Coffee shop PaperHat


Coffee Shop/Mafia boss/Alpha, Beta, Omega system AU



Mafia Boss!Black Hat




Flug is working his way through college as a Barista then he works at a fancy restaurant as a waiter and then as a laundry boy on Saturday's. Black Hat the mafia boss meets him at all three places...And developed a little obsession over the hardworking Omega.
Alpha/Beta/Omega system set post oppression. Omega's are no longer forced into marriage or breeding but its expected so they don't have many opportunities yet.

SHIPS: PaperHat

[Chapter 1]

Flug was tired, but he still walked into the coffee shop with a bright outlook. He threw on his apron and checked his paper bag and googles, everything was in place. He smelled delightfully of paper and warm laundry. It was an odd smell but oddly pleasant. He flipped the sign to open and got ready to serve the customers.

Black Hat grumbled scrub at his eye as he walked into the coffee shop. It was far to early for him to be work. Walking into the coffeeshop he grumbled out "largest black coffee you can make." Black Hat glanced up at the barista and a small blush grew on his cheeks.

Flug nodded not really looking at him until he was hit with probably the strongest alpha pheromones he had ever smelt. He trembled his omega scent rising at the slight distress "I- I mean yes sir" he said and rushed to the back quickly returning with the drink "here you go... That's $5 can I get you anything else?"

Black Hat just nodded handing him a $50 muttering "keep it." Before walking out of the shop.

Flug looked at the stranger's back in awe he quickly paid the coffee and pocketed the rest so glad his manager wasn't there to split it among the group of baristas.

Black Hat shook his head taking a sip of the coffee giving a startled moan at the taste and turning around to stare at the bagged goddess making whatever delicious amazing thing this was.

Flug was now icing some cinnamon buns but he slipped and got some on his fingers he lifted the bag just enough for a pink tongue to flick out to take the sugary white frosting off his fingers before washing his hands and finishing the job unaware of the alpha watching him

Black Hat blushed quickly walking away.

Black Hat would see the boy again. When he went to his favorite restaurant for business meetings. The waiter greeted them with a smile one could feel under the paper bag. "Welcome to Omelet du Flamage! I'll be your waiter this evening" he said. his voice was sweet still masculine but with enough femininity that it had no bite.

Black hat knocked his glass over in shock quickly trying to catch it but just knocking it over again.

"Oh my I'll get it sir!" He said and began cleaning up the mess. He too was a little shaken by seeing the Alpha again but did his best to hide it he needed this job

"... Thank you... I didn't catch your name."

"Oh uh... Its Flug... Flug Syls..." He said and poured him another glass of wine "I'll be back to take your order soon!" He said and rushed off with the glass.

"Wonder what a little Omega like him is doing working" the man he was trying to close a deal with said

Black Hat watched Flug leave. "Get out. Deals off."

"What? What for?" He said this was sudden

Black Hat growled turning back to the other. "I said get out. If you want to try again another day I might consider, but I'm done today. So leave."

The man gulped and left.

Flug soon returned "where is your partner going? Did he have an order?" He asked holding his little notebook and pen

Black Hat shook his head a small blush forming. "No he had to leave early something about a meeting. You wouldn't be able to join me in his place would you?"

Flug turned bright red it glowed through the bag "I- I'm working sir..." He said his pheromones rising. he smelled delicious

Black Hat frowned but nodded handing back the menu "Very well I'll have whatever you recommend then along with another bottle of dark wine... And any time you can spare. I will make sure to tip you graciously."

Flug blushed nodding and went and ordered the customer one of his personal favorites not that he ever had it fresh he just ate the scraps from other people. He then went to his manager "m-may I take my break now?' He asked nervously

He turned around the his strange bagged employee. "A break? Hell it's not even been three hours whatcha need a break for?"

"Um... You're right it's unimportant... Just this customer requested my company... And I thought I would ask" he said shrinking in on himself

He raised a brow "what someone you know is able to afford comin' here? Ha don't make me laugh! Who's the customer asking for ya I need to see this weirdo."

