A/N: Hey everyone, I've got a new story here. After watching two seasons of the Loud House, I've decided to create a special story for all fans of The Loud House. This story is set far in the future and features two of my own OC characters; Lloyd Florence and a humanoid robot named P.A.T.

Here is a quick synopsis of the story:

In the year 2018, four-year old Lisa Loud has successfully invented cryo-stasis technology which would enable the future success of long range space travel to distant stars and planets, such as Alpha Centauri and so on. Amazed by her invention, NASA invited Lisa and the rest of the Loud family aboard the International Space Station (ISS) to give a demonstration of this new revolutionary technology to the scientists inside the Destiny module.

However, shortly after the Loud siblings and their parents are placed into twelve cryogenic pods, a massive asteroid strikes the space station, destroying it and sending the Destiny module of the station containing the twelve Loud family cryogenic pods flying into deep space and beyond. The rest of the world then presumed the Loud family dead due to the ISS's destruction.

Yet however, 460 years later in the year 2478 A.D during a transport mission out in the Beta Quadrant of deep space, Captain Lloyd Florence of the starship S.S Daphne discovers the ancient remains of the ISS Destiny module with the twelve cryogenic pods still inside, undamaged, and fully operational. And this is where our story begins, in a quadrant far far away...

Disclaimer: My OC characters (Lloyd and P.A.T) are the only things I own.

Chapter 1: Discovery

Lloyd Florence personal log, April 16, 2478 A.D:

I am currently on a transport mission in the Beta Quadrant and on course for the planet Exodus VI. After successfully mining two tons of salt crystals from the salt crystal mines of Malta III, I'm eager to get them delivered and enjoy a long rest. I haven't had any run ins with space pirates or smugglers so far, which is a good thing since the Malta system is often a breeding ground for space criminals. I've heard rumors that they'll sometimes attack and loot other mining transport ships just to get their hands on their salt crystals. The salt crystals of Malta III are worth a lot of credits, so its no surprise that pirates and smugglers are common in that system. Just last week, my ship was ambushed by the Krimson Skull pirate gang in an attempt to loot my supply of crystals, but they were no match for the fire power of the S.S Daphne. I forced them into an easy retreat after greatly damaging their ship, and I don't think they'll be bothering me again for quite some time. I intend to do some more exploring in the uncharted regions of the Beta Quadrant once I've completed this mission and claimed the reward money, as exploration is mostly my main interest.



27-year old Lloyd Florence sat in the captain's chair of the S.S Daphne, gazing out into the stars as the ship sped off into deep space. He was still exhausted after two long days of mining salt crystals in the salt mines of Malta III, a desert planet with a few forests and three moons. Mining salt crystals wasn't exactly Lloyd's favorite type of mission, but it paid quite a high amount of credits, and that was something anyone would want. Being mostly a freelancer, Lloyd enjoyed jobs that involved action and exploration, as well as bounty hunting.

That line of work was a bit more dangerous than most other missions available out there, but they paid far more credits than any other job out there in the Interplanetary Alliance. As Lloyd set a course for Exodus VI and engaged the FTL (Faster Than Light) drive engines, the door to the bridge opened and P.A.T (Personal Assistive Technician) the robot rolled in. P.A.T resembled something close to an astrometric droid from the ancient Star Wars films from the 20th and 21st century, only he was taller and looked more human from the waist up. Instead of legs, P.A.T had a large ball shaped wheel built into a small pillar shaped apparatus attached to his waist area that allowed him to wheel around freely.

"Master Florence, I've come to inform you that the metal transport crates are fully secure for the voyage to Exodus VI in the loading dock" the humanoid robot replied in a synthetic british accent.

"Good, we should reach the planet in about ten hours at maximum FTL speed," Lloyd answered, getting up from the captain's chair. "I'm going to go rest up in my quarters, so you have the bridge until I return. Just inform me if anything unusual happens".

"As you wish. Rest well, Master Florence" P.A.T replied as Lloyd left the bridge and headed for his quarters.

