Hello Hello!

Back with another chapter! It's been a long wait I know, and I have no excuse for it, so I apologise. But I worked on it for a while and here it is!

Exams and holiday procrastination pretty much halted this chapter from coming out, AS WELL AS BINGING FATE AND LOVE LIVE!


Comment comments!

Wargame-sama: I dunno, choose for me! I would like to hear yours and everyone else's opinions.

Anthony1245: Well, I sort of enjoyed writing that one, but it was getting a bit out of hand, so I decided to remove and rewrite it!

MrKristoffer1994: IKR! I wanted to try one since the fanbase doesn't seem to have any good IsseixSeekvaira stories.

Now, without further ado, shall we begin?

Chapter 2:

Their home looked untouched from the day before. The brown wooden door still stood on its hinges, and the curtains were pulled close, not allowing any outsiders to see into the home. The path outside surrounded by gardens and flowers. It was a hobby of their mother; to look after and care for the garden. The only thing out of place was a white sheet of paper stuck to the door with sticky tape.

The trio arrived after walking for about half an hour, approaching the gate of their house. The garden looked untouched. Hiromi opened the gate. Slowly, the gate creaked open under the young girl's hand pressure, Issei and Grayfia stood together behind Hiromi, waiting in case something jumped out. As nothing happened after opening the gate, Issei walked up past Hiromi to retrieve the note on the door.

The handwriting on the note seems rushed, as if the person who had written it was in a rush. It read:

To the children of the Hyoudou household

It is regretful to inform you that your father has been arrested on the charges of domestic abuse, assault occasioning actual bodily harm, intent to cause grievous bodily harm and resisting arrest. He is in police custody at the moment. I will return with another note if or when he is sentenced after his trial, which will be in about a month from the time of writing this note. It was the neighbours that tipped us off about his actions but we could not do anything due to the restrictions of the law until now.

Your mother, however, is not in good condition. She has been taken to Kuoh Hospital, and may be transferred to either Kyoto Hospital or Tokyo Hospital if things become too severe from her injury. The paramedics said she has major concussion that may lead to amnesia and possible brain damage. She did take a hard hit from that monster. However, keep hoping that she will be alright and visit her. I can tell you where she is if you come find me.

Anyways, if you read this note, come by the police station and ask for Officer Yumiko Imagawa or Officer Masaru Enatsu. They will help you out.

Kuoh Police Department

Senior Constable Enatsu

The two children read and reread the note multiple times, trying to make light of the situation that had happened the night they left. Grayfia looked at the two children with a little worry. They have stared at the note for quite a while now with their backs towards her, not allowing her a view of their face. One minute turned to two, then three, then five. Grayfia approached the two children, worried for what the message wrote.

"Now, now, what does the note say?" Grayfia asks.

"We need to go to the police station," Issei says.

"Does the note say to go to the police station?"

"Yes, we have to find our mum, she's in hospital at the moment but the note said to find"

Arriving at the police station, Issei and Hiromi were greeted to the officers having a relatively relaxed day. There were not many phone calls and most of the men and women in blue shirts were chatting between each other. They see the two children and the young maid approached the front desk holding a white piece of paper. Despite it being only being a day, missing persons posters had already been put up by the police force for the two children. Seeing them in front of them shocked them slightly, especially with a healthy colour on their face, indicating no abuse or being forcefully taken.

The two children approach the front desk with the silver-haired maid standing behind them. The police in the background were curious, observing the odd trio that had turned up at their station. Ignorant to the multiple gazes that were directed towards her, Hiromi approaches the front desk and rings the bell, her face having an innocent, yet worried look.

"Hello young lady, how may I help you?" the officer at the front desk asked.

Hiromi, albeit shyly, hands the police officer the note that she had found on the doorstep. The officer, named Ainara Arata, scanned over the note.

"Could you please wait a little while I fetch the two officers in this note? There are some couches over there where you can wait," The brown haired officer says before heading behind a Staff Only door. The three then went to the seats to sit down, with Grayfia to the left of Issei and Hiromi to the right.