Black Hat lazily swirled his wine while picking at the table cloth.

"Someone with a Black Hat..." He said

The managers eyes widened "B-Black Hat! Jamie get over here! You are taking Bag's table."

Jamie rushed over yanking Flug's papers out of his hand. Glancing at them he crumpled it and told the chief "Black Hat's usual stat!"

The manager grinned "let Jamie take over you don't know how to treat someone like Black Hat."

"Oh... Okay what should I do now then?" He asked "is BlackHat important?"

"Black Hat is our best customer! He has all of his big meetings here. He is a very important man and should be treated as such."

Jamie walked by with an extravagant meal and a bottle of white wine making his way to Black Hat's table. It was nothing like what Flug wrote down.

"Oh... Okay I'm sorry... I can apologize... He told me to pick what I would recommend..." He twiddled his fingers "his partner left"

The manager turned to Flug with a scowl "his. Partner. Left... You are fir-"

"I told you my waiter was Flug Syls! The one with a bag. I won't take anything from the likes of you and frankly for all i care if you could be a professional stripper! So get out of my face before I make you." Black Hat frowned growling at Jamie.

"But sir i-it wasn't my fault BlackHat said he had somewhere to be" he whimpered about to beg for his job before the aforementioned customer yelled at Jamie.

Jamie went to argue some more before Black Hat spotted Flug and the manager and strolled to them. "What is the meaning of this? Why is my waiter changing after I requested him to take a break and join me? I value my experience here but if I don't get a change in the next 10 seconds I'm walking out that door and you will never see my business or my associates here again."

The manager quickly nodded pushing Flug between them. "Flug here was just about to get your order and take a break. Isn't that right Flug?"

Flug trembled a bit "uh yes that's right! J-just gotta put in the order haha" he said looking faint before rushing off to put in his original order and get the dark wine and stumble back to the table he was so scared he was going to lose his job over this. He thought he would cry but he would hold it in he could disappoint two people in one day

Black Hat gave Flug a gentle smile as he came back. "I apologize if I startled you. I simply do not like sudden changes... Far too dangerous."

"Oh okay" he said and went with him to the chair

Black Hat's smile grew "oh so are you able to join me?"

He nodded "yes my boss gave me a break or fired me I am not sure" he said "either way I have time for you... But why sit with me?"

Black Hat blushed frowning "he shouldn't fire you... You are interesting. I like interesting things. I want to know more about you." Taking the bottle he poured himself a glass before offering it to Flug "wine?"

Flug blushed "I um I'm twenty sir..." He said "but thank you"

Black Hat nodded waving over another waiter "get Flug a drink. What would you like Flug?"

Flug twiddled his fingers "Root beer please" he couldn't afford soda often so he would take what he could.

He looked back at BlackHat he wondered what he did to command such respect and swift action

Black Hat smiled resting his chin on a hand. "So Flug why have I seen you at both places I frequent often. Are you following me?"

Flug shook his head "oh no sir! I just moved here and was lucky to find three jobs. I also work at a dry cleaner's" he said

Black Hat raised a brow. It was probably the one he went to also. How strange. This Flug must be a trap. A cute one but a trap nevertheless. Well keep your friends close but your enemies closer. "Ah interesting. I must admit I applaud you work ethic." The food arrived Black Hat waving to the waiter. "Another fork for my guest. I couldn't possibly eat all of this by myself."

Flug turned bright red "uh thank you... I have ambition" he said and looked at the food his stomach growling embarrassingly "um are you sure you want to share? N-not that I'm ungrateful!" He said

Black Hat grinned handing him the spare fork. "Of course. I couldn't possibly let my guest go hungry." Taking a bite Black Hat gave a hum like purr "this was a wonderful choice. I'll have to have you surprise me more often if I'm able to get a delicious meal like this. What is this?"

"Its bacon wrapped spinach stuffed chicken breast... I am sure it's got a proper name but I have never read the menu so I don't know what it is. And asparagus is kinda gross but goes with it" he said smiling his bag raised just enough to see the beautiful curve of lips. He ate a bite and moaned softly "it's so much better fresh..."