The ship had a total of four decks with the crew quarters being on the first deck along with a captain's quarters next door to the bridge. The second deck consisted of two recreation rooms, observation room, the engineering room containing the Emdrive generator which powered the FTL engines and the main anti-matter reactor core which served as the heart of the ship, a dining area, shower room, restroom, and a weapons storage room where Lloyd kept his combat weapons and combat power suit used for bounty hunting missions.

The third deck contained a brig used to hold captured criminals, a weapons storage bay which contained extra weapons for the ship, such as atomic missiles, anti-matter bombs, and photonic grenades. Deck 3 also had a medical bay with two medical robots to provide medical treatment when needed, an escape pod chamber equipped with ten escape pods capable of holding two occupants each, a supply room with cleaning supplies and cleaner bots used for cleaning the floors, and a science bay.

The fourth and final deck consisted of a loading dock, exit ramp, space exit door, spare fuel cell chamber, and a shuttle bay which held a star shuttle Lloyd used for various ground based missions on other planets.

The ship itself was once owned by Lloyd's parents, Cecelia and Harold Florence. The two of them had been members of the space marine corps in the Interplanetary Alliance defense force with the task of defending various planets against space pirates and criminal space organizations for about fifteen years, until seven years ago. When Lloyd was twenty years old, his parents had been called out to defend Earth from a terrorist invasion lead by Ridley Farcus, the boss of an evil criminal organization known as Black Shadow.

This organization had first formed around the early 2450's and had reeked havoc across the Beta and Alpha Quadrant for years, hijacking starships, invading planets for their resources, and even engaged in the act of terrorism in an attempt to gain control of various planets governed by the alliance. The main goal of this evil organization was unclear, but highly speculated by the alliance that their goal was control of the galaxy after the attack on Genesis IV seven years ago, Lloyd's home planet.

The Interplanetary Alliance Space Association (IASA) had successfully created the first artificial wormhole generator that would enable starships to travel anywhere in the milky way galaxy without the need for Faster Than Light traveling engines. This generator was only a prototype, but IASA planned to test it aboard the science starship I.A.S Avalon. However, before this could be done, the Black Shadow organization arrived and invaded the IASA headquarters in an attempt to steal the generator.

If they were to seize the generator, the Black Shadow would have unlimited access to any point in the galaxy, allowing them to reach as far as the Delta Quadrant in less than two minutes. This would give them the opportunities to pillage, invade, and conquer any inhabited planet they saw fit without the need for FTL travel.

Lloyd's parents had been called out to aid the Interplanetary Alliance defense force in stopping the invasion, but his father never returned. Lloyd remembered being informed the next day by the Interplanetary Alliance government that his father had been killed in action while defending a group of hostages inside the IASA building from a fleet of Black Shadow soldiers. The defense force succeeded in driving out the Black Shadow and saving the wormhole generator, but at a big cost. The alliance lost over two thousand marines in the terrorist attack, including Lloyd's father who had sacrificed his life to stop a suicide bomber from destroying the building after failing to steal the wormhole generator.

His mother survived, but was crushed by grief for months after Harold's death. Cecelia eventually left the space marine corps and became a nurse on the planet Amalthea II, an Earth-like planet just like Genesis IV and Exodus VI with a thriving metropolis.

The S.S Daphne and P.A.T were originally owned by a space pirate gang known as the Mad Cats twenty years ago and was originally named S.S Mutineer, but after it was seized by the Space Marine Corps and its pirate crew apprehended, Lloyd's father bought it off the impound ship yards for 50,000 credits and had it refit with extra hull armor and weapons, then renamed the ship after Cecelia's favorite flower, the Daphne. He also had P.A.T's memory reprogrammed to serve the Alliance and his family. The ship became Harold's own battleship for missions in the Space Marine Corps until his death, then in his will, the Daphne was passed onto Lloyd which he now used for his freelance missions across the stars. It was a large ship, approximately 500 feet in length, 410 feet in width, and 90 feet in height, and resembled a bird in flight with its wings spread.

The ship was practically a second home for Lloyd since he was mostly out exploring other uninhabited planets on his free time in hopes of seeking out intelligent life or ancient abandoned civilizations, yet he occasionally visited his mother on Amalthea II when he got the time.

