When Virgil awoke, it was to the sound of Rick, Space and Craig quietly bickering over the movie.

Craig had managed to show up after all, at least.

Wheatley was still clinging to him, completely conked out with no regards to whatever was going on around him.

He reckoned they'd missed about half of the movie. Which was a little disappointing, but he didn't blame Wheats or himself for dozing off. The blanket and the couch were fairly comfortable, and decent enough at trapping enough warmth to keep their systems going.

Rick looked over to him, perking up slightly when he noticed that Virgil had woken up.

"You're finally awake, then? Might've missed about three-quarters of the damn movie, mate."

"Fact: This movie is subpar in quality."

"Quality is subjective, ya fuckin' dingus!"

And he went back to bickering with Craig over whether quality was subjective or not.

Same as usual.

Virgil stretched his legs, looking a fair bit like a cat stretching under the covers. After doing this, he realized he probably ought to wake Wheatley up.

The first attempt at waking the idiot failed. He'd just slurred out something along the lines of "Five more minutes.", to which Virgil gave an unamused look, but let him be for a bit.

Attempt number two failed as well.

Surprisingly, the third attempt at waking him up actually succeeded. Though, this was mostly done by carding a hand through his mess of hair.

Wheatley blearily opened his eyes and blinked, before adjusting his position to lean back on the couch.

"...You're very soft."


"Mmmmmmmakes for a good pillow."

"...I have no idea what you mean by that."


"...Oh! Well... thank you?"

Rick just stared at the two, before muttering something about how he hoped his debates wouldn't turn awkward with Craig.

Craig was currently bickering with Dipper (gently, mind you) on whether or not he'd gotten his facts about space right, so he didn't hear that statement from Rick.

Wheatley was still half-asleep, and he'd started clinging to Virgil again. Not unwelcomed, but a little annoying, for him, personally.

Virgil had a small plan to get out of the room, and he was fairly confident that neither Craig or Rick would start tearing at each other's throats, or, worse, Wheatley's.

"Wheats, c'mon. I gotta go check up on something."

Surprisingly, Wheatley moved himself back into a sitting position, giving him a slightly annoyed glance.

"Don't give me that look, I'll be back soon."

Less annoyed, but still discontented at losing his cuddling partner (and a good deal of warmth) temporarily.

He quietly opened the door, walked outside, and shut it behind him, before trekking back down the hall to go and check on what he'd been doing before being assigned to the mandatory break from his work.

Virgil knew that Glitchy could probably run things if he were to sustain an injury or something else took him out. Glitchy had enough experience in being repaired to know what part goes where, generally speaking.


Wheatley realized that he didn't particularly like being in a room with the guy that had accompanied him in space for god-knows-how-long, and two people who would probably rip his throat out because of the whole core transfer thing and being attached to him.

At least they were preoccupied with bickering with one another. As long as there wasn't any attention on him, he'd probably be fine.

If he could just go back to sleep, that'd be dandy. Or, you know, get escorted back to his own room.

He could probably get to the door and explore the facility, but then again, he was perfectly comfortable where he currently was.

God. Damn it.

Okay, so, the plan was to just sit here, hope he doesn't get noticed and wait for Virgil to come back.

On the bright side, he had a comfortable spot to watch the rest of the movie.


"Hey, have you seen Virgil? I need to talk to him about, ah, the replacement arm."

"Ah, no, not really. I was told he was taking a day or two off, so, uhm. If you could just, come back in a few days, Virgil will probably be here then." Glitchy replied.

Another android piped up, stating that they'd seen him head towards the kitchens.

"Curie, darling, I don't think he'll be too pleased to see me when he's off duty and I need this repaired." Rainbow held up his arm. "Shouldn't you be playing with one of the others?"

"I… can't. Not today, sir. Glitchy's meant to be watching me."

"Uh, yes, I agreed to watch her for a little while, mostly to take some of the load off, uhm. Who was it-- Chuck. I'm pretty sure Chuck asked me to watch her. It saves us some time re-assembling her if she falls into acid, or something else happens."