Black Hat nodded "it's very good, but not as good as that coffee you made. How are you able to make black coffee so delicious? It's been bothering me all week."

"Oh! We um you see if you grind the coffee 20 seconds past regulation it becomes much smoother even if the grounds don't last as long" he said

Black Hat hummed drinking some wine. "It's no wonder no one can make it like you."

Flug smiled "I try to do the best I can... Plus I filch the coffee when the manager isn't looking and I want it to be good" he said though covered his mouth since he admitted from stealing from his employer "I uh I didn't mean to say that..."

Black Hat gave a deep rumble of a laugh "oh? I guess profection does take practice."

"Um yes I guess it does" he said relieved and ate some of the food in silence.

Black Hat smiled eating the delicious food before asking "what days do you normally work here? I would love to have another meal with an interesting guest like you instead of the intolerable guest I normally have."

Flug laughed nervously "I'm not that interesting... But I work here Monday, Wednesday, and Friday" he said "I don't know if my boss will be happy with that though... Unless maybe you come on my breaks..." He said and talked about his breaks that were almost none

Black Hat nodded memorizing it. "That will be fine. I'm sure once I explain it to him that your boss will be delighted to let you have more breaks. It would encourage me coming more often too."

"Yeah they seem to like you" he said "you seem nice" he said positive Omega pheromones rose from the smaller man

Black Hat rumbled in approval grinning over his wine glass. "Thank you~"

Flug smiled and drank on his root beer his fingers began tapping the table and he seemed a bit jittery "so what do you like doing Mr. BlackHat?"

Black Hat chuckled "please just Black Hat is fine. I run a business though it seems like I'm in charge of toddlers sometimes."

"That cool I am going to own a business someday" Flug said highly ambitious for an omega

Black Hat grinned "you should you have a good work ethic and seem to be smarter than anyone else here."

"Thank you! I'm going to work hard every day I reach my goal" he said beaming glad to finally meet someone an alpha no less who thought he could achieve his goal. happiness pheromones rolled of in waves

Black Hat purred his eye's lidded as he leaned on his hands watching Flug. "What business are you thinking?"

"I'll be an inventor with a side of making planes!" He said

Black Hat grinned his shoulders slumping as he eased into the pheromones that Flug was producing "that sounds very ambitious. You must be very good at inventing. What's your favorite invention so far?"

"Oh! My favorite is my family my sister Demencia and our pet 505... They're robots right now but someday I'll be able to make them real" he said with determination he sounded mad insane yet the spark in his eyes showed he truly believed such a thing was possible

Black Hat blinked his mouth gaping slightly. This boy was perfect. "That is very impressive. I would love to see them some day."

Flug smiled "maybe" he said "505 loves meeting new people though Demencia is here or there she's a bit... Sporadic"

Black Hat chuckled "I'm sure I can handle it." Noticing they had finished the food and their drinks a small blush came to his cheeks. "Oh I guess I should let you get back to work... Thank you for humoring me and dining with me. Here." Black Hat pulled out $300 and handed it to him. "I promised to tip you for your time. It was time well spent."

Flug froze "that's a lot of money" he said in awe he'd never held so much

Black Hat smiled standing "yes well I do hope that it is a slight incentive to see me again." Giving him a wink Black Hat walked to the manager speaking quietly to him and handing over money. The manager nodded quickly seeming scared. Black Hat gave Flug a small wave walking out of the restaurant.

Flug watched in frozen awe before pocketing the money and completing his day in a daze

The manager caught Flug right before he walked out the door. "Bag head come here."

Flug came over "yes sir?" He asked

The manager frowned "you're in charge of Black Hat whenever he comes in. I don't care if you are on break or we're swamped. You do whatever he asks. Don't care if it's a meal or cutting off your hand, you got that?" He prodded at Flugs chest.

Flug squeaked "uh okay sir I'll do my best!" He said Black Hat must be really important.

The manager nodded "now go I'm not paying you overtime."