His head was filled with conflicted emotions. Anger, regret, relief, it all swelled up within Issei's mind. Anger at his father, regret that he couldn't protect his mother, and relief to know that she is still alive. Subconsciously, he clenches his fist tightly, reminiscing on what he could have done, a regret that may plague him. Hiromi places her hand onto Issei's clenched fist, giving him the warmth and a small smile, saying a thousand words in silence.

Grayfia watches this exchange, remembering what it was like before the Devil Civil War between herself and her brother. Grayfia's thoughts were distracted when a two people stood before them. The male's name tag read Masaru Enatsu while the female's one read Yumiko Imagawa.

"Hello, my name is Masaru, and this here is my colleague Yumiko," the man, who was of a relatively tall height, introduces himself and his colleague, who was a tall woman with shoulder length black hair.

"Are you the new legal guardian of these two children? Because if you were, that would be a very fast transfer, especially considering that their mother is still alive, yet unconscious," Yumiko addresses the question towards Grayfia.

"Ah, no. I am not the legal guardian. However, I was out last night getting some fresh air when I saw these two children here. They looked lost and bewildered, so I offered them a place to stay for the night," Grayfia replies calmly.

"Alright miss, but can I get you to follow me for a background check first, just to make sure the children are in safe hands away from that… monster," Yumiko says stiffly before leading Grayfia to an interview room, leaving the two children with Masaru.

"Well kids, would you please follow me to the other interview room? I would like to ask some questions on your parents," He says before gesturing towards the room directly next to the one that Grayfia was guided to.

After a few rounds of questioning, both sets of guests were released, with the two police officers thanking them for their input into the investigation. The children were released from their questioning first before Grayfia emerged from her room, happily chatting with Yumiko as if they had been friends for ages. She looked towards the children, and reached out her hands, with Issei and Hiromi holding onto one each. Having been afternoon, the three decided to buy some food to eat as well as bring back to the apartment to give to the other girls.

On their way back to their apartment, Grayfia offered to buy the two whatever they wanted for lunch. Issei was naturally nervous as he had never had the choice of where to eat before. As the trio walked down a food alleyway, Issei's senses were assaulted by a mix of amazing aromas radiating from the multiple different stores that lit up the small road. Ranging from takoyaki, to karaage wraps, to soba noodles, everything that was portable to eat on the go was sold somewhere there.

"Is there anything in particular you two really want to eat?" Grayfia asks the two children.

"I want… umm, sorry. Sis, you choose..." Issei says before quieting down and lowering his head, remembering his outings with his sister when he was with his parents.

Hiromi looks to her brother. Despite being away from their parents, he still retained his old behaviour. It was understandable since it had only been a day, and old habits do die hard. This made her annoyed as she was hoping to break him out of the mindset as soon as possible, but when an individual has faced such an ordeal for an extended period of time, even a nine year old could understand that it would take some time to get over such mindset.

"No, Issei, you choose. I've been given enough choice and you not enough, so please, take a choice, especially since we're away from mother and father," Hiromi says to Issei, hoping to make him worry less. However, this only worked to further his anxiety as he was scared his sister, the only one that has cared for him for almost his entire life, turn into the same type of people that their parents were. She only understands now how badly growing up with such a mindset is.

Grayfia crouches down and faces Issei directly. The young boy, with his head down, prepares for a slap, similar to how his parents would slap him if he spoke or moved out of line. However, nothing came, and instead, a warm embrace of a hug wrapped itself around the scared young boy, a gesture that Issei was not used to.

"It's ok Issei, tell me what you want to eat. We can get some for the girls back home as well," Grayfia says soothingly. She looks at Hiromi for an explanation, who nods and mouths that she will tell them her at home.

With that, Hiromi continues to choose what she knows Issei enjoys.

"How about… we get some… hmm… zhaliang? I heard a there was a famous Chinese chef that recently came and started a store here. The rumour from around Kuoh was that his food is amazing," Hiromi suggests, earning an agreement from both other parties.

