Hello all Iron Lord here with a quick note on this stories status

I'm sorry this is not another chapter, and I apologize for no updates on this story at all. My bad on that. Anyways here the update. I am currently not able to work on any fanfiction, this includes this one and the for honor one I was also working on. Due to my personal life and as well, as me writing a book of my own design, not fanfiction. It has taken up all my time and I have no time to update these stories. Now I don't Want to just abandon these works and leave people hanging, kind of would be a dick move on my part lol. Anyways, if anyone would like to adopt this story just send me a PM and we will hash this out. Again I'm sorry for this abrupt stop to posting.

I hope you all understand, and if this is adopted. Give the adoptee all the love and support yall gave me.

Yours truly

Iron Lord