Flug nodded "yes sir!" He said and went home. He went into his rundown apartment and took his coat of tiredly what an odd day. "Demencia! 505 I'm home!" He said the the robots shook to life

"Welcome back FlugBug!" demencia tackle hugged him

5.0.5 came out pulling them into a large hug and rubbing his head into Flugs bag. "Arooo"

"I met someone today... He gave me lots of money! And he seemed to believe I could be an inventor! Isn't that great?!"

"Of course you can Flugbug you're the best!" Demencia said her arm sparking a little

"Oh let's get you fixed up" he said smiling and spent the night on maintenance before falling asleep at his table

5.0.5 shook Flug his alarm going off in the next room "arooo arooo!"

Flug jumped up "Oh no! I'll be late!" He said rushing through his apartment grabbing some toast it was the last food he had he would need to go shopping... Thankfully it was Tuesday so he only had his coffee shop job and class he should be able to squeeze something in.

"Bye guys love you!" He shouted it was the shutdown command and he rushed out the door locking it quickly and running so fast to class he didn't watched where he was going. Rushing across the busy street and dodging cars and people yelping in alarm but making it.

Black Hat grumbled having to deal with another bad deal. Washing the blood off his hands he decided he should treat himself. "Maybe Flug will be working at the Coffee shop." walking over he frowned at the other baristas and picked a table in a corner.

Flug rushed in and tripped on the door frame face planting the floor before scrambling up "I'm here!" He said rushing to the back.

"Why are you late!" The manager yelled

"Demencia broke her arm! I had to set it..." He said

The manager shook her head in a huff "whatever. Get to work and deal with the weirdo in the corner booth. He's been here almost all morning without ordering anything."

"Oh um yes ma'am" he said and went for the corner "um hello how can I- oh BlackHat." he said blinking "welcome"

Black Hat huffed crossing his arms "about time. I've been waiting all morning for you to get here."

Flug blushed "oh I'm sorry... Did you want what you had yesterday?" He asked

Black Hat nodded. "Yes... Please."

Flug nodded and went to make it doing as he did yesterday hoping he didn't get in trouble

Black Hat gave a small smile at finally seeing the other. It was worth the wait.

Soon Flug returned with the coffee and a biscuit "here and here's a biscuit if you want to try with it" he said

Black Hat gave him a grateful smile. "Thank you Flug." taking a sip of the coffee he a small moan. "ah yes. this is what i needed today."

He smiled back

Black Hat blushed lightly at the pahramones of happiness wafting off the other. "really Flug this was very much worth the wait. especially seeing you."

Flug giggled "ah sir you are too kind" he said "I um can pass along how I make your coffee to my coworkers so you don't have to wait on my shift

Black Hat frowned but nodded "it won't be the same without you but I guess it would be easier."

"Yeah, I am sure you are busy" he said smiling

Black Hat blushed "it's good to step away for a bit. relax and spend time with people you enjoy..."

Flug blushed "not many say that about me... Thank you."

Black Hat blushed harder a red tint easily seen on his cheeks. "i feel honored to be one of those few."

Flug blushed back "I am glad we met..." He said before he heard one of his coworkers calling "well I need to get to work maybe I'll see you again sometime" he said smiling as he got up

Black Hat nodded "yes, i would like that." turning back to his coffee and biscuit Black Hat smiled subtly watching Flug work. once he had finished he went to pay. handing him a $20 Black Hat smiled "be sure to keep up your good work Flug."

Flug squeaked and nodded "yes sir! Thank you sir!"

Black Hat smiled "Flug, please call me Black Hat. see you soon~" with a wink Black Hat left.

the manager scowled yanking the $20 out of Flug's hand. "tips are split you know that."

"Yes ma'am! I know!" He said "I was just thanking him..." He said and got to work keeping his head down he really could have used that but whatever

Black Hat smiled his day was so much better after seeing Flug. even some of his minions asked him what happened, though a hissed threat kept that from happening again.

