I've been meaning to work on this particular plot bunny for a while, and naturally it doubled in size as I worked on it.

Confession: This from yet another prompt found on, wait for it, Pinterest. :P It can also be found on Instagram. Links posted on AO3 post for the usual reasons. The finished product is mine but all props for the original idea go to whoever made the original post.


Castiel glanced up as he set a stack of folders on his desk, the warning bell ringing as his homeroom class began to trickle in. Not for the first time he saw a group of girls gathered around a cell phone currently serving communal purposes. The giggling had drawn his attention, and he smiled wryly. There was more clamor as teenagers began sliding into desks, for all half of them had their attention on their own phones, but he knew what they were watching. He'd know that voice anywhere, and it wouldn't be the first time he'd heard it here. Many of his students were fans of one particular, local YouTuber. There weren't many such people in Sioux Falls, after all.

For his part Castiel was intimately aware of Dean Winchester's work, though not because he spent hours watching every video on his channel. Impala67 had many followers and even more viewers. He was sociable, comedic, and had a way of telling stories that was very entertaining. His videos covered a wide range of things, from stories to reviews on various movies or products to cooking. These days he'd gotten good enough that he didn't technically have to work, though he kept a part time position at a mechanic shop. For all his stories, almost all of which had actually happened to him over the years, he kept most of his private life private. This, unfortunately, resulted in even more pining. Even Castiel was aware of all the speculation his students made regarding him and his currently obscured love life, which was almost as irksome as having grown adults do the same thing. They, at least, had fully developed brains.

As was his habit, Castiel allowed the cellular indulgence until the final bell rang. Most of them put their phones away after that anyway, but a few lingered. Castiel put that day's power point up onto the drop screen, then gave stacks of handouts to everyone sitting in the front row to pass back. To his annoyance they were still very intent on the video, four of them all together.

Heaving a quiet sigh, Castiel set down the extra handouts and made his way to the back cluster of desks. He could hear Dean's dialogue now, well enough to tell which video it was before he caught a glimpse of the title. It was the 'Never Have I Ever' video. A week prior to its filming Dean had asked for suggested questions, and he'd picked ten of the few hundred to use, though the numbers weren't quite so staggering once he'd removed the repeats. They were almost halfway through the twenty-minute video, and Dean was in the middle of reneging how he'd gotten a speeding ticket.

For what it was worth, the rest of the class was aware of Castiel's approach. They were smirking, watching, a few were snickering, but no one moved to intercept or warn the girls. None of them looked up, too focused on their video.

Castiel stopped next to them, folding is arms, waiting. Still ignoring him one of them asked absently, "I wonder what kind of car he drives."

He grimaced at that. Thankfully Dean hadn't made a video for Baby yet, despite numerous requests. He'd tried, actually, but so far the shortest he'd been able to get one was a full hour. Castiel had managed to extract a promise that he wouldn't post it until he could at least get it down to forty-five minutes, which was the length of his longest video thus far.

"Do not get Dean Winchester started on his car," Castiel stated, making them start as he announced his presence. "Ever. He will never shut up."

With that he plucked the offending device from the girl's fingers, turned it off, and headed back towards the front of his classroom.

"You can get this back when class is over. Please turn to chapter six. Today we're starting on the Mongol Empire."


"Have you seen it yet? It's hilarious."

"No," was the whining response. "What's it called?"

"'How To Not Screw Up an Omelet'."

"Is it good?"

"I just said it was."

"I meant the omelet."

"Of course it was."

Castiel rolled his eyes, trying to ignore his coworkers at the next table as he chewed. At least now he had the refreshing experience of hearing two males discussing Dean Wincher's work. For what it was worth, though, Dean was a good cook. That particular series of videos were focused on the best ways to make cheap, often easy meals. Castiel knew for experience they were lifesavers for people who had little money and even less time but also wanted to avoid frequenting drive-throughs. And yes, the omelet was good. For all it had a quarter cup of bacon bits for every two eggs and almost as much cheese.

