her ribbon on and gasped, "Are you related to Jubei-sama?!"

"...huh?" Blake blinked.

Ruby then gained a smile as she rushed over to Blake and whispered, "Play along."


"This girl is annoying and the only reason she's here is because she knows where somebody is. She thinks you're related to him for whatever reason, so please just play along so she'll go away…"

Blake blinked a bit before she just exhaled, "You'll owe me for this."

Ruby just gave Blake a thumbs up in response.

"In a way I am… and I would like to know where I might find him."

"I wanna play with you first!" Platinum demanded, "I wanna play! ...Luna, you're scaring her- SHUT! UP! SENA!"

"...alright... I can play for a bit, but you better tell me where Jubei is."

"Deal!" Platinum smiled. She then grabbed one of Blake's cat ears and dragged her away.

Noel and Makoto watched Blake be dragged away.

"...dare I ask?" Noel exhaled.

"Blake's gonna be our key to getting the info of where that Jubei guy is," Ruby informed.

"She's part cat?" Makoto questioned.

"Yeah," Ruby nodded.

"Ahh… so she's a Beastkin."

"Nope. Faunus."

Makoto just gave a nod of her head and a small smile.

"I finally got that guy's location out of that brat…" Blake informed as she walked over to the coffee stand… now with pink hair and pig tails.

"Thanks Blake," Ruby smiled.

"...ten books."


"That is what you owe me now Ruby. Ten books. I have a list of what I want waiting on your bed…"

"Duly noted…" Ruby nodded.

"Where's Jubei?" Noel asked quickly.

"Tea shop in some place called Ikaruga…"

"...so she…"

"Will be far away from here," Mori told them, "I'm gonna send Ragna to go get Jubei for us."

"...can somebody get something to fix my hair?" Blake requested.

"I gotcha," Makoto smiled.

The next day rolled around and Blake, now with her hair back to normal, was sitting with her stack of books.

"...dare I even ask if those are like that ninja book?" Ruby questioned.


Makoto simply glanced at Blake as she read, but the lights dimming kept her from doing anything.

-Ladies and gentlemen. We are pleased to announce the next three characters coming to Cross Tag Battle as the first wave of DLC apart from Blake!- Mori announced into a megaphone.

People gathered around with curious looks as the lights went to the stage.

-First off, Kanji Tatsumi from Persona.-

"Yeah! That's more like it!" Kanji whooped, stepping up as he cracked his knuckles, "Now who wants an ass kicking?!"

-Second, we have Orie Ballardiae from Under Night.-

Orie stepped onto the stage and bowed a little, "On my honor as one of the Licht Kreis I shall not disappoint you all."

"Heh… nice to see you, Harada," Hyde greeted.

"Same to you, Kido," Orie responded as she got off stage.

-And finally from… Blazblue? ...huh. That's… strange…- Mori commented as he looked at the card, -Did I get the right card?-

"...really? Another character from our world?" Makoto commented, "I think we're getting a little over-represented."

"...you're not wrong," Ragna said with a shrug.

-...wait… this can't be right…-

"HI~~!" a certain voice yelled.

"...oh no…" Ruby, Weiss, and Blake all gulped.

"Please no…" Yosuke muttered.

"If there are any gods or shadows listening right now… please don't let it be her…" Yu quietly said with his hands clasped together.

"Don't… just don't…" Ragna added.

-Next is...Platinum the... Trinity? Wait, what?!- Mori yelled.

Platinum bounced on stage and waved to the crowd.

"...oh no…" various characters muttered.

"...is there a problem?" Orie questioned.

"...'problem' doesn't even begin to summarize this…" Linne told her.

"You have one minute to explain what the hell you were thinking putting that brat on the roster!" Ragna yelled as he had Mori pinned against the wall and had his sword at Mori's neck, "ONE! MINUTE!"

"Trust me! I'm as confused as you are!" Mori informed, "I could've sworn I put her on a 'do not include' list!"

"Well she's on the roster!" Ragna snapped.

"What's so wrong with that girl?" Kanji asked.

"She...w-well...she's kind of a …'colorful' girl with MPD…" Noel informed, "As for what she's done? Well… uh…"

"That girl made Yu pass out, made his heart stop for a minute, and made him doubt the power of the bond!" Yosuke stated quickly.

"...that bad?" Noel asked.


Jubei walked on over, a cup of tea in hand, and he looked to the people around him, "You're all over reactin' a little."

"Master, how the heck can you be so calm…?!"

"Come here fer a sec," Jubei ordered.

