Coffee shop PaperHat


Coffee Shop/Mafia boss/Alpha, Beta, Omega system AU



Mafia Boss!Black Hat




Flug is working his way through college as a Barista then he works at a fancy restaurant as a waiter and then as a laundry boy on Saturday's. Black Hat the mafia boss meets him at all three places...And developed a little obsession over the hardworking Omega.
Alpha/Beta/Omega system set post oppression. Omega's are no longer forced into marriage or breeding but its expected so they don't have many opportunities yet.

SHIPS: PaperHat

[Chapter 3]

Black Hat groaned rolling over and waking up slowly. Flugs spot had long gotten cold. "Probably working on his bots." Groaning he pulled Flugs pillow close breathing in deeply. He couldn't believe that Flug stayed with him. Two years and he still stayed. Though their wedding was pushed back until 5.0.5 and Demencia were fixed.

Flug was in the lab in a room he had built specifically for his family. In twin tubes in front of him were two bodies suspended in sleep they were almost fully formed one was a chameleon looking woman, the other a blue bear. it had taken him years but he had done it engineered life and he prayed they would love him. But of course they would!

He presses his hands to the glass looking up at them in adoration "you're both ready..."

Black Hat rubbed his eyes walking to the lab with a tray of pancakes. "Flugsy you eat anything yet? I made pancakes. How's it coming?"

Flug turned away smiling "they're ready sir" he said and twirled to him. he'd taken up ballet as a second hobby after he was injured in an explosion it was like physical therapy. So he had become slightly more coordinated. He kissed his cheek.

Black Hat grinned leaning closer and softly connecting their lips. "I'm glad. You have made great progress with them. I'm excited to meet the rest of our family."

Flug kissed back "wonderful!" He said and then stuffed his face with pancakes he didn't want to faint of hunger while meeting them

Black Hat laughed taking a napkin and wiping away syrup. "I love you, but you are a mess dear."

"I don't have time to be neat!" He said

"You're really excited to see them again, aren't you?"

"It has been years Jefe..." He said

Black Hat nodded kissing his cheek. "i know... it's good to see you excited about something."

Flug beamed and went to the tubes and began putting everything in to wake them up.

Black Hat stood back and watched.

He drained the tubes and gave their hearts a little jolting shock and began pumping oxygen Into their lungs. 5.0.5 was a baby bear. Demencia seemed a little older.

After a few minutes of anxious waiting there was a small "aroo?" 5.0.5 slowly blinked his eyes open.

Flug gasped and picked the bear up gently "hello baby..." He cooed

"A-aroo? Aroo... Aroo! Aroo!" 5.0.5 grinned hugging Flugs face arooing happily.

Flug cried in joy as he held him rocking him "you're okay you're here"

5.0.5 licked his bag "aroo! Aroo!"

Flug beamed "baby my baby!"

Black Hat grinned wrapping an arm around Flug's waist. "he is absolutely precious."

5.0.5 pawed gently at Flug's bag

"Thank you love" he said and raised his bag to smooch him and let him see his face
the baby bear gave a happy squeal hugging Flug's face tight.

There was a groan as Demencia woke up. tilting her head she babbled a little getting use to her body. "m-mmm-ma?"

Flug looked over beyond his little bear he smiled and hugged her too "Demencia...' He said tearing up "you're okay..."

She tilted her head "I... I'm Demencia?"

"Yes you are my Demencia..." He said hugging her "I've missed you so"

Demencia beamed hugging him back "I missed you too mama!"

Flug turned bright red "um..." That wasn't intended but... It was so cute

Black Hat grinned. "Aw sweetheart your making Flugsy blush. You're so precious." He pinched her cheek as Demencia grinned proudly.

Flug smiled and held them "family this is Black Hat my fiance" he said

Demencia smiled "what's a fence-ay?"

"It is someone you are planning to marry" he said

Demencia nodded though not really understanding.

"It means we love each other and are going to be together forever" he said

Demencia smiled "does that me yer gonna marry me?!"

"Oh no I am your family already this just brings him into it... But in a different way" he said

Demencia nodded "so Hat is my daddy?"

Black Hat sputtered his face turning bright red.

Flug squeaked and covered his face "in a way?"

Demencia grinned giggling "Daddies a funny color!"

5.0.5 gave a small happy "aroo!" having climbed over to Black Hat's arms.