As Lloyd entered his quarters, he thought about his mother as he headed over to his bed and slipped out of his black long sleeved skin suit and boots. It had been awhile since he had last visited her due to being so busy with his last three missions. Lloyd imagined she was a bit worried about him as she usually was when he didn't visit her or stayed out of communication for long periods of time. Ever since the death of Lloyd's father, Cecelia was always on edge about Lloyd's safety and security, but he had assured her many times that he was a grown man and capable of taking care of himself.

After slipping into his night shorts and T-shirt, Lloyd fell onto his bed and slowly drifted off to sleep, dreaming of his mother.



"Master Florence, are you awake?" P.A.T called out over the bedside com system.

Lloyd yawned as he awoke to the sound of P.A.T's synthetic voice. He checked the holo-clock on his bedside table and saw that it read 2:46 AM, Earth time. Lloyd realized that he had been asleep for only three hours, so he was a bit surprised that P.A.T would wake him this early.

Tapping the com on his bedside table, Lloyd asked, "Yeah P.A.T? What's going on up there?".

"Sorry to wake you at this hour, Captain, but I've found something that may require your attention" P.A.T replied.

A bit worried, Lloyd asked, "Is there a problem with the ship?".

"No sir, the Daphne is perfectly fine, but the ships long range sensors detected something about two light years away from our current position" P.A.T answered.

"And what may that be?" Lloyd wondered.

"From what the sensors have gathered, it appears to be a piece of an ancient space vessel or station of some sort. If I had to guess, its at least four centuries old, but there still isn't enough information to get a clear reading. However, there is something about it that I thought you should know" P.A.T explained.

"And what is that?" Lloyd asked, eager for an answer.

"Sensors have detected thirteen lifeforms aboard whatever this object is, and they register as human" P.A.T replied.

Now fully awake and alert, Lloyd asked in a surprised voice, "Human lifeforms?! How is that even possible? Are they dead or alive?".

"Impossible to tell, Master Florence. We're too far away to get a precise reading on the vessel" P.A.T replied.

"All right, I'll be on the bridge in a minute," Lloyd said, stepping out of bed and slipping on his skin suit and boots. "Reset the ships course and take us to the vessel, or whatever it is. I want to see what this thing looks like up close, and above all, I want to know who these people are inside it".

"Very well, sir, I shall adjust our current course right away. However, I should advise that we use caution once we arrive at our destination. Its possible that these thirteen human lifeforms may be space pirates or smugglers trying to loot whatever this thing is for profit. If they are, we could be heading right into a trap" P.A.T advised.

"No, I don't think these human life forms are space pirates or smugglers. If they were, there'd be other ships showing up on the sensor board" Lloyd replied.

"True, but its possible that they could have cloaking devices on their ships" P.A.T speculated.

"P.A.T, I'm pretty sure there's no pirates out there, so stop worrying" Lloyd assured his friend as he headed out of his quarters.

Once he reached the bridge, P.A.T turned around from the navigation console to face him.

"Master Lloyd, I've set our course for the object. We'll reach it in about five minutes at maximum FTL speed" the robot informed him.

"Good, I'm eager to see what this thing is and who's inside it. If this thing is as old as you think, and if its a space vessel, then its possible that whoever's inside it must be dead" Lloyd replied, walking up to the main view screen.

The stars all rushed by as the ship moved through hyperspace thousands of times faster than light, heading towards this unknown object out in the middle of deep space. As a space voyager, Lloyd had always enjoyed exploring the unknown and possibly finding something out there that would make its way into the history books. Little did Lloyd known that he'd soon get his wish, and it would quite possibly be bigger than any discovery he'd ever made in his life.

For the next five minutes, Lloyd and P.A.T speculated on just what the mysterious object could be when the navigation console began beeping.

"Looks like we're coming up on our destination," Lloyd said, checking the console. "P.A.T, take the ship out of hyperspace and then all stop".

"Aye Captain," P.A.T nodded, tapping on the navigation console. "Disengaging FTL drive engines... now".

The stars outside slowed down to a crawl as the Daphne left hyperspace and re-entered normal space, then the mysterious object came into view just ahead. It was a cylindrical shaped object with several large holes in it and what looked liked faded lettering on the side along with a slightly faded emblem that couldn't be seen due to it being too far away. Lloyd didn't know what to make of it.

