
2100 words

Chapter 30 | Spark

Garp had decided to join in and got in Marco's way when the young man tried to go forth to save Ace. The hero glared down at the battlefield as he stated that no one can get past him until his death comes, only to be insulted by the Yonko himself—telling that he's just an old soldier.

As they fought and flared up another big fight, Ace leaned his head onto the floor, holding back his tears as he recalls his childhood, wondering if it would've been better if he was never born.

He held back his tears as his cared siblings, friends, and allies cheers for him but lost to himself, creating a pool underneath as he cries out his pain. Them bleeding just for the sake of his survival touches him deeply... and all of this makes him go back to the path of life to not wish for his own death.

The ravenette raised his head, only to meet his father-figure's weakening state as an Admiral beat him down. He gritted his teeth as his friend, Marco, got hit by another Admiral right after Whitebeard.

He truly can't take this anymore.

This is too much to bear.

When he raised his head, so did his siblings. Luffy asked the King-Queen one last favour and Sayua listened, only to get the same idea as to what her brother is thinking, which can possibly lead to one's death—but that doesn't scare them at least one bit.

As foolish as it may seem, the only way to fight without bearing any pain is for the King-Queen to give them a shot of his Energy Hormone that got Luffy kicking in the first place.

Sayua's willing to take the risks as much as her little brother do so she did the most polite way to reason with him.

She stood in front of the revolutionary and bowed down her head, gaining a lot of attention from the surrounding people. "Please, Iva-san," she gripped tight on the ends of her dress, "let us enter the battlefield one more time... I-If we don't and they kill Ace I... I..."

"If I don't keep fighting," Luffy cut in, pulling back his sister and sending a sharp glare towards the revolutionary, "and they kill Ace..." he paused.

"L-Luffy..." Sayua stared at the back of her brother.


"I TOLD YOU! IF I LET YOU DIE, I'D NEVER BE ABLE TO FACE DRAGON AGAIN, YOU FOOL!" The revolutionary shouted at him as he dropped down from losing strength.

Sayua came to his aid and ran her fingers through his raven hair before craning her head up and looking at the revolutionary with her pleading eyes, "Please... I don't want to regret anything." She spoke and looked down at her little brother, "If you can't do it to Luffy, then at least do it to me. I'm willing to give up my life just to save theirs, so please..."

The King-Queen heaved a sigh, "F-FINE!" he then let his sharp, needle-like nails pierce through both of their skins, "HAVE IT YOUR WAY!"

Almost instantly, the siblings gained back more than they should have and got right back on their feet. The adrenaline rush came washing over their body, numbing the pain and making them seem to have recovered from just that.

Luffy rose up first and screamed loudly as he can possibly could, taking Ace's attention.

Sayua stood second and used her powers to float, not caring if she takes too much life span away from her life. She then looked back and smiled at Iva before looking down at the ferret beside him, "Take care of that little guy for now, Iva-san."

Before the revolutionary could protest, the two started running off into the battlefield with Luffy punching a familiar pink-haired marine blocking his way. Iva simply followed the two, explaining that whatever he placed in their system is just tricking their body to move about, but they really doesn't care and told him that they're not gonna collapse no matter what.

Pacifistas came next but was blocked by their programmed ally, Boa Hancock. The Shichibukai received a thanks from her love and became really blissful about it.

While running towards the scaffold, many of the pirates' allies have fallen into the hands of the marines, including a now shackled Marco being attacked by Kizaru and a now frozen Jozu all thanks to Aokiji. The Navy even dared to take Whitebeard's head but failed as people guarded the Yonko's pride.

"IF IT'S THE FUTURE YOU SEEK, I'LL SHOW IT TO YOU, SHIROHIGE!" The enraged Buddha shouted before ordering the new executioners the command that will end everything.

Not for Luffy though.


Just as the blade was about to touch Ace, Sayua was prepared to warp right in there to shield him even at the cost of her life. When she was about to warp out, a familiar sensation hit her senses and made her halt the process. The wave of pressured feeling washed over her, coming from her little brother whose scream halted everyone.

For the goldilocks, her world stopped as the cold feeling rushed over her. Her eyes widened at the realisation of potential power lying inside her youngest brother.


Luffy screamed stop, unleashing the hidden power lying inside him and knocking a couple of hundreds of people out—including the two men who held their blades close to his beloved brother's neck. Those who withstood his power stood still, shocked about the boy's troublesome ability.

"Oi, oi... you've got to be kidding!" Kuzan sweat-dropped.

"It seem like he did it instinctively..." Sakazuki furrowed his brows.

"There's... a scary power hidden inside him, hm?" Borsalino tilted his head.

"Hey! Did you just—" Iva couldn't believe it as he stood still behind the boy's sister who was just as shocked as him.

"L-Luffy...?!" Sayua started following him with her gaze. You too?

"You too, Luffy?" Ace's eyes widened.

That boy, Whitebeard thought as he gazed at the born candidate of receiving the throne before looking back at the boy's sister, I'm not even going to be surprised if she have it too.

People started to be wary at the young boy's presence. Though oblivious of what he did, Luffy pushed through without questions with his sister following behind with trembling hands. He looked back at her sister who was as pale as someone who only comes out when it's dark.

"When did you...?" Sayua trailed off, making him raise a brow, "You know what? It doesn't matter. I'm... not gonna question it."

"Huh?" The confused boy tilted his head, "Okay...?"

As they ran, Whitebeard sent an order to back the young successor of the will of the D. It was to prove this young boy's power in front of masses—to test him, his abilities to deserve the title of being a pirate, to meet Whitebeard's expectation of him as Ace's brother.