"Ah, well. I might as well grace you with my company!" Beat. "I wasn't being too self-absorbed, there, was I?"

"Naw, you're fine, Mister Bow!"

"Ah, thank you, darling. I've been trying to work on my self-esteem."

"You're doing great, Bow. Take a seat for a while if you want to."

"Thank you, dears."


It was at times like these that Virgil wished that he had a few more hands around the place.

He'd taken a peek at his current workload, stared at it for a moment, before reminding himself that he had an extra day off. So, that meant he could allow himself to procrastinate for a while.

Still, it would be nice if he could get the entire workload shifted in one day instead of taking breaks to refuel and recharge.

God knows how high the workload would be the next day.

He just made himself a coffee, before leaving the repair wing entirely.


Dipper had moved under the covers and latched onto Wheatley. Surprisingly, he found himself being okay with it, and started clinging back.

Rick had stopped bickering with Craig. They were both sitting on the beanbag, somehow, and not particularly minding each other's presence.

Virgil re-entered the room, sat down on the arm of the couch and sipped at his coffee.

He'd gotten back as the end credits were rolling, so he'd effectively missed the entire film. Ah, well. There was always next time.

"So, what did I miss?"

"You were about to miss the end credits scene, Virg. There's probably a good one in this one, I think. Honestly, I ain't got any idea of why people wouldn't stay after the credits, there's usually a scene after 'em!"

"...Alright, Rick. I honestly have no idea if there's one after the credits in this one, it's been a while since I've last seen it."

Wheatley muttered quietly to himself, before patting the spot next to him.

"Space friend! More movies?"

"Yeah, more movies sounds pretty good. Sorry about the whole leaving thing, I had to check on my workload. Reckon Glitchy's been telling everyone that I'm off work for two days."

"Fact: This movie was about an hour long. We still have the rest of the evening and night."

"...Evening already? Bloody hell."

"Fact: It's been scientifically proven that time goes faster when you're having fun."

"Mate, I was asleep for most of the day. That, and I napped through most of the movie."

"I don't blame you, Wheats. The blanket, it's very… warm. Especially paired with the couch."

"I'm pretty sure that you fell asleep too."

"...Maybe I did, but you don't have any proof!" Virgil grinned in a cheeky manner, sticking his tongue out for good measure.

"Oi, Virg, you were definitely sleeping by the time I came in with Spacey!"

"Spacey likes the name Dipper."

"I named him that! It's a bloody nice name."

"Huh. Ain't that based on a constellation?" Rick looked at Dipper for a moment. "Didn't know you still had those files."

"Space constellation!! The Big Dipper! Dipper keeps all space files!"

"...He really likes the name I gave him."

"Fact: Spacey is still a decent nickname."

"I like both names. They have the same amount of letters and they both have two syllables."

"Why wouldja keep track of the syllables?"

"It's easy to say if it has a fewer amount of syllables. I'm Norwegian, Rick."

"I thought you were Swedish, judging by the accent."

"Hahaha. No."

"Rick, that's like saying I sound bloody Irish, when it's a British accent I have. And a Bristolian accent, at that, considering the regional stuff."

"Oi, to be fair, you do tend to do the lilt!"

"And? What's that got to do with anything?"

"We're talking about accents, and you're asking what a lilt has to do with anything?!"

"Literally everyone can tell that I'm British, and that's probably JUST by the accent. Maybe not the regional accent, but it's still enough to be a British accent."

"Fact: You both have no idea on what you're talking about."

"...Not my problem. Got a good idea, and this is coming from the guy that's designed to be a bad idea generator. We should watch another movie."

"I agree with that, Wheats. Just try not to get into any more arguments, the both of you."




AUTHOR NOTES: this might be the longest chapter i've written. maybe. i dunno, i don't really keep track.

I'd imagine that Virgil sometimes has troubles on translating things to English.

Wheatley either can't sit still, or ends up falling asleep in a movie night thing. At some point, it might become a recurring thing for someone to doodle on his face.

Next chapter will probably be a continuation of this one, and a look into the next day.