It was around 8 o'clock in the evening when Raven arrived at her new training spot, an abandoned factory on the furthest side of the town: deep inside the forest located at the city's outskirt. Everything was pitch-black, not even a sign of human being existed here. In the light breeze of the night, the trees surrounded her gently swayed their branches and foliage, emitting some rustling noises, giving Raven a delusion that someone was out there watching her every movement.
Being the daughter of a demon lord himself, such a thing didn't frighten Raven, or the fact that the factory was on the verge of collapsing. On the ground scattered all kinds of debris, and the only sector that seemed to be unaffected by time was a concreted cabin in the center. Raven didn't know why, and she didn't truly care wither.
The sorceress quickly advanced toward it, dried leaves crumbling beneath her feet, echoing loud and clear in the darkness, reminding her of how solitude the place was. But it was fine, really. Raven didn't mind being alone, especially after all the time she had to put up with the bothersome trio that always knocked on her door and tried to drag her into some stupid plans that they thought would be cool.
She phased through the wall of the cabin, and found herself standing in an empty room with, don't ask her why, several pillars reaching from the floor to the roof. Probably what kept this place not falling down the whole time, she thought absent-mindedly, darting her eyes around to find the person that persuade her into training in this area – Robin.
He stated that Raven had been relying on her magic too much and needed some extra training to make sure that if her power somehow was shut down during a fight, they would know how to defend herself properly. The Boy Wonder had chosen this abandoned factory instead of their own training room because he believed it would be much better if they do it in a more appropriate environment that resembling the surroundings of a true battle.
"Cyborg and Starfire don't need this, obviously. I will have Beast Boy learned a few tricks some other time. But you need this. Are you aware of how much danger you can be in if your power went dead right in a middle of a fight against a bunch of men?"
He didn't finish his sentence, but Raven understood what he meant.
And that was how she found herself standing in an empty room between a crumbling down old factory in the middle of nowhere. Robin had been here since afternoon, saying that there was something he needed to prepare.
"Robin, I'm here. Where are you?" Raven called out, getting somewhat irritated. He'd better not plan on pulling a prank on her! She had had enough with the stupid, nonsense "means of entertaining" from the two knuckleheads at the Tower. If Robin decided to do that, then she swore, best friend or not, she would force a full dish of Starfire's cooking right down his throat!
Suddenly Raven felt someone grabbed her from behind and bound her arms together with some sticky materials! The action was so fast that Raven didn't even have enough time to react. Trying to suppress the arising panic, Raven wiped her head backward, only to find a pair of masked eyes locked with her violet ones.
Raven sighed, feeling her stomach unknotted. It was only Robin.
"Raven." The Boy Wonder acknowledged her arrival with a cocky grin: "About time. I am starting to fear that you will never come."
Raven noticed that he had replaced his traffic-light uniform by a kind of clothes that looked like a black Gi, but didn't have any sleeves. The pants weren't baggy type either. His hands wore the gloves retrieving from the Red X suite, which Raven immediately noticed.
"You are aware that this kind of substances will shut down my power, right?" she asked in the usual monotone voice, though it was clear that she was undoubtedly frustrated.
"Uh huh." The Boy Wonder replied nonchalantly, as if the fact that she had been tied and had her power nullified wasn't something serious at all. The cocky smirk never left his lips, if anything, it even got wider. Raven gulped. Somehow, the sight of him standing there unnerved her. She couldn't quite place a finger on it, or understand why she suddenly felt that way. He was just Robin, well, maybe a bit more annoying and suicidal than usual, but still Robin nevertheless.
"I'm not in the mood to fool around." Raven rolled her eyes: "So please hurry up and finish this training before my patience runs out."
Robin shrugged and slowly approached her, that annoying smirk still plastered on his face. Raven shivered, feeling goosebumps rose on her arms. The red materials on her hands had disabled her empathy ability, so she couldn't detect any of his emotion. Still, something about that smile gave her the creeps.
Raven pursed her lips, feeling her throat went dry. Before she even realized it, her feet had already started moving backward, maintaining the gap between her and him.
"What? Are you afraid of me?" Robin laughed, slightly shaking his head in disbelief: "Okay, maybe that was a bit too much. Sorry. Let me get it off you."
The dark girl looked at him, but didn't move from her spot. Something was wrong, something was deadly wrong! Her intuition kept on yelling that to her, urging her to back away from him at once. Raven bit her lips, hesitated. This was just Robin, her leader, her best friend, he couldn't mean her any harm. Maybe he was trying to pull another stupid prank on her? Yeah, it was probably it. After all, she get a somewhat familiar feeling whenever Beast Boy lingered near her…
"I'm serious, if you try anything dumb, I will send you to another dimension." Raven narrowed her eyes in a threatening manner. Robin only let out a small chuckle in return.
"Come on, I'm not Beast Boy, I know my limit." He smirked at her. The Boy Wonder then walked up to where his dark teammate was standing. Raven felt her heart slamming against her ribcage nonstop. Several voices screamed in her head, telling her to run away at once. She knew she should listen to her instinct because it had never failed her. But why? Robin would never hurt her?