It wasn't until a week later they had ran into each other again. Black Hat scowled flicking off some flesh that had made its way onto his shoulder after the deal had gone bad. He's hands were practically coated in blood and his black suit was splattered with it. He would have to walk back to the base since no sinceable human would give him a ride. Walking by an alleyway Black Hat hissed wiping around at a thump and rattling coming from it. "Who's there? I'm not in the mood for someone trying to steal from me."

"Huh? BlackHat?!" Flug said before making an oomf as he fell out of a dumpster.

Black Hat raised a brow walking slightly into the alleyway. "Flug? Is that you?"

"Uh yeah... I was looking for stuff... And I heard fighting so I hid in the dumpster... Oh you're bleeding are you okay?!" He said

Black Hat brushed him off. "What are you even doing out this late? In this side of the neighborhood?! It's dangerous out here. Come on I'll walk you home."

Flug sighed "I um can walk myself. do you need a doctor? I am only work under the table but you probably need a real one…"

Black Hat shook his head taking Flugs wrist and starting to walk in the direction of the nicer part of town. Alpha protective pharamons coming from him in waves. "I'm fine. I'm more worried about you!"

"I don't live that direction" he said a bit ashamed "this way" he said and took him toward his run down dump of an apartment in the dead middle of the bad part of town.

"... Flug? You live here?"

"Uh yeah... It's not much but that's good! And and no one complains about noises or explosions and I can afford it" he said leading him up stairs and opening the door. "Demencia! 5.0.5 I'm home! And approved guest authorized!" He called before he was tackled by the robot woman "welcome home Flugbug!"

5.0.5 lumbered in shyly looking at Black Hat before nuzzling Flug "Aroo! Aroo?"

Black Hat snickered "Flugbug? Well, Flugbug are these the creations you were telling me about?"

"Yes this is my sister Demencia and my pet 5.0.5" he said and hugged them both "this is approved Guest Black Hat" he said

5.0.5 shyly walked closer to Black Hat pointing at the blood on him then Flugs blood wrist "Arooo?"

"Yes prepare the table we'll look at him okay?" He patted the bear. "I um... Do under the table doctoring on Sundays for the community... It doesn't pay much but the other residents look out for me" he said

Black Hat frown at this. Flug should be living anywhere where the had to use his skills to buy his safety. "I told you i'm fine, but if you must look me over i guess i will let you." Black Hat slipped off his suit jacket and loosen his tie.

Flug nodded and lead him to a surprisingly clean room that looked equipped to handle both lab and treatment it wasn't state level but it wasn't a trash can either. Flug was blushing as he undressed for him

Seeing a table Black Hat easily hopped up on it crossing his legs and taking off his vest and starting to unbutton his shirt. He had some cuts on his chest and a dark bruise on his ribs. His arms also had some nicks and cuts.

Flug got a kit and began cleaning the wounds "it sounded like a nasty fight are you going to be okay?" He asked blushing at the toned chest

"Of course i've had worse. This is nothing."

"Okay..." He said and cleaned them with some antiseptic. "I never got to thank you for the money it really helped I was able to pay rent and new supplies for this room! Even new wiring for Demencia's arm! Normally I raid junkyards on Saturday night but decided to dumpster dive today instead lucky huh?" He said and the smile could be felt through the pheromones were radiating off him.

Black Hat stiffened a low growl rumbling in his chest and he grabbed Flug's hands "you what?! You were out there-you were-for supplies!" Black Hat could feel the anger and protectiveness come off him in waves and he tried to smother it but just imagining Flug out there, he could have gotten hurt, and he lied to me.

"Uh yes... I take things apart... Everything here the technology and medical equipment I cleaned and built from things I find lying about" he said nervously

Black Hat sighed reigning in his anger "... why did you lie to me? I can show you better places to get supplies from. At least better than a dumpster behind a beat up computer shop." Black Hat couldn't help feeling disappointed, he thought they were at least closer than that. But we've only talked a few times… i'm already attached.