Arriving at the store, they see an older man wearing a white chef's outfit, checking the food within a large steamer. In front of the store, a few people lined up with tickets to collect their ordered food. They three approached the front of the store and the man looked up, greeting all three with a smile.

"Good afternoon you three. What can I get for you today?" he asks politely, yet enthusiastically.

"5 sets of zhaliang please," Grayfia says.

"Yep, ok. Take a ticket, and I will call out your order when it's ready," the chef says before turning back to the large steamer.

It wasn't long until their number was called and they received their orders. Accepting it with smiles, the trio then headed back to the apartment where they stayed. Opening the door to Grayfia's apartment, they were greeted to the sight of the four other occupants running around chasing each other. Grayfia rubs her temples in slight frustration as the other two children giggle at what is happening.

Upon spotting the trio that had returned from their trip, the girls went to greet them back with smiles.

"Welcome home!" an enthusiastic Sona says

"Hmm, took you long enough," says Rias, her princess tone strongly evident.

"Umm, ok?" Seekvaira says with a quizzical look at Rias. "Anyways, welcome home," Seekvaira says with a smile.

"W-welcome home," greeted a timid Valina.

Lunch was rather lively with the girls constantly wanting to know more about Issei and his sister. However, all questions on their family were kept away from them, seeming as it is still a sensitive topic for the two children.

After lunch, the sun was still up and the children were more active than before. Their energy seemed endless, and the talks with the police earlier that day forgotten behind a curtain of laughter and energy. Grayfia watches from afar, quietly reading a book while keeping an eye on the children. This is what she yearned for. Peace. After centuries of fighting and death, this small break was what she needed. The smiles on their faces reminded her of her childhood, before they were brought into the world of blood and death.

Before long, the day begun to darken, and the children were exhausted from their fun in the park. On their way back, Hiromi's back began aching, a pain similar to that of a burn seared her back, dropping the young girl to her knees with tears of pain flowing down her cheek as she withheld screaming out. Grayfia and Issei rushed to her, worry and a different pain evident of both their faces.

"Nee-san, nee-san, what hurts? What is it?" Issei asks as his own tears start to form from worry.

"Issei, I got this. Get the girls and take them back to the apartment. I'll carry Hiromi back," Grayfia instructs.

"No! I want to stay with my sister!" Issei yells.

The other girls look on, a bit of worry showing. They heard Grayfia's instructions and Issei's refusal to be away from his sister while she is in pain. Giving each other a knowing look, they go to Issei and Sona places a caring hand on his shoulder.

"Issei, you should probably listen to Grayfia-san. She knows what she's doing," Sona says softly, her tone tender as to try to not to upset the hurt boy any further.

"C'mon Issei. Grayfia-san can look after your sister well enough," Seekvaira says.

"Mmhmm. She's a really good healer, but still behind the Sitri family's prowess in healing capability," Valina says.

Issei reluctantly listens to the older girls, peeling his eyes away from his sister before taking the hand of Sona and slowly trudging back. Meanwhile, Grayfia teleported via magic circle back to Issei and Hiromi's apartment. She lays the panting girl on her front and takes off her top, revealing the scarred back. The scars glowed pale green colour. Grayfia quickly forms ice on her hands, rubbing the poor girl's back with the magical ice, hoping that it was possible to soothe the pain. She sees the girl slowly close her eyes, causing Grayfia to panic as she believes that Hiromi is passing out.

To Hiromi, it felt like her back was on fire. The intense burning sensation numbed ever so slightly by the ice that was applied onto her back. However, her back was not the only thing that felt like it was melting. Her mind had been drawn away from the surface world into the dreamscape.

[Look what we have here… A new soul eh?] The being said.

"W-what? Where am I? Who are you?" Hiromi asks frantically.

[Heh. Do not worry little one. I'm not here to hurt you] the being replies. [Although…]


[Hehe, nothing. But it seems like you will need some training before you can use me in your physical world] it says.