A true testament to those particular co-worker's devotion was that they were both eating prep meals from some of Dean's earlier videos. Not for the first time Castiel wondered if anyone ever noticed his own lunches, despite the fact word had gotten around his culinary skills were limited. Today, for example, was reheated broccoli and cheese soup with a turkey sandwich in a roll. Still stowed in his lunch bag was a brownie, made from scratch. His husband had decided before they were even married that he couldn't tolerate Castiel bringing PB&J's with pork rinds and oatmeal cream pies to work every single day for lunch, without fail.


Castiel glanced at his phone as he stepped out of his classroom, eyes skimming over the text before he pocketed it. The halls were already swarming with students on their way to lunch, the first wave making its way to the cafeteria. He began making his way towards the front office, not for the first time irritated that it was in the building farthest from where he held his Social Studies classes.

As it was, Castiel only had to step out of the building and look across the courtyard to see who he was looking for. Unfortunately they were currently surrounded by a growing swarm of fans. Teens and several other staff members were gathered around the school's visitor, announcing praise of his work and asking questions.

Grimacing, Castiel made his way towards the small mob.

Dean Winchester, for all his internet fame, was a bit shyer in person. He was the sort of person who hated being called out at his own birthday parties. Even so he was handling the attention rather well. Grinning for selfies, answering the most repeated questions, even signing what looked suspiciously like homework assignments with mechanical pencils.

Eventually Castiel made his way to the group's edge, then began shuffling his way towards it center. Thankfully the students began to scatter, a few of his coworkers backing off with somewhat embarrassed expressions. When he finally had Dean's attention he was roughly two feet from the other man, who'd just turned from taking a selfie with an overjoyed freshmen.

"Hey, Cas. Here ya go."

"Thank you, Dean."

Heat warmed Castiel's face as he took the offered lunch bag, Dean pecking his cheek as he handed it over. A gesture that got more than one exclamation and squeal of excitement. Today he had been running a little late and completely forgotten his lunch. Thankfully today was not one of the days where Dean was working at the shop, so it was easy enough to make the twenty-minute drive to Sioux Falls High School.

One of Castiel's bolder, more excitable students was already squealing the announcement, "Oh my gods! Mr. Novak is dating Dean!"

That got a pair of raised eyebrows from Dean. He reached over, lacing his fingers through Castiel's free left hand and holding both their hands up for all to see. More specifically, both their wedding bands for all to see. "Actually, Dean is married to Mr. Novak."

The resulting squeals made Castiel wince, the cumulation of so many high-pitched sounds acutely painful.

Dean just chuckled, giving his hand a squeeze before letting it go and turning to leave. "See you at home, Cas." Louder he called, "Didn't the lunch bell just go off?"

Reminded that their forty-minute window was rapidly shrinking, a majority of the crowd scattered. A few more faithful fans stuck to the retreating man's heels, asking about his car. Instantly a broad, proud smile spread across Dean's face. Shaking his head morosely, Castiel turned to head towards the teacher's lounge. He doubted that particular group would ever get their lunch, if they were to spend the whole period listening to all Dean had to say about Baby. He adored the man, and he respected Baby, but when it came to things his husband was really passionate about he turned into an enthusiastic five-year-old.



"Come on, Cas," Dean coaxed, nudging his arm.

Castiel rolled over, stuffing his pillow under his chin and folding his arms under it to peer in the direction of the newly erected filming area. Generally Dean did this in his home office, but sometimes he did it in other places. Today he'd set it up in the corner of their bedroom, on a desk where two chairs had been pulled over, the frame wide enough for two people.

"Dean, it's Sunday. I've been grading tests all weekend. I want to sleep."

"I know, but if we're going to get all the footage and still have time to edit it right before tonight we need to get going."

Castiel groaned, burying his face in his pillow. In a muffled voice he asked, "What time is it?"

"It's only eight o'clock." Judging from his enthusiasm Dean had already had his obligatory two cups of coffee. Damn him.

"Why do they want this?"

