Title: Radiate
Author: Angel Jade
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Spoilers: The end of the movie (vaguely)
Pairings: Frankie/Liz
Summary: Ficlet. A new obsession grows in place of the old and Liz is still willing to go all the way for what she wants.
Setting: While they're waiting for Martin to let them out.
Feedback: [email protected]
Distribution: If you've had my permission before, you have it now. Anyone else, ask first please.
Disclaimer: I do not claim to own the characters in the fic, nor do I make money from borrowing them.
Author's notes: The writing in this is very cheesy, but I'm really trying to get into Liz's head here...and she does have a habit of using cheesy descriptions when she talks about love and 'soul mates', so I've incorporated that into the fic. This isn't my usual style.


I wouldn't have thought it possible. For as long as I can remember...or at least the past year or so, I've been in love with Mike. Now here I am, my best chance yet and I'm throwing it all away. I've never spoken to him...not really, but here I'm getting to know him.

And I don't like what I see.

My illusion is shattered. Mike isn't as perfect as I once thought. And as every day passes, I see that my misplaced affection is slowly disintegrating. I once thought his heart was pure...we were destined to be together. But I was blinded by love. I see that now.

But things have definitely changed. I can see again. And I see that I was looking the wrong way the whole time. Mike isn't my soul mate.


In every way I've wanted to be her. Perfect skin, perfect body, perfect hair. She's what every girl wants to be. I watch her now as she eagerly looks up at the door...as if she believes that if she wants it bad enough, Martin will come for us.

My plan was simple. We'd stay here until Mike wanted me the way I wanted him. But I don't want him anymore. I want Frankie. I want her with so much of my heart I don't think I can live without her.

The way her body moves when she's dancing and her hair drapes delicately over her shoulders, framing her beautiful face. She's a work of art and every look directed at me makes me want to die, because it's never the look I want...I need.

She'll love me. We're meant to be together, I understand that now. She'll see it too. All I need is a little more time.

After all, what's the worst that could happen?


The End