Okay! Chapter 5!! Like I promised! Hope you enjoy. By the way... er... sexual things are in this chapter oo' No people under 18 should read ;;;...

Battousai was walking around thinking of very unarousing thoughts trying to rid himself of his 'problem'.

"Stupid wench... has to be so damned tempting..." Battousai said to himself as his face scrunched up from the throbbing coming from his lower body. He had to get rid of that problem and FAST, or he was going to jump her, take her, and continue doing that until she could not tell the difference between pain and pleasure.

"Oh god..." His brow arched as he felt himself throbbing even more.

'Come on Battousai... think of something sick!' He thought to himself as he closed his eyes and tried to imagine something that resembled a bucket of cold water.

'Uh... A man in a thong...' Yuck! How he came up with that he'd never know.

'Er... Getting raped by a man in a thong...' Even worse! He started settling down after that last thought.

'Gasp M...my manhood getting cut off by my own sword...' Battousai opened his eyes wide, wondering how he could ever even imagine such a horrid thing!!

But of course, it worked and he was now sporting a mild arousal. He rubbed his face, and set his amber eyes on the fire, trying to chase away all those thoughts about-

'STOP THINKING ABOUT IT!! IT'S NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!!!!' He screamed in his head. He realized he was starting to get ridiculous, so he tried to just concentrate on a task, either than thinking.

Just then Kaoru came back in that short kimono, her legs still damp from the water. He started up her smooth ankle, and traveled up her flawless leg that seemed to go for miles. How he wished those legs could be wrapped around him... Then he moved up more to the flat stomach, which was, disappointedly for him, covered with the kimono. He'd have to settle with the material clinging onto her every curve...

Then he looked a bit higher until he reached her perfect round- 'Ack!!! Stop thinking!!' Then up her perfectly arched neck, which he wanted to cover with small hickeys and love bites. My god... he was now sporting a full erection.

'Uh oh... What am I going to do?!?!' Battousai thought of all the possibilities he could chose to get rid of this uncomfortable pain.

'I have four choices... Relieve myself, think of something grotesque, or run off to the whore house...or else I could throw her on the ground, rip off her clothes and take her over and over and over and o-' His face was blank of emotion as he tried to think of the consequences for these options.

'Relieving myself.... No... I have WAY too much pride for that. Think of something grotesque.... NOOOO way I tried that and it didn't work for long. Throw her on the ground, rip off her clothes and take her over and over and over and over sounds very tempting, but she would probably hate me for me not waiting till she was ready. Running off to the whore house... Well.... As much as I hate whores... it's my best chance of relieving this aching pain.' Battousai had a look in his eye that told Kaoru that he was thinking VERY hard about something. And she was sure those thoughts were about her.

"Woman, I mean Kaoru Dono, I am going to go buy us some dinner that I am, so could you please stay here and watch the fire?" Battousai asked in a very unBattousai like manner, infact he almost sounded like the blasted Rurouni that invaded his mind constantly. There was his excuse out.

"Um... sure, I guess... just don't take long," Kaoru said, kind of scared of the people who lived out there.

"Oh don't worry... It won't take long at all..." He said darkly his face turning into a disgusted frown. He turned around and made his way uncomfortably down the small dirt path and towards the... eh hem... place he would help himself.

( A.N- Ahhh! The POVs!!)

Kaoru's POV

I watched as Battousai frowned, and got confused. 'Wonder what's wrong with him...'

Then I watched as he walked down the stupid little path. Me, being Kaoru, followed silently.

"That's weird... He should have noticed me by now..." I whisper as I stick to the shadows. My eyes widen as I take an idea of where he was going.

'Is he? Could he? Would he?' Thoughts like these ran through my head. I started to get angry. If he were ACTUALLY going there, I would NEVER forgive him!!

Batthousai's POV

'I know someone's following me, but what can I do? I can't live up to my standards if I'm in this state! I just hope they're not going for the kill... what am I saying? They'll never kill me...muaha' Thoughts like these ran through my head and I was slightly aware that the annoying Rurouni was trying to tell me something as I made my way stiffly down the dirt path, and into the little town.