"Wait, physical world? Isn't this the physical world?" Hiromi asks.

[Heh. No little one. This is your mindscape. Ah, it's about time for you to wake up or that maid is going to start panicking soon. But before you go… You can know me as… Pestilence. Yes, I am one of the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse] Pestilence introduces itself before fading away and Hiromi wakes up.

Seeing the younger girl open her eyes, Grayfia breathes a sigh of relief. A split second later, the door bursts open, with Issei at the door. Seeing his sister awake, Issei rushes to hug her. His hand rests upon her scar, making her wince in slight irritation, surprising the young girl. She had expected a lot more pain, but a slight irritation was all he felt. Issei held his sister tight. Tears welled up in his eyes as a weak hand rests upon his back. A soft smile formed on the young girl's face, glad that the ordeal was over. Grayfia gets up from the side of the bed and quietly leaves the two siblings. The other girls watched from the door, smiles forming on their face as they close the door to leave the two siblings alone.

^2 Years Later^

Throughout their two years of living with the devil girls, Issei and Hiromi had grown tremendously, both physically and mentally. Their mother had woken up about a week after being in a coma, providing some much needed relief for the two children. Furthermore, their father had been sent to 8 years imprisonment with a 5 year non-parole period for assault and battery. It was another month before their mother was released from the hospital, with the doctors needing to monitor her health before releasing her back home.

The small family then sold their home and possessions, save for some photos and memories, before moving into the apartment Grayfia owned. In all, it took another 2 months for the small family to completely move in. Despite originally being oblivious to the supernatural, Hitomi, Issei and Hiromi's mother, was accepting seeing as she had realised that everyone she live with was involved. She was, however, sceptical that her children were now involved in something so dangerous, considering that her beloved daughter had already received a serious scar on her back. Grayfia, however, promised to train the children, to become stronger, and to be able to live in the world of the supernatural.

Grayfia's job as a caretaker was challenged as Hitomi soon took the jobs of cooking and cleaning behind the kids, with Issei following close behind. The two older women would take to friendly competitions, often seeing whose food the children would enjoy more, with their wins at around equal ratio.

Issei and Hiromi grew closer to the other four girls throughout their time living there. However, after their second year together, Rias, Sona and Valine (now wanting to be called Vali) were to return to the Underworld to fulfil their roles as the next heirs of their family, whereas Seekvaira has her brother take the name of Agares, disappointing her a little that she, unlike her friends, were not as important to her family as they were to theirs.

Each of the girls gradually grew closer to Issei and Hiromi as well, much to Grayfia's despair when she had to call the three girls back to the Underworld. Seekvaira herself was causing grief to the others as well, with her boasting about spending more time with Issei herself, much to the other girls' ire.

Seekvaira slowly grew closer and closer to Issei, slowly falling into a childhood crush on the young boy, especially since her competition for Issei's affection was away. Issei and Hiromi noticed this, with Hiromi watching from the sidelines and laughing whenever Issei becomes flustered by the close contact with the blonde girl. It wasn't long until Seekvaira and Issei soon confessed to each other, with Hiromi quietly glad that her brother could finally feel love. Not just from her and now their mother, but also from the girl beside him.

However, her own time with Issei was to be cut short as she herself is one of the "Rookie Devils" and are required home for training in mannerisms and power, as well as to gather her Evil Pieces for her peerage.

With the four young supernatural girls returning home, Grayfia had no reason to stay either. This resulted in her handing over the entire apartment block to Hitomi, much to the woman's shock. Never in her dreams had she ever thought of owning anything bigger than their house, let alone an entire apartment block. However, it dawned on her that her job as a caretaker for the place had been solidified, much to her shock. It was lucky that most of the rooms were kept in good condition without dust due to the magical filters that were placed to keep the rooms from becoming mouldy. Those filters would disappear once someone occupies the room.