"What the heck is this thing?" Lloyd wondered.

"I'm scanning it now," P.A.T informed, checking the tactical console. "From what the computer has gathered, this object appears to be the remains of an ancient space vessel from what I can guess, the 21st century. Its approximately 28 feet long and 14 feet in diameter. My sensors are also detecting thirteen human life signs inside it, and they're alive".

Lloyd was shocked. "That... That's impossible! There's no way anyone could be alive inside that thing, and there aren't any other ships around here for anyone to have boarded it. This is the middle of nowhere".

"True, but my sensors aren't programmed to make mistakes" P.A.T inquired.

"Can you magnify the hull of this craft? I can see something written on it. It might be the name or registry of whatever this vessel was" Lloyd wondered.

"Magnifying" P.A.T reported, tapping the control console in front of him.

The viewscreen zoomed in towards the lettering on the side of the craft, giving Lloyd a clear view of the registry and the symbol etched on its hull, and when he saw what it was, his eyes nearly popped out from shock.

"No way! Is that what I think it is?" Lloyd exclaimed in complete surprise.

The symbol was a blue round bottomed rectangle which bore a picture of a large station orbiting Earth in space inside a circle in the center, and below it were two green olive vines and two white stars on the top left and right of the image.

On the very top of the rectangle in gold letters were the words, "INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION". Below this emblem were black letters that read, "DESTINY US LAB". Both the emblem and lettering had faded in several areas due to aging, but they were still perfectly clear.

"Yes, I believe we are looking at the remains of the Destiny space module from the long gone International Space Station" P.A.T answered.

"But how can this be? I thought that station was destroyed four centuries ago in the year 2018 after being struck by an asteroid?" Lloyd protested in confusion.

"Its possible that this module may have been thrown out into deep space during the stations destruction. The ISS was made up of multiple components, so they were most likely scattered like this one when the asteroid struck the station" P.A.T suggested.

"That's true, but what I want to know is who these thirteen life signs are inside the module. There's no other ship in this vicinity or any possible way that anyone could survive inside it. The sensors indicate no oxygen onboard, so how's it possible for thirteen life signs to show up on the sensor board?" Lloyd wondered.

"The only way to find out would be to enter the module itself" P.A.T replied.

"That's exactly what I'm going to do," Lloyd agreed. "Lock onto the module and pull it closer to the ship with the tractor beam. I'm going out there to see what's inside this thing".

"Aye sir" P.A.T replied.



Lloyd walked towards the main space exit door at the end of the loading dock, now in his silver and black power suit. This special suit once belonged to Lloyd's father during his time in the Space Marine Corps until his death. The suit was equipped with advanced combat armor, night vision, heat vision, sensors, and laser weapons. It also had a set of built in thrusters in the back and feet to allow Lloyd to maneuver around in zero gravity while in space. Inside his helmet, the visor had a screen which displayed Lloyd's heart rate, health status, and oxygen level.

"P.A.T, I'm in the main exit chamber now and ready to depart. I'll keep you updated while I'm out there" Lloyd notified through the suits built in comlink.

"Aye sir, I'll be on standby if you need me" P.A.T replied back.

Lloyd then shut the safety doors and depressurized the chamber before opening the main door to space. Once the chamber was fully cleared of all pressure, Lloyd opened the main doors leading outside the ship, then floated into the cold silent vacuum of space. P.A.T had pulled the Destiny module over more closer to the front of the ship using the tractor beam so Lloyd would be able to reach it much more easily.

Once fully outside, Lloyd used his shoulder thrusters to descend down towards the bottom of the ship, he slowly proceeded forward towards the Destiny module at a slow impulse speed as to not bump into it too hard and possibly send it floating away into space again. Everything around Lloyd was silent as thrusters on his suit slowly propelled him forward, except for Lloyd's breathing inside his helmet.

The calm silence of space gave Lloyd a feeling of peace as he slowly approached the large ancient space station module, wondering what he'd find inside it. The thought of possibly finding someone alive inside that thing was very crazy, but the P.A.T's sensors weren't programmed to make mistakes.

"His sensors had to have made an error of some sort," Lloyd thought as he examined the hull damage on the module. "No one could possibly survive inside this thing in the state its in".