"I can't afford better... I go to school and keep up this place... I am thankful for the offer though" he said trying to sooth the alpha "I'm not defenseless... I make weapons too" he said opening his jacket to show something that looked straight out of a SciFi movie

Black Hat blinked impressed before frowning and flicking Flug's forehead. "For starters i didn't mean buying things, nore stealing if that's your concern. There is a dump that i frequent with my inventors that has high tech supplies that only need to be tweaked. It's on the high end side of town so when the next trend arrives the rich just throw out the old stuff, even if it still works." Black Hat gave him a small smile opening Flug's jacket more to look at the device "also this is very impressive, though i do have questions on if it works. It will do you no good carrying around a toy."

"It does! It has paralysis and killing capabilities... Though um I never use the later." He said "and I would love that! Thank you Black Hat!" He said and hugged him

Black Hat stiffened barely suppressing a please rumble, though his alpha pheromones gave him away. "Very-um… very impressive Flug."

Flug beamed "thank you!" He said brightly and finished putting little pink band aids on his cuts "there all done" he said

Black Hat nodded numbly still stunned by the hug. He never had anyone hug him before… it felt so nice. "Yes… thank you… i-i should probably go now."

"okay... And thank you for everything" he said and helped button his jackets "and please be careful with the fighting."

Black Hat nodded dazed at Flug helping him. "Okay… thank you." his thoughts were a jumbled mess and his pheromones were giving off a mixture of scared and pleased. "I-um… dinner?"

Flug was distracted trying to read the pheromones he was given off and didn't think about his answer "I can't make dinner I don't have food right now." If Black Hat looked at the barren kitchen he would see no food and only a mini fridge and little burners no stove.

Black Hat nodded finally getting his thoughts in order "go out with me then? I'll buy."

"Um tonight?" He asked blushing

Black Hat nodded looking at his hands "yes, as thanks if you will. Could i use your sink to wash my hands, they are a little bloody."

Flug nodded and led him to the sink and gave him soap "we can, but I can't be out long I have a paper to finish..." He said blushing a bit.

Black Hat nodded "i know a nice dinner nearby. It's only a 20 minute walk from here so it won't take long to go there and come back."

He nodded and rushed to his room to change into a T-shirt with a plane on it with jeans that fit his rear more than nicely even if they had a bunch of patched holes in them.

Black Hat finished washing away all the blood and straightened his clothes. Turning and seeing Flug a blush grew on his cheeks and he stuttered slightly "you-you… you look nice."

"Really? Thanks..." He said and twiddled his fingers "um... Mr. Black Hat... Is this a date?"

Black Hat's face went entirely pink. Turning away from Flug he muttered "if you want it to be..."

"I... Haven't been on a date before" he said

Black Hat fidgeted "neither have I. most people are too scared of me… do you want to try?"

"Sure and I don't know what you mean you've been nothing but nice."

Black Hat chuckled "when i want to be, yes."

"Oh okay" he said confused but held his arm as they walked out "Demencia! 5.0.5 I'm headed out!" He called and the robots powered down.

Black Hat blushed his pheromones giving off the strange mixture of scared and pleased again as he tried to get over the fact that Flug was holding his arm.

Flug walked out with him and held his arm the whole way not knowing they were being watched and followed.

Pointing at the dinner as they walked up to it Black Hat mumbled "um here it is..." it was a quaint mom and pop dinner.

"Oh it looks nice" he said and went in with him where they were then seated

Black Hat fidgeted looking at Flug over the menu "order whatever you want."

"Okay thank you" he said and looked things over and smiled ordering the burger and fries he could eat half and have the rest for breakfast!

Black Hat ordered the same and ordered them both a glass of root beer and pie for dessert. "So… do you often not have food at your apartment?"

Flug didn't really answer "uh I just uh haven't gotten around to shopping yet. I normally eat at my jobs"

"Oh..." Black Hat pulled out his cell phone texting one of his minions Flug's address and a task to deliver groceries there when Flug is gone tomorrow. Putting it away he offhandedly commented "work."

"Okay" he said "I uh.. I'm sorry if I say awkward things my upbringing didn't exactly revolve around me talking" which made sense equality of Omega was relatively new. most were still encouraged to be mothers or fancy items to hang off an alphas arm.