The following years were quiet for the remainder of the Hyoudou household. Despite owning such a large apartment block, they were very humble, often lending rooms out to people in need. It was through observing his mother that Issei himself grew into such a kind person. Now aged 9 and 11 for Issei and Hiromi respectively, they were attending Kuoh Primary, where Issei soon became popular among his peers, similar to how Hiromi would remain popular no matter where they were.

The two would train with their Sacred Gears, often training with each other physically and independently mentally. Together, they grew, becoming more comfortable with their Sacred Gears. Under their mother's watchful eye, they became stronger, wanting to be strong enough to protect the ones that cannot protect themselves. However, one thing that both lacked was experience. Neither had fought a true enemy apart from that fateful night two years ago. However, it was peaceful and tranquil. Something that all three loved.

^7 years later^

Their tranquil lives extended to high school, with Hiromi in Third Year (For us it's Year 12) and Issei in First Year (Again, Year 10) Issei and Hiromi trained every second day with each other at the swimming pool, resulting in both siblings with lean bodies that made the opposite gender drool at the sight of either one.

The two siblings missed their devil friends. Seven years without Seekvaira and nine years without Sona, Valina or Rias. The entire apartment block became quiet for the two teenagers. It was not long after starting school that Issei was given a title. The "Ice Prince" was given his cold attitude towards the majority of the guys that attended the academy to peek on girls, while also being unobtainable to the girls that went to the academy. Despite this, the girls were very persistent at trying to gain the new boy's attention, much to the grief of the other males that attended.

A lingering thought in the back of the two siblings mind were:

'How are they doing?'

'I hope they are both alright,'

'I wonder when they will all return,'

Their wishes were granted a couple of nights later when a magic circle appeared in the middle of their lounge room.

The first to return from the Underworld was Seekvaira. She had received her Evil Pieces earlier than the others thus allowing her to complete her training a lot faster than the others. As well, she had already gained a few members of her peerage, much to Issei's jealousy. This allowed her to return to the Human world a lot earlier than her peers.

The Hyoudou siblings were studying for their upcoming exams, with this being Hiromi's final exam before her graduation from high school. Their mother was in the kitchen, cooking them a nice dinner for the small family to enjoy. Her happy humming as she graced herself around the kitchen often made the food taste a little more loved than normal.

It was then that a large blue diamond crest glowed on their floor, drawing the attention of the three occupants of the house. A bright blue light shone before dimming down, replaced with the smiling figure of one Seekvaira Agares. Hiromi and Issei could not contain their happiness and lunged at her, toppling all three over onto the couch.

"Seekvaira… It's so good to see you again," Hiromi says with a smile

"Yea, it's very good to see you again," Issei follows.

"I missed you two so much," Seekvaira says herself, tears of joy forming in her eyes.

"Welcome back Seek-chan" Hitomi greets her with a smile.

"I'm home Hitomi-obaa-chan," She says, receiving a ladle to the head.

"I'm not that old, only 42," Hitomi says before returning to the kitchen with a grin.

"It's nice to have you back," says Hiromi and Issei. However, Seekvaira holds a small surprise by summoning her peerage, surprising the small family further.

"Let me introduce you to me current peerage:" Seekvaira starts.

Another circle appears, and out comes five devils. The first was a male devil with light green hair, wearing a large grin on his face. Next, a young boy walks out of the circle, who was also followed by what seems to be a samurai-ninja hybrid. Afterwards, a girl in a white dress and another girl wearing some revealing gothic clothes come out of the circle. In all, five members had travelled via magic circle to the Hyoudou apartment, leaving Hiromi with sparkling eyes and Issei slightly jealous.

{Heh. I see someone is a bit jealous that Seekvaira got a few more guys surrounding her} Tundra comments with a laugh as she materialises Issei's sacred gear.

'Oh shush you' Issei says, clearly blushing.

"Now, introduce yourselves," Seekvaira says to her peerage.

"Good evening you all, my name is Alivian. Ms Agares' queen," The green-haired male introduces himself. He was wearing fur boots and a heavy coat, juxtaposing everyone else's clothing in the middle of summer.