But he was right before her now, so it was too late for her to follow the voice of her mind. Robin smiled down at her, and suddenly Raven gulped, feeling chill run down her spine. When had he become so… tall? His well-built frame seemed unusually enormous against her petite form as he loomed over her. He was still smirking, but not in the typical cocky and cheerful way. If anything, it seemed to be more… wicked and menacing?
Suddenly, the Boy Wonder reached out and seized her shoulder in a vice-like grip. Raven gasped, completely caught off guard. Before she had a chance to realize what was going on, he had already pushed her into a pillar nearby! The impact made Raven grunt. It wasn't really hurt. His force wasn't that strong. It just surprised her. Infuriating by his action, the violet-haired girl lunged forward, preparing to give him a piece of her mind. This had gone on long enough! She had had it with his nonsense!
But the girl found herself unable to move even a muscle. Gasping, Raven wiped her head back, only to realize that the red substance had glued her hands tightly onto the surface of that pillar. She tried to break away, but it was too late. The sticky material had already solidified, almost become one with the concrete of the pillar, trapping her slender hands along with it.
But it wasn't the worst. Right when she became red with rage and about to go basilisk on Robin, he suddenly shot out two more blob of sticky red materials. They clamped onto her legs, securing them tightly to each side of the pillar before turning rock-hard, keeping Raven in an extremely uncomfortable position.
"Robin, this isn't funny!"
Raven growled, struggling against her restrains, feeling unnerved with the situation she was in. Even though she was still fully clothed, the dark girl couldn't help but feeling… exposed! The space between her legs was too large for her liking. And having both arms tied behind her back made Raven feel that all the attention was supposed to glue to the only objects clearly visible on her torso: her breast! To Raven, this was like giving the entire world a show of her own body, something the quiet girl never enjoyed even a bit.
Robin slowly approached her tied form, the annoying smirk never left his face even once. Raven glared dagger at him, trying to pull herself free from the pillar with all her might. But no matter how she tried, the concrete-like material refused to budge. God! Damned Robin and his stupid passion for weapon! Why must he create such a powerful suit even though he had already known that he wouldn't use it for long?
"Robin!" She repeated again, this time in a higher tone: "Enough! I have had enough of this bullshit!"
"But our training has only begun." Robin was now right in front of her. He lowered his head to her eyes' level, before letting his smirk transform into a bone-chilling grin. Raven swallowed hard, still, she tried to maintain her unaffected image and kept on glaring in a heated manner at him. His mask was making her nervous. Raven didn't know why, but she had a feeling that he was… leering at her behind that stupid piece of gear!
"R… Robin? What…" The rest of her words melted into a loud, startled gasp. Robin was running his fingers on the length of her leg! She quickly diverted her gaze to that offending spot to confirm that, before locking her eyes with his once more. Her mind was a turmoil as all kinds of emotions flashed through her, trying to take control of her body. Shock, disbelief, panic, yet, the one that lingered longer than the rest was anger. How dare him! Did he not realize this was an invading of her personal space? Who did he think he was?
"What do you think you are doing?" she yelled into his face, grinding her teeth together as fire of rage danced in her eyes. But Robin didn't seem to be affected by her anger at all. He just stood there, smirking at her in that same creepy manner. And then, he slowly extracted a birdarang from his belt. Raven sighed in relief, feeling the apprehension ease off her chest. Finally an end to this nonsense! Seriously, what had got into him? Never had he gone this far with a joke before. Perhaps he should spend less time around some certain stupid green shape shifter.
But Raven soon realized that this was just the beginning of the worst. Robin never intended to let her go. To her shocked, panic-filled eyes, he slowly placed the sharp edge of the weapon at the clasp of her cloak. With a flick, the shield of her body fell down onto the floor, leaving the girl with just a piece of skin-tight leotard to cover herself.
"Robin, what the Hell is this?" Raven cried out as anger overwhelmed her other senses. She was panting heavily now as her seething form struggling fiercer than ever to break free. "If this is a joke, I will… UMGHHH!"
The last of her rampage was lost in a chain of pointless muffled sounds as Robin extracted a red X from his glove and taped onto her running mouth, stopping her from verbalize her thoughts to him. The girl shook her head hard, trying to shake the annoying gag off, but again, her attempt returned her nothing.
"Mghhhhmmm! Mfggghhhhh! Nghhhfff!"
Violet strands flew around her face in a frantic motion as Raven jerked at her bonds, trying to free herself and giving Robin the punishment he deserved for treating her like this. The Boy Wonder just grinned at her in return, a sinister grin that she never knew that his face was capable of displaying. In a swift, he reached out and grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at him straight in the eyes. Raven panted become heavier as he started closing the gap between her face and his. Just what was he trying to pull?
When he was just about millimeters from her, the masked boy suddenly leaned forward and licked her left cheek! Her eyes widened in horror. She hadn't seen that coming at all. With a sharp turn, Raven jerk her face from the offending gesture, panting heavily as her muffled mouth trying to shout insults at him. Her helpless action made him chuckle in amusement. Slowly, he placed the blade at the hem of her leotard, watching as her big eyes quiver in fear and her already pale face turned paler...
Robin smirked. Slowly, he started slicing off the dark spandex that covered her entire body, cackling like a maniac as the dark girl let out a loud shriek, struggling against her bonds frantically, hoping for an escape that never came…