Normal POV

While Battousai was walking Kaoru was following in the shadows. She stepped on a twig, and it snapped.

Battousai turned around fast. "Come out or I'll kill you!!" He yelled into the darkness.

Kaoru held her breath and pressed herself to a tree. 'Please don't see me... please don't see me....' She thought furiously, praying to all the gods that Battousai wouldn't see her.

"It must be a bird..." Battousai said disbelievingly and continued on his way to the village.

Kaoru was scared. She was really, really scared for the first time since she had met Battousai. Her short kimono that he had given her had been ripped in several places as she took a look at where Battousai was heading...

'Why that slimy little bastard!' Kaoru screamed in her head as she saw exactly where Battousai was going. The whorehouse. "How could he?!" She whispered angrily. She was hurt... why would he go to a whorehouse while she was there? Why did he lie and say he was getting food? What a slimy git!

Battousai's POV

I sighed, knowing that I would soon be relieved of my problem and walked into the whorehouse. Immediately, prostitutes were all over me. It irritated me, but I HAD to help Kaoru or myself would suffer. Wait... when did I start caring if Kaoru suffered?

'Because you like her! You care for her! And did you know she is-'

Shut up you idiot... I don't want to listen to you at the moment. When did you get into my head anyway? This is your entire bloody fault!

I walk over to the cheapest prostitute and quickly grab her dragging her up the stairs with her crying out in surprise. Stupid whore.

I open up a door but quickly shut the door, seeing two people doing the reproductive movement. I try another door and see that the room is empty. Good. I want this over and done with as quickly as I can.

'Battousai. Please! Listen! Kaoru is fo-'

Shut up Rurouni. I thought I told you I didn't want to listen to you.

I throw the whore on the bed and start to shed clothes, ripping off the prostitutes clothes as well. The whore was now writhing in desire and I look at her in disgust. Oh why do I lower myself to such... such... things just so I wouldn't hurt Kaoru? I sigh and climb over the whore, spreading her legs with my knee.

She leans up and licks my ear seductively.

"By the way... my name's Hitomi," She says in a low husky voice.

Why would I care? All I want is a good fuck. I thrust inside her and sigh in relief. Oh how good this feels! I just wish it was Kaoru.

'Battousai would you just listen to me?'



I don't CARE.

'Kaoru is-'



What...? Oh no... please don't tell me I heard properly...

'Kaoru is standing right there watching your every move!'

Oh shit...

I turn around and pull away from the whore just in time to see Kaoru running away.

Kaoru's POV

I followed Battousai to the whorehouse.

How could he?!

'How could he?!'

I see both my heart and I are thinking the same thing. Why?

I look in horror as Battousai grabbed the nearest whore and walked up that large brown staircase. Why didn't he sense me?! Does he WANT me to see this?! I wait awhile and walk up the staircase myself. Boy this place needs to be fixed up! My foot almost fell through a step! I get to the top of the stairs and make the mistake on opening the door closest to me.

That is CERTAINLY not Battousai! I watched for a second as an ugly old man thrust in and out of the prostitute before quickly shutting the door. Then I look down the hall and see that someone has made the mistake of leaving a door open. I walk down the hallway and look in the room. I see Battousai quickly stripping off his clothes. He's so... perfect... and WOW! I didn't think that he was THAT big!! I quickly blush red but am unable to rip my eyes away from the scene of Battousai thrusting inside the whore. Hey! When did I start crying? I didn't stick around for much more of the scene and quickly turn away and run as I see Battousai's head turning to see who's in the doorway. I hope he didn't see me.

I run down the stair case, my foot falling through a step but I quickly pull it out and continue to run down. Why? WHY did he do this?! How could he?!?! But what's even more confusing is... Why do I care?

It was going up! But now it has gone down. Will Kaoru ever forgive Battousai for 'cheating' on her? Will Kaoru and Battousai realize that they have feelings for eachother? Only I know! Please R & R!!!