"I've never filmed with anyone except Sammy. This is exciting for them. Please?"

Castiel didn't bother asking why Dean was giving in. It was his habit, and it was the nature of his work. Part of why Dean was so good at his job was because he listened to his viewers. Much to Castiel's dismay, word had gotten around that not only was Dean not single and ready to mingle, he was married. To another man, no less. He'd managed to lose followers then gain nearly double that amount overnight at the revelation of his non-heterosexuality. While he still refused to talk about it Dean was, in truth, a confirmed bisexual. He'd had more female partners over the years than male ones, but it just happened to be a man he'd fallen in love with. Castiel has had a feeling he'd be caving to the demands as to their relationship and the story behind it soon enough, but apparently the requests were already mounting. And Dean endeavored to never disappoint his viewers.

"What's this video going to be about again?" he asked wearily.

Dean grinned, offering him a mug of steaming coffee. Grudgingly Castiel sat up to take it, sitting in a cross-legged position to nurse the ambrosia. "I'm gonna introduce you and we're going to do some basic Q&A. I already put out a poll yesterday for questions."

Castiel's eyes narrowed over the mug's rim. "You did what? When?"

"After breakfast. Come on, Cas, work with me here. I thought you wanted to be involved."

"Not in front of the camera," Castiel protested. He didn't add that his curiosity into his husband's work had been primarily a wish to spend more time with him.

"One of these days you're going to have to tell me how you managed to teach there for six years and somehow no one knew you were married to me," Dean informed him. "But whoever saw me there spread the word. They know your name, where you work, and what you do. They want to get to know you, Cas, that's all. Right now all they've got is gossip from your students."

"My students don't mind me. I'm fair with most of them."

Dean winced. "You're a teacher, there's always going to be one sour bastard or another ready to complain. Look, these are the questions. I took out the top ten most popular that I thought would be in your comfort zone."

Castiel took the paper, reading it over. There were a few he wasn't so sure about, but for Dean he'd go through with it. Once he'd studied all the questions and contemplated suitable answers he handed back the list. "I'll need to get a shower first."

His husband beamed, getting off the bed and leaving him to his coffee. Once he was caffeinated, fed, and refreshed Castiel spent a while poking around his closet before settling on what he hoped was an appropriate outfit. Dean then corrected him and had him put on something not designated as work clothes. Apparently he wanted to project a more relaxed vibe, since they were both at home and it was the weekend. This apparently entailed gray sweatpants and an old S.C.U. t-shirt he would normally wear around the house.

Perching nervously on the rolling desk chair as Dean turned on the camera and got the angle to his satisfaction, Castiel eyed the list again. "Um, is there anything I should avoid?"

"Just let it flow. You'll do fine, babe."

Castiel wasn't so sure. A moment later the red light blinked on and Dean relocated to sit next to him, grinning at the lens. "What's up world? Your friendly neighborhood Batman is back with a very special episode. I have with me today my awesome husband Castiel. Yeah, you heard right, husband." He held up his left hand, wiggling his fingers to display his wedding band while his free hand held up Castiel's wrist to show his matching silver band. Then he dropped both their hands and turned to the other man and coaxed, "Say hi, Cas."

"Um, hello," he intoned, inclining his head towards the camera.

"So the cat's out, I'm married. Have been for a while. You guys wanted to meet him, so here you go." He circled a finger in a halo motion over Castiel's head. A gesture that had his husband glancing quizzically upward at the circling digit. Dean then waved the piece of paper with 'Q&A' at its top. "And we've got a list of top ten questions you wanted answered that we're gonna go through."

Castiel was accustomed to tiptoeing around whenever Dean was doing a video unless indicated he could bang around all he wanted. So he was a little taken aback when the paper was handed to him, Dean looking at him expectantly. While he slowly took it, he raised his eyebrows in inquiry.

"Read the first question," Dean coaxed, eyes twinkling.

"Oh, um, okay. 'Do you know why Dean hasn't done a video on Baby yet?'" At least the first one was easy.