Black Hat blushed petting 5.0.5 "Hush my child. heh you my girl are going to be a troublemaker i just know it."

"He's kind of a demon, but he's nice to us" Flug said and smooched his cheek. "Are either of you hungry?"

Demencia nodded excitedly climbing up Flug and clinging to his waist.

"Lets go to the kitchen Black Hat makes some good pancakes"

Black Hat nodded walking to the kitchen careful of the bundle in his arms. taking out the still warm pancakes he served them cutting up small bites for 5.0.5.

Flug smiled and helped Demencia hold her fork and knife showing her how to cut the pancakes

Demencia used her fork and knife for a few minutes before just rolling the pancake and shoving it into her mouth.

"Honey that's not good manners" Flug said petting 5.0.5 while he ate

Demencia shrugged shoving another into her mouth.

Flug sighed in disappointment "we'll work on it."

Black Hat chuckled taking a napkin and scrubbing her face.

Flug took 5.0.5 and burped him gently

5.0.5 burped before slowly falling asleep.

Flug smiled and took him to the room next to his and Black Hat's they had made for them.

Black Hat smiled leading Demencia to the room after he scrubbed down her face and hands. "this is your room. it's right next to ours so if you need us just knock."

"Yes and please be kind to 5.0.5 alright?" Flug said and kissed her head

Demencia nodded crawling under her bed. a hand reached up yanking a cover off the bed and she curled up with it.

Flug hummed "you come get me if either of you need anything... Good night I love you both" he said

Black Hat smiled walking with Flug to their room. "So nap? you are a hard working mother."

Flug turned and gave him a little coy smile "I was thinking we might celebrate before our nap...'

Black Hat nodded. "Ah yes I agree I'll go get the wine."

Flug smiled and kissed him "good" Flug sat in their room he had thought about this hard and he had decided he wanted to do this to reward his love and prove how much he cared

Black Hat came back with a bottle of wine. "i got the wine dear~"

"Wonderful love" he said and set out the glasses and lit a candle

Black Hat smirked "candlelight and wine, are you going to sing to me as well?"

"I can Jefecito" he said with a giggle

Black Hat flopped onto the bed holding his head up with a hand. "oh please enlighten me darling~"

Flug turned red and sputtered "r-really? O-oh dear okay" he said and thought of something to sing

He then began singing Lava from his favorite animated movie about volcanos

Black Hat closed his eyes humming contently as he listened to Flug.

Flug blushed but when he finished he looked at Black Hat with adoration "I lava you..."

Black Hat blushed opening his eyes giving Flug a gentle smile "i lava you too..."

Flug climbed on the bed and kissed him "I love you so much Black Hat..."

Black Hat smiled kissing back "i love you too Flug."

Flug nuzzled his jawline. "I want to thank you Jefe... For everything..."

Black Hat blushed "i thought i told you your happiness is enough for me."

Flug blushed and nuzzled his neck "I'm not finished... I want to thank you for everything... B-but I... I also want to express my love... I think I am finally ready" he said

Black Hat raised a brow "ready for?" Black Hat looked confused before his eyes widened in delight "oh, to get married?! you said spring, right? i already have the ring we can start looking at a few venues i thought you would like tomorrow."

Flug turned bright red "y-yes that too but um... I mean... Love making..." He said before looking down "I know... I'm n-not p-pure or c-clean but maybe w-we can look passed th-that because I've n-never had anyone make love to me and I would like that to be you..."

Black Hat's eyes widened as he gaped at Flug. "i um- really?! i mean of course-i love you why wouldn't we-i just no one-oh wow it's hot in here-i mean you are perfect i would love to-but are you sure? i mean i'm a demon-is it even safe-oh god what if i hurt you-i can't hurt you i love you!"

Flug watched his mini freak out for his gaze softened before he giggled "I am glad you are as nervous as I am" he chuckled and kissed him "I think we can do it"

Black Hat blushed. "well you know how i was about touch... i never thought that you or anyone would want to..."

"I want to do everything with you Jefe... And if we can't make love that's fine we'll spend our lives together just like this and it'll be just as beautiful" Flug said and nuzzled him

"no i want to... but i'm not..." Black Hat scrunched up his face trying to figure out how to say what he wanted to say.

Flug let him have time his pheromones showing how relaxed he was he would be okay with whatever he said.

Black Hat took a deep breath. "when i get turned on i grow tentacles..."

