I would like to apologise to everyone who read this story and enjoyed it and followed it. Cause I can't continue it. When I started this story I didn't plan anything. I knew what I wanted to write but didn't actually plan anything. It was just lazy writing.

I also had a problem with Aogami. He was never meant to be my self insert but because of lazy writing he came across as one. I thought he was going to be easy to write. But I was so wrong. I am currently working on another story, I find it easier to write the male character than I ever did with Aogami LMAO.

When I decided to read the story again I saw how badly it was written and was cringing. I had to stop when I had finished reading a paragraph cause of how disgusted I was with it. I am surprised but also happy some people enjoyed it lol.

But I am still gonna write another Aogami story or maybe rewrite this and post here again.

I know some of you might be asking yourselves why use Aogami? Why not Touma? Well frankly I have read a lot of stories about Touma and still reading some but I am tired of them. Not only Touma. Almost every protagonist of a particular series I am tired of reading fics about them. I enjoy reading fics about side characters or OCs(when they are well written)

We already have stories about Touma which are ongoing and we are still going to get more in the future so I don't see myself ever writing a story about Touma.

P: Thank you for your constructive criticism. I really appreciated it. You took your time to write what you thought and didn't just downright insult me and told me where to improve upon. And for that I am grateful

Guest aka MRx aka anon: Wow your review was….something. You were wrong in some areas but some parts I totally agreed with you. I shouldn't have written I only write for myself. I just didn't want someone like you telling me to delete cause I knew for sure it was going to happen.

I honestly wasn't aiming for Aogami to be my self insert to be honest. But I don't blame you for thinking that way. But I do have a question. So what if he was a SI?

By the way this story wasn't meant to piss anyone off. If you want to be pissed off cause of some shitty story on the internet your problem. I didn't write this story for you. I wrote for myself and people who enjoyed it and followed it. I don't care how many reviews I get for this story to be deleted it's gonna stay. Just as a reminder for things I shouldn't do when writing a story

As for your insult at the end. I don't care to be honest. They are certain conditions you have to meet if you really want to piss me off lol.

As for this story being the most hated story in 2018. For sure LMAO. I am not even going to deny that

Shiroryu012: Nice prediction my friend but you were so wrong(not that I will be able to back up what I am saying now tho)

Linkjames24:I would have also loved to see where this story was going to go but sadly it can't happen. At least not right now. But I am really happy you enjoyed it. I have a long way to go before I can reach your level.

Guest:Meh leave him. It's his choice