Ragna blinked at that, eventually putting his sword down and started walking over, but was then bonked upside the head, "What the?!"

"Huh?" Jubei blinked.

"I'm gonna beat you up, Ragna the loliconedge!" Platinum snapped as she kept bonking him on the head.

"Knock it off!" Ragna yelled as Platinum continued to bonk him with her staff.

"Alright, that's enough!" Jubei yelled at Platinum, "Leave Ragna alone already."

"But Master!"

"No buts! Startin' now, you two are gonna get along, whether a like it or not," Jubei sternyl stated.

Ragna let out a loud, clearly enraged, yell before he went and locked himself in his trailer, "I'm going to kill whoever thought putting her in the game was a good idea!"

Meanwhile, Hazama and Terumi were laughing as they high fived each other.

"Raggy's suffering makes this so good… think we can mess with him and the other fighters some more?"

"Oh massively~"

Jubei and Platinum sat at the coffee stand, both with cups of tea, and were just there for a bit in silence.

"So… did you say anything stupid to anybody?" Jubei asked.

"No…" Platinum lied.


"She insulted a lot of people…and I mean a LOT of people. ...traitor…"

"...hoo boy…" Jubei exhaled, "Listen, I'm not gonna get angry at you… but you're going to need to apologize...or else."

"...yes Master," Platinum sighed before she sipped her tea.

"I'm not tryin' to be mean or anythin'. It's just...you need to be calm and think before rushing headstrong into certain things."

"Like with a battle?"

"...that's one way of puttin' it…" Jubei said with a slight shrug, "Just enjoy your tea. I'll be makin' sure you apologize tomorrow."

Platinum simply nodded her head before she saw somebody else sit down.

"...why is she even here?" Jin asked with a slight annoyed frown.

"Beats me," Ragna shrugged as he hesitantly walked towards the coffee stand

"She's a fan favorite in our home nation and people wanted her in," Jubei whispered to them, "Also she wants to apologize for all the stuff she said."

"...Nope," Ragna said as he walked off.


"An apology from her doubles as an insult," Ragna argued.

"Brother, why do you hate her?" Jin honestly questioned.

"Why do you not hate her?!"

"Because she hasn't said anything th-"

"You're making it hard for me to wanting to apologize, stalker!" Luna snapped.

"...what did you call me?" Jin demanded coldly, a dark look in his eyes as he summoned Yukianesa.

"Uh…" Luna began nervously.

"And here I was actually defending you!"

"I'm sorry, okay?!" Luna quickly yelled.

Jin then, rather surprisingly, dismissed his weapon and got some iced coffee.

"...I'm going back to my trailer… don't need me!"

"Why did you even leave in the first place?" Jubei questioned.

"My mini-fridge was out of drinks!"

Jubei just sighed and went back to sipping his tea.

"As for your apology...I accept," Jin told Platinum with a calm look, "But… next time you call me a stalker, I won't hesitate to put you in a block of ice and turn you into a statue."

"What does th-" Luna began before Sena whispered something to her in their shared head, "...n...noted…"

Jin then simply went back to sipping his iced coffee with a relaxed look on his face. He then grabbed a nearby book and began to read its contents.

"Well… I guess there are people who like me after all," Platinum smiled.

Pikatwig: Well… that took a while to do. Our apologies for the wait, folks.

SZ: Very much so...but a lot of things came up..mainly life and me trying to apply for a job

Pikatwig: And I've been busy with college stuff. Hopefully we can work more on this in the future.

SZ: Hopefully...oh and if you have an idea or two for a segment, possibly leave it in the review for this story.

Pikatwig: I'd be happy to see what you guys can suggest. Only limit is to please try and keep it within the confines of the four series already here. You can ask us to use other characters not in the game, like Velvet and Coco from RWBY or other characters from Persona 3, but please keep it within the four franchises already in the game.

SZ: Course there's also the fifth series that was teased, but we don't know what it is yet. People say it's Fate, others say its Skullgirls, some say its Senran Kagura, and some say its Arcana Heart.

Pikatwig: There's also Hyperdimension Neptunia. You said Mori was talking about that series.

SZ: True.

Pikatwig: Just, if you do suggest something, keep it within the series already in the game or that will be added to the game.

SZ: Hai, but until next time..read and review minna.

Pikatwig: Uh… we need to say our favorite parts before the wrap up. Mine was Noel teaching Ruby. It was really cute and I'm really annoyed the only time they interacted was in one of the endings.

SZ: Indeed

Pikatwig: Now we can wrap it up. Just Live More.

SZ: Catch you all later, and have a good day/evening.