Black Hat nodded understanding. "I like anything you say, awkward or not. You are so very interesting to me."

Flug smiled "thanks and you are so nice... You don't seem to care about.. My status"

Black Hat tilted his head questioning "why would i? It's not like it really matters… does it?"

Flug laughed and teared up a little "yeah not at all" he said covering his face tear stains leaking through his bag "I wish everyone was like you"

Black Hat froze giving off worried and scared pheromones "i-uh Flug? Are-are you okay? I-i don't know what i'm supposed to do here. Do you need a hug?"

"Not if you don't want to... Why are you so confused it doesn't make sense."

Black Hat worried his lip mumbling before getting up and sliding into the booth next to Flug. hesitating he slowly wrapped an arm around Flug and pulled him to his chest. Patting his shoulder Black Hat said unsure "There, there?"

Flug smiled and wrapped his arms around him "thank you."

Black Hat shivered and stiffened, but refrained from pulling away. He could practically taste Flug's happiness. He wasn't going to ruin it just because he wasn't use to people touching him, at least not in a positive way.

"I am glad we met" he said

Black Hat nodded a small pur rumbling from his chest. "I am as well."

With an awkward cough the waiter set down their food, drinks, and pie before quickly retreating.

Flug blushed and sat up "oh probably should eat" he said lifting the bag alittle

Black Hat nodded but stayed close to Flug while he ate his food. His pheromones of fear and worry were slowly dying down, but they didn't leave completely.

Flug took his hand feeling emboldened he wanted BlackHat to feel as nice as he did

Black Hat jolted his eyes snapping to their hands as his pheromones kicked up ten fold. "Are-are you feeling better?"

"Much thank you" he said taking it back "I'm sorry I tried to help but now you feel worse" he said putting his hands in his lap

"W-what?" Black Hat furrowed his brows "what do you mean?"

"Your pheromones they always get weird when I get close... I guess I make you feel bad. I'm sorry!"

Black Hat gapped at Flug before quickly shaking his head "nononono it's not you-well it is you-but not your fault..." Black Hat rubbed his neck nervously fidgeting and looking away from Flug. "i… well it's hard to explain."

Flug hugged himself "do I make you uncomfortable...?"

Black Hat sighed "i like you Flug. i really like you… but i'm not use to this. All this touching. It makes me feel weird. I like it, but it also…. Scares me. I've lived where touching always comes with pain and this… it's different. It's nice?"

Flug looked at him I surprise. "Oh I'm so sorry..." He said

Black Hat blushed looking away "it's okay?"

"You'll tell me if it isn't right? I am not good at this either... I don't think I could do it if it were anyone else" he admitted softly

Black Hat felt his heartbeat quicken and his pheromones instant changed to pleased. "Yes, of course. I enjoy everything about you i'm sure with time i can enjoy your touch as well."

Flug nodded and smiled "okay" he finished his food "I really need to get back that paper won't write itself."

"Oh yes, of course. Here i'll go pay." Black Hat got up walking over to the counter and payed getting Flug a full pie to go along with a to go cup of root beer. Walking back over he gave Flug a please grin "i have some essay writing snacks."

Flug looked at him awe "thank you Black Hat" he said and walked out of the diner with him. "You don't have to walk me home if its out of your way..." He said not wanting to inconvenience him

"It's fine. I don't think i would be able to sleep otherwise."

"Oh... Okay" he said and let him walk him home "this has certainly been an exciting evening"

Black Hat nodded "it has been a lot more delightful since i saw you."

Flug blushed "I am glad I could make you happy"

"You always make me happy." Black Hat said it like he had just stated a fact.

"Well I hope it stays the way" he said as they arrived at the apartment "thanks for walking me home"

Black Hat nodded handing him the pie and the soda. "See you soon?"

Flug nodded and pushed up his bag a little and kissed his cheek "soon!" He squeaked and ran up to his apartment.

Black Hat stared after him his cheeks burning a bright red and his pheromones burning pleased. Touching his cheek lightly he chuckled before turned and walking home.