Aboard the mammoth Executor, the Imperial crew celebrates their final victory over the Rebel Alliance. TIE Fighters soar triumphantly over Tatooine, the site of the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War.

On the command bridge, Admiral Piett summons back the search party of stormtroopers looking for their fallen ruler in the vast deserts, while about half of the officers within the fleet secretly celebrate the loss of the dreaded Lord of the Sith. The other half either mourns their respected war commander or is unsure of what is to become of them.

As a single body, the assembly of Star Destroyers return to Coruscant to declare the war complete.

Piett meets with former Grand Vizier Amedda to discuss the galaxy's transition from the long period that preceded into the future.

Amedda and Piett officially reunite the Galactic Senate, and pledge to use their military resources to help rebuild the planets devastated by the decades of conflict. They promise a more just society, one of cooperation and without fear.

As the planetary governments begin to embrace independent sovereignty with the aid of the Imperial Remnant, programs are established throughout the Core Worlds to rehabilitate the stormtroopers and officers long accustomed to a life based on war, ultimately preparing them for the transition to civilian life.

Over time, the spell cast by the Sith Lords is lifted and both citizens and government officials rejoice the end of Palpatine and Vader.

Once the planetary governments are sufficiently functioning, the Imperial military suddenly and quietly departs Coruscant, every Star Destroyer and every TIE Fighter, and disappears towards the Unknown Regions...

On the desert world of Tatooine, a young boy pilots a training speeder around the perimeter of the moisture farm in which he lives.

As a blue and white astromech droid watches, the boy laughs as he flies over the sand, and unknowingly, over the graveyard where the remains of long-dead relatives rest forever.

The boy finally stops the speeder as his long black hair stretches onto his innocent face. The droid goes to greet the boy as he strokes the domed head of the Artoo unit.

As the twin suns begin to set, a woman emerges from the dwelling in which she and her son live.

The boy runs to his mother, who hugs him tightly. As they stand embracing in front of the archway leading into their warm, cozy home, the mother gazes at the twin suns and thanks them that her boy does not know war or sorrow. Not before he has to.

As the boy presses his cheek against the woman's stomach affectionately, she gazed at the ledge in which the farm stands, at a point beyond the vaporators.

The droid wheels up to join them as the woman sees two distant, yet distinct figures watching her and her son. One is human, with a white beard and the look of a proud grandfather. The other is small, green skinned, and ancient.

She smiles at the spirits appreciatively, knowing the Force will be with her and her son. As the boy releases her to go inside, Leia follows.

As her body is inside the igloo-shapes adobe dwelling, Leia gazed back at the spirits. She notices two more have joined them. One is a young man, who like his fellow Jedi, is wearing the classic robes and smiles fondly, knowing that despite everything, the sun will not set on hope, not forever.

The other is a woman, who resembles both Leia and the young Jedi, brought into the physical world by the Force-spirits. Leia recognizes her immediately, her voice being the first she ever heard.

The woman looks to her other side, and briefly gives a silent sad expression, as if someone else belonged next to her but never again would be...

Then she looks to the spirit next to her and finally back towards her daughter.

Leia exchanges a knowing look with her mother, who had watched over her son for many years while he had grown up on this same moisture farm.

Finally, Leia follows her young son and droid into their home as the suns set on the isolated world. And the spirits, even after they disappear into the dusty air, remain present, always in the hearts of the ones who remember them.