Sayua was a step away from the young boy, fighting off the enemies from the rear, only to use Soru to block off potential harm that was going towards her younger brother's way. Though it was proven useless as one of Crocodile's underlings and Crocodile himself blocked off the threat, Mihawk.

"Huh?" Luffy remained oblivious, noticing his sister's worried expression as she ran next to him.

The goldilocks gave him her trademark, heart-warming close-eyed smile. "Everything's going to be okay, Luffy-kun." Her voice reached her brother's ears.

"Un!" Her brother smiled.

"The platform's close!" Iva told them, making the two look up front. "Run on ahead!"

"Thanks!" The goldilocks thanked him as she floated up beside her young brother, matching on his pace.

The sound of metal hitting each other made the siblings look to the side to see a revolutionary, Inazuma, cutting up the floor to make way towards the scaffold. Luffy gave him his thanks before running up with a wide smile, followed by his sister.

Cheers can be heard as the siblings make their way towards the top. People started to block enemies going towards them, to give way for the siblings to reach their beloved brother. The only thing that they missed was forgetting someone else waiting at the platform.

A loud crash resonated through the area as the Vice Admiral of the Navy blocked the sibling's path. This surprised Luffy, as well as Sayua who tripped on air when their grandfather appeared out of nowhere. She recovered well, only to see the path that Inazuma created was collapsing.

"Jīchan!" Luffy called the old man, "Get outta our way!"

The admiral's face grimaced, "I've been fighting pirates since long before you were born! If you want to pass, you have to kill me first, Mugiwara no Luffy! Ningyō-shi no Sayua!" The said siblings were surprised to be called by their epithets, but the old man continued, "That's the path you three have chosen!"

Ace, who was watching this happening from the platform, mumbled his grandfather's name as his eyes trailed after his siblings. He watched as Luffy powered up to engage with their old man. He watched as his young brother stretch his arms out to prepare a punch. He watched as...

Memories rushed up before Garp's eyes, making him hesitate just enough for his young beloved grandchild to get to him. The world seemed to have slowed down as he received the punch, making him remember Luffy, Ace, and Sayua's young faces back in the days when they're still oblivious and innocent of everything. He also remembered another goldilocks because of the girl's toothy grin as his head burrowed deep in the ground.

"Jīchan!" A sweet voice echoed in his mind, creating an image with an old man and a little girl sitting on his shoulder, hugging him.

"Jiji!" Another one echoed, adding a young freckled, raven-haired boy hugging the old man.

"Jiji!" A blonde young boy chuckled, appearing next to the young ravenette.

"Jīchan!" Another ravenette called the old man, adding a young boy with his stretchable arms wrapped around all of them.

The Vice Admiral gritted his teeth. Oh, how bitter the world has become, shattering the once great bonds—the once bunch that was once called a family. How cruel the heavens have been to make these unfortunate events unfold. Why did the heavens allow this to happen?

He closed his eyes, accepting his grandchildren's fates.

Whitebeard shielded the siblings from an Admiral as they took their steps on the platform. The said sibling's steps echoed through the island as they faced their beloved brother.

"Ace!" Luffy smiled as he searched something from his pockets, "I have the key! Just wait!"

"Sup, Ace-nii?" Sayua gave him a salute, "I'm... back?" She chuckled.

"Luffy! Sayua!" The freckle face smiled.

Their reunion will not be complete with, of course, more chaos. The Fleet Admiral nicknamed Buddha had activated his powers, and an Admiral with the power of light broke the key for Ace's shackles. Sayua stepped back with a pant as she watched this from happening, looking to the side as someone groaned from pain. Luffy looked to his side as well only to see someone familiar.

A conversation started between the two, but not for long as the Buddha prepared for an attack.

"Hey, Mr. 3!" Luffy called the panicking said man. "Make a wall to protect Ace and Sayua-nee!" He ordered him, not letting him reply.

The Buddha raised his arm, aiming to take all four of them in one big blow but was stopped with Luffy's giant balloon attack and Mr. 3's candle wax that protected the other two. The said wax man also had to pull the only girl in their bunch inside his barrier too for she was pumped to fight, of all people, the golden admiral.

The scaffold collapsed, sending the friends and foe in the air and towards the battleground down below. The siblings shuffled through the air with the wax man falling with them, telling Luffy to not laugh at him when he makes a key for Ace to fulfil his comrade's wishes.

The marines from below aimed their guns and cannons at the escapees, not hesitating as their top commander is falling with the wanted bunch. They fired at the siblings, covering the area with thick, black smoke that reached the heavens.

The allied pirates were alarmed as the booming sound resonated through the island, shaking the land. Silence overwhelmed the area, with only the crackling fire and falling debris sounding softly.

No one knew if the siblings were incinerated from the blast.


A/N: Yo, peeps! It's been a while I know, but I have a good reason for it!

Some of you may know that I'm still a student, and our school held a "student' week" where students become teachers for the lower grades...

And guess who got picked?

That's right!

Sayua got picked-

Okay, I got to be one of those "student teachers"... and this thing is gonna go on until the last week before the long-awaited vacation ;-;

So, it started almost a month ago and good kami-

Save me from these cheeky, little devils-

No, seriously.

The deadline for the school paper is closing in too and good heavens - I DON'T HAVE A SAMPLE YET-


Oh, yea, btw.

I'm reading reviews and oof-

someone discovered a plot-

Anyways, appreciate you guys' support and reviews! Thank you for reading~! ^~^