Once Lloyd reached what he guessed had once been the rear entrance of the module, he saw a large steel door covered in ice and rust from years of decay and aging, completely sealed shut. Lloyd tried pulling on the large door lever in the center of it, but it wouldn't budge.

"Looks like this things frozen shut. I'll have to remove it a different way" Lloyd thought.

He raised his left arm, then flipped open a slot in the forearm of the suit, revealing a control pad inside it. Lloyd tapped a button on it, then the top of the right wrist opened up and a small laser turret extended from inside the opening. He set it to low power and then fired a red laser beam into the module, which began cutting slowly through the steel door. It took Lloyd over five minutes to fully cut through the entire door, but once he got through the last layer of the door, Lloyd was able to pull it off the module very easily.

He then pulled himself inside, finding it too dark to see anything, so he activated his suits night vision which allowed him to see everything perfectly. Lloyd found that the walls were covered in ice, cracks, and space damage from the outside. He also found rows of shelves with their doors hanging open, old and outdated science equipment from the 21st century, yet no signs of human life.

"Master Florence, are you there? You've been quiet for some time now" P.A.T asked over Lloyd's communicator inside his helmet.

"Yeah, I'm inside the Destiny module now, but there's not much left of whatever used to be inside here. There's ice covering almost everything, and there's space damage in several areas of the module, probably from space junk that struck it over time" Lloyd replied, looking around.

"Are there any signs of human life in there?" P.A.T asked.

"No, I haven't found-" Lloyd paused as something caught his eye.

In the far other end of the module, Lloyd saw thirteen large egg shaped objects sitting against the wall with frost covered glass over the fronts of them. Curious, Lloyd floated over to them and examined one. The doors of these capsules appeared to be made of thick, bullet proof glass which was frosted over with ice, obscuring whatever was inside it.

"Master Florence, are you still there?" P.A.T asked.

"Yes, I just found something in the far end of the module. It looks like some sort of science capsule, about human size, but I'm not sure exactly what's inside them. There's frost covering the glass on them, so I can't see anything," Lloyd replied, gently wiping the frost off the glass to get a better look inside the capsule. "Hang on, I'm wiping the frost off now, so I should be able-".

Lloyd suddenly stopped in surprise as he wiped off enough frost to be able to see inside the capsule, and he could hardly believe his eyes. Inside this capsule was what appeared to be a sleeping white haired boy who looked to be no older than eleven or twelve years old, wearing an orange T-shirt and blue pants.

On the bottom of the glass, Lloyd saw a nameplate that had been hidden by the frost with what he guessed was the boys name; it said, "LINCOLN LOUD". Lloyd also noticed a glowing light coming from the side of the capsule, and when he wiped the frost off it, he found a status screen displaying the boys health and heart rate. There was also a control panel below the screen that controlled the pods functions, and a button to open and close the door on it.

"My God! What the hell is going on here?!" Lloyd exclaimed in absolute shock.

"Did you find something, Captain?" P.A.T asked curiously.

"Yes," Lloyd said, now sounding serious. "P.A.T, I think your sensors were right after all. There is someone alive inside this thing".

"There is?" P.A.T asked.

"Yes, I believe these capsules I just found are some sort of cryogenic suspension pods, and I just found a boy in one of them. He's alive and appears to be in a state of cryogenic sleep, but for what reason, I have no clue. Cryogenic suspension technology has long since been outdated since faster than light travel came along in the early 2100's" Lloyd replied.

"Cryogenic sleep? Are there others? I'm currently detecting twelve other life signs on the module" P.A.T questioned.

"Yeah, there are twelve other pods next to... Lincoln's pod" Lloyd replied, glancing at the name plate on the boy's pod.

"Excuse me, Captain? Who is this Lincoln?" P.A.T asked curiously.

"That's apparently the boy's name. There's a nameplate on the pod with his name on it. I'll check the other pods and see who the others are" Lloyd replied, floating over to the pod next to Lincoln's.

He wiped the frost off the pod and found a pale skinned black haired girl with a black sleeveless shirt, black and white striped stockings on her legs and arms, and black slip-on shoes inside. Lloyd wiped off the nameplate on the pod revealing the name, "LUCY LOUD" written on it.

