Richard's POV
I really really hate shopping. The crowds of people, the annoying associates that try and sell you something you don't need, the incessant chatter and the wailing of children that would rather be home. By far the worst part is when I run into my patients and I am forced to strike up some sort of conversation with them. So far I have run into 3 different patients who I then had to have a conversation with when I wanted nothing more than to leave. If I could I would do all my shopping online but the problem with that is my nosy family would see everything I bought them. Now with the holidays rapidly approaching I am forced to leave my house and face the crowds of people that seem to magically appear when I need to do something.
I am walking past the women's section when I see a raven hair women looking at a dress in the department. Next to her a little girl around 3 toddles away from her disappearing behind the clothing racks. The little girl has blonde hair and is wearing a pink shirt with blue leggings. Turning my attention back to the women I see her profile and quickly inhale realizing who it is.
Monica Geller. A beautiful name but to me the name brings up painful and hurtful memories. She, quite simply, is the one that got away. The one I let go to another guy. And even worse I let her go to him. Chandler Bing. It's not that I don't like the guy, I mean when Monica and I were dating he was nice to hang out with but knowing he is with her now makes my skin crawl. Actually, envisioning her with anyone makes my skin crawl but knowing that it is Chandler makes it even worse.
Now that I have dated around and looked at my other options I have realized that Monica is, and probably always be the love of my life. I thought that I did not want to have another family, and at the time I genuinely didn't, but if it means that I would be with Monica right now I would do the diaper thing all over again multiple times. I guess it is too late for that now. I see she is still just as beautiful as all those years ago and the smile lines that have started to form just add to her beauty.
My curiosity gets the best of me and I act on the compulsion I have to see what she is up to in life. I call her name and she pivots around to look at me. Surprise and shock flit across her face before she smiles and extends her hand to shake. The gesture is so professional that it makes my heart ache.
"Hello Richard" she politely says.
I glance down and try and mask my surprise when I see her protruding belly letting me know that she is pregnant. The thought of anyone else sleeping with her makes me a little angry even though I have no right to be. I look back at her eyes and see she is sending me a glare as if to say what do you want.
"How've you been Monica?"
"I'm great actually. I opened up a bakery a couple years ago and this year is the first year we have actually made a profit instead of just breaking even"
"That's wonderful, I'm very happy for you"
She suddenly looks around and panic takes over her features as she grows more and more frantic.
Monica turns back to me and says, "Excuse me I have to go find my daughter" before she races off.
The blonde little girl must have been her daughter. I can't help but wonder if she is still with Chandler or if that adorable little girl is someone else's. In a few minutes she is back with the young girl in her arms. Monica is looking at the child with a look of pure motherly love that makes me realize she was destined to be a mother.
"Sorry Richard" she apologizes her eyes still trained on the girl, "this little one loves to wander" she smiles poking the toddler in the side causing her to giggle.
"She is very beautiful Monica, what's her name?" I ask smiling at the little girl who bravely smiles back.
"Erica" Monica replies
I turn to focus my attention on Erica and ask, "how old are you Erica?"
Erica boldly holds up three fingers and says, "three!"
"Monica you know you and Erica don't look anything alike?" it's true aside from the sparkling blue eyes the pair look nothing alike.
Monica lets out a laugh before saying, "well I would think so, her and her brother are adopted after all"
"Mama" Erica interrupts, "where are daddy, Jack and Ellie?"
"They are looking for a present for Emma baby girl" Monica answers.
"Oh, can we find them" the little girl starts bouncing up and down in her mother's arms at the thought of seeing her dad and siblings.
"I'm sorry Richard, we have to go find Chandler and the kids" she apologizes with a smile.
So that answers my unspoken question, Monica and Chandler are still married. And by the looks of it, happily married.
"That's okay, I have some shopping to finish up, it was nice seeing you again" I reply.
"It was nice seeing you too" she smiles before turning and disappearing into the crowds of people.
I can't help myself so I follow her to the children's department and watch the scene in front of me unfold. I see Chandler stuck in one of those dreadful plastic kiddie chairs while a blond little boy stands laughing. Next to him stands a little girl who is the exact replica of Monica down to the raven hair and ivory skin. She too is laughing at her dad being stuck in the chair. Upon seeing Chandler stuck Monica and Erica both start giggling causing Chandler to look up and flush red with embarrassment. Monica puts Erica down and she runs to join her laughing siblings. Monica says something to Chandler causing him to glare and make a remark. Monica shrugs and turns to leave.
Chandler immediately gets up, with the red chair still attached to his butt which causes his children to erupt into laughter again. The Monica clone is laughing so hard she falls over which causes her to laugh even harder. Chandler then embraces Monica and starts to kiss her, a little too passionately for public display. A chorus of ewws reach my ears as they break apart, both with smiles on their faces. Monica removes the chair from being stuck on Chandler's butt and gives his butt a light pat. Chandler then takes a kid in both arms making them giggle. Monica takes her clone into her arms and they all walk out still giggling and smiling like a typical happy family.
Watching them together now acting like a real family and seeing Monica so happy makes me kind of glad that we broke up all those years ago. Because we broke up Monica found who she was meant to be with and who would give her everything she wants out of life. While Monica might be the love of my life, it is entirely possible that I am not the love of hers. The thought gives me some comfort as I push my thoughts away from Monica Geller- I mean Monica Bing. I move to continue and finish my shopping counting the minutes until I can be at home.