"Shinji Izumo. Dragon and samurai knight," the boy in dark clothes and lots of strings introduces himself, albeit discreetly say that he was the Agares' knight.

"M-Makato Saito. Bishop," the young boy introduces himself passively.

"Alexia Brune. Seek-chan's other bishop," the blonde girl wearing a white dress says.

"Megumi Ryujo. Seek-chan's mutated rook!" The other blonde girl says.

The trio were shocked at the new people that had come. Issei himself jealous at how Seekvaira had gotten three guys around her. He still remembers the day she confessed to him. Had she forgotten about it? He felt his heart ache a little.

That was, until Seekvaira took his hand in hers and gave him a smile. A smile promising that she was his. She leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"I'm home," She whispers, before adding, "I can never forget the promise I made to you,"

"Welcome back," Issei replies softly, barely able to contain his own tears of happiness.

"You two can catch up tomorrow after school. Issei, we still homework due. Tomorrow" Hiromi says with a sadistic grin on her face.

"Yes sis," Issei says before letting go of Seekvaira's hand and returning to the table. She giggles and dismisses her peerage, who disappeared in another flash of blue light.

^The next day: afternoon^

That afternoon, Issei was greeted at the gates by Seekvaira, wearing a white t-shirt and a pale green skirt, complimented with her hair done up in a ponytail down her back. Issei saw her and quickly waved goodbye to the girls that were around him before heading quickly towards his girlfriend, who greeted him with a chaste kiss and took his hand, causing the girls behind him to emaciate an aura of jealousy.

"Ah, she's so lucky," One commented.

"I wish I were her," Another follows.

"I wish he would take my hand and kiss me,"

The comments were endless, making the Agares daughter give a small grin of victory.

"So, where are we off to my princess?" Issei asks with a smile, bringing a blush to the girl's face.

"Well, I haven't been around here in about seven years, so, could you please be my tour guide today, my prince?" She replies with her own rhetorical question.

"I would love to," he replies before heading off to the centre of the town.

On the way there, they chat about the different lives that they both lived while separated from each other. Issei also found out that her obsession for Mecha had not diminished over time and instead had grown immensely. This, however, never bothered Issei as he himself was into such things as well. It was one of the things that had allowed the two to bond together: their mutual interests.

As they approached the town centre, Seekvaira was amazed at how much had changed in seven years. The town had gotten livelier, there were a lot more kids around, and the overall feel began to shift towards the urban side rather than the suburban it had been before.

They visited many stores available, including all the hobby shops with Seekvaira buying two or three models from each store. Finishing off on the bridge over the road, the two stood hand in hand, watching the sunset. She then rested her head onto Issei's shoulder softly.

"I'm glad to be back,"

AN: Well, that's it for this chapter. It's been a long wait I know, and I thank you all that stuck around and waited for this chapter to be released. It makes me really happy to know that there are people who are willing to wait for this,

The romance between Seekvaira and Issei feels a little bit rushed in my opinion, but I was wondering if I would be leaving it too late. Also, the content would seem a bit repetitive, so I decided to include it as a "Childhood crush" turned "Teenage romance". Let me know how you guys feel.

Also, comment on if you feel like this should be a single pairing or a small harem. I LEARNED MY MISTAKE LAST TIME! IT WILL NOT BE REPEATED!

Anyways, a bit of a suggestion if you will:

Should I bring the other girls back?


Should I keep them away for another year for Issei and Seekvaira's romance to bloom a bit before getting the girls back?

Questions for thoughts.

Also, JOIN MY DISCORD FOR ANNOUNCEMENTS ON WHAT IS HAPPENING, it is quite quiet there and I would like some more people to join :)

BONUS POINTS TO THE EASTER EGG I PLACED IN THE STORY! I wonder how many of you will find it!

Comment, follow and fav! (I feel so dirty putting this here, so maybe I might cut it out next time)

Until I see you next time!