"P.A.T, there's a girl in the next one named Lucy" Lloyd reported.

"Is she alive?" P.A.T asked.

"Hang on, I'll take a look," Lloyd said, wiping frost off the pods control panel. "There's a control panel on each of these pods displaying the health status of the occupants, and probably for waking them up".

"I wouldn't advise doing that, Captain" P.A.T warned.

"Yeah, with no oxygen and zero pressure, they'd die instantly outside their pods" Lloyd replied, checking the health status screen on Lucy's pod.

It displayed a heart monitor and oxygen status bar above the pods environmental controls. Lloyd tapped a few buttons on the panel, checking her vital signs which were all in the green zone, then P.A.T asked him if Lucy was all right inside her pod.

"Yes, she's alive, and in perfect health as well," Lloyd replied. "I don't understand how its even possible for these pods to still be operational after 460 years of traveling through deep space, but by some miracle, they're still active".

"Yes, it's quite a mystery" P.A.T agreed.

"Indeed, I'd better check the rest of them" Lloyd replied, moving to the next pod.

After clearing the frost off the glass, Lloyd found another girl inside the pod. She looked to be about four or five years old and wore glasses, green long sleeve shirt and reddish brown pants. Lloyd found that her name was Lisa Loud after wiping off the nameplate, then he proceeded to check her vitals on the status screen, all of which were in the green zone.

The fourth pod contained another girl as well. This one was a blonde girl who wore what looked like a royal pink dress, pink gloves, white beaded necklace, pink slippers, and a tiara. Lloyd checked her nameplate after wiping it off and saw the name "LOLA LOUD" on it.

Lloyd began to realize that these girls must be Lincoln's sisters since his last name was Loud and these girls had the same last name as well. He began to wonder if the other occupants in the other pods may also be related to Lincoln as he checked Lola's vital signs; they were all green as well.

Feeling relieved, Lloyd moved on to the next pod and found another blonde girl inside who closely resembled Lola, only she had a more tomboyish look compared to Lola. She wore a red cap, dark green shirt, blue overalls with suspenders, and white laced shoes. This girls nameplate said, "LANA LOUD". Her vitals were normal like the others when Lloyd checked.

"Man, are all these girls related?" Lloyd wondered as he checked the sixth pod.

This time, he found a teenage girl in this one with short brown hair, short sleeve purple shirt with a white skull on it, purple skirt with black lines and two white belts around the waistline, and a pair of purple long legged boots. As Lloyd expected, the girl's last name was Loud like the others, and her first name was Luna. He checked her vitals and found them all normal as well.

Before wiping the glass off the remaining seven pods, Lloyd wiped off the nameplates first and checked their names to see if the occupants were all related to each other. As he read the names, it became clear that they were all indeed related. The names of the last seven pods were Lynn Loud, Leni Loud, Luan Loud, Lori Loud, Lily Loud, Rita Loud, and Lynn Sr. Loud. After checking all of their vitals and finding them all normal, Lloyd defrosted the remaining pods and checked inside them.

Lynn had long brown hair tied in a ponytail and wore a red and white long sleeved sport style shirt with a red number 1 on the front of it, red shorts with white rims, and sports shoes with long legged socks with red stripes on the tops. Leni had blonde hair like Lola and wore a sleeveless misty green dress with white trims on the bottom, sandles of the same color, red earrings, and a pair of sunglasses.

Luan had brown hair tied into a ponytail with a yellow band, wore a sleeveless white shirt with a pink flower pinned to it, a yellow and black lined skirt, yellow socks and brown shoes.

Lori bore a slight resemblance to Leni since she had blonde hair about the same length as her, only she wore a sleeveless blue shirt, brown shorts, white earrings, and blue slip-on shoes. Lily was an infant who wore only a diaper and had a small strand of blonde hair in the center of her head. Rita appeared to be the mother of the family and looked like an older version of Lori. She had blonde hair, wore a pinkish orange long sleeve button up shirt, brown pants, and black slip on shoes. Lynn Sr. wore a dark green colored long sleeved shirt with a light green collar, brown pants and brown shoes.