"Yes, yes he does," Dean stated, folding his arms and giving his husband a somewhat irritated look.

Castiel met it with an exasperated expression of his own. "Really? We've been over this, Dean."

"They don't know that," the taller man argued, waving at the camera.

Apparently annoyance was a decent cure for stage fright. Castiel faced the lens and stated, "He hasn't posted a video on the Impala yet because he is incapable of making it concise."

"Baby deserves better than concise," his husband protested.

"He has recorded videos on Baby before," Castiel continued, ignoring him and focusing on the camera. "But the shortest one was over an hour long. Since he insists on making it a single documentary and not breaking it up into parts nothing will be posted until he get can get it down to at least forty-five minutes."

"And that ties into question number three. 'Do you have any say in the videos?'."

Castiel spared a glance for the paper his husband pointed to. "No, not really."

"Not true," Dean argued. "I bounce ideas off you. You sit through every one of my videos to make sure I don't make an ass of myself when I post something." Glancing at the lens he added, "And when I need a camera man who do you think does all the filming?"

Castiel shrugged uncomfortably. "I enjoy being a part of the process."

"Yeah, and you're steadier with the camera than Sam was. They've noticed."

"They have?"

"I'll show you the comments later. Trust me, they've noticed."

Feeling his face warm, Castiel ducked his head and looked down at the paper. "Um, 'Where are you from?' I was born in Pontiac, Illinois."

"That's the easiest one."

He was quite aware. "'Where did you two meet?'," he read slowly.

"That is a funny story," Dean began.

Castiel dropped the paper onto the desk. "No it is not. You think it's funny."

"How many times do I have to tell you it was an accident," Dean complained.

"It doesn't matter if it was an accident," Castiel shot back. "I spent weeks working on that research paper, Dean. Weeks."

"It's not my fault you didn't backup."

"I did! Gabriel drowned my backup USB's the day before you-"

"Wait, wait, back up. Start from the beginning. They want the full story."

Reminded of their audience, Castiel cleared his throat and tried to act like the mature adult he was. "It was ten years ago, six months."

"You remember it that exact?"

"I remember the due date for that paper you ruined."

Dean rolled his eyes. "Continue."

"I was in the library, I was on the top floor since it was less crowded, working on a research paper. I had this table that was in the far corner, specifically so I would be left alone. Then someone decides it would be a great idea to come over and ask me if I was going to leave anytime soon."

"In my defense, it was one in the morning, it was finals season, and it was my fifth shot of red-eye," Dean promised, holding up his hand in mock oath.

Castiel leaned back, folding his arms. "I told him no and to please leave me alone. He refused and asked me what my name was."

"You shouldn't have told me, that was your mistake," his husband challenged.

"Agreed. But the fact is I did tell you. When you asked just what kind of a name was Castiel I explained that it was the name of an angel and my father was a theology professor."

Dean snorted. "Found out later him and all his brothers got named after angels. There's you, Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer."

"Who is much more tolerable than his namesake," Castiel stated firmly. "But that's not one of the questions. As I was saying, your highly caffeinated and sleep-deprived mind decided it would be a wonderful idea to ask me if it hurt when I fell from heaven."

"Not my best line, I'll admit, but you had an awesome comeback."

"Then why is it you seemed disturbed?"

"Because no one's ever had that reaction before." Turning his full attention to the camera he explained, "Without missing a beat he looked me straight in the eye and said, 'No, but I did sustain serious injury when I crawled out of hell.' And if I was so disturbed, why didn't I take longer to respond?"

"That didn't count."

"It totally counts! Comment down below, tell him 'That's why you're so hot' is the only real response to that."

"You could have done better."

"Okay so now you're hating on my pickup lines?"

"I didn't marry you because of your smooth pickup lines."

Dean clutched at his chest, a strained and highly wounded look on his face.

Choosing to ignore his husband's antics, Castiel continued, "I informed him I had neither the time nor the interest and requested he leave me alone."