Flug blinked "tentacles?" He said and turned bright red "I can work with that..."

Black Hat blushed nodding. "yeah... it's weird."

"No not weird just you" Flug said smiling "so... What makes you aroused?" He asked

Black Hat gave a small shrug. "You sometimes... When you're really smart and are able to do all the amazing things you do like make laser guns with paperclips."

Flug smiled "I guess that was really cool" he said running his fingers over his chest

Black Hat nodded "I enjoy watching you. You are so very interesting my dear... I enjoy seeing you too. If you would allow me too?"

Flug blushed and nodded "y-yeah." he said and slowly began undressing he didn't mean to look sexy he was just nervous

Black Hat felt a tentacle slowly slither out the top of his pants.

Soon Flug was bare he even took off the bag and goggles and even though he couldn't see well he was okay with it. "Okay..." He said blushing "you like?"

"Very much~"

"Is it working?" He asked blushing he couldn't see the wiggling tentacle

Black Hat hummed in agreement shucking his clothes and pulling Flug close

Flug pressed close gasping when he felt the tentacle "oh!" He said with a squeak

Black Hat blushed pulling away his tentacle shrinking and disappearing "is... Is this okay?"

Flug nodded "yes! I was just surprised I couldn't see it" he blushed

Black Hat nodded grabbing Flugs goggles and sliding it into his face.

He blinked as everything came into focus again and blushed "okay we can do it glasses on"

Black Hat smirked "it's only fair since I can see you."

Flug smiled at that "thank you" he said and kissed him "you're handsome"

Black Hat blushed "you are as well my love."

Flug giggled and nuzzled him wondering how to proceed. his slit was opening up releasing a sweet smell

Black Hat breathed deeply a rumble starting from his chest. "You smell ravishing~"

Flug blushed "then ravish me" he said running his hands over him

Black Hat growled flipping him over and stattling Flug. Four tentacles sliding from his back and rubbing against Flug. "I will~"

Flug blushed and mewled softly in acceptance he thought this would be harder but everything about his boss was so inhuman he couldn't even relate it to the disaster of two years ago

Licking his fingers Black Hat slowly worked in a finger. He work slowly to not hurt Flug and make sure that it was enjoyable.

Flug moaned at the intrusive claw and spread his legs more for him

Black Hat leaned forward kissing Flug lightly "you are so beautiful." Slowly he worked in another finger. Black Hat took his time letting his tentacles roam along the body Flug provided.

Flug panted feeling so warm his body opening eagerly for his chosen alpha and he writhed into the strokes of the tentacles

Working a third finger in Black Hat asked "is this okay? I'm not hurting you am I?"

"No... This is heaven" Flug said eyes crossed a bit

Black Hat chuckled pumping his fingers quickly, working and stretching Flug so that he would be comfortable. "Are you ready?"

Flug nodded "y-yes I am ready for this!" He panted

Black Hat nodded slowly pushing inside.

Flug held onto him moaning loudly

Black Hat leaned closer sucking and nibbling his neck as he eased deeper

Flug held into him the positive pheromones rolling off him in waves, encouraging his alpha

Black Hat moaned hilting inside Flug. Pleased pheromones coming from his as he started thrusting slowly at first before building up.

Flug rocked with him this felt so much more differently it was amazing

Black Hat panted and groaned as he pounded into Flug "god you're perfect~"

"S-so are you Jefe!" He panted slit tightening around him he loved the tentacles inside him it was so amazing...

Black Hat growled pleased. Feeling that himself start to reach completion he bit into Flugs shoulder his thrust becoming erratic. Moaning into the bite he came his seed squirting into Flug. Thrusting softly Black Hat licked the wound he caused.

Flug cried out as the bite as his body accepted the alpha's claim and came as well moaning at the feeling of being filled

Black Hat hummed licking at Flugs neck and giving him small kisses.

Flug laid back panting "I love you Jefe...'

Black Hat nuzzled into his neck "i love you my precious Flug"

Flug purred and let him melting into the bed "best celebration."

Black Hat nodded nipping Flug's ear. "yes we might just have to celebrate more often."

"Oh yes... And our wedding... It will be a nonstop celebration for a while."

Black Hat chuckled "yes now that we have started i might become your own Succubus~ ravishing you around every corner. your sleepless nights will be due to me and not your experiments."