"Holy cow, P.A.T! These girls are all Lincoln's sisters, and these two adults must be their parents" Lloyd exclaimed in surprise.

"Sir, are you saying that these twelve individuals are a family?" P.A.T asked.

"Yes, the two adults names are Rita and Lynn Sr. Loud, and they have eleven children; one boy and ten girls" Lloyd answered.

"Eleven children?! That is indeed intriguing" P.A.T replied in a surprised tone.

"Yes, it is, but what's even more intriguing is the big question I've been asking myself since I looked inside these pods," Lloyd glanced up at a hole in the ceiling of the module and out into space. "Why are they inside these pods, and when were they placed inside them? Cryogenic sleep pods were invented in 2018 and first used for deep space missions to planets beyond Earth's solar system in the 2060's after the first manned mission to Mars in the late 2030's, then retired in the early 2100's once faster than light travel technology was invented, so that means these are indeed 460 years old".

"I have a theory on that, Captain" P.A.T replied.

"And what may that be?" Lloyd asked .

"2018 was the year that cryogenic suspension systems were invented, and also the same year that the ISS was destroyed. It's possible that this family may have been test subjects for these pods and were placed inside them before the stations destruction" P.A.T suggested.

Lloyd pondered this thought as he gazed at the thirteen pods laying against the wall, wondering why the inventors would chose a family of twelve to be used for cryogenic suspension tests. Why them and not one of their own scientists? Lloyd wasn't much of a history buff and never really researched the history of cryogenic suspension systems that much since they were outdated, but he did remember reading about the ISS as a kid in history class. The year of its completion and destruction, but he never really found the topic of cryogenic suspension systems interesting, so Lloyd never really went too deep into it.

However, he suddenly remembered something that his tenth grade history teacher mentioned about that he did remember. It was a very vague memory, but Lloyd suddenly felt a jolt of remembrance rush through his mind as he glanced back at the Loud family. He remembered his teacher mentioning the name of the person who invented cryogenic technology, and it was someone by the name of Lisa Loud. Lloyd rushed over to Lisa's pod, looked closely at her sleeping face, and then realization hit him like a punch to the face; he had seen her face before!

"No... freaking ... way! This can't be possible!" Lloyd exclaimed in absolute shock.

"Master Florence, is something wrong?" P.A.T asked in concern.

Ignoring his question, Lloyd asked, "P.A.T, are there any historical documents on the ship or in your data banks with information on the inventor of cryogenic technology?".

"Yes, I believe there is. I'm searching my data banks right now," P.A.T paused for a minute, then spoke up again. "Ah yes, here it is! The inventor of cryogenic suspension technology was a four year old prodigy named Lisa Loud, born in Royal Woods Michigan in 2014 and presumed dead along with the rest of her family in 2018 after the destruction of the ISS. She was quite possibly the most famous child prodigy of the 21st century, winning several nobel rewards in various science fairs across the state for her amazing inventions. It would've been quite an honor to have met her, wouldn't you agree?".

"Do you have an image of this girl? I need to confirm something" Lloyd asked, still staring into Lisa's pod.

"Yes, I do. I'll send it to your suits info computer" P.A.T replied.

In less than a few seconds, Lloyd received new information in his suits info files.

"New file received" the male computer voice informed inside Lloyd's helmet.

On the visor screen inside the helmet, an image of the same four year old girl inside the pod in front of Lloyd appeared on the screen. As soon as he got a good look at it, Lloyd glanced down into the pod, and then the image one last time before closing it. There was no denying it, this girl was Lisa Loud, the creator of cryogenic suspension technology.

Still keeping eye contact with the pod, Lloyd said, "P.A.T, you just said it would have been an honor to meet the creator of cryogenic suspension technology, right?".

"Yes, what about it?" P.A.T asked curiously.

"I don't think I'll have to wonder about meeting her now" Lloyd replied.

"And why's that, Captain?" P.A.T asked.

"Because I'm looking right at her now. Her, and her entire family" Lloyd answered.

"What?! She's in one of those pods?" P.A.T asked in surprise.

"Yes, and all the others in these other pods must be her sisters, brother, and parents since their last names are all Loud," Lloyd replied. "Are there any historical records on any so called Loud family in the ships data banks?".