That earned a snort. "How about 'Piss off Casanova, I'm busy.' Sound familiar?"

Feeling heat rise to his face Castiel stated, "You weren't the only one who was sleep deprived." He hesitated, then asked, "Are you going to edit that out?"


Grimacing, Castiel returned to the story. "So he set his coffee cup on the table, right next to my computer. Bear in mind there wasn't any food or drink allowed beyond the second floor of the library."

"Finals season, Cas. Everybody was drinking coffee or energy drinks or both."

"It was almost full and you set it next to my computer. I have no idea why you did, I hadn't given any indication I wanted you to hang around. He keeps talking to me, won't leave me alone. Then he askes me what I'm working on and reaches for my computer, and he knocks over the coffee. It spilled all over the keyboard, went into every nook and cranny."

"In like three seconds the whole thing was fried," Dean chuckled.

"Yes, my laptop was fried. All my work was gone. Toast. Because of you. I got angry and told you to leave me alone. Forcefully."

"And I felt kinda bad, so I did."

"Unfortunately that wasn't the last time I'd see him there."

"What do you mean unfortunately?" Dean sounded a little hurt at that.

"At the time I thought it was unfortunate. Now I don't," Castiel assured him, squeezing his arm. "It was the next semester, in January, we had this group assignment. I'd booked one of the study rooms in advance so we could meet before we had any other assignments to deal with. Those rooms were very illusive, even early in the semester. But when we get there he shows up with another group from a different class."

"He still blames me for that too. Like it's my fault they double booked."

Castiel glared at him. "No, they didn't double book. I booked that space eight days in advance. The day before that time slot you waltzed in and flirted with the student working the desk to get that time. She simply didn't inform me that we no longer had that slot. No one did."

"You didn't have to get that upset about it."

"The only reason I got an extension on the term paper was because my professor was sympathetic when I showed her my drowned laptop. At the time I was not kindly disposed to you. So yes I got a little…upset."

Dean started laughing. "We started arguing. It got heated, it got loud. They called security to escort us out. We got banned from the university library. You think they've got our mugshots somewhere in there still?"

"I hope not," Castiel groaned, rubbing his temples. "But they said if we visited one of the counselors there wouldn't be any marks on our academic records."

"So he drags my ass to these sessions for three weeks."

"Because one of us had a clean record to maintain."

"It worked out, though," Dean protested. "By the end of it you didn't hate me anymore. You agreed to a date."

"I agreed to get coffee with you in hopes you'd grow tired of your pursuits."

"Admit it. I was growing on you."

"You were…tolerable."

"If you say so, babe."

Rolling his eyes and hoping he wasn't blushing as deep as he thought he was, Castiel looked down at the list again. "'Do you have any siblings?'. I think you already answered that."

"Yeah, but not with any real detail."

"I have three brothers, what more detail do they need?"

"How about they're all older? Even Gabriel."

"Gabriel's only older by twelve minutes."

"See? He's got a twin."

"Fraternal twin. We're nothing alike, we don't even look alike."

"They're not, trust me," Dean agreed solemnly.

"Uh, 'How long have you been married?'. Eight years. It will be nine in September."

"I love how you didn't have to think about that."

Castiel blinked at him owlishly. "Why would I?"

"No reason, uh, next question?"

"'What are your hobbies?'. Um, I enjoy bees."

"Enjoy? Come on, Cas, be honest."

"I am," Castiel protested. "I really enjoy bees. I have three bee boxes in our backyard."

"Which the neighbors hate."

"I don't see why. They're pollinating their beloved flowerbeds and none of them are allergic."

"Some people just don't like bees. You're the only person I've ever met who likes 'em."

Choosing to ignore this argument, as usual, Castiel turned back to the original question. "I also enjoy reading and hiking."

"Those are your normal hobbies. I still can't believe I let you talk me into getting those damn bee boxes. I have to wear one of those suits every time I mow the lawn."

"I smoke them so you don't have to," Castiel protested. "You're the one who still chooses to wear the suit."