Flug turned bright red his skin glowing without his bag "maybe..." He said though he rather liked the idea

Black Hat nodded his tentacles wrapping around Flug almost caressing him. his pheromones were surprisingly submissive and pleased. "whatever you want dear. i'm yours~"

"And I'm yours..." He said holding him "together we could do anything and everything. we even made life"

Black Hat hummed in agreement. "frankly i would take over the world, but that is simply bothersome. so lets rule our world. no one will touch us or harm us, we will be happy doing what we love and no one will be able to stop us."

Flug smiled "I like that idea..." He purred

Black Hat smiled. "my perfect Flug."

"My perfect Jefe"

Black Hat snickered kissing him "i love you Flug."

"I love you too Black Hat" he said and yawned

Black Hat paced angrily inside his dressing room. "stupid customs. i don't understand why i can't see Flug. i'm a demon for crying out loud! bad luck doesn't affect me."

5.0.5 whined he missed momma too but it was supposed to be good luck.

Flug was looking over his Gothic black dress with sapphire jewelry a Veil covered his face instead of the bag and rare contacts just for today

Black Hat grumbled fixing his black tie again. Walking to 5.0.5 he rubbed his head softly fixing his little suit. it was just a shirt, jacket, and bow tie, but he looked adorable. turning to Demencia Black Hat quickly fixed her side braid and straightening her dress.

5.0.5 made a happy noise and showed the rings proving he held them still.

Soon the Reverend entered he looked less than comfortable marrying a demon and a human but he was kidnapped for it. "I have been told the bride is ready Black Hat sir."

Black Hat nodded pleased. "then let's get started. i don't want to spend another minute from my Flug."

He nodded "come with me." soon he had them all in position and sent Demencia to be the flower girl

Black Hat tapped his foot waiting. he was anxious be near Flug again. he craved him. Flug easily had him on a leash.

Flug took a deep breath as the organ began playing the double doors opening and his persona took up the room like the most beautiful corpse of a funeral. his pale skin contrasted with the black dress the veil covering his face. his mismatched eyes only on Black Hat as Demencia danced in front of his slow walk throwing black and blue flower petals everywhere but the aisle

Black Hat's breath caught in his throat as he gazed at Flug. he could feel a few tentacles start wiggling around under his suit.

Flug smiled lovingly under the veil soon he was at his beloved's side the day they had wait for for three years...

"Flug... you look ravishing~"

Flug blushed "save it for after the wedding Jefe..." He whispered.

The Reverend coughed "um ladies, gentlemen, and unidentifiable monsters we are gathered here today to bear witness to the union of Flug Syls and Black Hat."

Black Hat barely listened to the reverend as he stared at Flug pleased pheromones coming from him. Flug returned them.

"Black Hat to you swear to love and cherish Flug for so long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

"Flug Slys to you swear to love and cherish Black Hat for so long as you both shall live?"

Flug smiled "I do" he said looking at his lover.

"Can I have the rings?" 5.0.5 brought the rings on a pillow

"You may say your vows."

Black Hat took a deep breath taking the ring and Flugs hand. "Flug Slys. I knew you were something amazing from that first sip of your amazing coffee. You are a conundrum that I love solving. You are so very interesting. I'm so happy that you joined me for that dinner. You have made my curse a blessing. They say demons don't have hearts. I don't have one either, because you stole it. I love you and swear to protect you and make everyday a happy one." Black Hat slipped on the ring.

Flug teared up a bit and took his ring and slid it on his claw "Black Hat though our first few meetings had me clueless I am glad I got to know you... Since meeting you I have become the first Omega with a doctorate, together we run a business, we've created life...never would I have been able to do such things without you... But more than that you've protected me... And loved me never asking anything in return yet I feel like I want to give you the world...I never knew love was real until I met you and I will gladly keep your heart as long as you take mine in return" he said

"I now pronounce you Alpha and Omega. You may kiss Flug Slys."

Black Hat's smiled grew almost wicked as he lifted the veil revealing Flug to him. Pulling their waist flush together he captured Flug's lips.

Flug gasped softly as they were pressed together and kissed back putting his gloved arms around his neck. There were cheers all over the venue and 5.0.5 hugged Demencia

Pulling apart Black Hat grinned before leaning down and picking Flug up. Carrying Flug, Black Hat grinned like he was the cat that caught the canary.

Flug squeaked and they were showered with rice as they came out to the limo ready to take them to their honeymoon.

The End