A knock on the door roused Qrow from sleep that Sunday morning. He was confused when he woke up at first. He'd fallen asleep on the floor in Ruby's room. They'd stayed up the whole night talking—mostly her asking him all kinds of questions.

He shuffled down the steps and opened the front door.

"Hello, Mr. Branwen." Ozpin smiled, taking a sip from his cup of coffee. "I haven't come at an inconvenient time, have I?"

Qrow rubbed his eyes and yawned. "No, please come in."

Ozpin walked in. "Where is Miss Rose?"

"Ruby is still asleep." Qrow shuffled into the kitchen to fix his own cup of coffee. "We had a late night."

"A late night?"

"Talking, Dr. Ozpin." Qrow grumbled. "Sorry, that came out meaner than it should have."

Ozpin shrugged, moving to sit at the dining table. "You know that this is our last home visit, don't you?"

"It is?" Qrow scratched the back of his head as the coffee maker sputtered to life. "That's right."

"Would you mind waking Miss Rose for me?"

"Sure." Qrow shuffled up the stairs before sticking his head in Ruby's door. "Kiddo, Dr. Ozpin is here. He needs to talk to you."

She yawned, rolling over in bed with the covers still pulled around her. "Right now?"

Not a morning person. Maybe she is a little bit like her father.

"It's his last visit today, so yes. Right now."

She stretched. "I'll be down in a minute."

He smiled to himself before coming back down the stairs.

"She says she'll be down soon."

Ozpin looked through is notes as Qrow poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Something is different." Ozpin mused, sipping his coffee.

"What do you mean?"

Ruby came down the steps. "Can I please have a cup of coffee?"

"It'll stunt your growth, pipsqueak."

She rolled her eyes, reaching into the cabinet for a mug.

Definitely like her father.

"I take it you two have found a comfortable pattern with each other?"

"Yeah." Ruby came over, coffee in hand. "I think so. I even had a party for my birthday last week. With streamers and everything."

Qrow smiled.

Ozpin looked back at his notes. "And Ruby, you're happy living here with Qrow?"

She nodded again. "He takes care of me. Like a hero."

"O…kay…." Ozpin made another note. "And Qrow, you haven't been indulging in any unpleasant habits? Still sober and got rid of that death trap motorcycle?"

Qrow nodded. "I actually sold the bike yesterday. The plan was to go pick up the truck today."

"That's good." Ozpin nodded, scratching something onto the paper. "Well, I've seen nothing that would hinder you continuing to be Ruby's legal guardian. Summer wanted it this way, and you seem to be living well together. Except there was that one bit of information—"

"I know Uncle Qrow is my dad." Ruby didn't blink, just took a drink. "He told me yesterday. We talked about it."

They both turned and looked at her, a little shocked.

"Alright, then. And Ruby, are you alright knowing that? Do you still want to live here?"

She nodded. "I do."

Ozpin wrote something down. "Okay, well, as far as I'm concerned you guys have passed. I'll let social services know." He got up and let himself out.

Qrow turned to look at her. "You still want to live with me?"

"Well, duh." She took a sip. "Even before I knew about you and mom, I wanted to stay here. You're cool. And mom wanted me to live here with you."

He smiled. "I'm glad you're happy."

"But I don't think I can call you 'dad'." She wrinkled her nose. "It sounds weird."

He laughed. "You can just keep calling me Uncle Qrow if you want to, Kiddo."