"What if some of 'em were out on a pollen run and missed the smoke?"

"You do realize when I first asked you could have said no. I could have found an alternative."

"No I couldn't. You've wanted to keep bees since you were a little kid. When you brought it up you have a freaking PowerPoint prepared. And we do sell the honey."

"We sell what you don't eat. Considering how much you complain you love their honey."

"Hey, that honey is awesome."

Castiel pointedly studied the list. "'Who is your best friend?'." Glancing briefly up at the camera he stated, "I married him."


"Yes." He didn't think much about it, but when he glanced up at Dean his husband was smiling and blushing. "Something wrong?"

"Nope, nothing. Next question?"

"'Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?' No, I have not."

"You don't gatta sound all superior about it."

"One of us should have a good driving record, Dean. Clearly that will not be you." Making eye contact with the camera he stated, "Not all of the ticket stories are funny so they don't get told."


"There is a reason your car insurance is so much more expensive than mine." And it wasn't simply because his car was newer and had all the modern safety features, like seatbelts and airbags.

"Last question?"

"Just because you change the subject doesn't change the facts."

"I know. Last question?"

"'What was your first impression of Dean?' Are you sure you want me to answer this?"

"Yeah, sure. If you want I'll tell 'em my first impression of you."

Castiel worried his lip, then admitted slowly, "My first impression of you was that you were exactly the sort of person I found intolerable. You were cocky, arrogant, brash…the fact that you didn't exactly make a glowing first or second impression didn't help. But as you might have noticed, you've grown on me."

Dean didn't seem to take offense, chuckling quietly. "Don't get me wrong, you were cute and all, but you were also kinda pious, kinda self-righteous."

"If you thought I was pious, why did you ask me out?"

"Like I said, you were cute. And I'd never met someone besides Sam who argued with me like that."

"You liked that I argued. Really? How is this just now coming up?"

"No one's ever asked before," Dean pointed out with a shrug.

"Why did you make this one of the questions if your first impression of me was questionable?"

"I was curious. See, that wasn't so hard, was it?" Grinning, Dean turned back to the camera. "Alright, that's all ten questions. If you want to see more just post questions you'd like answered down below- "

"More?" Castiel protested, interrupting him. "I agreed to one video, Dean, not a series."

"Come on, Cas, a series could be fun."

"No, your cooking series is fun," Castiel corrected. "And I agreed to help you with that voluntarily."

"Let them be the judge of that," his husband stated, motioning to the camera. "And you're totally at liberty to say no."

"Absolutely not."


"Because I know what the answer's going to be!"

"No, you don't."

"Yes, I do. I've been watching you do this for long enough to know what the outcome will be." He didn't add that he disliked the idea of letting Dean's work suffer simply because he decided not to comply to his viewer's wishes.

"So, prove me wrong."

Castiel scowled at him. "At least have the decency to mention something like this to me before you put it on the internet next time."

"So there's gonna be a next time!" Beaming broadly, Dean gave the camera a thumbs-up. "If you like what you see, like, comment, and subscribe down below. Especially if you want to see more of my awesome hubby. Stay safe, Gotham!"

As soon as the camera was off Castiel demanded, "Why didn't you mention the prospect of more before we started the video?"

Dean shrugged, giving him an innocent look. "It didn't occur to me before we started. But it was going really good so I figured, what the hell? I couldn't exactly ask you on camera."

"Then ask me and edit it out."

"You lose a lot of flow if things are all clipped together. Sometimes you can't help it, but I try to keep everything going. You know that."

"I'm aware. But- "

"Cas, did you have fun?"

For a moment Castiel stared at him owlishly. "I…suppose it wasn't an unpleasant experience."

A smile began to crawl up Dean's face as he took down the camera. "Admit it, you had fun. Watch over it with me after I'm done editing, alright?"

"Don't I usually do that?"

"Yeah, but I think it'll be different this time."


"You'll see."

Shaking his head, Castiel stood and left his husband to his editing. Surely it wouldn't be that popular, right?

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