"I'm checking now, standby" P.A.T replied.

Lloyd waited for over five minutes until P.A.T finally spoke up again.

"Sorry Captain, but there's no data on Lisa's family in the ships historical documents, nor in my own data banks. The information was either lost by history, or is not available on the Daphne" P.A.T said apologetically.

"Then I can only assume that the reason Lisa's parents and siblings are here is because they volunteered for the cryo-pod tests. I don't know if I'm right or not, but I can't think of any other reason the rest of Lisa's family would be a part of these tests and not NASA scientists" Lloyd speculated.

"There's only one way we'd have answers to these mysteries, and that's to wake up Lisa and her family from cryo-sleep and ask them ourselves" P.A.T inquired.

"I can't do that inside this module. There's no gravity or oxygen outside the pods, and if I opened any of them, they'd be sucked out through one of the openings into space and killed instantly. I'll have to do it back on the ship," Lloyd replied, looking under Lisa's pod to find it magnetically attached to the floor with magnetic couplers. "These things appear to be hooked into the floor by magnetic couplers. There's a release lever next to them to unhook them, so removing them shouldn't be hard".

"Good, there should be enough space in the loading dock to fit all twelve pods inside" P.A.T informed.

"Excellent, send over the loading drone bots to bring these pods to the loading dock. I'll detach all the pods, then head back to the Daphne once I'm done" Lloyd replied.



It took about ten minutes for the loading dock robots to move all thirteen cryogenic pods from the old Destiny module to the Daphne, then they began cleaning the frost and ice off them. Lloyd had removed his power suit and slipped back into his black skin suit and boots as P.A.T released the old Destiny module from the tractor beam on the bridge.

Once all the pods were set inside the loading dock and lined up against the left wall near the safety door which prevented transport shipments from being sucked into space, the loading dock robots closed the main doors to space, then reopened the safety doors leading into the holding bay where Lloyd's shipment of Maltain salt crystals sat in transport containers. Lloyd then entered the main loading dock with P.A.T following behind him.

"Captain, the pods have been fully cleaned off as you ordered" one of the loading dock robots informed.

"Good, you two can recharge now. I'll notify you if I need anything" Lloyd nodded.

"Very well, Captain" the robot replied, then hovered into a docking port in the wall and shut itself off to recharge its power cells.

The other one flew into a same docking port next to its twin, connected to the charger, and shut itself off. Once they were situated, Lloyd turned to P.A.T.

"Did you notify the salt processing factories on Exodus VI that we'll be a bit delayed for the delivery?" He asked.

"Yes sir, but I didn't tell them the real reason for our delay. I simply told them that our ship was experiencing technical issues and that we'd be delayed until the repairs were complete. They do not know about the pods" P.A.T explained.

"Good," Lloyd nodded as they approached one of the pods. "And its probably best we keep this top secret for now. If this got out to the public, it'd cause a huge commotion, and the last thing I'd want is for the Interplanetary Alliance to find out about it right now".

"But sir, we will eventually have to do something about them, and that may mean letting the Alliance in on this. These people are from the 21st century, so they won't know how to adapt fully to the 25th century without proper reeducation" P.A.T inquired.

"Yes, and there's one other thing I failed to realize up until now" Lloyd replied.

"And what's that?" P.A.T asked.

"These people were already asleep in their pods when the asteroid destroyed the ISS, so that means they don't realize that the stations been destroyed. Once we wake them up, we'll need to bring them up to date on where they are and how long they've been asleep" Lloyd said, glancing at all thirteen pods.

"I have to advise you that they may not take the news well once they learn that they've been asleep for 460 years. They may even become depressed over the shock of learning the truth" P.A.T advised him.

"Yes, that's true," Lloyd replied. "But there's not much we can do about it. We can only help them cope with the truth once they awaken".

The two of them gazed at all thirteen pods, wondering just what they'd learn from these relics of the past once they awoke from a 460 year sleep.

A/N: First chapter complete! Leave a review if you like the story, and my cover art of Lloyd's starship. How do you think Lincoln and his family will react once they wake up from cryo-sleep? Will they be able to cope with losing their futures, or will they fall into despair? You'll find out soon enough in chapter 2, coming soon.